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Granting myself an Interview

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Granting myself an Interview Empty Mon Feb 14, 2022 2:16 pm

Ava had been looking forward to today. It had taken her a while to get here but with the chance to finally join one of the top (in her eyes) guilds around, and one that she felt she suited to a T, she had a grin on her face worn well enough even behind the styalized maw painted upon her face mask. Her blue gaze looked left and right along the well kept grounds around the main building of the Blue Pegasus guild, quietly wondering if this was the pride and joy of some specific guild members, or if it was just some well paid garden staff. Either way, it created a nice view. From the outside someone could potentially see Blue Pegasus as a bunch of stuck up snobs who didn’t take the ‘mage’ side of their guild seriously…. But Ava thought differently.

She was a little on the young side but she’d heard of their exploits hither and thither, and even if they posed for the magazines a bit more often than your usual guild, they definitely had what it takes to build a genuine reputation without it. Ava appreciated both sides, and she wanted a guild who knew how to get them both done right. So, what better option than BeePee eh?~

Coming up to the grand front doors most guilds had, she gazed up along the length of it, tugging down the front of her face mask and letting a breath ease through her nostrils and fill her long, before exhaling it as a firmer puff. Her gaze moved forward again, hands in the pockets of her half-length puffy coat that draped off her shoulders. Balancing on one, she raised her other foot till her knee nearly touches her chest. A magic circle hovering at the top of her knee between it and her face-


With a burst of explosive force behind her knee propelling her coiled leg straight, her heel impacted hard against the ornate doors of Blue Pegasus, likely leaving more than a little scuff mark, but in a world of magic nothing she doubted couldn’t be fixed. The grandiose entrance of a strange face was sure to earn a few odd stares, from equal numbers men in stylish attire to women in ‘I will happily tear that off you with my teeth’ level dresses.  As Ava boldly walked into the lobby-esque space of a building she didn’t belong, she twirled on her heels as she took it all in, gnashing her teeth playfully in the direction of a passing beauty to boot.

“Well, you all certainly don’t disappoint.~” She chimed playfully before spinning back to walk forward, hands still sunk deep into the puffy coat, looking up to a balcony area, and raising her voice a little.

“Ya know I heeeeeard the finest babe in the land was supposed to run this place, but so far I’m only seeing a handful of 11s and 12s. I was expecting at LEAST-!” She dropped at the knees and bent backwards as she heavily exaggerated that single word before rising back to a stand. “A 15 from all the good things I’ve heard! What?~ I need a recommendation to earn an interview?~”

She was making a lot of very rude assumptions sure, that she was even worth this places time, let alone that she could make an entrance like that and get away with it… but if this place didn’t accept her with all those quirky little sparks? Well, it wasn’t like she could really care if they wanted to take her at all then was it?~


Granting myself an Interview Empty Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:30 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Alisa loved mornings like these... Even in the middle of winter, she morning sun shone high up in the sky, a brilliant glare beaming into her eyes, drawing her hand over her eyes as she squinted, doing the most to take in the sights of Hargeon all around her... With every single step she took across the cobblestones, she got a first rate view of the city as it slowly filled with the hustle and bustle... Even now, some of those instincts as a loner yet drew her away from the main streets and towards the quieter side routes, but even then, as the years passed she'd slowly started seeing this as much a part of the scenery as the wide, expansive view of the ocean, stretching out as far as the eye could see as she jogged along the promenade

"Fufu~... Still... Feels like the days are getting warmer already...", she spoke, idly fanning herself as the sunlight hit her smooth, sensitive skin, those dewey droplets glistening with the light as they trickled down every full, eye catching curve of her supple, statuesque body, tracing the outline of those taut, toned abs, adorned by the mark of the guild she loves

She found much to enjoy with these daily runs, and people who knew of her and the power she held no doubt found nothing surprising about it, merely nodding in understanding as after noting how not a single day went without Alisa Vollan spending those early hours of the morning training, sculpting her body into physical perfection. But every so often she came back home to the guild to an unexpected surprise. She stepped inside from the side door, not about leave a sweaty mess in the main hall. Instead, she just fetched her servant key from her pocket dimension, one hand on her hip as she held the key in the air and turned it. A portal appeared out of thin air, from which a charmingly dressed young maid stepped out:

"Good morning miss.", greeted the maid with brown hair, bowing gracefully, "What can I do for you?"

"Good morning, Gianna~... Hand me my towel and a bottle of water, if you don't mind.", she requested, idly adjusting the band of her shorts around the swell of her hip, still fanning herself as she cooled down from her run... Yet before she had a chance to, that loud blast echoed across the hallways. Not loud enough to leave the building trembling, but still, more than enough to make her turn her head sharply, her long dark hair whipping about behind her, "Now what's all that ruckus so early in the morning?"

Channeling her power through her left eye, the wine red turned into a pure white, activating the sensory ability, enough to see through walls and catch the one stepping boisterously into the Guild hall. Alisa doubted it had been an attack on the guild. The members she passed by, though looking back in the direction of the blast with arched brows, didn't scramble around to mount a defense. If this had been an attack, it wouldn't have stopped at just one explosion. Taking a deep, refreshing chug of her water, she walked across the hallways at a brisk pace, running her towel over the length of her hair and her forehead in turn, flipping her hair behind her, adjusting her sports bra around her bust, doing her damndest to look presentable before making her appearance at long last:

"My my... You certainly know how to make an entrance, I'll tell you that much...", spoke the sculptress, that rich, vibrant voice all but echoing across the room as she stepped in from the hallway, yet running her towel down the sweaty sheen of her arms and her chest in turn, then finally draping the towel over her chest as she approached the stranger.

