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unexpected reunion [private| Toma|

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unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Sun May 08, 2022 8:01 pm


The land of Joya was truly a beatiful place. A spot in fact that Jikan would love to come here often. It was the most pleasant out of all the foreign countries she had visited so far. The flowing streams, cherry blossoms trees, even the hills and mountains.

There was much for her to learn and see in this side of the world. As well as taste. There was time for this though, and as she walked through the bustling town she was in for the day, she could not help but think a familiar presence was near. Looking around, she was half distracted by the beautiful faces and bodies she saw, the other half was by the appetizing stores that was before her. So many tasty things and yet she had nothing pulling her into a given direction.


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Sun May 08, 2022 8:29 pm


Toma was dressed in his usual attire. Which in hindsight made him stand out as a foreigner. His blue hoodie draped over his head as silently made his way through the streets. Hands in his pockets he calmly gazed at the beautiful sights. But more importantly, he needed a rest. Leaving his trusty companion outside of town to not draw attention he went solo. But on another note a rest would be nice. Looking past all the people and shops a small bench caught his eye. And it was perfectly seated underneath a cherry blossom tree for the right amount of shade.

Working through the crowd with subtle footwork he made a breakthrough. Trudging to the seat spun on his heels before popping down. Tugging at his hoody another sigh of relief escaped his lips and emptied his mind for a second. Maybe he could settle down in a place like this he thought to himself. Adjusting himself in his seat he leaned against the cherry blossom. Finding the right amount of comfort he scanned the crowd wondering if he me something to catch his eye.


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Sun May 08, 2022 9:08 pm


It was best to fit in the crowd sometimes. Other instances, Jikan found her simply not caring about the surroundings that was made by the people around her. Often just wearing whatever clothing she felt wearing. Being her combat gear or some casual outside attire or some type of combination. However, she found the traditional clothing and general style of Joya to be so charming, well, she just had to get herself an outfit. Her hair was down flowing down her back and covering her ears. A simple black and grey kimono robe was what she wore with a red sash that came behind her back into a knott. It was simple yes but still lovely.

After selecting a snack, a few meat and breaded treats on stick glazed with a light coating of sugar. Jikan collected a bottle of water and a cup of tea before paying and leaving the stand. Walking to a bench that was connected to a tree, a short distance away from another bench that was connected to the tree. Underneath a cherry blossom tree that provided shade she sat and took a nibble, to see how the food tasted.

As she did so, she noticed a fellow. He wore a hood, blue. With nothing else really standing out about him. However, he looked, familiar. Sorta?

Curious and curious.

"Hello there", she asked, pondering the start of this possible conversation.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

unexpected reunion [private| Toma| 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Sun May 08, 2022 9:38 pm


Toma's eyes darted to the stranger. His left hand twitched in response but he sensed no threat. At least for the moment. "Greetings..." He calmly spat out. The blank expression on his face was highlighted by a slight blush. A quick look over at the woman before him had caught him off guard. Beautiful he thought to himself and that food in her hand seemed even better as his stomach growled. Clenching his stomach he looked at her sideways

What business could she possibly have with him? He felt something was either off or oddly familiar. But Toma had no friends or allies. Going through his memory he had no recollection of meeting her. Especially withing everything that had happened in the past few years. Nonetheless, the two would sit in silence as Toma simply looked at her eyes. All his speculation wouldn't allow him to read minds. Maybe she was selling something. Regardless he was on his guard as per usual.


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Sun May 08, 2022 10:27 pm


The closed eyes opened and shifted to her to welcome her outspoken voice. A hand twitched in response, either from the shock of suddenly being awakened or the active sign of someone who was a fighter. Being slighly startled from being called upon when not expecting such would likely cause some sort of jerk. Now, the question of which was the case? Unknown.

At least the man spoke out in a calm voice that did not betray a hostile tone. Then the man's stomach growled. My oh my, it seemed Jikan had a hungry person on her hands. He appeared to be a full adult, so her care for the situation was practically none existent. If an adult could not get up and feed himself that was his issue. Granted...if they simply were not able to work or have money at the time to feed themselves that would be a different then. However, most likely than not, she assumed, that the man could feed himself. And just had been out a bit longer than intended and had grown hungry. Either that or had done something that caused an appetite.

Well, he had responded to her and she was talking now, might as well continue. "So sorry if I had startled you. It is just I feel that I recognize you from somewhere, somewhere I should know. But I can not quite place my finger on it", she would try to get information out of the man. Keeping her calm voice but adding a level of serene soothing to it as well. "Are you perhaps from Fiore? If you are willing, I'm happy to share a few pieces of my snack if you willing to give me some of your time".

