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What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei]

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#1Daiko Flayme 

What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Sun Dec 26, 2021 6:12 am

Daiko Flayme
Hmh… he was actually still alive. Nice. Daiko had been hanging on that rope for the longest time, and his limbs were sore from being bedridden for so long. What an annoying Phoenix he got… just casually spill out his lifeforce without warning – he was genuinely feeling hopeless and didn’t feel ready to kick the bucket just yet! Not when most of his life as a mage under a guild’s banner, he’d relished in his ability to cheat death multiple times! What a twist, and yet how ironic – the Magic that kept him from dying from other causes ended up being his own murderer.

And yet… he was back here. Bedridden, in old pyjamas. It was honestly a miracle, but he assumed that the girls must’ve had a big part in whatever it took to resurrect him. He couldn’t help but feel everlasting gratitude towards them, and yet he barely had the strength to give them a hug… was he back to square one? Did he have to train up again? All that strength he proudly exerted from his younger days in Lamia Scale… gone.

All that was left was his mana and the density of his magic, so he felt like he didn’t have any time to waste. It required some focused breathing, but he had the aid of a cane that supported his armpit as he finally rose up, feeling the stinging sensation through his feet from days of immobility… and it was colder than usual. And yet, in his sloppy blue sweater, Daiko desperately needed to move a little.

There was some weight on his left shoulder. That weight came from his avian soulmate, who worryingly scratched his skull as he took one step after another. His hair looked dark-grey, but it was an improvement compared to how he looked when he was at his deathbed.

… Where were people? He forgot what day it was today, so he didn’t assume that some important event was taking place, but there was a chilling absence in the guild hall today. “Mhmmm… uhh, h-hello? I’ll just take a walk, girls, don’t worryyyyyyy… urhh, I’m kinda starving, though- W-WOAAAHH!!!”

A sudden scream and a bump followed suit right after, and now the scenery consisted of Daiko facing the floor, having slipped his cane on one of the small stair steps on the way down to the lounge. A little blood was marking his forehead from the heavy fall, too, and Coda had flapped her wings out in an attempt to soften the landing along with panicking chirps. “O-Ow ow ow owwwww…”

WC: 431


What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Sun Dec 26, 2021 11:45 am


The young half elf was still trying to familiarize himself with the world outside of the forest. This brought the young mage to still within the safety of Hargeon. His inexperience with the world were incredibly new, so he knew that he had to take it one step at a time. Still, today was an off day for him, Kailani was nowhere to be found and he didn’t take on any jobs that were on the bulletin today. He did find himself sitting down with a certain book opened on the table. The light mage found himself reading about the lands of Fiore. It was a day where he didn’t do much, so learning what he could from a book was good as he would have an idea about certain things with the time came.

Yuurei’s outfit was the same as what he wore when he went off on a job. He seemed relaxed and quiet as always as his eyes scanned the words moving left and right. It wouldn’t take long though, a noise occurred, and it continued for a bit until it suddenly stop. His eyes leaving the book, he would find himself turning to the location where the noise came from. His eyes would meet with someone who was on the floor with a cane next to them. His eyes widen when he saw that this person might have been hurt, and he got up from his seat without hesitation.

This was the guild, so he immediately assumed that this was another guild member. Yuurei could see the bandages that had been placed on him, and he figured that he might have been injured in one of the harder jobs that were on the board.

“Are you, okay sir?” He said as he kneel down to try and help the guy back on his feet.

Yuurei had grabbed the cane and tried to place it in a spot that would be easy for the stranger to grab. The only thing that could run through Yuurei’s mind was what happen to this guy and how did he into a position where he needed to use a cane. He could see that he was fairly young, or at least not that old compared to him. If the world was that dangerous, did he want to leave Hargeon or even the reach of the guild?


#3Daiko Flayme 

What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Sun Dec 26, 2021 12:51 pm

Daiko Flayme
“*sniff*… I-I’ve had worse,” Daiko sadly exclaimed to… wait a second.

