In a black dress that contrasted so starkly with her snow pale skin, Sia made her way quietly through the streets of Oak, a black bird accompanying her along the way with strange green markings upon its right side. In a way, it lead the way, and in the lay of the fray Sia with no dismay passed a lot of hay, and hey, she found the road and was on her way. For hours Sia had journeyed, she had fought nervously, fervishly, cunningly and brazen. Blazened, she found herself seeking answers. She had no magic. A witch with no real magic was no witch at all.
The spirits had been clear. She would not be able to obtain her magic again on her own, she would need help and the tests ahead for her were surely to be sour. Still, though she knew she needed to head towards Magnolia next, the detour to Oak had been apparent. Apparent, because it had been apparently made, made to her by the spirits that spoke sick whispers into Sia's dark heart. Taunting her, teasing her, reminding her that they were there but beyond her reach. They toyed with her and goaded her onwards.
Finally, she made it to Castle Phantasm and she stopped, watching as a few strangers began to exit the building. Perhaps then, these were who the spirits. "Excuse me, do you work here? I'm looking for a guide."