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Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1]

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Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Tue May 10, 2022 2:26 pm


It all began during a peaceful morning, the likes the couple had been enjoying ever since they were reunited. Having learned her previous lesson, Esperia had decided that as she woke up from her slumber, she would approach things a little differently. Sneaking under the blanket she climbed on top of her lover and started to snuggle down onto her, sure that the touches and light weight on top of her would slowly stir her from her slumber. "Good morning Darling~" Esperia chimed softly, her head peeking out from under the blanket and soon she leaned up to kiss Priscilla on the lips. "Need a few more minutes to wake up? We got some time today~ I already made breakfast for Lily and Hasani so you don't have to worry your pretty head about that~"

Indeed, while she had already prepared breakfast before returning to her little snuggling session, Esperia had to admit this type of waking up had its own charm to it. As such the Demigoddess chimed happily. "Now that all is said and done~ Want to have a light breakfast together before we go out for our morning exercising?"

Seemed like a nice suggestion to make for sure~



Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Tue May 10, 2022 5:57 pm

For some reason, It started to seem when Esperia did actually listen and do some of the things requested of her it was nice but also not use to the up all night vampire she got use too for many years. Snuggling on to her, it was just met with one of her arms just wrapping on to Esperia lightly as she was still sleeping. So far it seemed she did not want to get up quite yet again, Even with the kiss seemed like she was managing a bit of longer sleep. In response it seemed she would just snuggle Esperia more and place her head on hers to sleep just a bit longer.

But she would just come to reality not to long after hearing Esperia's question, Yet again it seemed like not out right ignoring her, She just was really comfortable and enjoying her sleep."I guess I will get up and prepared breakfast then, See what Hasani and Lily want."Either too sleep or did not think she would have the entire idea that it was all already prepared was not on her mind."After that, then sure I guess a outing isn't all that bad of an idea."


Last edited by Priscilla Ivalice on Wed May 11, 2022 4:20 pm; edited 1 time in total


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 12:13 pm


Esperia blinked in bewilderment, simply enjoying the moment of peace a bit longer till Priscilla started to slowly wake up. "I already told you: I made breakfast already for the kids~ Lily is currently playing with Hasani." As she spoke Esperia decided to ensure her lover would wake up properly by giving her pillows a final squeeze or two, after which she climbed out of the bed, a hand extending sideways as her golden armor manifested onto her body.

"Mhmm~ It's nice weather outside, perfect for a little adventure~" She was clearly in a good as she started to sit on the edge of the bed. "For today's training I got some exercises in mind on the beach, and afterwards we can borrow some equipment from the gym for a sparring match."

She paused for a bit, seemingly thinking carefully. "Although I been doing my best to keep my true identity hidden from the outside world, I worry it will be only a matter of time before Hades and his goons will try to drag my pretty rear back to Tartarus."

Indeed, it seemed like something Hades would do for sure. "So training together should be a good way to help improve our bodies~" A soft hum followed as she waited for Priscilla to get up and get changed.

200 WC


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 6:08 pm

Ahh yes the magic problem of being use to doing things that way in mother mode. Also just."uh huh, Acting like watching me up still each time is gonna have reality fully connect to the world around me."She mentioned while gathering her mind to the world."But fine fine...one worry out of the way." She said as things normally seemed to progress on. Everything was planned was a bit odd when you had to do everything yourself for the most part, then again that was entirely an old habit dying hard for the werewolf woman.

Since the most part she had adjusted to this life."Yes yes...I get it...stop being lazy...At least I have not put on weight."She mentioned in general, It was nice to casually relax at times, How many times did she managed to feel like sleep was there often just left her a bit in a rut to thought, But it is because as always she had things on her mind."Three things planned?..Do I ponder if there anything that might be sneaked in between the events you mentioned."She would say booping Esperia on the nose as a sign that she was trying to get moving.

After Esperia got off, She would get out of bed, Collect the clothing she would change into and just walked into the bathroom, turning on and warning up the shower."What all do I need to improve at this point? Do I need to go back to being a red head? Or purple? Do I need to do other things."She was joking for the most part. But it left a good puzzle in theory to see what Esperia was thinking at times, But for now she was actually moving and normal.



Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Thu May 12, 2022 4:36 pm


Esperia giggled softly at Priscilla's remark, shaking her head lightly in return to those words. "I dunno~ I feel your pillows have become softer lately~ But that's a tale for another time~" The Demigodess chimed cheerfully after which she turned toward her lover. "Not really~ I mean I love you for who you are, but I was talking more about training the body~ Perhaps finding a good weapon and learning how to use it, things like that~"

With that explanation given she gazed outside the window for a bit as her lover was showering. "We need to become stronger~ To protect each other and our family we need to become strong enough to deter anyone foolish enough to try to threaten our peaceful existence."

