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Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo]

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Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 3:59 pm


It was not often Esperia ended up receiving a request to team up with someone, especially not since she had reincarnated into the body of a Demigoddess. So when of all possible people it was a Blue Pegasus mage who was called Manzo, the gold-haired Demigoddess was intrigued. "I wonder why they would have wanted to team up for this matter..." The young woman mused softly, a hand raised to her chin as she pondered for a bit.

"I doubt it is because they need help, Blue Pegasus mages are usually trained, Ali makes sure of that." The young Demigoddess chimed softly, after which she shrugged her shoulders in amusement. "I guess I'll consider it a favor for Ali~" And with that decided she waited at the small plaza overlooking to Azure Beach. Esperia had already figured out where they would go: A large crew of pirates had landed on shallow waters near one of the more spacious coves near Hargeon, and being in close proximity to the city it made them a threat both to travelers and tourists. With neither sea or land routes safe it was clear something had to be done.

Stretching her arms into the air the young woman gazed upwards into the sky, a smile lingering on her lips as she allowed the wave of nostalgia to hit her. How long had it been since she first came to Hargeon all those years ago? When she was first learning the ways of being a Take-Over Mage in Blue Pegasus.

"The name sounds familiar..." Esperia chimed softly, trying her utmost to place a face to the name, and yet she was reaching a blank. "Ah well~ If it was a pretty lady I would surely have remembered her~ but eeh, not that it matters that much anymore now that I'm married."

A hearty chuckle escaped her lips as she leaned back against the bench she had been seated at, waiting for Manzo to arrive. Fortunately she was already dressed for the occasion, the pieces of golden armor plating covering part of her body and yet even despite it being called an armor she couldn't help but question the efficiency of it.

Sure, it protected her from enemy blows all the same, but how did Cressida's armor even do that? The only thing covering her torso was a freaking bra! Was it perhaps the tribal markings releasing some sort of aura around her? Maybe it was, or maybe it was some secret to the Demigoddess her body that she had yet to come to comprehend properly. Whatever the case might had been she was looking forward to another opportunity to try out her weaponry at the pirates. So far Rama's Bow had been very useful in her little clashes with the pirates, but she still had other weapons to try out also!

And soon she would have plenty of opportunity alongside Manzo on their adventure involving some 'Whack-A-Pirate!' It truly sounded like something fun~

WC: 500/1250


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 4:18 pm


Another day, another dollar, as far it went for finding work. Which work wasn't hard to find when you're the Ace of a guild. Everyone wants a piece of you. Though at this stage of the game, he'd rather have some kind of company to go along with the notoriety. Not that his exceed was bad company, but someone more of the human like variety. Which did sound speciest but, what can you do.

The job wasn't a hard one in question, more of a get off my lawn kind of deal, which was fine. It was a beautiful lawn, many people wanted to park on it. But they had to come correctly, pirates aren't really known for paying their respects. Which in itself was quite the issue.

You can't just come into someone's home, kick your feet up on their table. Much less eat the food in their fridge, and defile their wife. Which just so happened to fit the bill of our current visitors. "So boss, who are we meeting again?" Happy would ask curiously.

"Well it would seem we are meeting up with an old friend." Manzo said while taking a cigarette out of the inner pocket of his yukata. Putting it to his lips and snapping his fingers to light it. Was it weird that he walked around in basically a tradition joyan bath robe? Depends on who you asked.

For him, it was a matter of being comfortable, what was more concerned was the fact that he walked around with a sake gourd on his hip. Though what was in said gourd, could not be defined as drinkable. If you did drink the contents, well, you'd burn from the inside out.

"I've never heard of this Esperia." Happy said while riding on Manzo's white mane. This caused the white wolf to chuckle at his companions words. Of course he hadn't heard of Esperia, her time was long before he was even born.

"Lucky for you then, there's not much to tell. I'm told I've never met this version of Esperia." He said as he raised his hand to scratch the ears of his fluffy blue friend. Causing happy to giggle with joy, he was still a baby after all, some things can't be helped.

