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Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ)

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Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:46 pm


Kaito getting a disturbing quest heads in at the request of an Inspector named Nilan, he hurries to the meeting point he is worried that maybe Weirdlock might of gotten away from the knights and may have moved his murder spree to the north, but as he walks in and is filled in he isn't told anything that in his mind would flag Weirdlock in his mind so he is guessing now he has become a investigator after helping solve the case and getting Weirdlock locked up and caught for his crimes. Kaito doesn't feel he deserves to be seen so highly as that after all he was at fault for at least one of those deaths that had happened he had even tried to turn himself in for it but the Rune Knights just laughed at him for what he had said mas they had no interest in, arresting him after all he is the one who caught the guy in the end and they know he had no intent to kill anyone but he needed to have to fight him in the end so they are requesting him to help them in the end so that they can sleep easier and not worry about the trouble that might come form this stuff.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:46 pm


He just wants to help get this case to a close as fast as he can as well as he knows that having a murderer running around will end up causing a huge panic among the people and he doesn't need to see that happening again so soon after he had dealt with Weirdlock and his trail of bodies. Inspector Nilan gives kai an escort to go and look around at the crime scenes and try to find out if he can find or see anything that might help them find a lead. Revy looks at the Rune Knights they will be working with for the day and she takes mental notes of the area they are and how they are standing, as is Kai cause last time he trusted someone they ended up being the murderer and then tried to kill him to make sure the story never saw the light of day and was not going to run away from this fight but he figures there might be more at foot here.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:46 pm


Killing as the men said there was nothing found like who ever it was, was good and knew when and were to kill that was not gonna get found till it was too late to be stopped. Kai wondered what that could mean if it was just a side comment or if it had a deeper meaning that he could start dissecting it and turning it to better bite size pieces that they can get to the puzzle that was starting to form in front of them as they get to the first site they wondered why Kai stopped short and looked around Kai can already tell this scene has no evidence but he still walks in deeper cause of how the body was placed and the looks of the remains they were professional and they were swift with this kill and it wasn't watched over for long so anyone could have swapped any extra pieces that were needed to be done.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:47 pm


He sighs and pulls out a pair magic magnifying glasses to look closer but as he thought this scene was as clear and clean as a prized jewel in a museum, there was no way Kai was gonna get anything from this body or scene it was clear that the killer knew what they were doing and didn't even need to stop for a second thought and he looks at the three Rune Knights asking questions and they seem to all answer truthfully but he asked a question and that one had given a little extra the other two hadn't like a slip of a tongue they might not have realized. Kai thinks maybe they were just an over zealous Rune Knight that might have seen some reports and such but he keeps a mental note of it just in case cause there was nothing else here that could be used so they start walking away. Revy knows Kai is pretty bright and is goo at puzzles and riddles so these mysteries and who done its are up his alley and if Kai gets some clues they might be able to piece together the puzzle and find out who the real killer was if it wasn't just random murders made by more then one person and they just happened to happen so close together and when the patrolling Rune Knights weren't around but he wasn't gonna give up or try to run away from this.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:49 pm


He was gonna see it through and make sure that he takes them down and makes sure that the real killer is caught and locked up like the animal they are for doing such things to people and not remain out and running around no matter how holy or right their killings are. The Rune Knights open their eyes thinking what is this man about cause he has done weird things and he is making no sense as he mumbles to himself and the Cat seems to be looking and watching as things go with the man they wonder if the man had trained the cat to help him solve mysteries and travel around the country. The Rune Knight laughed at his own idea and he wondered what they were gonna do from here on out and thinks maybe he will write a book about a mage that travels with an exceed and they solve mysteries and solve crimes as a crime fighting duo.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:49 pm


Kai clears his throat so that the knights will snap back to the task at hand and has them lead him to the second scene which he figures will be as clean and with no clues again but he has too do it and make sure that he doesn't even miss the smallest detail or it might cause more trouble after getting him to the second scene he gets to work and the Rune Knights leave him to it to go and return to their patrol routes that they should be working and protection, as night falls Kaito has come up empty handed he starts walking from the scene with Revy walking beside him and they are walking away from the scene and Kai stops in his tracks he smiles blood and it is fresh and he doesn't say anything but just starts running from the way he smiles it from and Revy chases after him.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:49 pm


Kai runs up to the body and he knows from the sound that the one that did it had just left in a rush and he gets an idea as this body is fresh. He opens a portal and he puts the body somewhere safe as it had just breathed its last breath Kai is gonna lure them out making them think that Kai got to it in time and he was able to use healing magic to save them and they are just waiting for the man to wake up and tell them who had tried to kill them he told Revy to go spread the word and she runs off to go and tell the Rune Knights so the word spreads quickly and that Kaito himself will be defending the persons room himself to make sure that the man doesn't get finished off and the Rune Knights are against it.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:49 pm


They wonder if Kai was lying but they were not gonna get past him even if they had tried their hardest and he was the one assigned to the mission on this one so they can't complain. Kaito had put a dummy on the bed and has Revy in the room with the heart monitoring stone on herself so that it looks like the dummy is alive and has a heart beat so if people had wanted a sneak peak and saw the dummy sleeping but far enough away that they can't tell it is a dummy in the bed but looks like an attack survivor and this was the perfect bait for some poor idiot that needs to make sure this dummy is murdered and can't tell on them and reveal the real bad one behind it all. Kaito gets called away by a nurse saying there was someone that had needed him to rush out that their is a fight and they think they caught the guy.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:49 pm


As soon as Kaito was out of sight a masked man hurries into the room and draws their weapon mumbling how this time he wasn't gonna fail to kill them this time and he goes to stab down into the dummy but his blade is deflected away from it by a sword being wield by Kaito and the masked man wonders how he knew that he would be here so fast or how that he could have gotten here in the blink of an eye he hadn't heard the door open behind him, he looked back and saw the door was still closed firmly and other seemed to be disturbed from when he had come in and he wonders how the hell he was able to stop him. Kaito smirks and he readies his weapon as the masked man jumps backwards and then jumps at Kaito who seems to know how this man is gonna be fighting with a well trained hand he knew this person was either an assassin or he was a Rune Knight. Kaito parries and keeps the man on his toes neither of them was gonna give an inch by Kaito was clearly the more calm one in this fight with a smile plastered on his face and not wasting a movement as they clash and the mans weapon snaps.


Murderous Madman (Solo A-Rank GQ) Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 12:50 pm


Kaito's weapon was a master crafted weapon that wasn't gonna just lose to anything so common as what they were wieldingn Kai kicks the man in the chest and they topple over defeated and Kaito removes the mas and it was the over zealous Rune Knight from earlier that seemed ready to take on the world and had all the answers. Kai guesses he shoulda just listened to his gut cause he again coulda save another life if he had just trusted in what his gut was telling him, he calls Revy out of hiding as he ties the man down and calls the Rune Knights to handle the man cause at this point Kaito was feeling beyond displeased. Kaito receives his reward and he hands over the actual body and they are sad it had to come to the and that it had been one of their own numbers that had been the one causing it and killing in cold blood.
(1822/1600 20% wc 10%guild+10%companion)

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