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Cleanup Crew (Good)

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Cleanup Crew (Good) Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:18 pm


Yuurei was walking through Orchidia as the North had become his permanent home. He was checking out the apartments in the city and while walking around there he would see an old lady pacing back and forth from her apartment. The berserker decided to go check what was wrong with the lady and approached her carefully. He made sure she saw him coming and he would wave at her to show that he was friendly. When he got close enough, he would stop and speak from where he stood.

“Hello there, what seems to be the problem?” He asked her because of the pacing.

“Oh it’s nothing really, it’s just that I was supposed to move into this apartment, but it’s really dirty. I can clean this, and I don’t know what to do. I need someone that can clean all of this for me.” She said to Yuurei.

The light mage felt bad for her as he would open the door to check how bad it was.



Cleanup Crew (Good) Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:18 pm


When he saw how bad it was his eyes widened from the surprise. He couldn’t believe someone could live like this, or even move out of a place leaving it in this condition. He would rub the back of his head because he was going to have his work cut out for him. Renji was not going in there because he knew his fur would be dirty spending hours in that place. He would hop off of Yuurei and he would lay down on the wall. The half-elf would look over to the old lady and smile.

“Do you have cleaning stuff with you?” He asked her and she would smile at him and walked over to a corner.

Soon after she would come back to him with a bunch of cleaning products and tools for him. He nodded because she had planned this from the beginning. Still, he was glad she brought the stuff for him so he could get started.



Cleanup Crew (Good) Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:19 pm


Yuurei would put on the face mask, gloves, and cleaning hat as he was ready to tackle this mess. He had gone inside as he was putting everything inside of the garbage bag that he could. It was disgusting to see this, and there was a lot of junk as well. He kept moving around as he couldn’t believe the number of garbage bags he was using. This was crazy because this alone was taking him a few hours to do. He couldn’t believe that an apartment could hold this much garbage, but he was wrong. Renji could only hear a bunch of commotions in the background and would only chuckle. Still, the light mage pushed through and soon enough he would be able to put everything inside of a bunch of garbage bags. He would sigh with relief as it was time to move on to the next part of the cleaning. Yuurei needed to dust things off and onto the ground.



Cleanup Crew (Good) Empty Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:20 pm


Yuurei would do exactly that as that would also take a while as well. Still, after he had done, the Nephilim would start sweeping everything after taking out the garbage bags. The sweeping would turn into mopping and after everything was done, he would find the apartment as clean as ever. It wouldn’t take long, but the door would open, and Granny Betty would smile with cookies in her hand. She was happy to see that he got the job done.

“Why thank you for doing all of this. Here’s a cookie for your hard work, and of course here are some jewels for your time.” She said to him.

Yuurei would smile and bow to her as he took a cookie and ate it without hesitating. Once he got paid, Renji would see that they were done for now. He would get on top of Yuurei’s shoulder, and they would head back to Paradise Dawn for the day.

652/450 (10% reduction from companion)

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