Upon making their way to the beach, he could see a woman with tribal marks and golden armor. "Not what I'd have picked but, you do you honey." He said as he walked from the beach down to the shore line, pulling up beside esperia.

Not making too much of a fuss of course, they both knew what they were here for, now all that was left was the pleasantries, and the getting down to business. "Happy, esperia, esperia, happy." Manzo said as he took the cigarette from his mouth and ashing it before taking another long drag.

Let's see if they're any better than last time.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 4:45 pm


The sight of Manzo's arrival with the Exceed made Esperia's gaze follow every movement of the approaching mage. A momentary pause following as Esperia raised a hand to her cheek, a light tap following against it as she pondered softly. "Stylish Joyan bath robe, a way with words that would make a Casanova feel like they were a child who was attempting to flirt..." As she pondered for a moment a hand opened and she happily clapped it onto the other. "Ah! Now I remember~ Manzo, the Ace of Blue Pegasus and Flirt Master Supreme!" A mischievous snicker escaped from her lips as she decided to answer the man's words. "Well~ Sometimes you don't get to be picky when you have to reincarnate~ Not to mention for having the body of a Demigoddess I consider myself fairly fortunate in terms of hitting the bargain sales~" As Manzo introduced the Exceed to her Esperia's gaze softened, a hand raised lightly toward Happy as she attempted to pet it gently. "Nice to meet you, Happy~" Esperia greet the Exceed with a smile after which she turned back toward Manzo. "So~ I'm sure you are already been informed about the request? Seems a large crew of pirates decided to settle down somewhere they shouldn't, and even been causing quite some problems for the local populace. We been hired to deal with them, whether you want to use excessive force or not I'll leave up to you, albeit the local authorities did request we bring back proof of our deeds through some of the treasures the pirates stole from a recent merchant caravan."

She leaned back against the bench for a moment, her gaze drifting back to Happy. "Don't worry Happy, despite the look of my armor it is actually enhanced and provided me protection even where one wouldn't see any plating~ And I grow quite proficient in combat since my days in Blue Pegasus, even if the physical aptitude I have for this body is still a bit lacking..."

A gentle sigh escaped her lips as she hopped upright and turned toward the duo. "So, shall we depart? The quickest route would either be by following the coastal path, but that will lead us straight next to their ship so you can expect plenty of opposition, or we can sneak through the path further inland, likely the guards will be more experienced but I'm expecting their numbers to be less than the alternative."

It seemed she was willing to let Manzo decide on what route they would take to the pirates their encampment, which either suggested she trusted the man's decision or she was confident enough in her skills that it wouldn't be an issue either way. Still, it must had been a curious sight to see an absence of any actual weaponry on her being. Perhaps she didn't need it? Maybe her weapons were invisible? Who could possibly tell~

WC: 500
Total WC:1000/1250


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 5:04 pm


"Boss, that armor doesn't look like it does anything but show off her chest." Happy whispered in his master's ear. Manzo could not help but chuckle at the comment. Happy still didn't know just how male dominated the fashion industry was, though Esperia's armor was more fo a relic. And in terms of relics, she had a decent looking one. Though he was not entirely one to talk about one's own taste in clothing. He is usually in a glorified bath robe and sandals.

"I see what you're saying, what hot blooded man wouldn't be willing to give you a discount looking like that." Manzo said as a laugh escaped his lips. It was true, that he did know what the job was, and that the pirates needed to be dealt with. All of these things were true, but what was he rush, aside from raping and pillaging. "Also, I see you still remember me quite well, too bad you're still gonna have to pay full price at the shop, new body and all." He teased.

He never did charge more than half for members and former members alike. Family first, in his mind. "I think we should probably take the path along the coast, the breeze is nice, and the wind is blowing south. They won't catch our scent that way." Manzo would then pick up his feet and begin a leisurely stroll down the beach. What a lovely day.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 5:33 pm


The remark about the shop did earn a playful pout from Esperia. "And here I was about to suggest taking my wife along for a trip to your shop~ Perhaps we can negotiate a discount down the line?" A teasing wink followed by the Demigoddess as she watched Manzo make his decision to take the coastal path. As they walked along the beach the golden-haired woman hummed softly. "It is something I always found charming about Hargeon. Even with all the trouble brewing around the world there is a certain peacefulness to it that many places lack. No doubt it is because of the protection that Blue Pegasus provides to the area."