The man blushed. Well, that was a sign for something at least. Perhas she could use her charm to un-guard him and get him to open his mouth easier?

She took a full bite of the first piece of food on a stick, before reaching it out to the man as an offering.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

unexpected reunion [private| Toma| 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Sun May 08, 2022 11:15 pm


Toma must have crossed paths with her he thought. At least at one point, he thought. Holding up his hand in refusal. her words had piqued his interest for now. At the least, he could listen to what she had to say."I was going to eat later after resting. But that can wait I'm interested in what you have to say Miss." Toma slid his hands to his sides propping himself up on the bench. "And yes I am from Fiore." Hopefully whatever she had to offer was work-related.He had been working nonstop to increase his infamy. Not for the attention but simply to stay in business.

But he's only done a few low-level jobs. Only in a small region of fire and help from beyond the borders. The speculation was killing him as a slight gleam was in his eye. The bug of curiosity was tugging at his spirit. Toma was gripping the bench in anticipation dying to hear her answer. All while his blank expression still held true.


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Mon May 09, 2022 8:55 am


Jikan nodded. "Ah I see I see. Very well, do take care of your self, the growl sounded much more than a slight pinch of hunger", she brought the stick back to herself. Placing it down on its plate before taking a sip from her cup of tea. He refused her food temptation, but at least it seemed he would give her a bit of his time. That was what mattered in the end so she was content, More of her snacks for her!

Now that she was here in this stage of talking, she had to figure out how she would move. Perhaps straight forward slightly? "I do enjoy to know the names of people I meet and talk to. My name is Jikan, perhaps you could tell me yours as well?". She sipped her tea after saying this, allowing the man to respond in any way he wished. "But anyway, so you are indeed from Fiore. Are you perhaps a traveling seller or worker? A, hired hand?, she wasn't direct with her word choice in the case the man wanted to be aloof. It could be clothes he sold or items, or was physical, such as a adventurer or magic user. It allowed them to give as much information they wished and hopefully Jikan could pick up a clue or two. "I may have a few jobs to offer but I tend to like people who have a group. More people to make sure things go smoothly, a various amount of skills".

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

unexpected reunion [private| Toma| 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Mon May 09, 2022 10:55 am


Taking in her words, he shifted forward-leaning slightly closer. It was subtle and natural she started speaking his language. He pondered how to respond to her for the moment. Regardless he wanted to make a decent impression to get on her good side. Brushing off his hands, he rose to his feet. Extending a hand, he began to speak firmly." Toma Quicksilver, I do jobs here and there. I'm not too fond of groups; I like to get my hands dirty on my own. Not to mention my skills are top-notch at my level. I do whatever it takes to achieve the pinnacle of strength."

Maybe it was his clothes that made him stand out. Regardless it looks like an opportunity presented itself. The majority, if not all, of the jobs Toma took were with less than questionable people. However, he kept his mind open to anything. Whatever allowed him to fight more vigorous opponents and get strong, he was all for.


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Mon May 09, 2022 7:36 pm


Toma Quicksilver. That was the name of the man she was speaking to today. The man shifted, leaning forward before raising to his feet. He extended his hand and in response, Jikan placed her things to the side before standing up as well. Taking his hand in a firm shake that was somehow soft at the same time. "Jikan. Jikan Supēsu". The more she thought of the man's name and heard him speak. The more she was sure she had known him from somewhere. His name at least. She had a thought, but maybe she was wrong. She would just have to ask then.

"Hmmmm. Toma I do believe I do you know you. Your name at least. A young man that likes to take missions on solo and mostly likes challenging his strengths. Yes...I do believe I saw a man's name on our 'groups' registry a bit after we founded. Heavens though I did not meet so many of the people that flocked to us". She paused and sat back down. Taking a contempt bite of her food with her eyes closed. "although you had not done any jobs with anyone so I suppose you are really the solo type. That not a negative outright in Sleeping Calamity though, am I right?". She opened her left eye in a peek as she finished speaking, watching to see Toma's response.

