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Tournament Arc #6 [Quest][B-rank]

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Tournament Arc #6 [Quest][B-rank] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 1:44 am

It was not something she wanted to do again, fighting a champion to the death. But it was something that had been called to her attention when not only was the current champion someone that shouldn’t have been one to begin with. But they were a cruel and twisted individual that relished in the idea of torturing other fighters. Causing the tournaments as of late to be a little less lively and more somber affair.

Along with the fact that less fighters were showing up meant that the crowd was lessening. It was a situation that no one was enjoying and the lycanthrope was well aware of how people loved their fights. So begrudgingly she took the job; resigning herself to kill just the champion once more. Though her respect for this champion was no where near the same as the prior honored elder.

Gritting her teeth the woman stepped into the arena before anyone else. Standing there for a moment and turning to face those that followed after her. There numbered maybe seven over all. Champion included in that number; his saw like sword in one hand and his cat-o-nine tails in the other. Lucretia’s expression hardened when she noted that some of the fighters seemed to be eyeing her up. She’d shake her head a little bit.

I have no interest in you welps compared to that man.

You misjudge em lass. We’re all here to fight you. People will pay a pretty penny for a lycan’s skin.

Lucretia’s eyes shot up and she’d growl in irritation; so the promise of a job wasn’t legit or they had just used this as a way for them to try to get rich. Figuring she was set up she’d have to have a word with her employer after this. However she couldn’t help but smirking, spinning her spear around and holding it in both hands.

You’ll find I’m an ill suited prey.

The men glanced at one another; snickering a bit and slowly circling around the woman; they had already assumed that they had won due to their larger amount of fighters but that meant nothing next to someone that was willing to give their all. And all was what Lucretia was about to give.

Widening her stance, the very first man to approach her would find his head removed from his shoulders in a flash of gold. Her assagai sweeping around and doing the deed in a single blow. It was a surprise that she hadn’t even needed her wolven form or lion form to do that and she could see how the others balked for a moment.

Ah! A lucky blow n’ nothin’ more!

Well lets see how lucky it is when I do the same to the other five.

Lucretia growled; making good on her promise. These men weren’t as much of a challenge as the other fighters she had faced. Ranging from elderly swordsmen, to pack expanding lycans there was hardly any ground to really compare on. One after another she’d blitz down the men, separating heads from shoulders or simply rending the men in twain. It was less than maybe five or so minutes before it was just her and the current champion. Bodies laying in slowly expanding pools of their own blood.

Should choose your friends a little better whelp.


Tournament Arc #6 [Quest][B-rank] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 1:56 am

The disrespect that the other fighter showed her wasn’t something that Lucretia was unexpecting, in fact she’d return the favor. Cutting the cat o nine tails to pieces each time he’d lash at her and even going so far as to backhand him away from her when he approached. It was a much different fight than before and a much different sort of interaction. She was furious that a trickster that relied on poisons and other tactics to win in what was supposed to be something that was a true test of skill.

She’d slowly approach him again, this time catching his sword in one of her hands with a growl; she hadn’t even transformed and she was overpowering him easily. Every trick in the boom must have made him earn his place at the top this time around. She’d grit her teeth a bit and with a twist she’d snap the tip of the sword off, tossing it away and then with a outlandish kick she’d send him flying backwards away from her. She looked pissed in comparison to the others.

You’re not worth transforming for. You’re not worth getting killed by the Assagai that I hold.

To make good on this fact she’d plant the weapon in the ground next to her and slowly walk forward; she was now taking off her gauntlets and would spit in either palm. Rubbing them together and gritting her teeth in abject anger. He’d take a swing at her when she got close enough but she’d just smack the blade away with a forearm. Her anger was burning bright in her eyes and with a viscous step forward she’d give him a skull cracking headbutt. Sending him stumbling and falling onto the ground on his back.

She’d walk closer and with one boot she’d stand on his wrist, grinding her boot till he let go of his sword. Kicking it away she’d kneel down and when he looked like he was going to take a dagger out she’d grab his other hand. Leaning slightly she’d stare at him; her normally jovial expression lacking anything of the sort and there was flat out murder in her eyes.

I was paid to kill you; but it never specified how.

She’d reach down with her free hand, clamping it around his throat and she’d growl softly. Slowly starting to squeeze and she could hear him start to gag. She already had a good idea of how much pressure she needed to exert to kill him with. But this wasn’t something that she was going to let him know.

I don’t torture my foes, I don’t kill my foes with disrespect or poison, or with more than one against another. I fight them fair and square.

Her grip tightened and she could see the light start to fade from his eyes but she’d draw her hand back. Letting him take a shuddering breath. She’d growl again, this time she felt the urge to transform start to hike. The beast inside of her rarely left it’s cage without her attendance and she was maybe willing to let it out a little bit. Even though that she had said he wasn’t worth it.

"You'll find no more of an honorable opponent if you yourself don't keep to it."


Tournament Arc #6 [Quest][B-rank] Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:07 am

Lucretia drew back her hand, clenched in a fist and dripping with blood. She had maybe been punching the current champion’s face in for the last few minutes and she had to applaud him for being so durable. Gritting her teeth she’d let it fall again against his now blood soaked mug. She felt something crack this time and there was a small amount of disgust she felt in her body as she realized maybe that less people were looking at her and this show as she’d like.

Spitting onto the ground she’d turn and slowly stand up. Making her way to the spear. She could still tell the champion was alive and she wasn’t about to let him keep it that way; she wanted to take things slow but the sheer overpowering nature of her body compared to those she had fought today had likely made an awful spectacle to those that had actually come here. She weighed her options; a death by her spear was likely too quick for her and she earnestly felt like his blood would tarnish a weapon like this.

Then a beast will do it’s work.

She’d growl and turn back to see that the champion had slowly risen to a sitting posture; looking as though he was about to pass out from blood. She definitely had to give him credit; he was a touch son of a bitch. She’d slowly walk back to him, agreeing to keep that weapon clean of his blood. Upon reaching him he’d try to spit at her but a large furred hand had already wrapped itself around his head.

She’d slowly lift him off of the ground by his head, letting his legs flail and his hands gripped at her forearm. There was no pity in her eyes, only anger. Only hate that she had gone back on her words. She’d bitterly understand that her job and role was maybe a little more brutal than she had allowed and with a heavy she’d bring him up and over, slamming his body onto the ground once. Then twice. Then a third time. With him twitching in her grasp she’d bring him up again and inspect him.

Tough bastard indeed.

She’d draw her hand back and with a sharp sudden motion she’d drive it through his chest. She felt his ribs shatter and her fist drove right through the man’s blackened heart. The man gasped and she could hear a collective sigh of relief from the crowd as the champion had been killed. This time he wouldn’t be able to cheat his way back from the grave lucretia had put him in. Turning she’d step towards the spear again, scooping it up with the hand that wasn’t soaked in that bastards blood…

And promptly would leave the arena; she had very little taste for these sorts of things and would collect her payment outside. The individual who had explained to her the situation making sure she understood this wasn’t a trap but an honest attempt at doing the right things.

guess that explains why he had six friends, he might have overheard you talkin to me or something.

She’d note that the man didn’t have any symbols on him and would take her leave, grumbling a bit about the nonsense she had to deal with…

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