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Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral)

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Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:53 am


The man was thinking about what Yuurei had said, and if he was truly not done, then he was going to make sure to give this man the jewels he deserved if he wanted to continue and exterminate all the rats that were infesting the building.

“Yes, if you can go into the sewers and kill the rats that have infested this building, then I will pay you so many jewels that you won’t regret it.” He said to Yuurei with a smile on his face.

The light mage wanted to hear this and he would turn around to look at the building once more.

“Renji you ready to kill the giant rat queen? I’m pretty sure she’ll have a lot of them guarding here, and others making sure that nobody gets too close.” He said to his partner.

“Yes, we need to get rid of them. They’re bigger than me and I don’t like them. I hunt rats, but those things are the predators to cats.” He said to Yuurei.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:54 am


The light mage would chuckle when he heard that from Renji and looking at the size of them his friend was not wrong. Yuurei would enter the building once again, and he would sigh with relief that there weren’t any rats in the building or at least in the upper levels. There were no signs of giant rats making their way up the stairs from the basement either. The berserker would start walking down the stairs because it was something he had been procrastinating the entire time. He was hoping the man would deny them more money, but that wasn’t the case.

Now he had to go into the hell hole of it all and he was definitely going to need a shower after this. He would shiver a bit as he would make his way to the basement. When he got there, he would look around the area as he was walking to find where they were coming from.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:54 am


Yuurei would look around the area as it was quiet, and he didn’t like it. He was nervous that one of these things was going to jump at him. He knew that he could handle it, but it was just not fun to be taken by surprise. The light mage kept moving through the basement area, and he would see the huge open gap that led to the sewers. This was crazy, but he was getting paid to do this. He would enter the sewers as he could shiver again because of the nasty smell that came with the location.

“My nose hates this damn smell. We need to finish this fast or I’m going to pass out down here.” He said to Yuurei as he held his nose.

The light mage wouldn’t laugh because Renji was right about that. He wasn’t going to pass out, but this smell freaking sucked.

“Yeah, I will do my best to get the job done. Please just do your best to stay conscious until I finish this.” He said to Renji as he was traversing through the sewers.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:54 am


While they were walking around, Yuurei was doing his best to track where the giant rats were going and coming from. His eyes focused as he continued moving through the sewers. It wouldn’t take long for him to find the prints he was looking for. He nodded because he was going to have to be prepared for the worse. He figured the queen giant rat would be stronger and fiercer than her followers. He continued moving through the area, but he would soon come to a stop. His eyes widen when he saw the number of giant rats that were there, and he sighed as he figured that he was going to have to take out a lot of them all at the same time.

Yuurei was not in a mood to be swarmed by that many at once. He would gather himself before he decided that he would use two of his spells to take them out, so they wouldn’t be able to do anything to him.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:55 am


Yuurei would stretch their arms out as they were looking over to the giant rats. It was then a magic circle would appear in front of him before a second would appear under the ceiling and above the giant rats. It wouldn’t take long, but a bunch of arrows would come flying down as they were being hit by the attack and falling to the ground in pain and in agony from the attack. Of course, he wasn’t done though. While this was being done, he stretched his other arm in front of him and another magic circle would appear in front of him.

This time a ball that was star shape would be launched straight towards the rats as they would look over to where they were being attacked. It was then they would be hit by the star ball, and it would explode when the first giant rat had been hit by it. The squeal could be heard throughout the entire sewers.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:55 am


It wasn’t just that, but there would be shaking in the sewers as Yuurei’s spells had shaken the entire foundation of the structure above him. Still, while hearing all the giant rats running for their lives for nothing, the squealing would continue. The berserker would wait until the attack was over and soon enough the noise would come to a stop. He had killed a bunch of rats there, but it didn’t mean he was done here. They were probably just roaming around as a pact, so there must have been more.

He kept moving once the attack was over and he would see that it was a straight path right now and continued moving forward. He moved around the dead rats or whatever was left of them. Renji was surprised to see the devastation that came from Yuurei’s spell but knew that his friend was always this strong. Still, right now they continued their search for the queen of the giant rats.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:55 am


The half-elf kept moving and soon enough he would find some fresh tracks. He couldn’t find it before because of what he had done with his magic. His movements were quick as he was getting deep inside of the sewers. As he kept moving through it all, he would hear the noises start up again. He would sigh as he knew this wasn’t going to be good. The light mage would turn the corner and he would see four giant rats standing guard. Well, they were constantly moving, but they never left that area. While Yuurei continued watching he noticed they were moving in a patter.

He must have been getting close, but it meant that he was going to have to take these things out before going forward. He would open both hands this time and he would allow the magic circles to appear above his hands. It was then the stars would come out of the magic circle and he would get ready for the fun to begin.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:56 am


Yuurei would allow the stars to enter him, and when he was ready, he would get into a position. Once he was done, he would kick off and started running towards the four rats that were in front of him. They squeal and start running towards Yuurei but in a different pattern than the other giant rats. Still, they were no match for him. He would watch the first giant rat swipe at him instead of trying to pounce at him. He would dodge the first attack as he saw a second swipe coming at him. He would crouch to avoid the second swipe, and he would counterattack.

