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Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]

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#1Knuckles Shi 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:10 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles grew bored of doing job after job. He wished to test himself much as he had done vs Rey and Jikan. That last fight he had got into with Rune Knights had left him unhappy with how it ended.  He went to the Boulder where he had fought twice now and stood upon it. Drawing his hammer as he peered through his helmet, he issued an open challenge.

"I there anyone who would duel a man for fun and sport? I seek to test my training and growth. "
While he waited for a reply Knuckles thought about his guild, he really needed to head back to the north and check in with the people there. See what had become of things since he had last been there.

He also wondered how that Hassan fella was doing since they burned down those burial sites under the church. There was a lot to catch up on and do. He'd have to make a note to do that as soon as possible.


  • Strength:61[Base]+120(WPN)+10(HS)+20(ARM)=211

  • Speed:41[Base]+100(WPN)+10(HS)+20(ARM)+20(OH)=191

  • Constitution:58[Base]+60[Earring]=118

  • Endurance:61[Base]+40[Ring]=101

  • Intelligence:1[Base]


Weapon: Mjoinir

Head: Warrior Helmet

Body: Vanguard's Haste

Offhand: Iron Buckler

Earrings: Jaan Earrings

Ring: Tenacity Ring

Relic:Magnetite Stone

#2Azure Fenic 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:28 pm

Azure Fenic

Even though he tried his best to avoid setting foot in Baska it was something that's couldn't really avoid forever but the timing could not have been worst as someone on his list but he was more than capable of handling himself if they even cross paths. From what he knew about this upstart they were rather skilled in combat but as to the type never made it to the table. It was funny as the only reason that he even came to this place was to get more information on the said person and a select few.

As the informant headed to the meeting location he could hear someone asking to test their metal against someone, It was like the fates were playing tricks on him or something as the person asking was no other than Knuckles. Part of him wanted to see if the small amount of info they had was even remotely correct "I'll take you on." it was one of the moments where his curiosity got the better of him even though he had the information to fall back on. Azure made his way into the man's line of sight with a hop and skip If he's as good as the information is then this should be good, he thought to himself

Stats and Gear:

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#3Knuckles Shi 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:53 pm

Knuckles Shi

As luck would have it, there was a brave enough soul out in the crowds willing to face him in combat. As the person made it to the fighting platform which was just a big rock Knuckles drew his shield and lifted his hammer forming a combat stance. "Greetings, I thank you for taking me up on my offer. My name is Knuckles Shi, and who might I have the honor of sparring with today?" His tone was gentle and genuine. He might have had a reputation for being a bad guy, but his biggest crime was hiding his figure under such crude and ugly armor.  At last, one could not have it all. He had looks but was not gifted to wield magic, another crime honestly. Though he supposed one could not have everything in life without making a deal with a devil and sadly he had only made a deal with a Demon.

If the mage before him gave a Name Knuckles would listen to it before making his first move, if not then his first move would carry out without the wait.  Knuckles took it upon himself to start the combat with a little spell from his hammer. After all who needed to cast magic when one had access to magic weapons.  Lifting his hammer to the Sky, Knuckles flowed his mana through the weapon, the sky above would suddenly become storm as lightning began to course around him as his body looked to become buffer, leaner, and just overall more warrior in every way, the mind would picture.

Knuckles would Lunge forward, traveling at 15m/s keeping his shield in front of him as he did so. As his foot touched down, Knuckles would press forward until he would reach Azure if they had not moved, and would swing his Hammer upwards in an upper cut-like motion with his hammer attempting to land the first strike of the fight.



  • Strength:61[Base]+120(WPN)+10(HS)+20(ARM)=211+100[buff] 311

  • Speed:41[Base]+100(WPN)+20(ARM)+20(OH)=181

  • Constitution:58[Base]+60[Earring]=118+100[buff]=218

  • Endurance:61[Base]+40[Ring]=101+100[buff]=201

  • Intelligence:1[Base]

#4Azure Fenic 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:38 pm

Azure Fenic

It wasn't every day that Azure would willingly agree to fight someone given his lack of combat ability and all that but if it was just to push their own limits while getting some information it would be worth it. It was always strange fighting others that had more combat ability than him but it couldn't be helped at this point "Blu and its Nice to meet you I hope to learn a lot from this." a statement that held more truth than anything. The moment that Knux raised his hammer the Azure took five steps back and pulled out Elem just in case That does not look good for me.. he thought to himself with the weather responding to him it was a good sign that this was going to be a short fight.

Seeing that impending attack the informant sidestepped to the left and swept his back leg that would throw him off balance given that he had all weight of the hammer in addition to his own, if this had worked he would simply rest their distance back to what it was before he moved. All of this is assuming that he didn't just counter with another wing of the hammer.

