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What Lies Beneath #5 [Neutral A rank]

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What Lies Beneath #5 [Neutral A rank] Empty Fri May 27, 2022 8:16 am

Everytime that Lucretia came to oak to handle the spirit problems of the church she only could wonder why it was such a consistent thing. Like what was it that drove the spirits to rise like this? What was it that made it so that they became such bloodthirsty monsters bent on the destruction of those above? Was it something about how long it was since they died? Or some other effect?

It was something to consider as she walked down the staircase leading down towards the catacombs. She had gotten the information regarding the spirits this time from a youthful pastor that had taken over from the other two. They both had decided to move their efforts elsewhere and she didn’t blame them. Adjusting herself near the end of the staircase she’d pull her helmet down around her head.

It was a full helm that did well to hide her features even when transformed and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Lately she had been… a lot prouder of her once thought affliction. Not because of what it was but of what it was used for; she didn’t consider it dark anymore not as a weapon like she had made it out to be.

Exhaling through the metal helm she’d scan the floor that she had come to figuring that if she was to do this that she’d need to be thorough. The youth didn’t know which floor the spirit was on but given that everytime Lucrectia came here it was a level lower than the last…

WC: 260/1600


What Lies Beneath #5 [Neutral A rank] Empty Fri May 27, 2022 8:28 am

Her answer to that question of where the spirit was located was answered very quickly when a huge head rose out of the ground. Two massive eyes of spectral blue glared at her and the surprise that she felt radiated off of her like a wave for a brief moment. But there was no fear; no nothing for the beast to feed off of. In fact there was a stern sort of look that came from Lucretia; as though she berated the spiritual being for even trying. But that gaze was quickly replaced with a look of concentration as she tried to figure out how it was this big and how she was going to deal with it.

As quick as the head came into view it left and lucretia bit her lower lip as she took off towards the other end of the current floor. She’d have to run through quite a few floors if it was really that big. But her idea that this spirit followed the same rules was also quickly brought to an end. Her eyebrows shot up as she rounded the last spirial of the current staircase.

What she was gifted with in terms of views was one that made her jaw drop a bit. The next floor had been replaced with a huge cavern and the multiple swinging heads of the hydra came into view as the steep drop yawned up below her. She’d eye the entire scene with a bit of a chuckle; if she hadn’t returned to her roots as a hunter this entire situation likely would have torn at her stomach a bit but now that she no longer felt fear once again well…

The hunter’s legs coiled like springs and she’d leap forward off of the staircases’ bottom; launching herself clear towards the hydra as the heads whirled to deal with the intruder. This huge spiritual entity was just like the rest; they would fall to her spear and knowing that hydras would regenerate their heads if cut off meant that her spear was the perfect weapon to deal with it’s spiritual successor.

One of the heads was low enough and coiled in such a fashion to where lucretia’s arc of a jump came to an end. Her landing and sliding along it as though it was flesh and bone; speaking to the strength and nature of the current beast she fought. It was something that she had always wanted to fight before; but she had to question how on earth a spirit this powerful could have come into being since her last visit…



What Lies Beneath #5 [Neutral A rank] Empty Fri May 27, 2022 8:58 am

The error that Lucretia made leaping into the cavern with the spiritual hydra wasn’t immediately apparent. Most spirits didn’t have a good control of their current surroundings but this was the second one that had more or less tricked the hunter into entering their domain. However, The error would also mean that they would need to physically deal with the hunter. Something that even when untransformed lucretia was an absolute beast to deal with. She was avoiding their blows like it was nothing; leaping up and over, adjusting her trajectory by using her spear as a counter weight.

The huge heads kept on missing and were slashed open or pierced by the assegai. She was being slow and methodical; which meant she was winning and pissing off the spirit as it thought it had an easy meal here.

Out of the nine heads that the hydra had, only three were fully functional. Some were missing jaws, others were missing eyes or laying limply to the side from the barrage from the woman. She’d skid to a stop just short of one of their swiping bites. Grinning like a fool as she gutted it from chin to collar. No blood thankfully since this beast wasn’t to the same level as the spirit snake that came before it. It was a little more spread out which meant it was less dense; though that meant that it was less resistant to lucretia’s spear.

Seeing the last two heads watch her warily she had to wonder what the long term goal of this hydra would be. Just claim a portion of the catacombs as its own? Escape to the above world? That one seemed unlikely. Her eyes fell through it’s chest and she’d note another amulet like the one the snake had hidden away in its cavity there. Drawing her arm back the woman hurled the spear through the ghost; cleaving through it’s weakened flesh and when she heard it strike that amulet the hydra shrieked and…

The world twisted and Lucretia found herself standing in a regular catacomb again. A shattered necklace laying on the ground. The jewel was split in half and a multi headed snake lay in the broken jewel. She’d stoop down; inspecting it for a moment. Furrowing her brow as she realized that once again this was a manufactured enemy. Someone was coming down here and placing these spirits into situations like this.

It made her question her previous fights, like the one that had been sucking away her mana in an effort to claim her life force. Or the giant snake; hell even the reaper esq one had been sudden and only attacked the homeless that had made their den in the upper area. She’d consider that information further. Biting her lip a bit and thinking of what to do next. Maybe she should check the next level down… to see what was going on. Since before she would finish and just leave but this time… She’d go beyond.



What Lies Beneath #5 [Neutral A rank] Empty Fri May 27, 2022 9:08 am

The stairs yawned up before her and the woman had to consider what on earth she was going to do here. If what she thought was true she’d have a real problem on her hands. Going down the stairs she’d come grinding to a halt when she heard voices down there. Muffled and the light that was coming from there seemed low but workable for people that didn’t have the ability to see in the night. She’d ease down into a ‘hunting’s tance and would see something that made her skin crawl.

The pair of priests from before that had come before the youth that she was working with were here. Kneeling in front of a small altar that upon it… Rested an amulet much like the others. The woman’s eyes narrowed and as they prayed she couldn’t help but creep forward. The two of them continued their prayers, their chanting and sooner rather than later…

Another spirit, this one of a knight appeared briefly. Standing above the amulet. Both of them looked tired and haggard from this effort almost immediately. The older of the two priest seemed to laugh before taking the amulet. The spirit of the knight moving along with the necklace. Lucretia considered her options very briefly… Before drawing her arm back and launching the spear forward with a heave. The priest didn’t have even a second to consider what was going on or even to be able to react to what lucretia was doing. The amulet was shattered in an instant; his eyes widening and both of their heads whipping to see Lucretia stepping out from the bottom of the staircase.

No words were exchanged, no excuses given, no pause, no answers. Lucretia had everything she needed and the two didn’t even put up a fight. They both were dead, slain on the spot one after the other. Three amulets, all of which had snakes in them. Disgusted with the priests she’d go upstairs to explain to the youthful pastor… only to see that he was no where to be found. Not in the building or the town. Which made her wonder just how deep this rabbit hole went.

Adjusting herself the woman stepped out of the church and figured that she’d have to update the quest board or at least talk to a local authority group so they could keep a closer eye on what was going on here. Either that or lucretia was going to have to do her own assortment of digging… which would also present a problem.


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