Her brow twitched with a faint hint of annoyance, and yet... The ruckus and the beauty who caused it were different matters altogether. Her left eye turned back to its natural colour when she had eyes on the woman, much preferring to appreciate the sight before her: Elegant as ever, she wouldn't easily be caught leering at a total stranger, and yet... Her eyes washed over that sinuous shape in front of her, that distinctively punkish style betraying an obvious, tasteful sense of style. This woman put a lot of care in her appearance, enough for Alisa's gaze to trace the outline of her shape before falling back into those vibrant hues. Stepping up to the young woman, the lithomancer folded her arms under the fullness of her bust, all but fluffing out her cleavage between her arms as she held the girl's gaze:

"Tell me, what guild do you think this is, Fairy Tail? Maybe we should make the sign a bit clearer next time", frowning as she scolded, expressing her disapproval, certainly...

...And yet she spoke with an unmistakable hint of interest in her eyes. If Ava wanted the attention of Blue Pegasus, she had it. Now it was up to her to decide what to do with it.


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 7:07 pm

Sharp blue gaze creeping over her shoulder at the sound of a directed, confident, coy little voice rising up beyond the sly little whispers and confused or skeptical murmurs, Ava locked onto the clear chief around these parts. At least, she could only assume this was the chief if Blue Pegasus really did rank it’s members on attractiveness. She didn’t actually think they were that shallow, but Damn, if this lass wasn’t working hard to prove that theory.~

“Damn… definitely a 15. Might even be creeping into 16 territory once you dress that package up in something proper. Almost wish I’d sent a warning so you knew to make an effort.~” She cheekily commented, biting on her tongue with a sly ass grin, her face mask still hung around her neck. She didn’t make any attempt to hide admiring the woman before her, hiding it even less than the passing gazes she held on the other Blue Pegasus members. This woman, with a sheen to her skin, and a softness that still allowed one to see it was an equal mix of hard effort and god given look… yeah. This was a beaut.~

“No, no. I mean, Fairy Tail’s got some lookers, for sure, but the quality def ain’t this consistent.~ I mean they’re diamond’s in the rough, but a gal like you looks like she was polished out of a bundle of other diamonds.~” She probably didn’t have the best weird compliment but she ran with it, having a little chuckle to herself. She brought her hands out of her pockets, and turned left and right as she gestured to everything around them, a proud grin on her features. “So. We know I’m where I wanna be. Question is. Why ain’t you made me a member yet.~” She kept running her confidence, feeling a thrill run through her skin.


Granting myself an Interview Empty Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:34 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Alisa rolled her eyes at the cheeky, cocky words that left her lips. Provocative though they may be, she could pick up on the genuine admiration in the girl's voice:

"My my, such a flatterer...", she chimed back, unfolding her arms from that bountiful bust, one hand falling down to the swell of her hip as the other waved a finger in front of her, a soft smile on her face the whole way as her smile curled at those admiring eyes, "If I had, you'd have been too distracted to make bold claims like that... That's no good now, is it~...?"

Say what you will about her manners but... Like any good Pegasus, Alisa never objected to being showered in praise. That confidence of hers defenitely earned a laugh from the Master of the guild as she let out a low, audible chuckle, one that grew only louder only louder when the girl finally professed her intentions. She'd seen plenty of people interested in joining the guild but... Nobody else had done so quite as flashily as the woman now standing before her:

"Oh dear, how easy did you think this would be~...?", in return, Alisa's eyes flared open, hand raising over her mouth in a look of mock incredulity, as though baffled by the words that reached her ears. Arching her brow, she held the girl's gaze for a moment, as though measuring her determination before turning around, flipping her hair stylishly behind her, hooking her finger at the punkish beauty with a sly, alluring smile on her lips, motioning for the girl to follow, "Come with me."

And with those words, Alisa guided the girl through the guild hall with a subtle, left and right sway to her full hips, her long hair waving ever so gently behind her as it draped over the pure white skin of her damp, glistening with the lingering droplets of sweat from her workout. Alisa would lead Ava outside, partly due to the volatile nature of her magic, knowing she'd probably prefer a wider space for this. Out here, quite a few of her guild members yet lazed around the courtyard, brows arching as they took in the stunning sight of the two women as they walked by, some waving, greeting the sculptress and her guest.

"You seem quite confident so... Surely you won't mind if I ask you to put your money where your mouth is~...?", finding an empty chair, Alisa bent over it slightly, that full, perfectly shaped rear stretching the tightness of her shorts as she grabbed her towel and ran it over the chair, yet damp from the lingering morning dew, before turning around and sitting down, crossing those long, luscious legs in a smooth, flowing motion as her hands came to rest on the arms of the chair, cupping her chin, "So... Impress me~"

Now, Alisa wasn't usually the type to make people jump through hoops when they wanted to join the guild but... With such a willing, eager new guest... Alisa had to admit... She felt a tingling hint of curiosity to see for herself just where she got all that confidence from. Well, aside from her beauty at least~

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:45 pm

“Mmm. I think you might be hanging out with people who give you the wrong sense of what it means to have some self control. You’d need to be all the way up in the triple digits to stop my mouth flappin’.~” She teased right back, not about to take some self pride with that without giving it a playful jab in turn, a cheeky smirk still plastered onto her face as she met this new individual. If she’d done her research right, this was Alisa, leader of Blue Pegasus. She’d seen her picture floating about here or there but seeing someone in the flesh was always different. Seeing such elegance could be held and maintained beyond a practiced photo shoot was definitely impressive in it’s own right.