Stats and Gear:

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#5Knuckles Shi 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Tue Feb 15, 2022 8:08 pm

Knuckles Shi

The opponent dodged and swept his leg out. Knuckles tripped over the leg but slammed his hammer down all the way following through with his action allowing the weight of his swing to propel him to the ground where he did a combat roll. He quickly turned around to face Blu. There was no other attack coming for him now, but Blu did manage to increase the distance back to their original distance. He would chuckle, but he rather flexes his muscles, lunging once more this time stopping halfway towards Blu, his feet sliding on the rock surface as he did so. Lifting his hammer and shield up, Knuckles wore a grin eager to see just the plan was for Blu, would he try to read what Blu would do next and prepare to undo that plan. As for now, he had his spell enhancing his physical powers.  He was eager to test out his increased strength against Blu. He could feel the power of the hammer coursing through his body.   "Now where will you go?" He asked Blu eager to force the mage to move into a position that Knuckles could capitalize on.


Mana 450/1450

#6Azure Fenic 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:10 pm

Azure Fenic

Needless to say that Azure was rather glad that he left himself open for him to sweep the leg but then things quickly took a turn for the worst as his opponent just closed the distance between them once again but this time they just waited for him to attack.

"Your an odd one for sure." given that he wasn't even in a position to defend himself the informant pretended to sidestep to the right but quickly sidestepped to the left then of him and quickly pulled out Elem as he pointed at the man throwing the magic circle up Arcane missiles and sending all eight randomly flying at him while he missiles would more than likely be swatted away with no problem. The real battle had officially begun between the two of them and it would be only a matter of time before one of them tripped up. Assuming that Knuckles tried to move Azure would be ready to use the man's power against him given the chance.

Stats and Gear:

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#7Knuckles Shi 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Sat Feb 19, 2022 12:38 pm

Knuckles Shi

Perfect, that's what Knuckles thought when he saw the mage life his hand and get ready to cast his spell, Knuckles would lunge forward once more allowing him to close the gap as the magic would be cast.  The Magic would probably still hit Knuckles, but that was okay for Knuckles as the 8 missiles would slam into his shield. It would take 8 D ranks of damage. Knuckles would twist and swing his hammer from right to left, attempting to catch the mage in their left arm at the elbow in hopes to shatter it and make the arm useless.  If the attack hit it would deal 3 A ranks of damage. Grinning at this point Knuckles pulls his hammer back towards his chest and then pushes it out once more in a thrusting motion attempting to hit Blu in the chest with the head of his hammer.   This strike would also deal 3 counts of A rank damage.  Thankfully his shield had withheld the damage and could handle another one of those spells if it needed to. And then it would crumble and fall apart. Losing the ability to use it for the rest of combat.

All in all this fight had gone in his favor thus far, if the mage would be stuck with this level of magic he was sure h3e could finish this fight soon, but he would rather get some fun out of it. He hoped that the mage would be able to take these two hits and keep fighting. If not then it would just be a nice easy spar for him, a good warm-up.


Mana 450/1450

#8Azure Fenic 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 11:18 pm

Azure Fenic

Watching Knuckles block his attack was rather disappointing but at the same time, it showed that he was rather capable in fights but that didn't mean that he was going to let him get off so easy. As Knuckles swung at him with the hammer the informant simply moved with each swing of the hammer to avoid taking any actual damage from it Oh man he's really out for blood he thought as the man trusted the hammer towards his chest, with a simple ducked and rolled to the right of him giving them roughly six feet between them. He opened the spellbook and held up their palm towards a Knuckles upper body if the spell hit it would do roughly one A rank worth of damage to him or his equipment.  

Azure was more or less excited that they managed to adapt to the situation so quickly "Are really aiming to kill me with this?" a fair question given that he didn't even try and call on his summons. though he would have to if this went on much longer. Elem had its perks but it had more drawbacks than anything else given that he need large amounts of mana to even use the spells.


SpellBook spell:

Gear & Stats:

Last edited by Azure Fenic on Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#9Knuckles Shi 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:05 pm

Knuckles Shi

Blu managed to dodge both hits with simple bobbing, though when Blu ducked and rolled Knuckles would capitalize.  Knuckles followed the mage's actions and movements with his head-turning it and allowing his eyes to track Blu, while Blu would be finishing his roll Knuckles pushed off the ground with his right leg, lunging to his left 3 meters, closing the gap as he moved 15 meters per second.  As the mage opened his Knuckles swung the hammer once more with both hands bending at the knees as he dropped the hammer's head towards the ground then rotated at the hips as he swung upwards aiming for the hand that was getting pointed out for the spell. Knuckles was looking to do 3 sets of A rank damage here and possibly take out the hand of the mage.  