Yeah, Daiko’s eyes were wider opened at the sight of this stranger. No, no, no, was he a new member here? How long had Daiko been gone?! Even while struggling a bit just to reach for his conveniently placed cane, Daiko’s gaze focused on the man who had been kind to help him back up – he looked very girly for some odd reason, but… Daiko was no one to talk about such a thing. Still, it was merry to see the guild grow and widen its member base, but that still begged the question…

“S-So, well… uhm… thanks for the help! But, uh… I don’t think we’ve met before, h-have we? What time of the year is it, even?” he asked out in a slight panic, showcasing that there was something in his thoughts that was bothering him, “A-Argh, forget that – you must be new, unless if I were sleeping for several years… d-don’t tell me I’ve slept for years, have I?” Man, at this stage in his life, anything could be possible – he cheated death, again, and for the realest time!

With Coda landing back on his left shoulder, Daiko eyed his companion and then appeared to glare daggers straight at the strange, white-haired gentleman with a chili spice hanging from his head (which just happened to be the red strand). “Wait, before you say anything… stand still. Coda, do the thing,” he commanded suddenly, pointing his left index finger at the guy while signaling to Coda what to do.

… Had she been sleeping for a while too? She didn’t move an inch! “Codaaaaa! I meant the thiiiiing, the thing with your beak,” he beckoned his birdy bird friend, finally reaching the avian’s mind as Coda pointed her beak closer to the half elf. The beak was like a radar at this point, but even with that fantasy, Coda clearly recognized similar vibes to that of Kerii… and it birthed an unconditional friendship between elf and creature once again. The falcon looked happy, chirping away with her wings shaking.

“… Ohh, she likes you! You must be a great friend with animals, hehe!” Daiko happily pronounced with a sparkling smile, feeling unreasonable amounts of energy escaping him compared to moments earlier, “Any friend of Coda is a friend of mine, then. I’m Daiko! I was just… just… well, I wanna go for a walk, my feet are sore from staying in bed all day or however long I’ve been em eye ay-“ Yeah, sure, a little irresponsible of himself to take a walk this early in his recovery, but the half elf would clearly be able to see that the wound on his forehead was… glowing. With his Magic in play and akin to molting coal, tissue returned and covered the wound until only fresh skin remained, a spitting image of its previous form.

“I-I’ll be fine, though! I recover very quickly, so don’t worry about m- ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow, C-Coda, that’s not helping…!” His reassurance was cut short with Coda attempting to poke holes in his skull out of annoyance. Overall, it didn’t look like he had just escaped death’s claws, did it?

WC: 542


What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Sun Dec 26, 2021 2:18 pm


Yuurei heard the man’s words but said nothing as he waited for him to gather himself before asking Yuurei a few questions. The young lad would find himself pondering about how to answer everything he had asked. He thought about the past, but he was pretty sure that he didn’t meet many humans. He wanted to make sure though, so he didn’t come out rude to the man he was helping.

“This should be the first time we’re meeting. Y… you look like you went through worst th… than that fall.” He paused figuring he would point out that he was covered in bandages.

“We’re in the winter season of Fiore, but the year is X791. How long have you been out umm sir?” He asked curious as to what he had gone through but held his tongue on that subject for now.

His eyes moved to something that was moving and it wouldn’t take long for him to recognize that he had an allied falcon on his shoulder. The half-elf smiled when he saw that this man was kind to the animal, he possibly made a friend or family. That was when he called out to the animal, Yuurei smiled at first, but then when he processed that this guy told him not to move, Yuurei couldn’t help but become tense, due to what might happen now.

In the end, nothing happened, he watched waiting for something to come out of the beak, but the falcon chirped and shook her wings. Now that it was over, he was no longer tense, and he would let out a sigh or relief when he heard him speak up. He loved animals and living in harmony with them had a lot to do with it. Still, now that he was more relaxed, he examined Daiko and he saw a small wound on his forehead, which would soon disappear as if it was never there.

