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Concert Time [TDC: Hex]

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Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:00 pm


Yuurei had enjoyed his time in the forest with Brone. It was everything he had figured it would be and more. Still, right now it seemed like the Hex Girls were throwing another concert for the people of Joya. That was nice because it meant that he gets to see them a second time. He had prepared himself this time as he wore some dark clothing so that he could match the theme of the concert. He put some dark paint around his eyes as he figured he would fit the part or close to it.

Renji wasn’t excited about this as he wasn’t in the mood to hear their music. It wasn’t just that, but he had to make sure that nobody would stab Yuurei. At least, he knew that with Brone there, he wouldn’t have to worry much. Still, they were making their way towards the concert as they had changed their venue location. He would walk over there and when he got there, he would look at everybody entering the building. It was nighttime, but he figured that he would wait for his friend to show up.

“Now we wait for Brone to show up. I think he will show up any minute now.” He said to Renji as the exceed would nod as he hoped the man would show up.


#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:20 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone wasn't told anything, as usual, he was just informed by Yuurei to meet him at certain coordinates he had provided, which was better than last time; when he informed him to meet him in the northern region, the information was so vague it had taken him at least a week to find the half-elf, now he was sending the dwarf on another trip. Regardless, he couldn't leave the half-elf hanging in case this was another mission they needed to take care of, maybe there was a monster that needed to be taken out.

When the dwarf reached the building, judging by the people that were gathering towards said building, this might be some kind of event. Brone grunted irritated. "Blasted long-ears" he said through gritted teeth as he started to look around the area. All he spotted for some time were people of different ages wearing odd clothing and a mixture of colorful and dark colors on their clothing and face. Eventually he found the half-elf, thankfully the orange feline was an easy target to spot in a crowd, "The hell is this, Yuurei?" he asked, storming up to the laid back man, "Ye need to provide more information, is this another ball or something?" He wasn't opposed to events, so long as drinks and food were provided, but his irritation came from lack of information and the constant running about.



Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 10:48 am


Yuurei would wait for Brone to show up, and soon enough, he would see the strong small guy. He was walking toward him, and it would seem like he was not in a happy mood. It seemed like the fact that he didn’t give him information about what was going on got to him. He would rub the back of his head as he felt bad about it. Once he was finished speaking, he would relax a bit as he figured he would explain everything to him.

“It’s not a ball, but it is a concert. These girls have performed before, and they weren’t bad, so I figured I would come again. Of course, I decided to invite you this time. It is why you’re here today. I mean if you don’t want you don’t have to come in. I think there are alcoholic beverages inside as well. Still, who knows you might like their music.” He said to Brone.

Still, now that he had told him why he was here. He would see that they were the only ones outside. He would start heading inside. The scenery changed as there were a lot of people inside. There were a lot of them lined up in rows as they were waiting for the Hex Girls to come out. While they were doing that there were lights scattered around the place, so it wouldn’t be complete darkness. There was a bar for those who wanted to drink could go as well.

Yuurei figured that his friend would go there, but he also hoped that he would take the chance to listen to their music and enjoy himself. Of course, they could do their best to have a conversation when the music started.

Renji, on the other hand, was back at it again. There were too many people here. It meant that he had to watch Yuurei’s back. People knew who he was, but that meant that there were some people who would be out to get him right? He didn’t know and he wasn’t going to change it, so he kept his guard up this entire time.


#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:42 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone scoffed when he heard Yuurei's explanation, but he didn't decide to turn about for several reasons, the main reason was that he had already arrived at the destination and that there were hard drinks available, "Fine, I'll stay, but if the music is crap, I'm leaving" the dwarf grunted as he followed Yuurei and Renji towards the entry point. At a certain distance, Brone noticed there was a security check, a larger human was patting down people who were making their way into the building, "Ah crap" because of the lack of information Yuurei provided for this event, Brone wasn't sure if there may be some kind of trouble of overall fight, so he had brought his weapons, "Oy, Renji, let me put my axes in your bag" without waiting for an answer, Brone grabbed the small bag the feline always had in hand. Several times he had watched as Yuurei's gauntlet would magically appear from the bag despite the size difference, meaning it was so form of magic.

Quickly, the dwarf shoved both his axes into the bag, and he watched in awe as the large weapons vanished into the small container, then he passed it back to the feline before the three of them made it to the front of the line, "Spread your arms and legs" the security guard asked as he looked down at the dwarf.

