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Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla]

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Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Mon May 09, 2022 9:46 am


Having invited her lover to the Azure Beach in Hargeon for some training Esperia had thought of two different reasons for wanting to bring forth this invitation. As much as it was a date, it had also been a training exercise, for she intended to spar with her lover in the hope of honing their skills in combat. While in her new body she was still significantly weaker than Priscilla, Esperia did have the advantage of her magic, and there was also another reason for her to have brought up the idea. Gently clinging to Priscilla's arm Esperia chimed happily as they entered the beach.

"Darling~ How about we make this training exercise extra exciting? The winner of the spar can ask the other anything they want~" Esperia's eyes sparkled with joy and a slight hint of mischief in them as they arrived on the beach, having already cleared it out with the gym to let her use one of their outdoors fields for their training together.

Not to mention, it would be a lot easier to reveal her desire in a playful manner like this compared to a super serious conversation~

Last edited by Esperia on Tue May 17, 2022 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Mon May 09, 2022 11:36 am

Why she would choose such a thing in a beach was something she could still question herself about to this buy, But honestly did not seem to shock her at all. Esperia had her own ways of working and this was one of the ways she entirely expected to happen."So first you tell me it is a day on the beach."She would mention since these series of events were always done in stages with Esperia, Always expecting more in some way to have to talk about something. So it was starting to show it's self now as thought.

"Then, You tell me it is training time."So far these sections seem pretty easy to track, At least if you did not assume there was anything else to it like she was now thinking there was now, Because some what in her mind there was always more to it, At least always felt like there had to be more to it, IT was just how these things seemed to work out. Between the lovers not that it was too worrying it was just how they seemed to work as people. At least they were not hurting anyone so far.

With this part being mentioned it seemed the third part was not something she expected."Asking just a simple question? A strange request, But as long as it remains that I will agree to your terms."Since the stage was set up it was surely about to be interesting anyway. Having yet to get any weapons or gear herself, it was just clothing for now."So just casually wrestling I take it then?" Since she agreed it seemed that was about what they were going to do, at least there where no walls to be thrown into at this time.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Tue May 10, 2022 11:03 am


Esperia smiled knowingly at her lover, seemingly having an idea in mind already while she chimed playfully in response. "Mhmm~ Just one, and in terms of the training we will have an unarmed sparring match~ So calling it a casual wrestling match is not that wrong~"

The Demigoddess chimed cheerfully while taking a few steps away from her lover. She had been wearing a light leather armor, just enough to help take some of the powerful blows that her wife possesses as a werewolf. However, the absence of her usual weaponry did make it more tricky, so instead she took a combative stance, raising both her arms upwards in a stance that was reminiscent of boxing. She waited a bit, wanting to make certain Priscilla had been ready for their fight after which she dashed forwards, a fist lunging forwards in a jabbing motion toward her lover's torso. It was a simple attack, a solid opening movement that if it did land would make her follow up with a grab attempt of the clothing to pull her lover toward her! After all, even if this was training, she did want to avoid harming her lover, which did make the concept of training a bit more tricky~


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Tue May 10, 2022 5:15 pm

So this new body had her fighting something different, it is almost like she had a new wife while not both at the same time."My my do I say I just gained a new wife at this point?"She laughed about it, she was not serious about that remark at all. But she had to be curious on why just this one and one time like this, was she really wanting something else form her? Taking her time she would stretch out thinking about what she would, for some reason it seemed foolish to attempt to do something first.

Then well she had to remark."With armour? do you think me that dangerous?" It was most likely the reasonable choice to actually put on some kind of protection, when she was just in normal clothing."Yet I am just still in normal cloth.."There was a bit of a thought for a moment, That she could do one thing that might be effective but rude at the same time. Then chose not too. Then knocking away the jab to the torso but she seem to not really be attempting to knock it away too hard.

But she allowed herself to be pulled in, to stick right leg behind her left leg. Kissing Esperia on the cheek and then pulling her leg back to pull that leg forward and lean forward to see if she can bring Esperia to the ground. To the werewolf this was actually like a wrestling match and she as treating it like one.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 3:44 am


She should have expected that Priscilla could react fast enough to the jab, the parry coming skillfully yet at the same time her lover moved inwards, her leg moving behind her own, clearly in an attempt to make her trip and fall onto the ground. The gentle kiss on her cheek did fluster her for a moment, long enough for Priscilla to succeed in making her trip backwards toward the ground, but Esperia wasn't done yet.

