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Kid-Napped (Good)

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Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:30 pm


The light mage was having a good day as he was walking through Magnolia’s Street. It was a cold day, and he was wearing a nice coat that covered him nicely. While moving through the area, Yuurei would find himself close to the Salvadori’s house. He figured he would go check them out and see how they were doing. When he got close enough, he would hear a woman crying and screaming as she was walking around the front of the house trying to figure out what to do. She would see Yuurei from the corner of her eyes, and she would start running to him crying.

He would look at her and he was wondering what was wrong, but he knew that she would tell him.

“My husband was taken from some bandits on his way home. They’re using him as a ransom for money. What’s worse is that Luca overhead me talking to the butlers and he ran off to the direction of where their campsite is located.” She paused trying to calm herself down.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:30 pm


When she felt like she could talk again she would look at Yuurei.

“Please you got to save my husband and my son. Here is the location, and please once again.” She pleaded and Yuurei would put his hand onto her shoulder.

“I will return them safely, so you don’t have to worry about anything, Isabella. Just sit down in front of the house, if you want, but no need to cry anymore.” He said to her with a smile on his face.

He would take the paper and he would read it over before nodding as he would start rushing to the location of the campsite. While he did that, he would notice that Luca had left a trail behind to where the kidnappers were located. The light mage would move quickly and follow the trail as he was hoping to find Luca before he made it to the campsite.

He wasn’t sure how long it would take, but Renji would look around to see if he would spot Luca before him.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:30 pm


As time would go by, he would find the location of the campsite and it seemed like at the same time he would find the little boy as well. He was too far ahead of him, and it seemed like he wasn’t going to stop. The light mage would rush straight towards him, but before he got close to him, the bandit he was going to would notice the little kid and would smile at him.

“Give me back my father before I have to hurt you.” He would say this to the bandit.

When he realized that this brat was the son of the guy they took, he would launch a single punch straight into Luca’s stomach and knock him out in one punch. The young lad wouldn’t even be able to put a fight as he was unconscious. Still, Yuurei wasn’t going to have any part in this as both his hands were open and two magical circles would appear. The stars would come out as he was getting ready to get into this fight.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:30 pm


The stars would enter Yuurei and he would become stronger and faster than he was before.

“Renji, you know what to do.” He said this to his partner.

The Exceed would open his bag and a gauntlet would be placed onto Yuurei’s right hand. He didn’t hesitate but he would swing his fist straight into the bandit’s face and sent him flying to the ground. He was quick to knock him out, and Yuurei would pick up Luca.

He looked around as he had taken out one of the bandits and that was enough to alert the other two bandits. Yuurei would see them coming at him and he would shake his head. They started running towards him and they were both swinging at him. The light mage would shake his head as they were wasting their time. He would quickly knock one of them out by kicking him in the stomach. When the last one saw his partner being knocked. He would start running away.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:30 pm


Yuurei would see him running away and he would start running straight towards the guy before he could get too far. The light mage would trip him as he would fall on the floor, and he would just roll on the ground. Yuurei had turned to disperse his magic before then as he noticed that these guys were not worth the power-up. He had Luca in one hand as he wasn’t heavy to him. The bandit would look at the light mage scared for his life. He had shaken his head as he was going to get answers from him.

“Where is Giuliano, this boy’s father?” He asked the bandit.

The bandit would laugh when he heard the question being asked.

“You think I’m going to tell you? You’re out of your mind.” He said to Yuurei.

The half-elf would hear this and he would punch the man’s nose as he would break it with one hit.

“This is nothing. I will break your fingers one by one, then I will feed you, and then cut them off one by one. I will make sure to mend the wound, so you don’t bleed out and continue to torture you like this until you tell me. It might be too late then, but you will give me the answer I want, and be wounded to the point you will be useless.” He said to the bandit giving him time to think about this man’s words.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:31 pm


After a few seconds of thinking about it and Yuurei creeping closer to the bandit, he finally caved in.

“Fine, I’ll tell you, so please don’t hurt me. There’s an abandoned warehouse not too far from here. It’s north of the campsite. You’ll find the man and possibly our boss there. Please don’t hurt me.” He said to Yuurei.

The light mage would nod as he wouldn’t hurt him, but he would knock him out without hesitating. Renji was surprised by Yuurei’s words, and it seemed like he didn’t enjoy it when people took other people as hostages. He started walking towards where the bandit told him to go.