She rolled her eyes a bit as she was teased for how easy she expected this to be, her confidence not faltering even with a tease like that. “Again. I own a mirror. The answer should be pretty obvious.~” She shrugged, the shoulders of her puffy coat widening out a bit to show more of the girl beneath. The coat itself helped add a bit of broadness to her shoulders, but it was evident underneath she had a slim, if toned and taught build. She definitely didn’t look fragile, but didn’t have the broadness one might expect from even a female warrior. A bit more acrobat than athlete on a first glance.

She followed the hooked finger all the same, mockingly throwing a hand back through her spunkish ponytail to mirror the motions of the woman before her as she followed behind, an idle hand reaching down and tugging at the non-leg of her pants. She effectively wore a legging to create the thigh-gap effect in her pants, but all the same, a bit of light adjustment as the fabric sunk into her skin never hurt as they walked outside.

“Don’t suppose you specialize in pendulum magic?~” She smirked, wondering if the clever tease would even be understood. Would be a nice test if there was with and brains beyond the surface.

Ava twiddled her fingers in greeting with a relaxed nature to the guild members who tried to catch her eye, throwing one particularly handsome gentleman a wink before shifting her focus back to Alisa, hands in her pockets as she took in what she was throwing down. Asked to impress, she shrugged off her coat and tossed it to one side with her left arm as her right hand took the hat and tossed it with enough spin for it to glide across into a random guild members lap. In her tube top and tight-fit pants, she smirked and hooked her thumbs into her pants as she asked with an increasing amount of cheek- “Don’t suppose you got some music for the show do ya?~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Thu Feb 17, 2022 7:13 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

"You make it sound like a challenge~..."

The tall, statuesque woman's eyes almost narrowed, smile curling wider, a fiery hint of that same passion that propelled her throughout her endless training sessions. Alisa Vollan hated losing after all, whether losing to herself or other people, for whatever sorts of reasons she might find. For the time being though, the ball rested solely on the new girl's side of the court. The Pegasi was playing at home, after all, and the other girl was the one who'd have to conquer every inch with her own two hands, buuuut... It seemed like she'd come prepared for that anyway. Not that it stopped her getting distracted:

"I don't suppose you'd rather keep your eyes on the prize~...?", snickered the sculptress as she shot back, cocking those wide, womanly hips to the side as though driving her point home, idly toying with the band of her shorts, making it all too clear she knew where the girl was looking, gaze narrowed as she looked over her shoulder.

Honestly, seemed like that's where most people eyes wandered so she couldn't even judge her for it. Just meant she had good taste really~ But if she could get distracted so easily, well... Seemed like a tall order to actually put on a good show huh? Once again, her request earned a chuckle from the dark haired mage:

"May you want for nothing~", she chimed right back as she once again fished the servant key from her pocket, holding it up in the air, turning it until a wide portal appeared in the air at her side, shooting a knowing wink at the eager applicant as she summoned one of her servants, "Can't have you off your game for this."

Once again, a maid materialized out of thin air at Alisa's beck and call, that soft smile on her face, undaunted even by the empowering figures of either her mistress and the eager new girl as they stared each other down, two women not about to back down from the other's challenge:

"How may I help you~...?", asked the brunette maid once more, bowing before Alisa as the sculptress merely smiled

"Some music, for, uh, miss...?", at these words, her gaze once again rolled back to the purple haired beauty in front of her, letting her gaze linger just a bit longer it washed over that tight, yet oh so shapely figure she so eagerly flaunted, asking for a name to put to the face.

Yup... She could defenitely see where she got the confidence from~... She could use a bit of subtlety, sure but... That was just her way of presenting herself huh? And no way Alisa would judge anybody for that~ But... She'd defenitely want to see just what else she had that gave her such confidence.

And she'd get it as the maid soon placed a lacrima speaker down on the nearest table, picking out a modern sounding song with a powerful, entrancing beat, turning her attention to Ava as she arched her brow:

"I trust this one's to your liking...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:43 pm

“Garcia. But you can call me Ava.~” She chimed with a smirk, watching the clearly casual display of magic. It didn’t intimidate her, but she was smart enough to realize this was a level of casual magic use she just wasn’t close to. Be it a magical artifact or her own speciality, Ava had no idea as of yet, but it was clear enough to say Ava didn’t have a servant like that at her beck and call so easily. She didn’t let any of her wanderings show in her breath however, keeping calm and waiting for the music producing Lacrima to arrive.

Okay… show time. Winding her neck back along her shoulders with a few personally satisfying clicks, and then pulling each of her arms across her torso with the aid of the other, she hopped in space for just a moment, nodding along to the beat of the music as it seemed to find it’s main rhythm a few seconds into the song. “Yeah… I can work with this.~”

Not missing a further beat, Ava shot up into the air like a backflip, a burst erupting from two magical circles that briefly formed at her feet as they aided in her leap backwards. Deftly landing on her heels, and throwing her weight back down onto the flat of her foot into a more squatted, ready for combat style position. Each one quick and fast as she was only using her magic as a matter of display, she threw out punches against the back of the magic circles one after another as they went off like dangerously large fire crackers. The circles didn’t fade however, as with the last punch in the arc she followed the motion of her punching fits and flowed behind herself, a spinning leg rising ahead and sweeping across all the circles she’d produced, setting off a stream of even larger explosions.

With the twisting flow, she pushed off her hands and began spinning off of them, explosions going out from the ends of her legs as they extended in either direction like an eruptive Beyblade. Already her breath was getting a little short. All her bravado, she was still a starting mage afterall. She purposely dropped off her hands into her shoulders, using the music as an excuse to literally do an explosion propelled street dance style spin, before a final one from her hand rocketed her into the air again, a good dozen or so feet this time, righting herself in the air, hands aimed at the sky, and a final, larger than the rest, explosion, shot her back down to the ground, clearly painting as she landed in a harsh crouched position, arms out to either side, chest rising and falling quickly and heavily.