As her body fell toward the ground she attempted to plant both her hands onto the ground, a sweeping motion being made by her legs while her lover was still regaining her footing and by then, whether she succeeded in swiping Priscilla off her feet or not, Esperia would continue the motion further, using the strength in her arms to push herself off the ground and get upright once more.

"If you want to get on top of me, you'll need to put in a bit more effort my love~" Esperia chimed playfully, her blue-colored eyes gazing with a mixture of excitement and mischief at her lover as she waited to see what she would do next. "I might be in a new body~ but I'm still the same lewdling that you married~"


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 8:04 am

Well it seemed her simple idea failed, Esperia took this a more seriously then she assume, it did not bother her in fact it was enjoyable."Oh really?Just a little more effort? I guess this is the part were I start stripping naked huh?"She had to remark as she was getting up on her feet. Since well she knew now she needed to take these things a bit more seriously, That joke was added in just more for the sake of it. "Then again...I guess I don't really need to right now."Enough of the cruel jokes at her wife's perverted way of being, at least she still was the same person.

She would recover from tripping."But I guess in the end I should be a bit less casual now."which was true, in her mind she was not really trying to be serious about it. She seemed to be thinking about it now. There would a moment letting out a bit of a sigh then she would charge at Esperia and wind up to a torso punch with her right arm. Because it was time to build up the momentum towards training together.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 8:43 am


Esperia couldn't help but pout playfully at those words. The teasing remark did make it clear that her lover was not taking the training seriously yet, to which Esperia remarked slyly. "If you want to get out of your clothes, I'll gladly give a hand~"

As her lover had chosen to finally take the training seriously, Esperia watched Priscilla charge up at her, the winding up of her arm into a torso punch being predictable enough that the Demigoddess cleverly sidestepped toward the left side of her lover's body! But that was not all! Suddenly taking things a step further the Demigoddess stepped behind Priscilla, hands skillfully pulling off the outer layer of her lover's top garb and started to pull her backwards, one leg extending slightly to the side while her body turned to Priscilla's side, attempting to make her trip backwards in this playful wrestling match. Yet likely holding a piece of Priscilla's clothing in her hands as a victor spoils she hummed mischievously. "Say~ Darling~ Now that you're getting a bit less casual I guess it's the right time to ask~ If I do my best and defeat you~ Want to give Hasani a little brother or sister?"


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 3:03 pm

It seems maybe it was a useful tactic at least in her mind. because in return."No you have to earn that part."Which was most likely the most distracted line she could say in this situation."You can't just assume you have won that yet."After all at this point she might have revved her up. But it would be fitting to continue on in terms of what was next on her mind to do, Something else really just needed to happen. To keep baiting Esperia means she still had a way to maybe come out a bit on top.

So far it all seemed to be tripping and leg play. But alas it was always how one played off of another actions right? At least she thought so. She would use the trip to fall into Esperia but make sure to angle herself to wrap both of her arms around her tights and pull them up as a sneaky means to mess up Esperia's flow. the rest of her plan after pulling the legs up was to slam her butt into Esperia while she was falling to see if that did anything."Your right away answer is no."


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 3:23 pm


If Priscilla was trying to motivate Esperia, then she certainly was doing a wonderful job at it. The clever usage of her hands and the trailing along her thighs briefly messed up the Demigod's flow, long enough for the slam of her lover's butt to collide against her. Yet at the same time as she staggered backwards and was about to fall Esperia steeled her footing with unnatural resolve, instead of simply falling onto the ground she pulled both legs around Priscilla's waist, one arm attempting to restrain her lover and the other trying to pin her down, but it was at that time Esperia realized one important mistake.

"Eeeh..." Her cheeks flushing up lightly, it was the fact that in either form Esperia had been quite a light weight and currently looked more like a koala bear hugging Priscilla from behind rather than a proper wrestler trying to pin down her opponent. "Puuh~ That's unfair! What do I have to do to earn that right? Am I not good enough yet?" The words carried a hint of frustration to them, her grip clearly growing a bit weaker as she buried her face into Priscilla's back. "Even if I see Hasani as my own flesh and blood, is it that wrong for me to do such a thing with you? It is that selfish for me to want to truly be able to say that I'm yours, and your mine?"

