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Leaning about Stones [SQ]

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#1Azure Fenic 

Leaning about Stones [SQ] Empty Sun Sep 26, 2021 1:57 am

Azure Fenic

After finally reaching Myras he and Extortion were visibly tired and just out sorts but that never stopped him from getting the information that he had came their for after all with something this important on the line he had to get the drop on it before anyone else. It been sometime since he had been in a situation that required him to act fast yet carefully all at the same time. Hum guess criminals do come back to the scene of the crime or crimes in this case, he thought looking around as the people of the Sliver section paid him no mind whatsoever. It wasn't hard to pin point all the possible locations that would have the information that he needed in order to create the perfect plan for getting the stone. "Find a place to rest okay." Extortion looked at its owner as if it was throwing the statement right back to him which was fair given that he was running on at best 1-2 hours of sleep. The Griffon spread its wings and took to the skies in accordance with its master's request leaving the half wake Summoner with only himself and his bags. He understood why the people of this level would look at him with judgemental eyes he was dressed like someone that could live there but at the same time the state of his body said other wise.

Myras was a place that was filled to the brim with information if you knew where to look for it along with applying the right amount of pressure to those with the information that one needed. Azure had already made a mental list of all the places that he needs to stop by investegate if he was going to be the one to get the stone first after all from the letters that he saw Grayroads buddies didn't seem to happy that the word was getting around about it all but then again thats what made the game a game after all. The weather was rather nice given that the last time he was here it was rather muggy and sticky two things that he hated more than anything, As he walked down the streets of the silver district he noticed that someone had been following him for some time but couldn't be bother to deal with the seeing that no harm was making it way towards him. His purple jacket had become rather heavy for him to keep on his shoulders so he tucked it under his left arm and slipped both his hands into the comfy pants pocket. The first location on the list was a normal place that some stationary informants hang about, a nice little tea shop that really only allowed info brokers in assuming that they had something to exchange or wanted clarification on. The shop was filled with some old and new faces however most were people that wanted to see him dead for one reason or another which was normal given what they do and all.


{Sheet / Magic}
Leaning about Stones [SQ] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#2Azure Fenic 

Leaning about Stones [SQ] Empty Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:27 am

Azure Fenic

As he went through all the normal people and channels he found that none of his co-workers had heard anything in regards to the stone but now that they had been informed bout the stone it added even more players to the game. The number of places that he could enter normally dwindled one after another but that just meant that this was something that only a select few knew about. The next location was a Cafe that doubled as a Bookstore, it hadn't really hit him until now but most of the places that info brokers hang out were places that had to do with books or just places that wouldn't really be suspicious to the Rune Knights well the low ones that are. It was much of the same as he made his way through his easy list which ticked him off slightly as he really hoped that someone would have at least heard something about it in passing or something. The very last location that he could visit was a place he had thought he never has to walk into, that place being the a strip club most due to his appearance he would get denied but Now that he was better known within the world it shouldn't be a problem.

Strip Clubs never really made any sense to the scholar as throwing money at people that get half-naked wasn't really a job of any kind even for those in the spy world. The bouncer looked at him and just moved to the side allowing him entry to the building that smelled like a deadly cocktail of smells that he never thought he would ever breathe in ever. As he worked his way through the owners of the building they advised him to turn back before he got too deep into the matter which naturally made him want to dive deeper.

The sounds of someone trying to reason with a bouncer and failing made its way to his ears and as someone that just loved seeing others try and win a losing battle the summoner made his way over to the source of the commotion. From what he could hear it was a much smaller man trying to force their way in and the small guy wasn't much of a fighter Oh I sure hope they fight I haven't seen someone else fight in years he thought to himself as the voice started to become more and more aggressive but too his own shock Azure wasn't expecting to anyone that he had done work for try and enter his sanctum. It was nice that Neil saved him the two days it was going to take to find him as now all he needed to do was make sure that they weren't followed by anyone as the number of people that disliked him was rather high in these parts, it also answered the question of who was following him before. The fact that Neil took the time to follow them all be it not very well made both aspects of his personality question if he had lost his touch or if he was just off from not sleeping.


{Sheet / Magic}
Leaning about Stones [SQ] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#3Azure Fenic 

Leaning about Stones [SQ] Empty Tue Sep 28, 2021 12:31 am

Azure Fenic

Azure and Neil made their way to the Storage building that houses all the old research records of current and past explorations and to new locations or places of interest for the current matter. This was the place that he originally broke into to get information on Kon and a few others just in case he needed to make some deals. To think that someone that he worked for a time would find him again and was weird, to say the least given that he did have to prove that Neils lover was cheating on them, it was a job that he found fun and thrilling to a point but he got it done in record time. "I didn't think you would ever come back here." the summoner looked through the files while not paying much attention to Neil "Hey where would the files on Mana be? They're not in M or any other section." Neil took a few seconds to process the question along with the fact he was ignored. Without even waiting for an answer the summoner picked the lock of a closet that lead to more files. The files were really placed deep within the archive which to him meant that it was something that other had an interest in for a time before they got bored. Azure rummaged through all the files with all their redacted information and found something that was mentioned throughout all of them, M.G but that was all it could've been a recipe for all he knew.

The connection between all the files and what ever this MG is had to lead to the stone, as he went through more of the files it became apparent that this was indeed about the stone in question but none of the reports had much information to offer other a single location. What seemed like hours had gone and went and the room was now like any room that Azure had visited a mess with nearly all the files and folders scattered along the floor as he wrote done the important part of them in his new notepad. Neil had fallen asleep covered in Azure's mess "Thanks for the assist Neil numbers on your hand if you need me again!" he shouted running out the building to the nearest inn with a phone. Once he found a phone Azure informed Grayroad about the documents and all wasted no time hanging up to gather all the equipment he needed for his next trip.


{Sheet / Magic}
Leaning about Stones [SQ] Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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