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#1Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 11:47 pm

Azure Fenic

Given the amount of time that he was away it was only fair that he try and make some actual friends in Eternal Nightmare at least for the time being. Azure had wanted to learn more about one of his guildmates as they seemed to be rather similar to him in some ways. He had read in a book once that inviting others for drinks was a good way to learn about them as to how true it held up was something he would be testing out. Astera may have been home to one of his biggest roadblocks but it still had some rather nice places to relax and read.

The pier in Astera held some good memories for him given how it was the first place he meet Odin and also tried to kill the lich but also a place where he just relaxed without the worries of the guild. "Vex. You're an interesting one," he said sitting at a table with her file scattered all over it. She was a fairly new player to the game which was good enough for him. They had only met once before but with the little information that he had on them at the time they could have been rather useful in finding his brother but why beat a dead horse. What has she been up to? the informant asked himself as he could only assume that they worked on their little cult but what beyond that did she do.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 12:00 am

Vex comes walking up to their table and sees the items on the table. "I see so this is where they store the trash." She giggled slightly then looks at him. "There a reason you have a file one me? are you a stalker or something ?" She wondered why a person she only met once was looking at pieces of paper with her info and photos of her that he shouldn't have. "You got my measurements in there somewhere ?" She leans over the table her thorn vine piece of hair falls from her shoulder as she looks at the papers to see what all this maybe perv has on her.

She looks at him with a playful smile. "Where you get all this info from ?" She was really curious about cause some of it was very detailed other pieces seem very vague bits of info about her like her sign and cute facts.

#3Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sat Mar 05, 2022 7:40 pm

Azure Fenic

It was odd having someone get the drop on him as that was normally his thing but it wouldn't happen a second time that was for sure, "By trash you mean Infinity Wolves then yes it is." the comment held some truth in it as he two years ago he wasn't able to plant his spies within their guildhall but that was well over two years ago."If you must know I'm an informant so getting info is kinda my thing," he said quickly gathering the documents and neatly placing them back into his folder, "Also I make it a point to get information on special cases like yourself." something that didn't really happen a lot but when it did he could spend weeks or months getting every last drop on them.

Azure certainly didn't know what was going on in her head but he liked a challenge from time to time and both sides of him wanted to see just how far they could push her. The smell of fresh saltwater was a nice change of pace compared to his rather stuffy room and office that he still needed to organize.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:18 am

"So you hate that light guild?" She is only assuming as they had called their guild trash. She wondered if maybe he tried court some poor person in that guild and they heart breakingly rejected him, because he is so strange and out there.

She taps her chin and noticed how he skipped over answering if he was indeed in possession of her measurements like a pervert. She wonders what he might have on the man she looks to kill and give to her goddess. "So you say you are an "informant" you got anything on a masked fairy tail member?" She doubted he did as her info on them is still limited but she is unsure how old his info network might be so he could have a bit more then hers did.

She looks at him not sure if he is calling her dangerous or if that was him attempting to hit on her in a sly way. She decided it was just a better move to ask and find out what this sad little man means by that. "What do you mean I am a special case? You calling me dangerous or is that your sad attempt to hit on me?" She fidgets with her hair vine annoyed a little.

#5Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 11:46 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure couldn't help but laugh at her comments given he didn't hate anyone, he just had a rather strong dislike towards "Oh your funny I could never bring myself to hate anyone long term." something that was true and false at the same time, either way, it was up to her to fighter out if he was being truthful. Not wanting to seem rude or anything he motioned for her to pull up a seat and relax with him so they can talk like civilized people. She was definitely the type of person that just got straight to the point, "I might have something on your person but what do I get from this exchange?" with the network expanding from the west to the north and now some parts of the east he might very well have some information.