“So…. I think that spells out… the basics…~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Sat Feb 26, 2022 12:45 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

"Pleasure to meet you, Ava. Call me Alisa~", she returned the greeting, matching that confident smirk as she threw her a teasing little wink, getting comfortable in her chair as she leaned back, "Fufu~... Good to hear, you have me at the edge of my seat already."

with this, Alisa rested her elbow on the arm of her chair, cupping her chin, those bare, shapely legs crossing in front of her as she got ready for a good show, delighting in the sight of that pukish beauty vibing with the music, getting in the mood. Alisa chewed her bottom lip, a hint of antecipation crossing her face... And yet nothing quite prepared her for what happened next:

"Oh my~..."

As she regaled Alisa with a grand, vibrant display of her magic in all its glory, she in turn recieved a wide eyed look of admiration from the Guild Master. The way she moved with such elegance, despite the raw, explosive nature of her magic, regardless of her own sharpness of wit... Yup... She saw it~... Alisa bit her lip again and let out a low, delighted chuckle, defenitely seeing just why exactly the firecracker in front of her thought she was Blue Pegasus material. With every little blast and whirling motion, the sculptress leaned forward, tucking those loose black locks away from her face, utterly taken by the show:

"Bravo~!", despite her desire to tease the girl, push her buttons a little to see if she could find her out of her depth... She still deserved her admiration, and recieved it in the form of a slow, earnest applause, "Well, those basics proved you can do magic, quite beautifully in fact..."

Even the maid seemed completely enraptured by the show, lips parted in awe, hell, even the guildmates a bit further away stopped whatever it was they'd been doing as they took in the explosive enchantress who'd all but taken over the courtyard by storm:

"Though after a show like that, you have me wondering~...", with this, Alisa stepped back up and off her chair, sashaying close to the crouching beauty, reaching closer to her, enough to let her catch a hint of that lavander fragrance as Alisa cocked her wide, womanly hip to the side, finger hooking under the edge of her tight white shorts, "...What other talents do you have~?"

Now Alisa wasn't really that cruel. She could tell how despite her natural talent, she yet lacked the seemingly endless reserves of mana that some other mages. She'd poured her heart into that little show along with everything she had in the tank. The way Alisa saw it, that alone more than earned her stamp, but... Ava didn't know that yet~... So the Wizard Saint could indulge her curiosity, arching her brow as she wondered... How would she act now that she'd thoroughly exhausted herself?

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:31 am

“Haah… haaah….” Catching her breath with a smile as the air passed through her lips, she pushed herself to a full stand and did her best not to just collapse from the rather extensive, quick display. Even a real fight wouldn’t need her to lash out that hard, fast, and regularly, so she was confident a guild master would recognize that a fresh guild recruit needing a second here wouldn’t be a grand detriment. Trying to play it cool, she idly stretched each of her arms over her chest with a cheeky glint to her smile. “Never heard it called beautiful before luv, but I’ll take it.~ Haah…~”

With another easing breath, the guild master stepped up to her, forcing her to quirk a brow in curiosity as she wondered what was on her mind, before she realized she was trying to get her into a fresh display of some sort. She did ask what ELSE she could do, so she assumed she was asking if she knew any talents other than magic, so, even with her exhausted state, she did her best to show confidence, her breathing easy by now and shifting a little more side on to the approaching Alisa, gesturing over her own tight frame.

“Well, I dunno if you got a use for beatboxin’, but, given your guild’s reputation, I think you can find a lot of uses for a lass like me eh?~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 3:24 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Well, the guildmaster most certainly did... She cared more about someone's potential than whatever level of power they displayed in one sitting, and honestly... The girl had it in troves. It had been long since she herself got winded by this level of magical display, but the fact that this girl stood before her as a complete stranger evidenced how she simply hadn't yet had the time to build up her own career from the ground up:

"Fufu~... It's a compliment, just roll with it~", Alisa chimed back, returing a cheeky grin as she closed the distance between herself and the street smart beauty in front of her.

No matter how beautiful the girl looked this close... The sight of that tenacity in her eyes left Alisa tingling at the base of her spine. She could sense her inexperience by how easily that display winding her, and yet... She hadn't lost any of that fire in her eyes. Perhaps out of all the most recent masters of Blue Pegasus, Alisa Vollan, with her background in martial arts, would prove far more receptive to that fiery spirit:

"Beatboxing~...? Why we clearly mustn't move in the same circles. I've seldom used that word before and quite frankly, I haven't had the chance to find out what it is~", Alisa shrugged and shook her head, not so much embarassed by her own ignorance, but simply accepting that up until now, she and Ava simply moved in different circles. Which only added to her interest in the girl in front of her, "Then... I suppose if I want you to show me all those uses... There's only one solution for us~?"

And with these playful words, Alisa rose her idle left hand in the air, producing a clear white, crystalline stamp, adorned with the symbol of Blue Pegasus at the base. Something she'd only ever bring out for someone who'd just joined the guild:

"Allow me to formally welcome you to Blue Pegasus, Ava~... Where would you like your Guild stamp~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:25 pm

Ava did well to keep herself mostly upright, a bit of hands on her thighs to keep herself going when she took a more obvious breath but with a sharp push off of them she got herself upright again, trying to hide the aching in her lungs with a bit of pressure, stretching each arm across her torso one at a time as she tried to brush it all off with a bit of light stretching, hiding any breaths she needed as an attempt at a yawn or something. Gotta play it cool and casual infront of the new potential boss lady afterall. “Yeeeeah. Piece of cake all that.~”

Eventually her hands ended up on her hips as she tried to keep a strong face on, her breaths truly starting to ease back to a normal level and eyeing up the lass as she sauntered closer without much of an attempt to hide it, smirking at the natural sway to her hips. “You come pre-loaded with all that swivel or is that a trained talent?~” She teased with a light smirk, feeling a bit more confident now that her breath eased with getting a jab or two in.