His magic must be on another level. Either that or he has some type of curse or ability to self-heal at an alarming rate, but if that was the case then his body wouldn’t be in the condition that he was in. Maybe it could only heal small wounds, or he took so much damage that it’s taking too long for him to heal? He thought to himself as he heard Daiko introduce himself, claiming they were friends.

Yuurei would smile at this because he was happy to hear those words since he didn’t think people would enjoy him around.

“My name is Yuurei. It’s nice to meet you Coda and Daiko. We can walk around for a bit, but let’s avoid stairs. It seems like you can’t walk on those.” He laughed a bit with a smile as he was excited from those previous words that were said to him.

“If you recover quickly Daiko, may I ask why are you still injured and bandaged up?” The half-elf would ask without hesitation as he was curious about the situation for the entire time since he got up from the floor.

WC: 546

#5Daiko Flayme 

What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:39 am

Daiko Flayme
… Oh yeaaaah, the bandages. Wait, Daiko hadn’t broken any bones, had he? It felt like it, still, but it wasn’t the case at all… urgh, probably just a result of the complexity of whatever his body underwent. Maybe it was some kind of evolution, even… he hoped so. He didn’t want to experience that much pain without gain. Daiko simply nudged on one of his bandages, grimacing at the sight of his wounded body. “Y-Yeah, you could say that… mmpphh,” he hummed, not wanting to give the dude an anxiety attack or anything similar.

“… Hey, that isn’t even a month since that afternoon. Hehhh, I got off cheap!” he smiled, thankful that life hadn’t moved on for too long without his presence. It also looked like Coda was as fresh and energetic as ever, chirping out a greeting as they learned that the pale guy’s name was Yuurei… a name that didn’t really fit the Fiorian custom, which even Daiko had gotten the hang of at this point, but that meant bogus to him.

“Oh, sweet! Uh, yeah, let’s avoid stairs… just a walk around town will be fine,” he Pyromage commented as he adjusted the balance on his cane. He would already be walking past Yuurei towards the exit when he heard his question, which made the Pyromage stop in his tracks a bit abruptly. “Uhhhm… hmh… okay, don’t panic, but… I think I died. Okay, yes, I know what you might be thinking – ‘how can you be alive now, then?’ and to that I can say that it’s kind of a long story, but I was temporarily dead according to Kerii- I-I mean… it’s hard to explain.” Welp, at least he tried.

Continuing to walk towards the exit and out of the lounge, Daiko continued: “Do you also possess a Take-Over Magic? You’d understand what I mean a little better if you do- w-woaoaaawhaaah-“ Once again, he was losing balance due to, yes, another small pair of stair steps… he had been in the guild for too long to forget that.

WC: 345


What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:35 am


Yuurei smiled at his answer, and he enjoyed walking outside as much as the next person. He moved towards the book on the table and had grabbed a hold of it as well as his coat behind the chair before he moved back to Daiko and Coda. He was ready to head off and it seemed like Daiko had started moving as well before coming to a stop. He flinched a bit as he wondered what had happened to him, but it wouldn’t take long for him to speak. When he heard the words that Daiko had spoken, he was taken by surprise with his words. Still, he knew that anything was possible in this world. If he could briefly die and come back to life, could the same thing have had happened to his parents?

He had to put that into the back of his mind as he didn’t want to give himself false hope on the matter. He would walk beside Daiko as they had finally come out of the lounge and towards another staircase. The half-elf listened in on what he said, but the sudden noise coming from him had brought Yuurei to grab his arm and pull him towards him so he wouldn’t fall down the stairs. A reaction he couldn’t help partake, and afterward made him nervous because he wasn’t sure if he had messed up his healing process.

“Are you alright? Almost had another fall there, I can help you down the stairs.” He spoke to him and ready his arm to be held before moving to the next thing that he had mentioned earlier.