“So what are we going to do when we get there?” He asked Yuurei.

“I plan on taking beating the crap out of them or knocking them out.” He said as he was thinking about what to do.

It wouldn’t take long but he would be near the warehouse, and he would see that there weren’t many places for him to enter.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:31 pm


Yuurei would walk around the abandoned warehouse, and he would see that there was a window that was not boarded up. He would climb into it without too much of a hassle and inside he would find Giuliano tied up and on a chair. There, he would see that he wasn’t alone as there were two other people with him. They saw Yuurei enter and would laugh because they were going to have fun.

“It seems like he thought he was going to get inside without anybody noticing? I want to know how he knew about this place or was he just lucky.” He said to his partner as they started moving towards Yuurei.

He looked at them and shook his head because they thought they were strong enough to take him on. The light mage would crack his neck as his hands would open once again as two magic circles would appear. The stars would come out as they floated in the air. The two bandits would be on guard not knowing what his magic could do.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:31 pm


Yuurei had a smirk on his face as the stars would go inside of him, cueing them to rush towards him and attack him. He would exhale all the air out of him as it was time to show them what they were messing with. He would run straight towards them without hesitating and he would see that the bandit was trying to hit him before he could get hit. That wasn’t going to happen as Yuurei would swing with his left hand and connect as the man would fall to the ground without a second to waste. The bandit leader’s eyes widen when he saw how fast he was.

He was sure or hopeful that he could be this guy in a battle of strength, but not when he was that fast. The bandit leader looked at Giuliano and started running to him and using him as a hostage and a means to escape. The light mage would see the fear in the leader’s eyes as he watched him running to the rich man. Yuurei had placed Luca outside of the warehouse before got in here but had carried him around the entire time. When the man got close to Giuliano, Yuurei started running and after a second closed the gap between the two. He had cut off the bandit leader as he was looking straight into his eyes.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:31 pm


The bandit leader would stumble back when he saw the appearance of Yuurei and when he figured he would attempt to punch him, Yuurei would smile at him as he was already launching a punch with his right hand. He would catch the bandit leader with a right hook into his abdomen and would see the man gasping for air before falling on the ground and unconscious. The light mage would stand up straight as he would look at Giuliano and free him up before grabbing the two bandits on the floor.

“Your son tried to save you, and that didn’t turn out well. He’s outside and unconscious. He should be fine, probably bruised in the stomach, but I think you should tell him the truth before he gets himself killed.” He said to Giuliano as he would nod.

“Thank you Yuurei, I don’t know how I will ever repay you. When you’re done come to my place, and Isabella will have something ready for you.” He said to Yuurei as he would bow to him.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:32 pm


Yuurei would walk him to a boarded door, and he would break it down without a problem. Giuliano would run towards the area where he saw the unconscious Luca, picked his son up, and quickly walked off to their house. Yuurei would drag the bandits back to their campsite, and there he would grab the other bandits. He would drag all five of them towards the direction where the Rune Knights were stationed. They were surprised how easily he was dragging those guys and wondered what the hell they did.

“These guys had taken a grown rich man hostage and tried to ransom him for money. I stopped it all and now they’re your problem now.” He said as he would let go of the five bandits and the Rune Knights would sigh because they had to take care of these guys.

Yuurei would walk off from that area as he was now heading towards the Salvadori’s household as his reward was waiting for him there.



Kid-Napped (Good) Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 12:32 pm


Yuurei walked through the streets of Magnolia as he knew his destination. The people there would wave at him as they knew who he was. He would wave at them as he figured doing all these jobs came with a cost. The light mage would find his way towards the house and there he would spot an Isabella sitting down on the porch. It looked like she was waiting for him, and he would wave at her to get his attention. When she noticed Yuurei had arrived she would get up and run to him giving the man a huge hug. She was ever grateful to him as he had saved both her son and her husband,

“Thank you for everything you’ve ever done for those two knuckleheads. Giuliano is waiting for Luca to wake up to tell him the truth and everything that happened. Here is your reward for all the trouble we’ve gotten you into.” She said as she would hand him the bag of jewels.

When Yuurei took a hold of it he would feel the weight of it, and it was nothing he felt being given to him in any job he had done in the past. They were giving him a lot of jewels, but it was because a lot was at stake today. The light mage would bow to her, and he would make his way out of the establishment and towards the airship.

2098/1800 (10% Reduction due to companion)

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