She gave a faint chuckle as the woman said they travelled in different circles. “I mean shit babe I coulda toldja that for nothin’.~ I mean don’t get me wrong on the hot scale we’re both-“ She raised a hand right above her own head. “Way up here. But on the scale of tomboy to woman I thiiiiiiink-“ She started spreading her two hands apart until they couldn’t go any further. “There’s definitely a divide there don’tcha think?”

Hands falling back down, thumbs hooked into her belt, she tipped her head to one side as she commented on a solution, clearly not catching onto that one before it was spelled out… but with a prideful grin as she caught on.

“OOoo… ‘bout time.~ Shit. Shoulda been slappin’ this on me since I walked in the door babe.~” She gave with a cheeky wink, rubbing her hands together eagerly. For a moment her eagerness got ahead of her, and she was ready to slap a hand across her own toned stomache to declare it the point of marking, but, with a glance to the raven haired lass ahead of her, she figured a bit of originality may be needed.

A quick glance down herself, and a sly smirk on her lip. She pulled a hand up under her left thigh, pulling her knee up to her chest, leg bent, but managing to balance well as she displayed the thigh-gap in her outfit’s odd design.

“How about right here.~ Should be somethin’ a little cheeky. Suit’s me don’tcha think?~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:19 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Yup... She defenitely had spirit... Alisa didn't need her white eye to realize just how much effort she'd put into that display, understandably so for a relatively untrained, if exquisitely talented mage like herself:

"Fufu~... Look carefully and who knows, maybe you'll find out in a year or two~", she chimed back, cocking her hips to the other side with a sly, knowing little smirk, reaching out as she idly run her hand teasingly over the other woman's shoulder, her eyes narrowing with a seductive hint, those plush, luscious lips curling just a bit wider as the woman emphasized the difference between her, and honestly... Alisa could only chuckle, thinking back to her younger years and some of the habits that even now hadn't left her, "Oh does it now...? Seems to me like you're quite hasty in jumping to conclusions~"

Alisa made it a point to take her for a ride one of these days, once the mood finally struck her and she decided to rent out a motorcycle much like the one she used to ride a few years back, long before she became the Guildmaster of Blue Pegasus, hell, long before she even joined the guild at all. She had her wilder moments a few years back, long enough that merely thinking on it made her feel a little old... All the more reason to admire the woman now standing before her, making her brow raise with astonishment as she finally decided on the placement of her tattoo:

"Mmmmm, defenitely suits you, though I have to say..."

Alisa crouched down, looking up into the girl's eyes, brow arched as she couldn't help but chew her bottom lip as that bodacious, breathtaking beauty flaunted a rather secluded spot she'd chosen for her tattoo, and in the end the sculptress all but purred as she seized the opportunity to test that skillful, one legged balance of hers:

"Even for you, that is quite the interest choice of placement~...", she chimed, idly dragging her nails along that sensitive skin of her inner thigh as she brought the stamp close, just enough to shoot a shiver of sensation up her body, enough to make her supporting leg wobble as she looked into the eyes of that confident, captivating beauty, "Ufufu~... Just who are you expecting will see this, hmmmm~...?"

Alisa could guess a reason or two of she really had to, easily evidenced by that teasing, almost purring tone as she finally pressed that cool crystal to her inner thigh, placing the stamp at an angle so that someone could see it properly from her position. Idly wondering what Ava would make of it

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Thu Jun 02, 2022 7:05 pm

Ava’s brow flickered upwards as she was told she was quite hasty on the conclusions there, hooking her thumbs into her belt as she leaned back on her heels a bit, curious as to what was being pointed at there. Was this woman implying she was a bit of a tomboy herself? She definitely couldn’t see that in her looks, and even if she had been in the past? Well…. Heh. That clearly seemed to be a ways off. You didn’t just learn to hold yourself like this woman overnight afterall, and she definitely had this more refined elegance down like a talent.

“Hey, I rock it for a reason.~” She winked back as she was told the look suited her, breaths eased entirely and regaining some confidence rather than fighting to put it on and keep up the face, taking a more easy breath between their comments, still feeling a little tight in the chest, but not so much that she couldn’t breathe past it without putting on a show.

When she heard the comment on her tattoo choice, she scoffed and remained strong in her stance, even as the draw of those nails arguably brought a hint of red to her cheeks. “Damn girl you give all the new recruits that kinda attention?~ And what exactly you mean ‘even for me’?~ I heard you got yours right on yer stomache. Must give ya a lot of excuses to dress a little more revealing if ya wanna show that off eh?~” She did maybe wobble a little, but managed to hold the conversation and the pose for the most part. “S’far as who gets to see it… well I think they’ll be more than happy for the privilege.~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:00 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Little did she know~... Alisa delighted in that little notion of how she used to look like before she joined Blue Pegasus, the far more tomboyish looks she carried herself with ever since her early teens. Even now some of that past yet lingered, even she rarely went out on her motorcycle like she used to:

"Fufu~... I can see that~", she chimed back, letting her gaze wash over the bold, flashy beauty in front of her, who not only flaunted her beauty, but made it quite clear she expected no less than the admiration of onlookers...