“I have time if you want to tell me about how you died and came back to life. It would be an interesting tale to hear. As for panicking, I’m more surprised and fascinating than anything because you would be the first person I know to ever do such a thing.” He paused for a second before continuing on.

“I don’t possess that type of magic. I use light magic nothing too crazy.” He answered as he was hoping they would be moving down the stairs and possibly towards the exit and away from any more stairs.


#7Daiko Flayme 

What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Wed Dec 29, 2021 2:29 pm

Daiko Flayme
Ah, good riddance… hey, Yuurei saved him again! What a guardian angel!

No, for real, Daiko was already tired of being like this. He tried to smile it off at first, chuckle a little and say ‘sorry about that’ and all, but this was taxing him. When could he get his previous might back? Huh? One week? That sounded like too little time to recover, but with his Phoenix back and in full force, that might just be a possibility… then again, he was never able to contact it like the other Take-Over Mages could with their entities. Esperia was able to communicate with… pffffffffffff- Asbesteus- it was a long time ago, but she was able to actually talk to the creature, unlike him who can’t even get a single chirp from the bird of fire supposedly merged inside of him…

All in all, he didn’t know how he’d recover like this. Death was a huge topic, lots of questions, few answers, and quite a handful of anxiety… maybe… maybe the weakening was a price? Maybe, he had to pay with power in return for his life back! But Kerii mentioned none of that- urgghhh, why was it always that some event like this would occur that would siphon his strength and make him start all over from square one once more?!

“… *peck* Ow, s-sorry, spaced out for a second,” he quickly informed both Yuurei and the impatient avian who pecked his skull. Yuurei sounded more interesting in just what exactly had happened to him, and Daiko would have to recollect his memory… so there was the weakening of his muscles, then the revelation that his Magic was sort of going overdrive, then deadness… and then a lot happened.

“I, uh… mhmm, it’s not as cold as I’d thought. Suits me fine,” he commented on the gentle breeze that met him outside of the guild hall, briefly tickling his form and his blue pyjamas, “So… I got a Phoenix inside of me. I’ve never really been able to talk to it – for some reason, it’s veeeeeeeeeery freaking asocial – but I use its Magic in battle. And, yup, I can heal too! I often get too reckless out in the field because of that, hehe…” His regenerative prowess was ridiculous and, up to this point, had been proven that it could only be slowed down, not stopped…

“Y-You ever heard any stories about the Phoenix? Well, quick summary, it technically dies every 500 years… so it prepares a nest somewhere south of the area it’s at and lets its dying flesh lie there until it comes back to life again… that just happened. Nuff said, to be honest. “500 year mark hit about a month ago, and I… died as a result, too. Guess that’s the risk of being merged with the Phoenix – you both share each other’s lives or something.”

Coda would distract herself from that tragic imagery by perching on one of the leafless branches outside, where she had full view of the guild’s outside garden. At this time of the year, the sun was more scarce with heat, but Port Hargeon was still a sub-tropical port town unlike the northern regions of Fiore.

“Wait, you said you use Light Magic? Hey, I have an idea, then – let’s just show each other our Magic! I ought to be able to conjure a single spell, and you get to see a real Take-Over Magic in action…!”

WC: 577


What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Wed Dec 29, 2021 4:32 pm


The breeze he felt the moment he exited, made him shiver a bit. He was not used to this type of weather at all especially not one that was close to the sea. His arms moved onto his shoulders as he would try to rub them and attempt to warm himself. His eyes widen as he was impressed to hear what Daiko had to say. In the end, it would seem like Daiko suggested they show each other their magic. He didn’t think it was a good idea, but if he attacked the air, then he wouldn’t have to worry about getting anybody hurt.

“A Phoenix sounds cool to me. I only get to live about a hundred years less, so I won’t be able to see such a phenomenon from you. Still, it’s interesting to learn something new about such a fascinating creature.” He said as he kind of upset that he couldn’t witness that event.

