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Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank)

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Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:49 am


Kaito got request needing help with some rats and Kaito wondered why a rat issue would be one worth calling on mages to come and handle either they are gonna be magic rats or they were gonna be some sort of giant rats. Either way the mage was gonna have to defend and probably have to fight hard to make sure this is all gonna go in his favor he has to survive he knows this is just another bump before he can find his happiness and maybe have a family some time in the future. He needs to handle this fast cause he has to be honest his heart is screaming and begging him to hurry and go to see her and maybe talk to her and get her some kind of gift or maybe it would be best that he just faked that he died and spared her feelings cause she would probably be more happy without him or the need to try to cure him.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:49 am


He walks to where the request says he has to clear out the rats and the place looks like it might actually be a good spot if it had been repaired and wasn't suffering from a over flowing rat problem and this place was gonna take time to clear and to make sure that they stay gone. If they think that that want a place that will probably take them years to get all the rat piss and shit smell out of the place and see if it will even last if some one with a sense of smell can catch wind of it. Kaito looks at Revy who goes in to scout around a little and see how bad it is and if it was really worth his time and his energy to go in with his sword swinging and his portal skills on full display to assert dominance over the rats.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:50 am


He wasn't just gonna stand around and not take this jewel pool as he tries to build for a future that may never come and might never come to vision and just stay an illusion on a far off horizon and he doesn't want that too be true but he knows that he is dangerous and he is a danger magnet he doesn't want to cause that woman to have to deal with it but he knows that his chances of having a happy ending are nearly zero but he figures if there is a chance over zero then there is a way that he can make it happen if he wants it bad enough to do it and take them out of the fight and the pain of it all that maybe he can see a happy sun raise with someone that loves him. Revy comes running out and tells him that the area is packed with rats and that the real fight is gonna be deeper in and she looks like she is shaking.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:50 am


Revy tells a story of how close she had just come to being rat food and she was just glad that she can be of help to Kai and he slightly scolds her for nearly getting hurt but he lifts and he hugs her close to help her calm down so she isn't so scared and shaking so badly. He knows she does to do too much and it seems to always just come back and bite her a bit that she should be more careful but he recklessness has also saved his ass more then once in these years he has been with her, she is an irreplaceable friend, she is pretty much his daughter or his bold and slightly annoying younger sister that is always on her game and watching over him as he trips and stumbles but she stops him from falling fully on his face in failure.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:50 am


Kaito is unsure how he would have gotten so far if it hadn't been for this small cat creature cheering him on and keeping him going he feels that he might of fallen to the darker side of the balance if it hadn't been for her keeping him on the straight and narrow along with Judith of course but he doesn't know how Judith even sees him if a Child or just another reckless fool guild member that will never make a difference that just cycles through the guild like a horrible accident just waiting to happen and tear the guild apart but he thinks of her like a motherly figure even if he, himself is an adult, she makes him feel safe and sound. He knows he is gonna have to leave Fairy Tail soon rather he likes it or not he sees how it has happened in other dimensions when it happened earlier then in this one he knows he has to do this and bring fourth himself and the untapped potential that lays within him.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:50 am


He opens the door and the assault begins as these rats were huge and they were not gonna let him have this place without a giant fight for who will be the big dog that gets to keep this dog house of a place the smell inside was the smell Kai expected as his years of dealing with things like this with his master gave him the knowledge to deal with this smell cause he has mental shut off his sense of smell or else this place would have some one normal on the floor gagging and turning into rat food cause they couldn't fight back cause these rats were use to it being like that in here unlike a normal person would be he sorta bet a wood elves eye would have probably rolled back into their head dead from this smell alone, maybe one would have tried to tame a rat.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:50 am


He laughed as he keeps fighting through these rats and Revy not wanting to be useless weight is kicking some rats ass as well she was not gonna be shown up by them and she needed pay back from the near bite from earlier that she had been shaken up about. Kai is glad to see she is able to stand vs them with him as he is usually always working and fighting alone just with her as company but not really giving him any real hand he might have to start looking into having a quest mate so they can tear through their quests, if he will shift to dark being a super villain or if he will rise a hero like he has in other dimensions he has seen into, he just hopes he doesn't die to his evil self that is a dimensional god slayer that is a bad end he can not afford to allow happen.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:51 am