When it came to close range, Knux had the strength to stand with the best. His speed allowed time to deal with most ranged-styled fighters and his armor would often allow him to close that gap where he could punish Mages. In Blu's case, he was just not as fast as Knuckles. He was not as strong, not as well geared up overall as the Red-Haired Warrior from Sleeping Calamity had been. Knuckles knew how it felt to be Blu, it was how he felt when the Rune Knights came after one of their members the night they were forming the guild.  He did not pitty Blu though, this would be a good lesson to learn for the Mage. To invest in himself and the right equipment to cover your shortcomings while he grew.   "IF I wanted you dead I would have called Lightning down onto you."


Mana 450/1450

#10Azure Fenic 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Mon Feb 28, 2022 2:09 am

Azure Fenic

Aiming for his casting hand was the right choice as Azure didn't really have time to react to his opponent's mad dash at him, panicked that he would actually be dealt major damage to his whole body he more or less let his casting hand take the full impact of the hammer taking 3x a rank damage and rendering his left arm useless. Normally in this situation running away was best but then that would damage his image.

It had started to clear that this battle was not going to work in his favor unless he actually went in and took some hits and took some risk and Knuckles most likely had already known this given the cat and mouse game they are currently playing. The redhead didn't really seem all that bothered by the informant's running skills given he was able to catch up rather quickly and deal some serious damage if the chance arrived. Knowing that he was most certainly out-classed in raw power and using Elem would be taxing if the spells missed or just shattered on impact.

Not wanting to just give up and call it a day having confirmed his information to be correct, Might as well give it up he's a bully the child side thought as they flicked their wrist to summon Ignis but the magic circle didn't appear, this moment of confusion would leave him open for Knuckles. Confused as to why his most trusted summon didn't answer his call he tried again still yielding the same result.

WC Total:810

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#11Azure Fenic 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:10 pm

Azure Fenic

The informant snapped out of his confusion and picked up some dirt and tossed it into the eyes of Knuckles, normally he wouldn't play so dirt but in this case, where the power gap was so large both sides of his personality thought it was okay this once. Assuming that the dirt went into his opponent's eyes he would use that small window to circle around them and kick their left leg from under them as this would either through them off balance or just topple over themself. With only one hand still fully functional the informant had to make every move following after this count. It had seemed that they started to draw in a bigger crowd as more people made their way over Okay I have a good grasp on his drawbacks and strengthens time to use them to my favor, he thought to himself.

Azure wasn't really confident just how long he could actually get through another assault given the gap in their abilities.

"I may not be the best at hand to hand but I'm really good when it comes to using my environment," he said if Knuckles had fallen from the action previously the Azure would kick the man in the family jewels dealing three times dealing 3x C-rank damage to the man. Given Knuckle's speed and power they would more than likely get up and finish the battle rather quickly, the people that had gathered around them seemed to be in high spirits as they cheered during the whole exchange of blows. assuming that Knuckles actually felt the pain from being kicked in his jewels he would place Elem back in his bag and prepare to try to get into a stance to counter Knuckles when they got back up.
WC: 296

Stats and Gear:

Left hand hindered
Potenial Damage- 3x C-rank damage below the belt

Last edited by Azure Fenic on Tue Mar 08, 2022 7:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clearing up reason for action taken and making it more coherent.)

{Sheet / Magic}
Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#12Azure Fenic 

Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:13 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure was more or less shocked to see that his hits landed given that Knuckles wasn't getting up from that for a few minutes or so the informant would take this as his chance to get a few more licks in before trying to get away. The man would stop on his opponent's face with the heel of his shoe five times dealing 5x C rank damage to him and then stomp on the arm that was holding onto the hammer, it wasn't much but at the same time, it was all he could do to try and get some damage to the man without using what mana remained in him to use one of Elem's more powerful spells. All together the Blu would be dealing 6x crank damage to knux, if he was able to get stop any of these attacks he would simply take a defensive stance to try and avoid the counter-attacks if they did come.

Assuming that nothing would follow his attacks Azure would make a break towards the crowd and leave the man to his devices as he got what he needed from their rather quick little bout. The informant couldn't help but feel as though he still lost more than the actual fight. Knuckles was a rather tough customer when able to move about without any hindrance or obstacles to slow him down, which was something that he would need to account for if they ever had to fight again.

"Well, that was something for sure..." he muttered pushing his way through the crowd to get enough distance so Knux couldn't track him and try to keep the fight going as he wasn't about to risk even more harm just to confirm information. The people really wanted to see the fight meet its natural conclusion but that would mean more bed rest and a lot more training for Azure. Finally making it through the never-ending sea of people the informant made his way to the closes medical station he could find to get his hand looked at. Both sides of his mind were exhausted and wanted to visit the family even more so they could recharge their batteries and just enjoy a break without anyone breaking down his door.


Stats and Gear
Strength: 20
Speed: 16
Constitution: 21
Endurance: 32 + 40= 72
Intelligence: 78 + 60= 138

Librarian Mage Robes +60
Earring +40
Mana: 1,350


{Sheet / Magic}
Azure Vs Knuckles[Green]  Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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