The child side of him wanted to make them seem as though they had some other meaning behind it, while the mature side was more focused on picking up her little ticks. "I have something in mind that would have need of your skills is all." Blu tapped the folder against the table waiting on her reply. It was odd she didn't seem like she was flustered but from the way that she was toying with her hair vine things Azure could see something was bothering her.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:14 am

She sat down and looked at them and she wondered if they really were as informed as they claim to be. "Gonna be honest I think you are full of what this places drinks taste like." She insinuated they were full of shit and were bluffing with an empty hand.

They said they have use of her skills, she wonders which of her many skills this person needs from her that they couldn't get some place else. "What skills are you in need of?" She had to admit they had peeked her interest to know what they might need from her, She had a sorta sinking feeling when she asked this question like she will end up regretting the answer this person was about to throw at her like a loaded weapon swinging, not sure when the trigger will pull and the blast will take her life away. She remains calm as she waits for them to speak and tell her what it is they need from her.

#7Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:40 am

Azure Fenic

Azure felt offended that she would call him a lair so flat out but at the same time, he didn't really make it seem as though he was telling the truth either so it was a fair reaction. Would now be a bad time to offer a drink? the mature side thought as he wanted to build some trust but it didn't seem like that was an option. Ignoring her comment the informant went on to ask her about some missing details "So Vex would you mind telling me more about your cult?" throughout all his reports the cult was the only thing that he couldn't find solid information about.

Not wanting to answer her question the informant thought it be best to try and find something else to draw their focus as she seemed to be a lot harder to read now than before. Seeing that nearly everything that came from his mouth was treated as trash Blu wanted to try and try to kill both birds and help her out as well. "The current members of Fairy Tail are a weird bunch but any information on them is buried in my office back at the guild." Given he was still sorting out the two years' worth of documents he just might have something on Fairy Tail as random as the guild is.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 5:04 pm

She looks at them with a smirk when they said they wanted info on her cult. "Now why would I give you that info? If you want to meet them Thanh can be arranged. " she had a playful smile on her face, wondering why they of all people think she will rat on her own people.

She looks at them saying that the current members were a weird bunch. " What does that even mean? I would think you would have some off hand knowledge for me." She wonders if this person is just stupid or maybe they are just more useless then she thought they were. "Here I was thinking you would be useful for me, you end up a disappointment. " she sighs sitting back against her chair wondering what she should do, they are just as useless as they sounded when they first met, she had hoped for better from them maybe something useful.

#9Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:30 pm

Azure Fenic

So the girl was able to barter all be it with all the sass she had but it was progressing at least "Okay a nice middle ground I like it let's set that up later." if he was able to get first-hand information on the cult then he could sell it for a rather good price given he would be the only informant to actually go this deep for information. Her words stung more than he would have liked but with the current state of things he could only work with what he had from two years ago.

In an attempt to try and make himself seem more useful to her the next sentence had to be worded perfectly, "By weird bunch I mean they have conflicting reports about them, well except for their master oddly enough." it wasn't for the lack of trying to get the information it was more so the people that are stationed within that area needing to be reevaluated. The mature side of him wanted the information but at the same time, the child side wanted to toss her into the water for calling them useless.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:40 pm

She nods to them knowing full well they didn’t understand she was threatening to sacrifice them. She sorta feels bad for them cause she is just being completely unhelpful to them and just has to this point been rude and distant to them, but what did they expect from her.

She wonders why the info would be so weird for that guild weren’t they like the elite light guild of this country? She sees why the master would be known to them but she hopes they will give her some info on the weirdo they want info on. "I see well the guy I am looking for is some where around a B-rank or an A-rank. " She had very little to go on and the info of them is slow and takes time to get to her ear. "but you still didn’t tell me why you would need me. " She sleeps playing with her hair vine and looks at them.

#11Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:23 pm

Azure Fenic

"Knowing more than their rank would help but once I get back to the office I can get you more information if it's not archived." if the information had been sent to the archive then it would take about a day or so to find along with any extra documents that would be of use. The archive wasn't a place that he really liked to visit just due to the amount of work that has to be done in order to get in the building. Everything had started to work in his favor for now but it made him wonder just what Vex was like behind closed doors, was she actually nice or just the same scared little girl she tries to hide? a question that he may not get the answer to.

