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Cleanup Crew [GSQ]

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#1Amir † 

Cleanup Crew [GSQ] Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:07 pm

Amir †

Amir was having a busy morning. He needed to check out some old apartments. Amir wanted to find a place to scope the Sleeping Calamity Guild Hall. Horizon Apartments had a good reputation and was clean enough. Amir viewed it as the perfect location.

Walking to the front Amir greeted an old lady, she was looking distressed. It was enough to grab his attention. Amir always tried to greet the elderly with respect. He felt like it was a way to honor the old man that made a difference in his life. Amir started to treat most elderly like a replacement for the guidance he lost.

The elderly woman looked at Amir, she took the initiative to approach him. She was telling Amir about a dirty room a previous owner had left behind. She mentioned how difficult it would be to sell a room that was hideous. She had people coming to check it out soon as well.


#2Amir † 

Cleanup Crew [GSQ] Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:09 pm

Amir †
Amir had a brain blast. This was the type of situation he needed. Finding a room would have been a coin toss. The Horizon Apartment barely had any vacancies to fill out. Amir would also be doing a kind deed. He just had to offer his services. Amir spent a few minutes talking to her. Hearing out about her life before offering his help. She agreed and started taking Amir up to the apartment.

Opening the door and looking in, Amir had to consider the word dirty to be an understatement. The place was a picture definition filthy there was not even much of an area to walk, let alone stand. Getting inside the room was enough of a job all by itself. Amir had to keep him calm. The old lady may have been a fox but it was not an issue for him to deal with. He had plenty of practice dealing with the spicy ginger types. Minstrel was all about outthinking your opponent to get what you want.

[171 | 329]

#3Amir † 

Cleanup Crew [GSQ] Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:19 pm

Amir †
Taking the request Amir immediately started to get to work. He did not want to spend two days doing something that could be done in a day. He had cleaned up a lot in his life. Cleaning a couple of rooms did not feel like a big job to him. Amir did not even give it his full attention. He started to clean on auto pilot. Organizing the stuff that was left could even be considered oddly therapeutic to him as well. Amir was one to enjoy tasks that involved focus and concentration. He did not even notice the time passing around him. He was too absorbed in his tasks.

When the place was cleaned up to a standard that he could agree with. Amir stopped. The work and elbow grease he had put in was great. The floors were even clean enough for him to eat off of. Not that he would but it was possible now.

The old lady came back to the room. She had an impressed look on her face. She was happy with the results of his hard work. She gave him some cookies she baked. Amir accepted the cookies with a smile on his face. He happily skipped out after trying some. Pleased with the good deed he had performed. He even forgot to talk to the grandma about renting the room.


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