Turning away from the window, a hand raised to her cheek as she pondered softly. "But if there was anything else I would love to see changed then it might be for you to revert to your old clothing habits, or lack thereof~ There is something about sleeping naked with you that is both exciting and so peaceful~ A certain comfort that I can't find anywhere else~ And I don't just mean the best pillows in Earthland and beyond~"

WC: 200


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 5:38 am

Of all things she let out a bit of sigh."Oh all things to say to your wife, a round about way of saying you put on weight is such risky thing to mention to your lover isn't it?"Good thing she was not the type to inflict suffering for being told she put on some weight. There was at least something she could agree upon with what was mentioned."I do need to go weapon shopping yes."But it get her to think on that. Not being told she put on weight, But in the end it felt more of a joke anyway.

she did for a long time carry a large sword at one point and even two daggers."I just have to ponder what all I can find time that would be good to use, guess it matters on prices."There was a lot of options she could choose from, The annoying part was she was not all that picky in the either. If she could beat some one to death with a stick she would but sticks were weak.

As for Esperia's mention of having more clothing on new days."My my, almost like i got a new habit to keep myself a bit warmer after some one went away for a bit."Esperia could hear from the shower, She had left the door open so she could still talk to her while she was getting ready."I  i will consider it, Maybe I just liked wearing the black sleeveless shirts, much like the ones I had when i walked around with that armour and red hair."Some one she could refer to as a different beast in a figure of speech. But it was for now general conversations they were having for now.



Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 10:53 am


Esperia playfully pouted at Priscilla's words as her lover was showering, yet hearing the consideration the Demigoddess chuckled softly. "I'm fine with you wearing them~ Makes it more fun for me to get you out of those clothes~"

A mischievous snicker followed from her as she briefly took a seat at the edge of the bed and pondered for a bit about her plans. "We shouldn't need to worry too much about that~ I might not sound like it, but in Seven I'm considered a Demigoddess~ I'm sure I can convince a smith to forge you a weapon specially made for you~"

A soft hum and a nod followed as she stretched her arms into the air and hopped upright again. "I think we should get a bath in the future, or maybe just shower together~ That would make it a lot more fun for sure!" The Demigoddess chimed happily as she waited for Priscilla to finish showering so they could start with their morning exercises. For now she had thought a little run around the beach would help her with putting those muscles of her to use~ And from there they could see what to do next~

WC: 200


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Sat May 14, 2022 5:03 am

Before anything else really was mentioned she would just walk over to Esperia sitting over the side of the bed and just said."You let the size of a shower stop you, far cry from the wife who walked in with out worry to help me shampoo my hair aren't you?"she then shrugged her shoulder and went back into to bath after all she had not started yet.

Then she would just throw a towel at Esperia waiting to see also what she would do at this point. Because if anything maybe she would not just sit there, After all if she was trying to get out the door and do these things they would be wasting time at this point, with Esperia being the one to wake her up. It seems counter productive."Also consider the shirts pillow cases then."She would also mention as a joke.



Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Sun May 15, 2022 1:34 am


O boy, if Priscilla was trying to motivate her, she was doing an amazing job at it! The teasing remark of her wife only led to Esperia to have a towel thrown at her face, which soon led to the Demigoddess to emerge in the shower behind her wife, armor already gone and instead playfully pressing her body against her lover's back. Wait, was that soap rubbing against Priscilla's body? Seems Esperia had decided on a different approach to washing her lover this time, and should Priscilla decide to turn around she would find her lips sealed with a kiss. "Pillow cases hmm? Guess I'll shall have to fluff the pillows before you put them into their cases then~" As she giggled teasingly at the joke Esperia revealed that she had indeed brought a sponge with her, after all if she kept using her body it might had become too steamy in a few moments. "So my love~ Shall we proceed with getting you all clean and ready for the day?"


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Mon May 16, 2022 5:46 am

See the fun part here is she would switch Esperia into where she was."Maybe but you first."This was just her being her, unsure if Esperia has done all of this already. So it seemed she was always taking her time and running her fingers through Esperia's hair making sure the hair was fairly damp enough, Putting shampoo into her hair and taking time to massage it into her hair."So worried about working on me at time, Maybe you should let me do this for once."There was times where her affection was open and times it was a bit more subdued, This was an example of maybe just slightly more subdued.

Would this bother Esperia? embarrass her or just seemed to take these things in stride like she assumed Esperia would? After all normally these situation she was just a bit more passive for the most part. After all it did not take long for her to get all clean. Since it was just something she managed alone pretty quick. But these moment were fair more special to at least her for the time that passes, feels like it was just peaceful enough that if time was wasted, it did not matter.



Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Mon May 16, 2022 7:22 am


The sudden shifting of roles came unexpected, but not unwanted either. There was something about this peaceful atmosphere that she enjoyed immensely. Feeling her lover's fingers gently trail through her long hair, the ticklish sensation of the shampoo that got massaged into it, Esperia smiled warmly as she decided to remain still to let Priscilla take the lead. "Sure~ I don't mind getting spoiled like this by you."