He would find himself punching the giant rat twice in the stomach before it dropped to the ground from the heavy blows. It was then the second one would show up and try to do the same thing the last one it had done. This time he didn’t get a chance to attack because the third giant rat would attack after.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:56 am


Yuurei was surprised about how strong and experienced these rodents were. He definitely didn’t want to know what they had been through to learn how to fight. Still, the third giant rat wasn’t lucky like the second one. The light mage would kick the giant rat on the neck, and then while his leg was on its neck, he would slam the giant rat down onto the ground. The squeal that came from the giant rat was quick as it was silenced. The fourth giant rat rushed straight towards Yuurei and would jump on the side of the wall before jumping at Yuurei. He would rush towards it, and he would get under the rodent before leaping into the air with an uppercut.

The berserker would then use his other hand and land a second uppercut to the rat. It made the same noise as the other one. Yuurei would land on the ground before the giant rat would do and he would move out of the way, so he didn’t get crushed.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:56 am


He would look over to the second and now final giant rat that was here. They would lock eyes with each other, which brought Yuurei to shiver a bit. He didn’t think he could look at a rodent in the eyes like this, but here he was. The light mage would rush straight towards the final rodent, and he would sidestep to the side and before the giant rat could react to it Yuurei would punch it three times in its side. The giant rat would fly towards the wall with these attacks, and it would fall to the ground as it was now lifeless. He would sigh with this as he knew that he was getting close to the end. He started moving through the sewers again as he was walking through the pathway they were protecting.

He kept moving through the place as he could see that it was leading him to the final area. When he got into the area, he would see a huge rat bigger than all the other ones he had seen.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:57 am


It wasn’t alone though as it had a bunch of other giant rats around the location. They would all notice Yuurei at the same time and would start running at him. His eyes widen as he was not going to allow this to happen. His heart was racing as he would stretch both his hands in front of him. He was casting his magic at the same time. Two magic circles would appear in front of him, and he would push a star ball out as it would soar straight towards all the giant rats that were running towards him. The other magic circle created a magic circle above the giant rats and soon a barrage of arrows would come down.

They would decide judgment on the giant rats as they would all fall to the ground from the arrows as they were all now lifeless. The queen giant rat would see that all her babies were taken out by this man, and she would roar from what happened.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:57 am


Yuurei would get on the defense for a second as the rat was moving straight towards him. It was then he would see how big its hand was. He would dodge the attack, but when the queen’s hand hit the ground, he could feel the force behind it because the ground was shaking. The light mage didn’t want to get hit by this shit, so he decided to go on the offense now. The light mage was ready as now that he had dodged her attack, he would give her what she deserved.

The Nephilim would run straight towards the giant rat queen as it was turning in his direction. When she did, she would be met with two strong jabs from Yuurei, which would cause it to stumble back and roar from the pain she felt from his punches. Still, she was not down for the count as she would run towards Yuurei and charged straight towards him.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:57 am


Yuurei’s eyes widen as he couldn’t dodge this, and he would just do his best to block it. The giant rat queen would connect her charge and she would slam Yuurei into the wall near her. She would step back from this, and the light mage would fall to the ground for a quick second. He would cough a bit as he dodged the next attack that had come his way. She was trying to attack him while he was down, but he wasn’t going to allow that. Yuurei figured he would be able to take her if he attacked her a few more times.

He rushed straight towards her, and he would punch her three times before doing a roundhouse kick as he would hear the queen rodent whimpering from the pain, but she was still standing. Still, she was panting and trying her best to find a way to run away. While she was doing Yuurei would run to her and deliver the final blow.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:01 am


Yuurei would punch her twice as he put all his power into this, and the queen giant rat would roar one last time before she fell to the ground, and it was in complete silence. He would sigh as he would look around, he would see that there were a lot of valuable things here. This was the place where she was hoarding her stuff. He would pick up everything that was here as it took some time, and he would put it into Renji’s bag. It would take a while, but soon enough they would be done with the work. Yuurei had to make sure that there were no rats alive, but once he was certain his job was done.

“Let’s go to the man and get paid for the job we did.” He said to Renji.

The Exceed would agree with Yuurei, and they would start leaving the sewers and retracing their steps back to the basement.



Pest Control PT. 2 (Neutral) Empty Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:05 am


Yuurei would make it to the basement, and he would continue his movements as it wouldn’t take him long to get to the first floor of the building. He would open the door and there he would see the man was still standing there. The light mage had a smile on his face and the man was shocked to see Yuurei was still alive.

He would walk over to the man and Renji would open his bag again as he would let all the stuff, they found to fall in front of the man who owned the building.

“We killed their leader and every giant rat we could find inside of the sewers. You can do what you want with this building, but I need to go and shower, so can you pay us.” He said to the man.

The man was surprised with everything that Yuurei had done, and he would be quick to get the money out for him. He would hand the Nephilim his payment of jewels. Yuurei would feel the heavy bag and when he thought it was right, he would walk away to go take a damn shower.


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