Alisa had to admit... She defenitely admired that a bit~ No wonder she felt this woman would fit in perfectly in Blue Pegasus. She bit her lip at that subtle shiver, earning a sly, mischievous look up into her eyes... Ava made her bed... And now she'd have to lie in it, after so openly picking such a tender spot for her guild mark, she'd get to feel Alisa's perfectly manicured nails gliding along that tenderness:

"I'll leave that to your imagination... On both counts~", she winked up to the girl, letting out a low, audible chuckle as she applied the stamp to the inside of her thigh, a teasing, confident smile drawing on her face as she held her gaze, admiring that hint of redness, "Still, you're awfully innocent... If you really think I need an excuse to dress a little more revealing~"

In the end, Alisa peeled back the stamp once she'd applied the mark, whereupon Ava would feel a small, magical tingle on that spot, the same binding contract Alisa and all guild members, a faint hint that she'd now officially become a full fledged member of the guild. Giving her leg a little tap, letting her stand on both legs once more, Alisa uncrossed her legs and stood back up as well, hand sliding down to the swell of her hip, brow arching as she thought about giving the girl a proper guided tour:

"Now, I suppose I'd best give you a little tour of the premises~... And most importantly... Have you given any thoughts to living arrangements?"

Whether she'd want to make a permanent home at the Guild hall like Alisa and many other members did, or if she'd rather find her own place in Hargeon... Or even if she forewent any permanent accomodations and simply chose to travel the country in search of missions to complete. Alisa herself had tried both three options before she settled onto the first one.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:07 pm

Her lips scrunched together in a conflicted smile, trying not to show ‘weakness’ while in this vulnerable position but also easy to admit to herself at least that this was getting to her just a tad. Ultimately, she’d manage to breathe easy after a few moments as the stamp was applied and she could lower her leg down to stand on both feet, scoffing at the leader’s last few words. “Oh not innocent, just rude to make assumptions on the sluttiness of a fellow stunner.~” She winked across, trying to earn some confidence in this conversation back from the raven haired beaut.

Still, what’s done was done and she could rest a little easier, idly patting off the inside of her thigh as if the make sure the mark was permanent while Alisa had her back turned before giving her full attention again when she mentioned a tour. “Well, ya know, I certainly wouldn’t mind a walk around the place if your highness can spare the precious minutes.~” She teased of course, unable to really help or stop herself at this point, but figuring Alisa was the kind to enjoy it. When asked about living arrangements, she hesitated… but, found herself willing to admit honestly. “I’ll tell ya what, I can’t honestly say I have… heh.” She wasn’t even aware staying at the guild was an option.


Granting myself an Interview Empty Mon Jun 06, 2022 4:59 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Alisa couldn't help but chuckle as she looked up, catching every last one of those expressions, finding a mischievous, insatiable delight in watching the bold, baudy beauty rolling with her bravado, and the rather smooth, skillful save she came up with on the fly, something that impressed her and could have easily impressed her wife too.

"My, how considerate of you~", she chuckled as her hand rose over her mouth, returning the wink as she got back on her feet, brushing her hair behind her shoulder, "What, and miss the chance to show our stellar new guildmate around the place...? Fufu~... I'd feel oh so guilty if I'd let you get lost on your first day~"

Indeed she enjoyed it, not every day she met someone who could hold her own through those flirty bouts of banter without turning into a flustered mess... Alisa appreciated that kind of confidence after all, that of someone who wasn't intimidated by her fame and titles and just looked to her at eye level. Her smile curling wider, she found a smidge of amusement in Ava's admission, feeling almost flattered that she'd barged right into the guild without a shred of concern for what she'd do when she got in:

"Well in that case, that answers the question of where you need to go first.", with a knowing smirk, Alisa once again turned on one heel, that long dark hair whipping around gracefully behind her as she shot her an inviting look over her shoulder, hooking her finger, "If you'd like, you're more than welcome to stay here. Our residential annex still has quite a few rooms available~"

And with these words, she guided the girl across the courtyard, waiting for Ava to walk up to her side as she lead her by the shimmering, expansive blue of their outdoor swimming pool, already frequented by some of fellow guild members, all wearing the stylish, eye catching swimwear one might expect from members of Blue Pegasus. They waved at the two women as they strode by the pool, and Alisa cooly returned the greetings:

"So, how long have you been practicing magic, if I might ask...~?", she mused, brow arching as her focus rested solely on the woman at her side, indulging in her curiosity.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:37 am

“Yeeeah that probably would be the best place to start huh?~” She was briefly flustered by her own admitted idiocy in not thinking about where she’d be staying once she started her guild work, but she pushed through and turned it into some cheek as the two of them got talking and the natural flow of things went on. When offered a place to stay with the guild, she thought for a moment and flashed across a smile. “I could get on board with that. I mean, s’long as my neighbours don’t mind some booming music.~”

She followed along behind Ava, but while the raven beauty was enticing herself, her eyes wandered mostly around the guild that could be her new home, turning on her heels every dozen steps or so to take it all in before following along more acutely as things got a bit busier, passing by other guild members and the like. “See you guys don’t exactly have a sense of… ‘restraint’.” She teased with a smirk, lifting her gaze at the question to come.

“Oh a fair few years. I mean it used to just be showy sparks for break dancing, but you kick up the output a fair bit and the magic can do a fair bit of damage. Got into a scrap a while back and found I handled myself pretty well. Fancied putting it to better use ya know?~ Sure it ain’t as elegant as your usual members though…~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Fri Jun 17, 2022 1:47 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Alisa all but snickered, however tempted she felt to tease the vivacious beauty a little longer, she mercifully let that slide, at least, she didn't speak on it any longer... But she still had that same sly smile drawn on her lips, looking back at Ava out the corner of her eye.