Indeed, it was for that reason she had chosen to raise her family in Hargeon of all possible places. However, as they moved along the coastal path the duo would soon notice that Esperia's prediction had been correction. Arriving at the encampment several pirates could be seen gathered around a nearby campfire enjoying ale and food, further away toward the path leading inland were several more well-armed pirates and a stationary cannon that pointed into the direction of Hargeon, fortunately it seemed heavy enough that it would take the pirates some time to turn it toward their direction.

Finally their leader, the pirate captain was on the deck of the nearby ship, looking through a spyglass into the direction further inlandward. Esperia's gaze sharpened as she looked into the direction of the nearby encampment, pondering what Manzo would do but the sudden sound of rustling leaves had alerted her of what would happen next.

From the cliff above them a pirate was jumping down toward Manzo, scimitar drawn and ready to swing down toward him, but Esperia had rapidly raised a hand into the air, a portal of golden energy swirling behind her into existence and as a flash of light came from the portal, a golden bow could be seen manifesting in her hand. The bowstring was quickly pulled, a single arrow forming from her mana that was shot upwards with enough velocity that it hit the pirate in his torso and knocked him off the trajectory to land lifelessly on the ground besides Manzo.

"Considering that silly ambush I would highly suggest we launch our attack~ I wouldn't be surprised if it is only a matter of moments before they reveal that they know we are here."

WC: 400
Total WC: 1400/1250


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 6:05 pm


"If you want to talk discount, you know where the green room is." He says with a playful wink of his own. As they continued to make their way down the beach. It was nice to have Esperia back, even if she did only know him by reputation. But there would be plenty of time to craft new memories with this Esperia. Who seemed to be far more playful than anything else. Almost as if she went back in time. To a simpler version of herself, what a concept.

While being lost in such deep thought, he had left himself open for an attack. He had kind of an issue with spacing out. Thankfully his partner was far more focused than he was. A mistake he would not soon make again. To her suggestion, they should get a move on. Though he had a particularly funny idea.

"Happy, I think it's time for a game of peek a boo." He said with a laugh as he sat himself on the ground, and clapped his hands together. A dragonic magic circle forming underneath his body. To the naked eye, it would seem that nothing had happened. But he assumed Esperia would catch on sooner than later.

From the ground sprang forth a few branches that would begin tapping pirates on the shoulder. Causing confusion and chaos amongst the camp. Once they were nice and riled up, it was time to pick them off one by one, so that making their way to the captain would be that much easier. The peek a boo plants purpose was two fold. Every pirate touched by the plant was left with a parting gift.

A sprout that would now bind their bodies and muffle their mouths as to not alert anyone he did not desire.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 6:22 pm


"You have a way with naming your spells~" Esperia chimed in amusement as she watched the nearby pirates freaking out at the branches poking them on the shoulder, and with them being bound and muffled it was honestly akin to a child's game to just take them down one by one. Her bow clearly seemed to be of high quality, for each shot she fired was enough to take down one of the pirates that was bound. Of course she would leave some of the nearby ones for Manzo to take down. Unfortunately the pirate captain on the deck noticed the commotion and yelled toward his minions. "You lot! turn the cannon toward those landgrubbers and blow them into smithereens!"