Yuurei would move through the area around them, and he would soon come to a stop as he figured this would be a good spot to do anything.

“I got to say Daiko, I don’t think you’d care to see my magic. I think it’s fairly simple when I said light magic, but I’ll show you.” He said this as he would point his hand into the air as a gold magical circle would appear before a beam of light would be shot out into the sky.

It was the best that he can do, but showing off his magic would allow Daiko to feel as if he needed to show off his own.

“That is one of my light spells, I call it Array. All I can do right now is get stronger hopefully my magic does as well. Your turn though,” Yuurei said as he stepped back a bit from Daiko and waited for his magic to be displayed in front of him.


#9Daiko Flayme 

What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:54 am

Daiko Flayme
”I know, right?! Phoenix is the coolest creature ever, I’m telling you…!” Daiko hyped it up, his free hand clenched into a fist and shaking across the air. He was so ready to blow the socks off of Yuurei with how his Magic worked – if he was never able to see a Phoenix before, then he’d definitely have a blast today!

“Oww, what are you on about? I haven’t even seen your Magic yet, how can you tell that I wouldn’t care?!” he sort of rebuked the young halfling, almost threatening to poke the dude’s face with his cane like a cranky, old man, “At least show me how you blitz people half-blind or something… y’know, those useful types of spells!” Daiko had, too, tried to make a blitz-kind of spell before by concentrating cracking embers between his hands, but it just turned into a wave of flares akin to the rain of fire from a metal saw going to work on some damascus steel.

Although, Yuurei was kind of on point; his spell was direct, simple, but of course Daiko could say that if he wasn’t the target in some duel… but nah, he wasn’t really up for a duel in this form. Damn, he wished, though. “Oooooh, it’s like a blast of light… it was kind of bright, but it can definitely get brighter! Y’know, one day you might be able to blind your target before the beam even hits, heh…!” he joyously promised the pale boy, already having high hopes of his development while in Blue Pegasus.

And now, at last. “Alright, I’ll show you a blast of mine as well! You may wanna step back a little…” he warned the halfling, while he slowly backed off himself until the sky above was clear for him. Then, he breathed in deeply, and his entire body began to glow like molten steel. It got to the point where he had to let go of his cane, but to his own surprise, his strength was revitalized. The cane was left on the ground unscathed, while he was able to stand in his burning form – his avian, scaled and talon-hung feet were coated in fire, his deep-red wings were coated in fire, his face was coated in fire, and the rest of his body was wearing a sort of long-sleeved jacket of fire itself.

Then, he aimed his face upwards and released a shriek shaking the very motor nerves in one’s muscles, while a relatively thin but unbearable beam emerged from his maw and shot straight through the air, heating up the particles all around them until the sky began to turn slightly orange… and just as quickly as it appeared, the spell was undone and left the clouds above scattered.

And, uh… even Daiko was kind of dumbfounded. “… U-Uhhh… w-w-wait, I didn’t mean to put that much- I kinda got carried away, there… s-crap, if Alisa finds out I’m wasting energy right now, she’ll…” he began to panic a little, trying to reach for his cane again but being wary of the flames all around him. Once his transformation was undone, he immediately felt fatigue envelop him, and just like that, he was on his knees holding onto his cane.

“O-Owieee… t-think it was a bad idea, after all…”

WC: 551


What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:15 pm


Yuurei would hear Daiko’s words, and it seemed like he felt like one day his magic could become more powerful than it was. That made him smile because he was excited to see what the future had for him. It also meant that he needed to train properly and make it stronger. If he could blind his opponents in battle, then that would possibly be a gamer changer in combat. Still, he would find himself stepping back as he was told to do. It wasn’t an order, but he couldn’t help but move like it was. He had made sure he stepped further back than he had already done and hopefully this was enough.