"Fufu~... Nothing to worry about really, our soundproofing is quite remarkable. The neighbours should be fine if you close the windows.", she added back, returning the smile as she waved her hand dismissively, somehow getting the impression Ava would appreciate this little facility... Almost as much as she appreciated the sights around her really, and to her credit, she hardly bothered to hide it, as did Alisa when she shot the woman a complicit wink, "Indeed... You'll feel right at home~"


Home that soon revealed itself before her eyes as she lead Ava closer to the residential annex. One of her personal projects as Guildmaster taking the reins of the famous, renowned light guild, like a personal mark she'd left on Blue Pegasus, much as Lance and Belladona had in their own way.

"Well, here we are.", she spoke, motioning at the wide, spacious garden adorning the entrance, the building itself stretching out across a fair distance, balconies of each respective room running along the top floor, "Fufufu~... I'm impressed you could handle yourself right off the bat. Considering the kind of power it holds, your magic defenitely sounds challenging to control."

As she lead the girl across the front gate, Alisa swung the doors open and stepped aside, letting Ava step inside and take in the elegant yet homey, inviting hall of her new home:

"Once again... Looks can be deceiving~... You should meet Daiko one of these days."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:51 am

“Oh? And here I thought with all these hotties in the place I might hear something interesting. Or, ya know, they might.~” She smirked as she offered that concept, not exactly shameful about such things and holding a strong smile as she let it rest in the air for a moment. “Thooough… I gotta ask. Is that supposed to tell me that soundproofing was a priority for you lot?~” She asked, a grander smirk across her face, hands sinking into her jacket pockets.

She followed along behind Ava all the same, her brow lifting with some surprise as she took in the image before hr, a soft whistle escaping her lips at the size of it. She knew it was multiple, separate living dorms, but it looked damn impressive all the same. “Daaaayum. I don’t think some mansions look this good. The hell kinda budget you gals running on?”

She heard the comments on her magic and pushed her surprise aside for a second, flicking her head back in a way that briefly made her ponytail flow with a smug air to her whole sense of poise and stature. “Damn straight. No foofy, technical magic for me. I go loud and I’m proud of it.~”

She walked into the place and took a spin on her heels to take it all in, lifting her chin as she asked- “Daiko?”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:05 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Alisa all but rolled her eyes at Ava's words, not for a second missing the salaciousness of her undertones or even shying away from it in any way, holding the woman's gaze without flinching as she cocked her head teasingly:

"Of course, would be awfully rude to keep your neighbours up, don't you think~?", Alisa winked with that ever cool, confident smile lingering on her lips, not the slightest ounce of shame in her admission as she spoke on it as the most natural thing in the world, "Unless you'd rather sweet talk your neighbours into forgetting all about those noise complaints~"

As they talked, Alisa lead her into the hallway, turning her attention towards a large nearby cabinet close to the entrance, pulling it open to reveal a wide assortment of keys, neatly arranged in a way to put most hotels to shame. Even as she talked, the tall woman's gaze turned to the cabinet, cupping her cheek as her eyes travelled upwards, finally settling on the upper row of keys, higher than even this half Icebergian amazon was tall:

"You'd be surprised at how much some people pay mages like us, and how prolific Pegasus mages can be we set our minds to work... And after a day of hard work...", with a low huff, Alisa stretched her arm higher and reached for the uppermost rows where most of the unoccupied keys yet lingered, standing on the balls of her feet as rose to her tiptoes, those tight, form fitting white shorts climbing but an inch higher along the pale, supple thighs as they squeezed oh so sublimely around the shapely fullness of her rear, "We all deserve to pamper ourselves a little~"

Frowning as she rummaged through the keys for a hot second, thinking back to the location of each of them. Every room had a view, the question was which view would Ava prefer... In the end, she settled for one facing the Guild's backyard:

"Here you go~", Alisa turned around as she lowered back down, brushing her hair behind her shoulder as she held the keys in front of Ava, placing it in her hand with a smile before leading the woman up over the stairwell with a subtle sway to her hops, her hand gliding gracefully along the handrail as she answered, "One of your Guildmates, a user of Phoenix Take Over magic. Feels like you and him might get along swimmingly if that's how you look at your magic~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:13 pm

She smirked back at the continued element of coyness about the given topic, playfully rolling her eyes off to the side as she sank her thumbs into her belt with her cheeky little stride to it all. She certainly didn’t give the impress she was the new, potentially meek member of blue Pegasus now, making no effort to avoid holding her head up high with arguably unearned pride amongst her new pears. “I mean, typically when I wanna convince someone sweetly, there ain’t a lot of talkin’ involved boss, but I’ll see what I can do.~” She chimed back, a casual, passive little shrug at her continued teasing on the topic at hand.

As they came to the keys, Ava quirked a brow and wondered what exactly was going to be her new room. The woman seemed to hold some consideration on it for a moment, so she wondered if the rooms were all standard or if they were unique in some capacity, be that on an individual basis, or arranged in size based on floor or something like that. Ultimately a key was chosen so Ava couldn’t complain. A place to live was a place to live afterall, and this place was lookin’ rather swanky from the cover.

She let out a faint chuckle as even this woman had to stretch, not hiding it, but not too loud either.