A playful whisper accompanied by a soft hum as she listened to Priscilla's words, there was a certain irony in the matter. While it was true that both had different ways to show their affection for one another, it did make for quite the endearing moments like the one she was experiencing right now. Just gently leaning back against her lover as she worked on getting her all clean and ready for the day. She wouldn't mind if it meant their training would be cut short today, there was more than enough time to do such things. But this? Those wonderful moments of peace and love were sacred to her, and she was not the type of woman to rush those. No, it was clear that she was relaxed just from the fact her body was showing not a sign of tension and her eyes were closed...


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Tue May 17, 2022 2:21 pm

With that it seemed she to be sure this moment was just perfect and fitting for the manner she was doing. Was this her spoiling her? maybe but she did not really try to be so brash at time."I would like to think, I am not that horrible over all."This was more suppose to be a joke if anything else. Even then Esperia made these efforts more happen then she did so maybe it was just that small twist. It did a take more time because Esperia now days had a fair a more hair then she did.

"At least here, shower thoughts are not so bad, Sometimes the interesting pondering actually have a means to have other parts talk back constructively."She also was making sure to carry the conversation. Then again shower thoughts were internal."Consider it a thank you for being more prepared for today then I am." She was just making a stupid reason for it just for the sake of. It was to get a it of a laugh about it. All these things are normal to the time, Hair did take time to take good care of. Then she would just rinse out her hair.


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Tue May 17, 2022 2:28 pm


A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she hummed softly. "Mhmm~ You're the best wife I could ever dream of~ And I have a very vivid imagination~" Esperia chimed playfully as she enjoyed the comfort and relaxation that her lover gave her. Indeed, even as her hair was all cleaned up and the shampoo was rinsed out of her hair, she listened carefully at her lover's words. "Shower thoughts hmm? I wonder how you plan to have your other parts talk back constructively~" A teasing remark was made as she playfully pondered what type of actions her lover would take, if none had been taken she would wait till Priscilla had finished tending to her, after which she would turn around to help her lover with getting all cleaned up herself.

After all, they had an entire day of adventures in store for them! As much as she would love just snuggling under the shower for the entire day, she did have some plans in mind for what would come ahead. But before all that she gently kissed Priscilla on her lips, whispering softly. "You're welcome~" Indeed, this was one of the most wonderful ways she could imagine starting her day~


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Wed May 18, 2022 3:15 pm

Even with the teasing remark it seemed to not phase her too much. right now."Sorry dear, Not much that you would enjoy is in my mind during these times."After all her thoughts was not always holding hands or any thing anything else questionable to the public to view on a normal days."More personal and thoughts about other parts of life."It was such the normal disappointment nothing lewd just serious thoughts, But it was just her normal in the end because that was her life more serious things as always.

However they would need to finish up their shower."Now the rest won't need to take much longer, We are waiting time after all."It seemed the moment was over and spoiled since they needed to go do other things, such is the normal life of these too. But the rest of the shower would be finished with out problem. But she would take a towel and start drying off Esperia's hair since they were both done."There, Now go get dress I will deal with my hair."Just one last small little tiny good thing before they would go jogging or whatever else was planned.


Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Wed May 18, 2022 3:26 pm


Esperia chimed a playful "Aye~ Aye~" As Priscilla finished drying off her hair, the light whisper as she stepped out of the shower causing her armor to manifest on her body while she started to make her way over toward the bedroom. She mused softly, thinking back on how Priscilla tended to use shower moments to ponder about more personal thoughts and other aspects of their shared life. It did make her a bit curious, but for the time being she would simply focus on her thoughts for the future, that being to prepare herself for the training that would await them soon.

Then after the training she had prepared a cute and romantic lunch at the secluded cove near the Azure beach, and finally to finish their day they would end some money by beating up a group of pirates that had been causing troubles for the fair people of Hargeon. All in all she had been prepared very well for the adventures that awaited them! Now she just needed to wait for her wife to finish her shower so they could start the first part of her plans for the day: Training on the Azure Beach near Hargeon~



Morning Exercises: Jogging And Wrestling The Wife? [Storyline Quest 1] Empty Thu May 19, 2022 12:12 pm

Not like she could do the same so she would be taking a bit longer, It was nothing new in the end for her. But nonetheless she would just be sure to be prepared for for this outing. Even if part of her had wanted to do a few other things far from trying to work out at this time, But she could admit she had been lazy in the time period Esperia was gone. But it did also leave a bit of a spark in her brain to keep pressing on, For there was better things to come she just needed to embrace it.

So after getting dressed, They would move on to the other thing at hand, training. With a bit of a better mind set to the day. Her normal outfit for a normal day. With other things going on down the path that she might not expect to have happen.


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