He hesitated to take a step forward when he saw the injured man drop the cane but stopped because he could feel it that he shouldn’t move. It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei would see the transformation right before his eyes. This was new to him, and he had never seen anything like it. Daiko had become part Phoenix, which was freaking cool. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he wondered what was going to happen next.

It was then the half-elf watched Daiko let a beam of fire out of his mouth and into the air. It was strong as he could feel the attack from where he stood. It brought Yuurei to guard himself for a bit as it would disperse and allowed the young lad to stand up straight once more. Once the transformation was over, Yuurei rushed over to Daiko who looked like he had returned to normal, which meant he was back to an injured companion.

He would help him out as he was holding onto his cane and Yuurei would have a huge smile on his face.

“Are you alright? I thought you healed all the wounds you had sustained when you turned into that form, but that wasn’t the case. Still, it was a beautiful sight to see and honestly, I was impressed by the amount of force your magic contained. Thank you for the sight of a lifetime though, I know what I must do to become stronger now.” He said this happy to have witnessed Daiko’s magic.

When he helped the man back onto his feet, Yuurei would step back away from him to give him some space and he would look at him.

“If I can blind my opponents, then I could possibly use my light magic to radiate it around my body, so when I get close to who I fight they get blinded while I land a nice strong punch or kick.” He said thinking of ideas of power he looked forward to.


#11Daiko Flayme 

What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Fri Jan 14, 2022 2:00 pm

Daiko Flayme
Thankfully, Yuurei helped him back up on his feet again before the cold floor got to him. Thank goodness for his help, for Daiko didn’t anticipate that quick of a return of his weakening muscles… damn it, dumb muscles, get over it! So what if he died – he had been through that before, right? How many times had Daiko died, huh?! His magic brought him back to life again, and it would keep doing that…

“Y-Yeah… don’t you worry, I’ve been through worse than this… h-hahaha…” he dryly laughed off his fall while grabbing his cane again. It did sound like Yuurei was more motivated now, so Daiko had achieved his objective and smiled brightly at the words the half-elf said. Even more than that, it sounded like the bright boy had already begun brainstorming a possibility for a new spell – one where he coated himself in Light Magic, so that just looking at him would be blinding. “Ooooh, like a Magical Cloak or Armor of Light! Those kinds of spells are soooo cool, I use one myself all the time – b-but with fire, y’know… I bet Sofia and Alisa use Magical Armors too, so why not join in on the fun?”

At this point, they had made it a good way into the roads of inner Hargeon, where you could see the sea further away but knew that you were deeper in the town’s area. Hargeon’s geography looked quite idyllic with the sea and shores far ahead, while you’d realize that most of the town was raised above sea level thanks to the hills it was founded on. “Wait… you’re not the only one who joined since I was gone, right? Or, wait, are you? Often, people join guilds along with a group of friends – unless if they, like, live in the woods all by themselves and just happen to cross roads with a Guildmaster…”

WC: 316


What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Sat Jan 15, 2022 1:48 am


Yuurei would sigh with relief to hear what he had said and was glad that he would be alright. Of course, he had brought up his idea, and it seemed like he had enjoyed the idea. He spoke about two other people, which he only knew by name. One being the guild master, and the other being the guild master’s wife. These were things that he had learned within the guildhalls, but never put a face to the names. It wouldn’t take long for both of them to be able to see the sea where they stood. It was still a good distance away, but it wouldn’t take too long for them to get there.

The half-elf’s eyes widen as he was impressed as ever to see the beauty of the sea. He wasn’t used to it as he has been stuck in the forest his entire life, and this sea was enticing to him still. While he was looking at it, words would be spoken, and it would break him back to reality as he would look over to see what his companion had to say. When he was done talking, he figured he would answer him without a problem as there wasn’t any need to hide information from him.

“Nah, I’m not the only one who joined the guild. My best friend, Kailani had also joined with me. We did come from the forest together, as her family had raised me. We actually came here looking to join Blue Pegasus.” He smiled at him as he explained a little bit about how he had joined.