“I mean, I hear nothin’ but horror stories honestly.~ Like, sure, if you make it BIG you can make bank as a guild mage I hear, but bottom of the rung? They keep warning me I’ll be lucky to make rent, so everything I can get outta you people is a big help.~” She was clearly just teasing, and despite the words of potential dread her confidence wasn’t fading, having another idle shrug as Alisa came down from her stretch, offering her hand out to take the key. “For real though… I doubt it’ll take long before I’m up there makin’ the big bucks with you lot.~ Seems like the guild to be in if I wanna make it big ya know.~”

She twiddled the key between her fingers for a moment before pinching it’s ‘head’ betwixt her finger and thumb, looking it over before meeting Ava’s eyes again. “Oh yeah? What makes you say that exactly hm? Also what was with the long search?~ This room special?~ Come with the blue Pegasus bikini calander or sumthin’?~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:03 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

Alisa nibbled her bottom lip at the blonde's confident words, tempting to tease her a bit more on the matter, but confident any comeback she had for that would just end up decidedly indecent. Instead, she focused on fetching the key for now, figuring she'd rather find out for herself what it was she meant a little further down the line:

"My my~... Those horror stories fortunately sound like just that, stories. So you have nothing to worry about~", she winked, looking back at her over her shoulder with a confident smile, idly shrugging as she noted, "Even the bottom of the rung makes enough to live comfortably. After all, plenty of people can use magic, but few can use it like an extension of their bodies the way mages like us can. So naturally, even when you're starting out, you're still a mage, and there's a high demand for mages really."

She knew the girl was just playing around but at the same time, she didn't really want her to have the wrong impression right when she was just starting out. The paycheck for an S-rank level mission was enough to live comfortably for years. And even D-ranks, well, one might have to do them more often, but they were still enough to live quite well off.

"Fufu... I'd expect nothing less after the show you just put on back there.", in the end, she lead the girl across the hallways to her room, shooting her a sly, knowing little smirk, "How about you open the door and find out for yourself?"

When Ava opened the door, she'd find a spacious, luxuriously decorated room, high class, yet without really seeming pompous. Casual and homey enough that one could move around without feeling like they were going to break anything, but upon closer inspection, every piece of furtiture seemed to be made of the finest materials. Inside the dressing room she'd find some bathrobes and some other generic items of clothing she could use until she moved her stuff in, and most importantly... Alisa stepped forth, opening the doors to the balcony that gave her a clear, unimpeded view over the pool area, where the Guildmates they met earlier were still swimming around:

"Why settle for the calendar when you can have the real thing~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Wed Sep 07, 2022 8:19 am

“Mmm… noted.” She answered, mind half elsewhere. She felt there may be some credit to what she’d heard but it was definitely gonna be some few and far between examples. Afterall, the lowest rungs of the ladder completed missions like stopping pervs or saving cats from trees. She couldn’t imagine that sort of work paid very well, and you only got what came along. Your income really relied on how hard you hussled and how highly your guild ranked you and what missions you were allowed to do… but her first day wasn’t the time or place to debate that, especially since Blue Pegasus seemed to be doing nothing but well for itself.

She followed the guild mistress to her room and followed the invitation to open it up herself, easing the door open with her shoulder against it and hand on the handle, defenses up just a hair as she was half sure this could still be some sort of crappy trick… but, low and behold, promises were kept.

She naturally peeked around. It was a bit fancy for her taste even if it wasn’t hitting pompous levels. She was more a street level kinda gal afterall but she’d be sure to make adjustments where appropriate, peeking into the bathroom and the bathrobes… soft. Huh. Some spare clothes too, loose sundresses that could fit anyone or loose fitting PJs that… well, they’d fit most gals who’d want to be hired by Blue Pegasus. That much was clear.

Following Alisa to the Balcony, a smirk perked up onto the edges of her lips. She wouldn’t call herself an active perv or anything but even she couldn’t deny the benefits to such a ‘luxurious’ view, eyeing up both he male and female Members who were enjoying their little swim, cheek sinking into her hand as she rested against the balcony’s edge.

“Certainly quite the view eh?~ You treat all the newbies this well? Can definitely see the guild’s doing alright for itself if everyone gets this treatment.~”


Granting myself an Interview Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 2:23 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @Ava | SPORTY 

In all fairness... She didn't expect a young woman as spunky as herself to sound so insecurity about her ability to make a living, though no doubt, even the boldest of souls had their limits. Maybe she'd seen the magic games where Wizard Saints like herself or Kazimir fought their damndest, or simply witnessed a battle between grand mages... But even in a world where many people could use magic, mages like her still stood a cut above... And soon enough, she'd get a chance to see that first hand. Or, well... After she was done taking in her new lodgings:

"Well, what do you think~...?", Alisa wondered, idly gliding her fingertips along the smooth mahogany of the table along the way, stepping into the balcony as she invited the girl to join her.

Turning around, Alisa's long, flowing dark hair whipped gracefully behind her as her full, shapely rump came to rest against the edge of the railing, idly nibbling her bottom lip as the girl finally took in the sights; A wide, expansive view of the Blue Pegasus backyard, with that inviting, shimmering blue of their large, imposing swimming pool, already frequented by some of their guildmates:

"Oh, all of them? Why, just how easy do you think it is to earn my favour hmm?", she chimed, raising a hand over her mouth, a mock look of shock as her arm squished softly into the yielding plushness of her bust, winking at the punkish beauty, "...That's only for people who catch my eye~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Granting myself an Interview CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Granting myself an Interview Empty Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:57 am

“Its… definitely something…~” She was trying to suppress it a bit, but the impressed nature of her tone was hard to hide entirely. It was a damn nice place to live and with a damn nice view to boot. Honestly she was wondering how long it’d be before she managed to erupt herself right from the balcony to the pool with one hell of a divebomb, but that would be a story for another day. She wasn’t about to make a potential fool of herself on her first day now was she. With a deep breath of the fresh, flowing air, she stepped back a half foot from the balcony itself, sinking her thumbs into her belt as she held back that short distance.

She glanced across to the rather ravishing image of the woman with her, leaning herself back till her shoulders touched the balcony doors, hooking one ankle over the other as she leaned back like that with her hands down by her hips. She looked down over the water once more, then Alisa again as she made that quip, chuckling. “Oh really now? I make that good an impression there Guildmaster?~ I’ll be sure to keep up the loud and obnoxious approach in the future.~”

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