Azure looked at the girl with a confused look upon his face when she mentioned needing her, "What? Need you for what?" he hadn't forgotten his comment from before he was simply trying to focus on getting his thoughts organized. If she actually kept her word he would more than likely give her a hint as to what he had planned but until such time he had to keep her chasing the carrot a while longer.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:19 pm

She puffs her cheeks a little anger in her soul and she thinks about if this they are for real or if they are just messing with he or not, she wants to believe they will help her, but she doubts they will give her much info even if she tries to help then in anyway but she doesn’t know if she can trust them to keep a word she figures the would have need or want to keep to her.

" I need you to make your mind up, cause if I can help I might go out of my way to do it." she sorta wants to know what this person was all about instead of just hiding behind a mask and a vague idea of what they really want to do, she just feels they are hitting her with smoke and mirrors with lies thrown in to try and keep her hooked long enough to catch her.

#13Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:20 pm

Azure Fenic

His child side was loving all this as they enjoyed toying around with the cult leader "I'm looking for someone and my network may be good but it doesn't expand as far as yours." This had some truth to it given Cults have their ways of gathering intel and spreading the word of their idols. Finding his brother was a side project at this point in his life as he did want to know that he was safe or even alive for the matter. "If you are willing to trust me to any degree then I will find every last drop of info on this guy if you help me." a rather fair offer to given both of them would be getting what they want from it. Standing up from the table Blu extended his hand to the elf with a smile on his face as the mature side of him had begun to work out what makes the women tick.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:51 pm

She leaned forward over the table a little and smiled at them. "Tell me their name and I will have their name looked into. Give me appearance details as well, in case my network has them but under a different name. I will keep myside if you keep yours." She was will to play ball with them as long as they keep their end of the deal and don't back out on her. She does find them a little cute, they seem to be trying so hard and failing it is a bit cute to her, she just wished they would believe in them self a little more than this bumbling gated talking they are trying to do. They seem to suck at being very cloak and dagger.

She plays with her hair vine a little while she waited for their answer, then she smirks and gets a little closer to them and whispers to Azure. "This your usual spot to bring women for the first date?" She was teasing them but she figured maybe it would help them open their shell a little, she was a cult leader not a monster and this person was clearly struggling with something.

#15Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:55 pm

Azure Fenic

It was good to hear that she was willing to help him out with this side project of his and all though seeing her smile was rather offputting but was something that he could get used to if they actually managed to keep a healthy relationship. "There name is Alberto and here is a photo but it's the only one I have." The photo was the one that his family gave him when he first started on the mission so it had more value to him than any amount of information.

Azure nodded his head in agreement to the rest of her speech and pushed back the blue hair on the right side and tried to keep back his urge to laugh that she would think he wouldn't keep up his end of the deal. "Date...What are you talking about I-I didn't...I wouldn't!" the idea of all this being a date confused him greatly as neither of his sides could wrap their head around the concept of being with someone.

The Photo:

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:25 pm

She sits back snapping her fingers and a cultist appears and makes a copy of the picture then she hands it back to azure cause the picture probably means a lot to him. "Get this picture around, see if you can find him it is a top priority. " the cultist says he is on it and they disappear again to get the photo moving around to other places as fast as they can.

She can tell by the look on his face he was confused. She reaches over and ruffles his hair and giggles a little. "I was just teasing you don’t worry. I figured you needed me to catch you off guard a little. " she grabs her flagon and drinks more ale from it. She looks at him and smiles again then pokes his forehead. "Loosen up a little okay? " she moves her hand away from azure. She hopes her net work can find this brother of his quickly.

#17Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:13 pm

Azure Fenic

As she called her followers he had to think of how they just popped up from seemingly nowhere but it wasn't as though he hadn't done the same with his underlings but it was weird seeing someone else do it. Azure took the photo and slipped it into the folder on the table, giving it a light pat as if to say it was secure within it.