That was when it brought him to wonder how Daiko and Coda came to join the guild.

“It seems like you been in this guild for a while, how did you join Daiko?” He asked curious to hear what he had to say, while they continued their walk.


#13Daiko Flayme 

What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Wed Feb 09, 2022 2:06 pm

Daiko Flayme
”We did come from the forest…”

Those words triggered a spark in Daiko’s eyes. They were forest-dwellers too? Hunters, too?! Just like him! How cool was that?! “Wait, you and Kailani lived in the woods too?! Me too! All the way up in Worth Woodsea, in fact – that’s pretty cool!” he joyously remarked with a blindingly wide smile, “Wait, I’ve never seen anyone else living up there other than this strange, blonde boy… never bothered him, though. And you’re not blond, so you must’ve been in another forest…”

Well, regardless of what forest he and this Kailani came from, they were fellow forest-dwellers akin to Daiko. That made them family! And they were in Blue Pegasus too, so that made them double-family! “It’s sooooooooo relieving to meet fellow forest people, really! If you got any practical skills to teach me, I’m up for anything…!”

As excited as the Pyromage was, Yuurei had just asked how Daiko even ended up here in Blue Pegasus, a guild that didn’t exactly build itself up on the harsh but proud concept of the wilderness, shrubberies, mud and sweaty musculature. “Ohh… I actually came from another guild befor- b-before…” It was a sour memory, which prompted a sharpening of his brows pointing low on his face. He looked a little upset, but…

“Ever heard of Lamia Scale? I used to be in their guild, and I met Alisa and Sofia while working there… but they’re gone now. Pretty sure the guild hall didn’t survive that country-wide demon shit that happened back then.” Huh, shockingly enough, Daiko didn’t feel as saddened about the event as one might’ve thought. If anything, it was a confusing feeling in his belly that brought that frowning face upon him. “I… me and a sweet elf Kerii, I believe, and an old friend named Kon, and someone else too, were the only remnants. I… feel weird thinking about that place. B-But I sure got plenty powerful from training there…!”

He lifted up his right arm and began flexing his bicep muscles a bit, revealing quite impressive musculature being the result of years upon years of excruciating training. All the hours he’d spent out in the woods at night, in the cold winters and the unbearable summers, all the mountain climbing on bare foot, all the diving into deep ravines, the life-or-death scenarios that he played in his head and was met with day after day… but the camaraderie between him and his closest friends back then was what he mourned over.

All the ‘experimenting’, though… the constant role as a training dummy for his Guildmasters’ spells, simply due to the fact that he could regenerate… he felt iffy on that. But hey, he grew just as powerful as they promised he’d become, so why did it feel so… heavy?

WC: 468


What Did I Miss? [Social | Yuurei] Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:24 pm


Yuurei would hear the excitement in Daiko’s voice and it seemed like he grew up in a forest. Of course, this forest different than the one he had come from. He was asked if he knew anything that he could teach him. The light mage figured he could see there was something he knew that Daiko didn’t know, but he would leave that for another time. While Daiko spoke, Yuurei got to know his past a little bit more. He didn’t know the guild he had come from before, nor the people he mentioned, but these were probably people he thought of close friends. It seemed like a sensitive topic with the sound of Daiko’s voice, so he would call it an end right there.

“I see, I’m glad you still have people close to you still Daiko. I didn’t know the guild and what happen to them most likely happen while I was still living in the forest. The forest I came from was Ariathal. It is an enchanted forest and those who aren’t born there find it hard to find. Still, my father woke up there, and he wasn’t born there.” He chuckled a bit.

He would walk with Daiko and Coda towards the guildhall. He had taken up a bit of Daiko’s time and he figured that he would allow the man to rest a bit.

“Thank you for your time Daiko, but I think I should leave you be and rest up. You seem to be close to a full recovery, so you should do that.” He said to Daiko with a smile.

“I’ll see you around.” He said to him as he would wave at him and be on his way to find Kailani.


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