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

unexpected reunion [private| Toma| 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Mon May 09, 2022 11:03 pm


Releasing her hand Toma moved back to his bench. Promptly taking a seat he again adjusted himself to be comfortable while still engaging with Jikan was her name. Upon hearing her name a jolt of memory had fought to the surface. He remembered now but only sparingly. It was a few years ago maybe 2 or so. Sleeping Calamity is a guild something he typically avoided like a plague. The reason for him not following through he didn't exactly remember despite being good with such things."Well, that name has seemed to jog my memory. If only briefly however I can't say I remember you all too well despite it all. You wouldn't happen to be the Master then? I don't keep up much with society I just work. "

Toma's eyes grew sharp after that last line. His body went tense and his spirit sharpened. However, he wasn't foolish enough to attempt anything and sought rather to milk the opportunity. " Well if you are or if you aren't I wouldn't mind a place to meet 'like-minded individuals such as myself." He spat out his tone going monotone with a sharp taste of sarcasm.


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Tue May 10, 2022 9:18 am


"Ah, so you indeed did not interact with us much while you have been with us. Well, we do allow everyone to do their own thing. For the most part with some encouragement to avoid other things. Either way with you being a solo person I'm not surprised I have no clear memory of you", she said this all smoothly, matter of factly.

It was funny how loose their group were. Sure, they shared a guild, and at times handled tasks together. But, for the most part and long gaps of time, there was little to no interaction and the actions of people under the banner of Sleeping Calamity was just a name that build with the individuality of everyone. "The Guild Master? Hmmmmm, I would not say so. In name at least. I am a founder, and our current Guild Master has been very silent in jail. In that time I had taken it upon myself to build and grow the town we had established our guild in. Handle the day to day stuff, punch any mercenaries or opposing guilds that cause mess into the ground, encourage and aid the civilians under my watch. Type of things. But, in all formality I would say no since there has not be a ritual shift of power, but that is something I am working with discussing with our other founders in lieu of a need to establish order". She ate in between words as she spoke, slowly finishing the savory sweet meat pastry she held.

She raised an eye at Toma's last words. Was that sarcasm she heard? Along side the hints of the man's body tensing. Well, it was easy to know that he was stirring with the possibility that Jikan would be the Guild Master. Well...she supposed that was normal. Powerful people was something that people were tensed around, and if someone was the type to want to grow their power and will by challenging themselves, well, testing it against people who were powerful, such a Guild Master should be, would be rationally. If that was true, then the man held a mindset that Jikan approved of. Self improvement.

However, it was still a little untasteful to her with his word choice. She smirked, "like minded individuals? I'm sure there can be a few that match you, but also many who differ from you. I welcome you to come visit since you haven't yet to my knowledge. We're in Orchidia to the North". She finished her drink and stood up then, doing a little nod as she let a weak sinister aura flow from her, not one wishing death but one of a snake happy to see another predator. Eager to taste and see what it could do. "Along with the like minded individuals that you speak of".

"If you have anything else to ask me this is the time. I believe I shall get more snacks and enjoy myself sight seeing".

Last edited by Jikan on Tue May 10, 2022 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total


unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Tue May 10, 2022 11:34 am


Interesting the great leader has been imprisoned. Toma saw two opportunities besides the ease of access to work. As this Jikan had said she only was filling it but it sounded like a potential power struggle. A chance to become Guild Master it seemed but apparently the power shift was already in the works. An unsettling fear sat in his gut as he realized his own madness. Turmoil and disarray were the best time to make a move and he was willfully invited to a cesspool. Now was the time to strike and be proactive.

Lastly that silver of murderous aura sent a shiver through his spine. It made him clench his fist in excitement as he rose to his feet as well."Considering my interest piqued it seems I'll be traveling to Orchida." Starting to walk away he shoved his hands into his pocket before stopping to look back with a small smirk and playful tone." Promise to give me a personal tour when I arrive." The smirk disappeared as quickly as it came. He turned walking back off into the crowd. The taste of her aura was lingering in his body making him itch for blood. But for now, food was more important.



unexpected reunion [private| Toma| Empty Thu May 12, 2022 5:01 pm


Jikan stood and waited to see if the man had anything to say. Perhaps sharing information about the stability of the guild was something she should have not done. But, it was something fun to see what this young man Toma would act in response. He was a member after all, even if he never really interacted with Sleeping Calamity as a whole or on a smaller level. Either way, what he would do with the information would be up to him, and Jikan, would just have to see if and when it came.

"Very well", Jikan said, now revealing a soft sly grin. "Mr. Toma, I look forward to seeing you join us in Orchidia. If i am around, I have no issue showing you around". After that Jikan would watch as the man turned and walked away into a crowd that was nearby. Contempt, she walked away as well, sipping at the water she had bought now. "Ahhhh....another one to watch blow in the wind".


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