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The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito)

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The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:59 pm


Renji would hear Kaito’s words when he said that to him, and he would nod as it soothes him a bit. He did miss his friends too, but maybe not as much as she did. He did have Nimbus next to him all the time, so it was a bit different.

“I understand, which means next time I see her, I will make sure that Nimbus is with us.” He said with a smile on his face.

Yuurei would look at Kaito as he asked him if he wanted to go and sing. The light mage wasn’t sure if he was good at that. Yes, he had sung in the forest, and he did enjoy a lot of their music, but he never pride himself to be an amazing singer. Still, it seemed like fun as he might know a place where they could do just that and have fun.

“Sure I don’t mind singing. I can’t say I’m the greatest, but I do enjoy myself.” He said with a smile on his face as he looked at Kaito.

“Do you know a place where we can do that?” He asked him waiting for an answer as he was ready to go.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:32 am


He walks past and gently pets Renji's head and he leads them down the street a bit then walks into a building with a music machine on the side on a banner and he gets them a room that had a magic stone with a projector for the lyrics and to pick a song. Kai turns around and looks at him. "You looking to go first or shall I ?" He gently slides his cloak off and sets it with Revy in the hood still hugging her stuffed fish. Kai hopes he can get her to open up and be cheery again with this idea. But he knows she likes to watch him sing so he hopes it will work if not after this trip is over he is gonna have to spoil her and make sure her smile cracks past that frown again just in time to save the day, so she can be herself.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:36 pm


Yuurei would follow Kaito as the man was leading them to their next destination. While doing this, Renji would feel the man pet him. It made him a bit better, but nothing would make him better than to see Revy happy. Their trip wouldn’t take long as they had made their way to an establishment that had a music machine and something that projected things onto the wall. It was new and different to Yuurei as he had never seen something like this. He had been traveling throughout Fiore for two years, but he didn’t have time to indulge himself in things like this.

Kaito asked who would go first between them, and he would smile at him.

“You go first, I've never been to a place like this, so I want to see how it’s done. I will go after you since It will give me an understanding of what to do.” He said as he had a smile on his face.

Renji would stay on Yuurei’s shoulder and look at Revy from there wondering what he could do to make her feel better.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:09 pm



Kai smiles and he uses the device on the table and he picks a song out of the list and he picks up the mic and he starts singing and dancing around a little to the song and Revy looks up and watches Kai having fun and she starts smiling as Kai dances just having fun and not being serious just having fun with it and she looks to Renji to see if he is also enjoying Kai making a bit of a fool of him self but singing well.

Ouch the song is over he walks over to Yuurei and hands him the mic and he starts teaching him how to use it and how to pick a song and how to preview a song to see if you like the beat or if you think you can sing the song. Just have fun and enjoy the beat no pressure. He smiles at Yuurei.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:24 pm



Yuurei would hear Kaito sing and watched him dance, and he would clap as he was enjoying the scenery in front of him. This was nice to see that this guy enjoyed his time singing and dancing. Renji had turned to look at the guy they met to get to work and enjoy himself. He had a smile on his face as he would get off Yuurei’s shoulder and onto the couch to see them have fun.

The light mage would listen to everything Kaito had said, and he would nod as he would look through the music choices, and once, he had done so he would pick one out of everything. He would take the microphone as instructed and when the song started, he would start singing the words that appeared on the screen. It wasn’t just that, but the beat that came along with the song had Yuurei moving around as he was moving to the beat and singing.

Renji smiled as he had never seen Yuurei do this before, but it seemed like he was happy indeed. The Exceed was hoping he could continue to see Yuurei happy for a long time and that was all that mattered to him. When the song would end the light mage would sigh with relief as he was excited about this.

“I didn’t know this could be so much fun.” He said with a huge smile on his face as he had pass the microphone to Kaito.

Renji looked over to Revy as he saw her smiling and it made him happy to see she was coming back to them.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:45 pm



Kai watches and listens to the song the half elf was singing and he wondered if this man was going through something, once he was done and handed it back to him and he looks to Revy with a smile and he hands it to her so she can have her time and she gets on the table and uses through the sounds and she finds a song then she stands tall and proud and she starts singing and dancing the the music and having fun.

Kai watches glad she was having fun and when Revy is done she hurries over Renji with the mic so he can have his go at the singing and and dancing and having fun. She smiles and laughs cause she was having fun with this idea not sure what she felt but excited and happy and she runs back to her seat and  bounces a little then she sits and she holds onto Kai cause she had a bit of a head rush from the bouncing.


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 12:43 pm


Renji was surprised to see that Revy was the one that was singing next. His eyes sparkled when he saw her go all out. That was amazing and he didn't sing, so he wasn't going to be doing that at all. Of course, that was a lie the moment Revy had given him the microphone and he would look at her and then to the machine. He figured if she was happy he wasn't going to go and ruin the mood.

The Exceed would play music as well and he would get on top and he would start bopping his head as the song was loud and he was singing his lung out. Yuurei would smile when he saw this coming from his friend as it seemed like they were enjoying their time here. Once the music was done, Renji would put the microphone on the table.

Now that they were done with this, Yuurei figured that they would call it a night.

"That was fun if I say so myself. It was actually a good time here today." He said to Kaito and Revy.

"I didn't think I could do something like this, but it's good to come out of your comfort zone." He said with a smile on his face as he looked at Revy.



The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 1:12 pm


"Thanks for the fun sir I enjoyed myself see you guys much later" She giggles then she jumps up and onto Kaitos back and she gets back in his hood as he put his cloak back on and he starts walking away from them out of the karaoke building to just head for home as he was tired and ready for the feeling of a bed.

"I guess it was a good time to split ways and not worry about it." He looks at Revy who is already back asleep and curled into a ball, he is now out of line of sight of Renji and Yuurei and he falls into a portal to a different place where is he floating and then drops in front of a woman that sorta looks like him if he was a woman her hair splits into two different colors of black and blonde.


What will happen next?


The Rookies Meet (Social/Kaito) - Page 3 Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:53 pm


Yuurei and Renji would hear what Revy and Kaito would say to them. They would wave at them both as they had a good time today. Yuurei would look over to Renji and the exceed would do the same thing.

“You ready to go?” He asked Renji.

The Exceed would nod because he had a good day as he was able to reunite with Revy since they had left their home. He would climb onto Yuurei’s shoulder as he was happy.

“Today was a good day Yuu. I hope we have more days like that.” He said to Yuurei as he was ready to go.

Yuurei would nod at his words and he would have to agree with him. The light mage would walk out of the karaoke building and he would look around. He had a lot to do in this place, so he walked over to the nearest tavern to sleep in for the night.

“I hope we do see them again, it will be nice to see them again.” He said to Renji as they continued walking.


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