Esperia smiled weakly at the sight of the pirates in the distance starting to move over toward the cannon, leading to Esperia to ponder for a moment. "How about you and Happy deal with the captain? I'll tend to the ones further away~"

And indeed, as if she wanted to keep true to her word Esperia started to pull her bowstring backwards, flames starting to gather around the arrow that was forming when she unleashed the projectile toward the sky. In a clean arching motion the projectile descended, transforming into a large meteor that started to shatter into several smaller ones, the meteor shower hitting the cannon and the surrounding area to which the cannon itself exploded, taking along the nearby pirates with it! Considering her work done Esperia turned her attention toward the ship, pondering how Manzo and Happy would be dealing with the Captain. Climbing onboard her gaze drifted around while she hummed playfully. "Pirates means treasure~ I wonder what those guys pillaged~"

WC: 287
Total WC: 1687/1250


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 7:24 pm


At Esperia's words he knew it was time to have a nice bout with the man himself. Manzo would descent he cliffs, dropping the top of his yukata to around his waist. His chiseled upper body on display for all to see. On his right pectoral, the insignia of blue pegasus, on the rest of his body was traditional joyan Yakuza tattoos. Telling a story of the koi that would become a dragon. Signifying the change from man to dragon slayer.

He walked casually to the waters edge where the ship was anchored, he would snap his fingers and a tree branch would pick him up and place him on the deck of the ship. "You miserable whelp!" The captain yelled in his direction.  This caused Manzo to smirk slightly. He clearly didn't know who exactly it was he was speaking to. Which of course would make the realization all the more fun.

"Boss, he doesn't seem afraid of you." Happy said confused while holding onto Manzo's white locks like someone riding a horse. "I see that Happy, but I'm hoping that means he'll put up more of a fight." Happy giggled at the idea of it all, but decided to go off on his own for a second. Happy sprouted his little kitty wings and flew over to the captain.

"Do you really not know who the boss is?" Happy asked, the sheer audacity of the situation caught the captain off guard. "He's just a guy in some kind of Joyan bath robe." Happy sighed. "That doesn't remind you of anyone?" The captain stood there for a second, before breaking into a cold sweat. Happy seeing that he was about to wet his pants, flew over to Esperia back on shore. Knowing what was to come.

"T-the white death, hitokiri, man slayer." As he finished his last breath, Manzo had already unsheathed the totsuka blade, stabbing the ravenous blade into the ground. Black flames now engulfing the ship, burning everything to ash.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sat May 14, 2022 12:16 pm


Meanwhile during the time Manzo was dealing with the pirate captain, Esperia had been busy collecting some parts of the treasure that the pirates had looted. It might had been a silly notion, but she did recall the details of the mission involved retrieving some form of evidence of their deeds to show to the local authorities. It was around the time Happy returned to the shore and approached her, that Esperia had finished collecting some of the more valuable relics the pirate crew had stolen, and soon the sight of the obsidian flames drew her attention.

The flames that raged on the ship were immense, the fire consuming the entire ship and surely also anyone foolish enough to remain on it. Then again, she was sure that if the pirate captain himself did not perish amidst the flames, Manzo likely would had been the other cause for the foolish criminal to perish.

A soft whistle escaped her lips as Esperia admired the sight of the flames consuming the ship, and yet at the same time she was also curious to see what type of dynamic escape Manzo would make from the ship that he himself had set ablaze. "Your boss certainly has a dramatic flair for this type of things~ Can't say I dislike that, it makes it all a bit more exciting~"


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sat May 14, 2022 1:35 pm


As the flames raged on, Manzo stood within them, feeling the blazing hell fire. The warmth of unabashed death, and destruction. The brutality of fire, something he knew all too well. Totsuka was not something to be taken lightly. Even though he was something of lackadaisical man, he felt the tools of his trade kept a good balancing act.

Before long, he was standing on nothing but a pile of ash, the flames receding back into the sake gourd around his hip. He would jump down from his black mountain of ash, and begin to walk back onto the beach toward his companions. Pulling his yukata back up over his upper body. Resting one arm in the front, leaving an empty sleeve.