"What's this about?" Brone asked, trying to play cool.

"Making sure the concert is safe, checking for any weapons" The human narrowed his eyes and the dwarf met his gaze back, but Brone assumed the asked position and allowed the security guard to pat him down, all the while he hoped he wouldn't check Renji. Luckily, the feline was allowed to pass without trouble.

Brone gave a big sigh as the three of them made it inside. The interior was filled with people, all facing the front where a stage was, but no one was on it as of yet which didn't matter to the dwarf, he began to search the area for the bar.

350 | 585


Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Mon Apr 11, 2022 9:23 pm


Renji was not happy with Brone grabbing his magical bag without his permission. He understood why, but he could have waited for him to open it. Still, it was all said and done, so his duty was to make sure that Yuurei was fine, and nobody was out to get him. When they got through all the security checks and everything, it would seem like Brone was quick to go to the bar. They had time before the Hex Girls would come out, so he followed behind his friend.

“You do love to drink Brone. How many times do you drink a day?” He asked as he had never thought about asking that question until today.

They would make their way to the bar and there the bartender would make her way to the two of them. She would look at the dwarf and then the half-elf that was in front of her.

“What can I get you, boys?” She asked them waiting for them to answer her.

“Can I have Tequila with ice mixed with lemonade.” He asked her and she would look over to Brone after.

It wouldn’t take long, but once the dwarf would answer her, she would go prepare their drinks for them. It seemed like everybody was waiting for the concert to begin, and so were they.

“They should come out any second now. We just go to wait a bit.” He said to Brone.

“Brone next time you touch my bag without my permission, you aren’t getting your stuff back.” He said to the dwarf.


#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:50 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The crowd was thick and irritating. Brone made his way towards the bar, all the while nudging people out of the way and instead of saying 'Excuse me' he would just grunt. Yuurei asked a question concerning the dwarf's drink consumption, to which Brone answered without hesitation, for he had no shame in it, "I have a cup of coffee in the morning to start my day, and a hard drink sometime in the afternoon or evening, so at least once a day I guess" which he didn't think was much, given that most of his own kin would consume at least two cups a day.

A large, wide, man stood in the way of the dwarf. Brone grunted, but the large man was too busy laughing at one of his friend's jokes to notice the smaller being. Brone, losing his patience, picked up the large man and tossed him into the crowd, luckily the crowd caught the man with half a dozen pairs of hands and sent the man crowd surfing away while the dwarf continued his way to the bar. When he finally reached the counter, he asked the bartender for "Straight whisky on the rocks".

Though he heard Yuurei pointing out the Hex Girls will perform soon, the dwarf nodded, but cared little, he just wanted to get his drink and hope the music was at least decent. He looked at Renji with a nonchalant expression and shrugged, "Gotcha, kitty cat, no touching the bag" he chuckled a bit. Eventually the drinks would come in and with a nod in thanks to the bartender, Brone took a swig and began to quickly relax as if he had a long day he had to put an end to.

293 | 878


Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Tue Apr 12, 2022 9:33 pm


Yuurei would hear what kind of drink that Brone had gotten. It was the drink that he had usually ordered. It was the drink that had Kailani call him an old man. He wasn’t a fan of that term because he thought the drink was strong and got the job done. Anyways, he would get his drink and he would take a sip of his as it was enjoying and it was a good mix between the juice and the liquid. The light mage would turn to the area where the stage was.

“I see, I swore you drink more than one ale a day, but I was wrong. Still, it’s understandable you have to be on the ready.” He said to Brone.

“I’m glad you understand, now enjoy your time.” He said to Brone as he would look around.

He was making sure that nobody would approach them on their blindside. Soon, the place would turn dark, and then dim lights would occur onto the stage, and soon enough light would hit several places within the crowds, so they could see around them. It was then three girls would appear on the stage in front of their fans and would start their first song called zoinks.


#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:34 am

Brone Heavyaxe
"Don't mock my drinking, ye don't hear me talking about yer drinks" Brone gestured a shooing motion to Yuurei as he took another swig from his drink. When three women arrived onto the stage, the crowd cheered, confirming the band. The dwarf looked them over and understood why the majority of the crowd was wearing a dark theme to their clothing, the 'Hex Girls' seem to match the theme of something similar to Halloween, especially the lead singer who resembled a vampire with how noticeable her fangs were.