She sighed softly, finally releasing her grip from her lover, as if to admit defeat while at the same time she raised a hand before her face, as if to obscure the mixture of tears and frustration that still lingered on her face. "I know I shouldn't be jealous... but sometimes I feel like 'he' still lingers like a phantom with you. I... don't want to be a replacement..." The Demigoddess whispered feebly, the last part barely audible.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Thu May 12, 2022 6:01 am

It was time for a bit of a break form this training situation. How so, Taking one of the hands of Esperia and gave it a kiss. Then well loosen any kind of grip around her, turned around and slowly just lead Esperia to the ground for a moment but just hugged her while she did."No, That isn't way I am tell you no."For there was an actual reason for it but she seemed to understand the reality of why Esperia's emotions where getting to her, But she had a point to make entirely about refusing.

It seemed it made her sound, sad and defeated emotionally, far different then the frustration from Esperia. Even for a moment a bit of tears came from her face."Just so I can see anyone I form long term partnership just leave to never return?"This was her point and reason for it, She was just not going to hide it. Pretty much a sign, having a child with Esperia was only ruled out for."It is a fear...a bad omen...A curse." There was no mention of the name behind the he Esperia was referring too at all.

"You came back by sure luck, Do you not think that if I agree to that and something happens you will return again. I did not think you would return the first time."She was not ranting at Esperia, she was pouring out that scared person inside her that never really came out, Esperia saw the mad part, just not this one.

"I don't wanna want to happen again...I don't wanna be alone much like each time I bond with some one they die...."
Maybe this made sense now, She was only refusing currently out of actual fear and worry.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Thu May 12, 2022 6:13 am


So that was the reason behind the refusal? Not because she was not worthy, but because the events of the past were chaining her down. Hearing Priscilla refer to it as a curse suddenly made Esperia instinctively wrap both her arms around her lover in a tight embrace. "It's not a curse!" Esperia exclaimed loudly, her gaze lingering on Priscilla as she continued. "It is not your fault in the slightest! Vali left on god knows what he had in mind, but he had forgotten the responsibility he had: To return to his family no matter what, and if death claims his soul then he should still consider that vow one to fulfill like I did."

Esperia shook her head firmly as she continued. "I know my death inflicted immense grief upon you, but I didn't return because of luck. I returned because I was stubborn and determined to return to you, I returned because of the strength of our bond!"

Esperia sighed deeply at the terrified feelings of her lover, a hand raised to her lover's chin, lifting it up lightly as she whispered softly. "If that is your fear then I'll become strong enough to even defy death itself. So strong that I can conquer Tartarus at any time, and when I do... Nothing will stop me from returning to your side."

She leaned in gently, her lips brushing against Priscilla as she whispered softly "And then I will have shown you that nothing can break our bond, and at that time I will ask you this question again."


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Thu May 12, 2022 4:20 pm

How ever it haunted her wife it seemed to have just be lingering and buried emotion she just never let out. Even her crying seemed to be very little like she was not letting that out still, being too stubborn about it. In weeping it was not her to be weeping in a gross manner, Esperia did help with in her comfort, Just well breaking down the barrier of your own wife's emotions it would take a bit. Even now she was already trying to piece herself back together quickly. It would be taking a bit time sure it was easy to tell she was still crying a bit.

It was not just her death."How many will end up dead just by chance?..."She was calming down as her emotional whaling seemed to be just be less and less. Much like a person would place two arms under a pillow she did it this time, After looking at Esperia a tiny and just seemed to finally just let herself mentally rest, She seem to calm down enough with some sounds of a bit of tears and emotional heaving lessening enough. It would be muffled a bit but."I shouldn't...yet...it happens...One just feels so...weak and emotionally scarred."It seemed to leave her reflecting a tiny bit internally. She was also finally feeling like it might not be the case now, Just might not know how to explain it anymore.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Thu May 12, 2022 4:29 pm


Esperia nodded her head lightly in understanding. "I do understand how you feel: There have been times I lost those dear to me and I felt weak, helpless in trying to change things. For all my wisdom and proficiency in magic I felt utterly useless. But each of those times I slowly climbed back onto my feet, because I needed to look at the future. And what do I see there? You and Me joyfully watching our children grow up, sure they might need a bit of time to get used to having two mothers, but in the end I'm sure they will grow up to become splendid people."

