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Disenchanted Potion

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Disenchanted Potion  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:37 am


Today she was going to meet up with the doctor. She wasn't really sure why she was going to meet up with him today, but she assumed it was for research. Round for the doctor, but so far she hasn't really found him. She decided to go search for some food before she even goes further into the research. Her eyes scanned the stalls as she looked around to put things in her basket. Maybe she will grab some apples and some water. Even some sandwiches will do. Once she had everything in the basket, she then continued her search for Stephan. As soon as she got closer to the area where she needed to find him, she saw that he actually found her in and waved at her. He hurried and jogged over there. And showed him a basket for him and her in case they ever got hungry through the research.


Disenchanted Potion  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:38 am


He started to explain that he was in a mood to create some potion that was magical. One that apparently is said to bolster the drinker into medical reserves. There was a problem though, with the potion as it was outlawed by the Council in many years ago for some reason. Maybe it was because of the ingredients involved. The ingredients they needed was a tiny lizard that lived in the forest as it was endangered and it was illegal to hunt it, obviously. He is happy about working outside the law as she could see him smiling as he explained it. She wondered if she should even bother with the harming a poor lizard that was just trying to live its life. But then she thought of the money and decided to do it anyway. She agreed and he smiled, satisfied as he gave the details and told her.


Disenchanted Potion  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:41 am


He carefully explained what it looked like. As it was a spotted lizard of red and black. It was pretty small, but the tail is high grade in terms of material. For some reason it was really special to have it, but she then went along with it. She said goodbye and left oak without him, as apparently, she was going to make her way out of the city and towards the forest alone. She thought she was doing this with him, so she brought extra food, but she was by herself. She wondered where to start looking as the forest was pretty huge and this creature was pretty small. She wondered how delicate this creature is, as it was a small little lizard. Thankfully, the weather was pretty good as it was a little windy and sunny. Even though that was true, the forest was still dark as hell.


Disenchanted Potion  Empty Sat Mar 26, 2022 7:45 am


She started with the rocks of little areas that could be easily hidden. But so far, she couldn't find anything. So she's also started to then look in the Bushes. She forgot exactly what he told her. If he told her anything at all where they could be hiding. All she knew was that they were in the forest. She closed her eyes to enjoy the air that she could feel as she then opened them. She suddenly heard a noise coming from a Bush that was next to a tree. Does she not check that tree specifically with the Bush? She walked over to it and slowly opened the Bush to see there was a lizard right there. It started to scatter, but before it could go any further, she hurried up and caught it and put it in a little cage. She brought it back to the doctor and was rewarded soon after.



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