"Oy, Yuurei, ye alright with the lead? She looks like one of them vampires" Brone gave a look to Yuurei over his risen glass. He wasn't sure if the woman is truly a vampire or not, but he was sure she was possibly harmless given that she wasn't trying to hide the fangs, besides, if something were to happen, Brone was sure that he and the light mage would be able to handle themselves, especially against a rock band.

The first song was odd, it didn't really catch the dwarf's attention, though how the crowd reacted did make him feel more comfortable. How excited everyone was gave him a sense of home, how his clan would speak loudly and make a racket while enjoying themselves. "Hopefully the music picks up" he said to himself, he secretly wanted to enjoy himself, he had been picking up too many tasks and needed to loosen himself from the strain of the day to day work.

253 | 1,131


Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 10:16 am


Yuurei would laugh a bit as he wasn’t truly mocking him. He was honestly surprised that the dwarf wasn’t a heaving drinker. He had to think about it, but he rarely saw him drink more than twice in a sitting. When the girls came out, he was asked if he was okay with one of the singers. She resembled a vampire, and he would smile at Brone.

“I don’t despise all vampires. I think it's normal now for them to be around Fiore. I just don’t like when they kill or even kidnap people against their will. That’s when they become a problem. I want to say if she was a vampire, it wouldn’t bother me.” He said to his friend as he raised his glass.

Yuurei would drink more of what he ordered, and he would hear Brone speak up to him. It would seem like the crowd was enjoyable to him, but he didn’t really like the music.

“They have just begun, so I feel like it will pick up. How’s learning to be a gentleman going by the way?” He asked Brone as he was speaking very loud due to the music.


#10Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 1:24 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone was surprised to hear of Yuurei's feelings towards vampires. Initially when first hearing of the half-elf's past, he figured what had happened to his parents, the taller of the two would develop a hatred towards the beings of darkness. "Normal within Fiore?" the dwarf took another swig of his drink, "Aren't people worried? Vampires are usually hunters" he was certainly confused and figured it was a human thing to be so open in this situation, as for dwarves, they tend to be too cautious with anyone who enters the vicinity that isn't a dwarf, especially beings who are normally considered monsters or creatures of the dark.

They both looked back at the Hex Girls and even though Yuurei had stated the music will pick up, Brone shrugged, hoping the half-elf was right, "The way of the gentleman isn't easy" he replied to Yuurei's question with a sigh, "So many rules and codes of etiquette, but it's for the sake of the guild" though the tasks were jarring, he admitted it was a requirement for Blue Pegasus, so he couldn't turn away.

After the song was over, the crowd cheered and the three girls on stage officially greeted their audience before starting the next song "Earth, Wind, Fire and Air" to which the crowd reacted by cheering louder. "Not bad" Brone said with a shrug, though he hid the fact that he greatly enjoyed this song compared to the last.

245 | 1,376


Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:19 pm


Yuurei would hear what Brone said about Vampires. They were usually hunters indeed, but there were those who restraint themselves in doing so. He knew that much or at least he wanted to believe in that. It was why they didn’t kill Mya in the Marchen Mountains.

“Well I can see why people would be worried. Still, they live amongst us, and I don’t think there is much that we can do about it. In the end, we just got to kill the bad and live with the good.” He said as he was drinking more of what he ordered.

He would hear Brone’s comment of the guild. It was a lot to take in and it was why he was so polite and ready to do anything someone asked him. It was why he was a gentleman, and then he was really pretty. It wouldn’t take long, but the next song would play, and he would look at Brone. It seemed like he was into this one, and he could only smile at that.

It was good to see, and he would nod his head to the music being played.

“I figured you would like this one. I’m glad to hear it again.” He said to his dwarf friend as they would continue to listen to the music.


#12Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:45 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The comment about 'living with vampires' got Brone thinking. For the longest time, for what he had heard of vampires, it had seemed that these beings were evil at heart and killers by nature, so it was difficult to imagine such a being to be civil within a community unless it was their own kind. Regardless of his thoughts, this world outside the mountains had already shown several times that many things are different, so maybe it was possible to live with vampires, "I suppose yer right, though at the end of the day, if a vampire tries to bite me, I'm knocking their teeth out" he then took another swig from his whisky before looking back up to the band, then his eyes noticed the red eyes of the lead vampire woman. He then realized how attractive the woman was, "Well, I mean, I don't think I would mind if she took a bit of a bite, doubt it'll hurt much" he then realized what he said and avoided eye contact with Yuurei.