He would only do this, after releasing the hungering flames of totsuka. He would need to rest for a bit, before using it again. While it was his blade, it came at a price. His ace in the hole, scorched earth. "Well I'd say that takes care of that." He said with a soft smile as he motioned for happy to jump back on his head.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sat May 14, 2022 6:44 pm


Esperia smiled in amusement at Manzo's words. A part of her could appreciate that laidback nature, the way he was so relaxed despite them having just fought pirates that wouldn't hesitate for even a moment to claim their lives. Esperia gazed at the ship as it was burnt to cinders, the wreckage falling into the shallow waters as she hummed softly. "I guess we can let the authorities know they can send a salvage crew to retrieve whatever treasure was left on the ship~"

With their business done and some of the treasure collected as proof Esperia started to walk back into the direction of the coastal path, turning her gaze back at Manzo while inquiring with a smile. "How have you been by the way?" Just a question for some friendly bantering, as she would soon clarify the reason for the question. "Ali told me she couldn't find you till recently, something about you having a distaste for writing letters?"

A hearty chuckle escaped her lips as she turned her attention back toward the path they were traversing, and then revealed she had brought along a second bag, offering it toward Manzo. "In case you'd like to earn your share of the spoils~ Although I bet any pirate crews who hear we retrieved some of the treasure might end up putting a contact on our heads. They usually do~"


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sat May 14, 2022 7:22 pm


"I've been fine, I was in bosco for a while. Helping them rebuild their country after the conflict ended. Only felt right." Manzo said as he took the bag esperia offered him so that he could claim his reward for a job well done. Of course, Alisa would bring that up he thought to himself as they two continued on their way back to town. "It's true, I don't really communicate as well as I should. But if I told everyone what was going on, there would be no stories to tell." He said as he opened a flask he kept in his yukata and put it to his lips.

She was right though, with what the wreckage left in their wake. They had left themselves open to retaliation. That was not a good thing. But by the time word will reach back, he'd have access to both of his arms again. Which would even the playing field in their favor once again.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sun May 15, 2022 3:39 am


Esperia couldn't help but chuckle at Manzo's words, he really had a flair for the dramatic didn't he? As they walked along the coastal path the young Demigoddess could be seen admiring the view of nature that surrounded them. "It's a pity there are some people who just want to burn down all this beauty for their self-satisfaction... It infuriates me such a immense amount, and partly because I can't comprehend the insanity that goes on in such individuals their minds."

Letting out a deep sigh Esperia averted her gaze from the view and watched the coastal city of Hargeon come into view once more. Once they were there all they needed to do was hand over the treasure to the local authorities and get paid for a job well done.

"For the time being I plan to help reinforce Fairy Tail, while Alisa has the right idea in mind when it comes to the alliance, I fear that guild lacks the manpower to stand on its own currently, and there are a few curious rumors I desire to investigate during my stay there~"

How curious that she had decided to open up about her plans for the future to Manzo of all people, when she had not even told Alisa yet.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sun May 15, 2022 2:43 pm


"Well, you know I won't question your methods. If you think staying there is the best course of action. I'll accept that." He said as he continued on his path toward the guard house located in the center of the town. It was true that it was indeed time for them to hand over the goods to the law. Though he truly did not wish for this time to end. Esperia had been gone for so long, or so it felt. Though he did feel trying to keep her here was not very fair to anyone involved admittedly.

"But do me a favor, keep in touch, you're still family." I say as I walk over to Espie and give her a gentle one armed hug. Holding her close in a friendly way. He was not alway the best at displays of emotion. Often times he was told he was far too cold. Though in times like these he was a bit a softy, not one for goodbyes.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sun May 15, 2022 3:20 pm


The hug came as a bit of a surprise to her, but not an unwanted one. Her gaze softened, her hands gently wrapping around Manzo's waist and her fingers locked again behind his back, a tender smile on her lips. "I will~" She paused for a bit, thinking on the matter she was going to bring up and then she spoke once more, her tone softer than before. "I do have a favor to ask of you in return Manzo."

She leaned back a little and gestured at the nearby bench at the beach, wanting for them to take a seat as she continued. "Do you know the Transcendant Theory?' She paused, giving him a moment to response after which she continued. "Some people believe that the difference between man and god is merely an evolution, and that given time, experience and power some can possess the potential to evolve in a similar fashion. 'To Transcend your limits'. When I mentioned this body is that of a Demigoddess, I wasn't speaking figuratively, but literally."