The surviving rats are starting to fall back and regroup and Kaito starts making portals and he jumps into them and through them slashing and attacking and to protect Revy from an ambush and he hopes that he can save all of the misfortune he has had and use it for good for the others and his future may be a hell scape of his own making but he can't let that possibility but he is gonna save the people and fight for what he can do and deal with at the time and he kicks two rats into each other through portals, it seemed like there wasn't an end to them but he knows there has to be a leader of the rat a rat king if you will he wonders if these are giant what must their leader look like he moves along looking around and watching their backs as he wonders where they will attack him and Revy from this time.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:51 am


The floor under them rattles and Kai portals Revy to a safe spot and Kai jumps back quickly as a massive Rat claw smashes through the floor and had swiped at him and he wasn't gonna let that thing hit him or Revy it will probably to acid like effects from the look of it and how it had broken through the floor boards which are still making a faint hissing noise, Kai was lucky that he was well trained in this to protect himself and Revy quickly, he had let his guard down for a moment and Revy almost payed for that mistake. He runs at the paw slashing it and it withdrawing back to the basement and he knows that means that is where he is gonna have to go and do it swiftly as he can hear a pack of pack coming at him hot he slashes the first set that break the door thresh hold.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:51 am


The squeals are almost deafening as he rends flesh and breaks bones in their huge rat bodies he kicks them down the stairs and he gets into the basement and he keeps fighting his way through the swarm of rats that have started coming up the stairs at him but lucky for Kai they can only come up one at a time and he keeps kicking and slashing them as he goes through the stair way and into the basement and he keeps on his way and Revy is following and knocks on away from Kai that lashed out at him from the shadows, he looks at Revy and he gives her a thumbs up and a smile to thank her, he knows he is gonna be treating her to a big meal after the finish clearing this place out and shower to get the lingering smell out of them and their clothes.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:52 am


Kai keeps himself in the lead so Revy isn't at risk, but Revy finds some smaller rats to fight and keep herself busy while Kaito takes on the big ones and then get to the boss and seal the entrance they came through he wasn't gonna just enjoy this but this will probably work well as a part of a book one of the Rune Knights wants to right about Kaito and Revy. He doesn't see why his life would be worth writing a book about, but he wasn't gonna piss on some guys dreams cause he doesn't see the point in them or the book but maybe the book will do some work for someone else that might need a pick me up in a dark hour that nothing else will fill for them but this moment means more then just a story it is another job well done, but he has to earn it vs the acid spewing rat monster once he gets to it and right now he is neck deep in vile rat monsters that have hoarded some stolen goods as well.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:52 am


It was time for Kaito to make sure this rats nest was no more so he got serious and he fired of a beam that just straight tore though the rats like they were made of cheap paper that ripped from the most gently of touches of pressure and he keeps himself on top of it and he makes his way to the rat king and it looked worse up close and it looked like it was a cross between a rat and a bear he wondered if this rat was some sort of monster that escaped a mad mage doing tests of magic items and DNA testing to try and make some huge ugly monster that was not meant for this world but this thing seemed slow and not really able to do much but those acid paws it has are no joke and he wasn't gonna let this thing get a hand on him.


Pest Control 1 (Solo NQ S-Rank) Empty Fri Apr 01, 2022 11:52 am


He uses his portals to speed himself up and he launches himself at the monster and he spins with his blade in his hand and he starts just chopping pieces off of this rat and he plays portal shuffle with them so it didn't make the floor acid as well as this things blood seemed to be acidic in nature as well, he gets it dead and he gets rid of the body then he walks over to the sewer opening and he forces it to collapse and he starts using his portals to collect all the stolen stuff putting it all in a pile on the upper floor so they can't claim he had stolen anything for himself and he makes sure Revy didn't take anything as well and he goes with Revy to go get their pay then go to get cleaned up and eat some food they had earned it.
(2110/2000 20% WC 10%guild+10%compainion)

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