Date I've read it in books before but the actual thing seemed confusing he thought to himself as he tried to focus on the words coming from the cultist but it was too late as he tried to apply the knowledge from books to the current situation. "I-I knew that was a joke you aren't my type anyway." She ruffled his hair and told him to relax, the one thing he didn't want to do just yet given the amount of work that needed to be done. "Now I have to dig up those books," he muttered to himself fixing his hair that Vex had so nicely messed up for him with no issue of touching him at all. The confusion started to grow even more as he tried to think.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:49 pm

She watched him pat the folder and guessed she made the right choice not to Have the original taken. She wondered what was going through his head and when he said she wasn’t his type she nearly spit out her drink. "Then what is your type if it isn’t me? " She guesses she got the wrong impression from him. She slides her chair away from him her proper training taking over so not to crowd her host. She places her seat back on the other side of the table from him.

She looks at him and nods her head. "yeah I hope the book has what we need." she sips back from her drink feeling like she might have made this an awkward meeting She hopes she hasn’t thrown the man off of his groove, she rubs her arm a little and listens to the ocean Waves and hearing the birds over head. "At least it is a nice day today. You got plans ? "

#19Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:48 pm

Azure Fenic

"I-I will let you know..." A question that he really couldn't answer at the current time given the topic had never come up through his Mothers did talk about something similar when he was home he didn't pay much thought. Vex must like seeing Blu in a very rare state of confusion and uncertainty two things that he never liked dealing with but for some reason, she was just able to inflict these things on him with no problem. "Trust me it'll have everything and maybe more." the number of things could have slowed this process down if he didn't know the people that he knows but either way he would find a way to deliver.

"Yes I do, unfortunately, Odin wants me to organize his collection but after that nothing, I think." Her questions didn't sit right with him for the most part even if they were harmless but he couldn't help thinking of their second meaning.

{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 12:02 am

Vex smiled and she keeps a smiles at hearing they will work hard for it and she hopes that he will be able to find anything at all that can help her, but she has full trust in their work. She stands and she puts her hand out to her for a hand shake she is unsure if he will take it or if he will leave it at that, she is just happy to see him maybe a little stumbling over himself. She finishes her flagon of Ale then she walks out of the way of the man so she can see what he will do will he leave fast or will he try to hang around the place to keep talking to her about anything or if she will even be able to face him cause she embarrassed herself in front of him already at this point she wondered if they see it as her having embarrassed herself in front of him or not

#21Azure Fenic 

Gathering Information (private) Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:54 pm

Azure Fenic

He watched the woman finish off her drink and offer her had to him, given what Azure knew about them made the handshake feel weird but then again they didn't have room to judge anyone. Even though they didn't really spend that much time talking he had a good grasp on her personality and goal to some extent anyway. I should have gotten a drink, during their whole conversation Blue hadn't even noticed she even had a drink, not wanting to seem distrustful Azure shook her hand and smiled as they might actually have a beautiful partnership.

"Okay, I'll let you know when I find the documents." the informant couldn't help but feel as though Vex wanted them to do something but for the life of him he couldn't put a finger on it, regardless he needed to work fast. while he walked away tried to rack his brain on just who could be the most useful in this hunt.


{Sheet / Magic}
Gathering Information (private) Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

Gathering Information (private) Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 9:34 pm

Vex watches the man leave the meeting the waiter comes and takes her flagon and she wonders when she will see him again, she then makes her way, away from the table. Vex leaves this meeting wondering if Azure will even remember her as they seemed too scattered brained to really pay attention but she had a weird feeling she might like him a little maybe but she isn’t sure if it cause he said he would help her or because he has a sorta stupid male kind of charm cause of how clueless he seemed but she will see if they grow closer or if they grow farther way from each other, she is unsure if this is a good or a bad choice on her part but she guesses she will see it through to the end not like he is gonna be leaving the west anytime soon right?


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