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West - North

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#1Azure Fenic 

West - North Empty Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:04 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure didn't feel one way or the other about heading back to the North given it was just the home of his first guild and also its resting place. He placed the last of his things into his backpack and made his way to his mount so they could try and reinvent themself to an extent. "Okay, this will be the last time I promise girl." Hopping onto the back of his Griffin and took to the skies.

By the time that he made it to the North, he couldn't help but get the feeling that he was forgetting something or someone that was kind of important "Oh well must not have been that important..." he told himself as the beast began to sway side to side which meant something was wrong with it. He tried to get it to regain itself self but it seemed like it was going to crash into some part of the guild building or the huge rock it was on, either way, it spelled a rather painfully end that he could probably walk away from if not crawl away. He found it laughable that he would finally get back to the guild only to cause trouble on arrival as it would probably be his personal best if it did then again the Boss would be rather upset with him if anything happened to the guild building or would he? something that he would rather not want to test out. Azure held on to the leather tightly as his mount tried to stabilize its self just enough to land in a semi-decent place Now that I think about it how did I get here before he thought to himself as the beast landed and throw him off its back and into a wall "...Owwww" he picked himself up and checked his mount to find that it had fallen asleep. Now that he was finally back he had some rest and training to catch up on while he was here, though that would mean that he would need a partner to help with such things. The sudden realization hit Azure "Oh...I forgot about them...." he muttered remembering that he forgot about Etaoin back in Myras after telling them they would make this trip together "I'll deal with that issue later if anything else comes up." he told himself aloud while heading into the rather gloomy building.

{Sheet / Magic}
West - North Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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