She smiled briefly at the man after which she continued. "While I am physically a Demigoddess, my soul is that still of a human being, and I wish to find out whether this 'self' of mine can transcend further."

She paused, deciding to reveal the next course of action she planned to take. "The Marchen Mountains, despite their harsh environment will prove to be a place far enough from civilization for me to try to grow further. I would ask Ali to join me, but I don't want to distract her from her obligations as the protector of Hargeon, and she, like my wife would likely consider it a reckless endeavor, but if I wish to do it, to ensure I can keep my vow to both Priscilla and the Demigoddess who saved me..."

She smiled kindly at him as she continued to speak. "A week from now I will be departing to the Marchen Mountains, would you be willing to accompany me and watch over me to ensure nothing goes wrong?"


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sun May 15, 2022 3:51 pm


"You had better, I've got your scent again, I'll track you down." Manzo said as a casually joke toward her. That was honestly more effort than he was willing to put into someone else. They'd make themselves known if they wanted to be found. Though it seemed as though she had more on her mind, which wasn't a surprise. She was always someone who you could depend on to have more than one iron in the fire at one time."

"If memory serves correct that is a theory in religion, transcendence refers to the aspect of God's nature and power which is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all physical laws. This is contrasted with immanence, where a god is said to be fully present in the physical world and thus accessible to creatures in various ways." While that was a bit of a mouthful, she did ask him what he knew on the subject. According to most books, that was it. Though he did wonder what that had to do with her.

Of course, like clock work, Esperia would go on to explain her thoughts, as well as her plans for obtaining more power. Similar to when he ventured to the forest of pain. A forest full of predators and home to one of the oldest dragons in history. So much so that he had grown into the ground and become one with his element.

"You have my word, that I will keep you safe on that journey. No matter what." He said in a tinder yet determined tone of voice in her direction. Placing a hand on top of her hand, and giving it a simple squeeze.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sun May 15, 2022 5:41 pm


Esperia smiled at Manzo's response, a gentle nod following by the young Demigoddess who felt truly reassured by the man's decision to accompany her. It might had seemed like a simple request to most, but for Esperia it was far from simple. Not only did it show she placed her trust in Manzo's skills as a warrior, it also meant she entrusted both her life and body into his hands should something go wrong. After all, she knew this was not her own body to begin with, and as such there were still a lot of things she needed to learn and uncover. Hopping back onto her feet she turned toward Manzo and declared with a smile. "Thank you Manzo~ Let's go and hand in this treasure, so I can take you out for lunch as a thank you~"

A soft chuckle followed from the young woman as she guided Manzo back toward the guard house, deciding to give him the opportunity to explain what had happened to the local authorities so that they could receive their due rewards and move onto more entertaining matters, like a nice meal and pleasant talks to pass the time till they had to part ways for now~


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] Empty Sun May 15, 2022 8:29 pm


Esperia's gratitude was something he never expected, especially over something as simple as a simple escort job. But then again, he was not one to over think things, he left most of the thinking to his better halves in life. One of them being Alisa, Sofia, and Esperia. Three of the strongest women he had known in his life to this point. "Lunch sounds nice, but am I the one cooking? Cause if so, it's not really a treat then is it." Manzo laughed. Just one more little playful jab at her for the road.

As they approached the guard house, Manzo would open the door for her, allowing her to go in before him. His arm still in the make shift sling of his Yukata. The guards quickly came to their feet and stood at attention for the Ace. "Jeez, you guys are so up tight." He said as he placed the treasure down on their desks. "That's all that we could recover, but our hunch was correct, we have got privateers in these waters again. You'll want to moor the ships at the coast line. Keep em from getting too much ground."

After that, they were quickly on their way. For a long afternoon of laughs and drinks, as well as some good food. The memory of that day would soon become a favorite, especially since the events that were about to unfold could either make or brake the pair of them in two. No one truly knew what was instore for them on that mountain, but one thing could be known for sure. It was something the two of them would not soon forget.


Pirates [S-rank NQ with Manzo] LGnxHvk

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