The music was picking up and Brone was beginning to enjoy himself. He finished his drink and slid the glass to the bartender and gestured for another round and she nodded. The dwarf wasn't sure whether or not if it was the alcohol that determined his attraction to the 'vampire' up on stage or he was finally relaxing himself to actually enjoy himself and take a look around.

244 | 1,620


Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:54 pm


Yuurei would hear what he said, and he would laugh. He wouldn’t allow anybody to bite him either. I mean unless they were in bed with him. While he thought about it, Brone would be the one to bring it up. It would bring the Nephilim to laugh about his words and he would stretch into the air.

Once he was done, he would bring himself to drink more of his glass. He would sigh as this was an amazing feeling that he would get from drinking. He figured he would respond to Brone’s words as the song continued.

“Yeah I mean if they bite you if you want them to then that’s not a problem.” He laughed as he said this as he was moving to the beat of their music.

“Still, even I was surprised to see that there were vampires that lived amongst us. The only thing is that there are vampires like Ansem who do terrible things in this world.” He would say to Brone as the second was coming to an end soon.

He wondered what they were going to be playing next.


#14Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Mon Apr 18, 2022 7:31 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Conversation moved on, Yuurei acknowledging Brone's consensual bite comment without a hassle, though the name 'Ansem' did bring a bit of a sour note; there was moment of quiet between them despite the crowd and the band's loudness, "Good or bad, everyone has either one or the other, or maybe somewhere in the middle; I guess vampires have that option as well, but at the end of the day, it shouldn't be that complicated, if someone is bad, hit him, simple" he said matter-of-fact, then the bartender returned with his drink, he thanked her and took a swig from the glass. The taste mellowed him further.

The Hex Girls finished their song and the crowd cheered. The was a break for a moment, the lead singer, who Brone had didn't know the name of until a passerby with a shirt showing her name, Thorn, with her face, had spoken to the crowd, simply getting them riled up, asking if they were enjoying their night and everyone replied with their expressions; Brone raised his glass as his reply. Soon enough, the band began to play their next song 'The Witch's Ghost'. "They're not bad" Brone shrugged, though he was indeed enjoying their music as time went on.

208 | 1,928


Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:32 am


Yuurei would continue to enjoy the music that was being played. While doing so he would also pick up what Brone had to say. He would speak and Yuurei would nod as he would agree with him. In the end, it was all about your choices in life that make you who you are. The light mage would finish his drink as well and he would finally order another one. While they waited for the girls to start the next song, he wondered what the future would hold for the two of them. He hoped things would go well because he wanted to see how far they would grow together.

He would get his drink from the bartender a bit after Brone would. Renji was still on guard just in case nobody surprised Yuurei. The Hex Girls would come back, and they would ask if everyone was enjoying their night. Yuurei would raise his hands in the air as they would start playing their next song.

The light mage would hear Brone’s comment on their next song, and he would smile. He was enjoying his time here even if he didn’t want to admit it.

“That’s good to hear. I’m glad I brought you here.” He said to Brone with a smile on his face.

He would continue to enjoy the night at the concert with Brone.


#16Brone Heavyaxe 

Concert Time [TDC: Hex] Empty Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:15 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Eventually the dwarf had softened and he gave in. He would sway to the music, no longer caring about putting up the front; he enjoyed the music and he acknowledged that the Hex Girls are a proficient band in their craft. When he heard Yuurei mention his decision on bringing him to the concert, the dwarf rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the smile, "Aye, aye, thank ye for bringing me along" he said with a heavy sigh, not wanting to admit it, though it was becoming rather difficult to hide his enjoyment.

The band had picked up and played a few more songs, at one point, a group of people had formed a train-line marching through the crowd. When they made their way pass Brone, the dwarf downed his drink and told Yuurei "I'll be right back" and he joined the line, his hands on the hips of the woman at the rear and they vanished into the crowd. For the rest of the night the dwarf was lost in the crowd, enjoying himself and he would eventually find Yuurei again when all was over.

188 | 2,116


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