She smiled tenderly at Priscilla, as she gently leaned her head in to rest it on her lover's shoulder as she continued to whisper. "And you know what gives me that mental fortitude? You do~ Because you gave me that which I thought I would never find~ As long as you continue to love me I am confident that no matter the obstacle, we will be able to overcome it together."

She gently lowered a hand along Priscilla's back, adding the last part with a more sweet tone. "After all~ Curses and Blessings are two sides of the same coin, and I will turn that curse of yours into a blessing~ So cry as much as you need my love, for I will be here at your side forevermore~"


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 4:26 am

Now a sign that she was some what emotionally back to normal. any of the sadness just stop for a moment, letting out one final sniff, unburying herself. Then well she would quickly hold both of Esperia's arms down with a bit of a smile. Then she would stop laying on Esperia and move on to being more like she was sitting on her. With a bit of a joke."This is the part you have not tapped out and I won right?"She was trying to joke away from her emotions at least for a moment, Attempting to claim victory for the wrestling match for a moment."After seeming like this is apparently how the winning position is in this little game right?"

Sure her eyes slightly red and she was just forcing herself to just settle her emotions quickly but she it was just how she needed to do things in life and needed to be. Even if she might not need to attempt to return to emotions so quickly. She but did nothing else but just stay there at this time. After all they were having a conversation, It seemed she was some what settled and at peace for now.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Fri May 13, 2022 5:11 am


Hearing Priscilla's words quickly led to Esperia to start laughing, her hearty laughter soon resounding through the beach. "Haha yes~ You win this time my love~" Esperia hummed with a gentle smile while leaning back on the sand. Looking at Priscilla as she leaned up and was now straddling her the words spoken by her lover quickly earned a mischievous remark from herself. "Oh? If I didn't know better a absence of a few more clothing could have made this position be considered something far more lewd~ Also it's my favorite position in that regard." Esperia chimed playfully as she leaned upright, nuzzling against Priscilla as she whispered softly. "I might not be a djinni in a lamp~ But I did make a promise~ So you get to make one request of me~"

And with those words she waited for Priscilla to reveal what she had in mind for the young Demigoddess. Even if their wrestling match had ended and their emotions poured out to one another, they could still overcome such things because they had each other. That was well and truly the strength of their bond at play, and that in her opinion was such a beautiful something~


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Sat May 14, 2022 4:45 am

She would take a bit of time for that request to be mentioned but she did remark."Sorry dear, not here even if no one was around it is still a public area."After a quick kiss on the cheek, she got off of Esperia. Then offered to help her up."There if is time for such events later."She was not saying no, Just not here.

She would look up in the sky like she was taking her time thinking for a moment it seemed most that question in mind would finally spring into her head."Even we are on that subject now, With your life as a demi god...will you out live me?"It was a worry Esperia had before, but one that she had wonder was on her mind at all yet. Just because she was different now does not mean it would be the same for the loyal partner. But it was the question she would ask, Even then it was not out of sadness or any other emotion for the moment.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Tue May 17, 2022 1:18 pm


A playful giggle escaped her lips as Priscilla gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and after climbing off her, helped the Demigoddess back onto her feet. The question that followed did make Esperia ponder for a bit. "In theory, a Demigod is not immortal, they enjoy longevity similar to elves in the sense that they remain in their peek condition, or the prime of their life far longer than humans. I'm estimating I would be reaching around two hundred to three hundred years at the earliest if one was to talk purely about age. A werewolf in that regard tends to have a similar lifespan to a human."

She gently brought a hand to Priscilla's cheek, gently looking into her eyes as she spoke softly. "But that does not mean there is no way for us to grow old together~ I did consider it before, and I could brew alchemical potions that bring a certain longevity to the drinker. Should you consume these, you will remain at the prime of your life longer, simply said it will give you the same lifespan as myself~"

She smiled gently as she leaned in to give Priscilla a kiss on her lips after which she took a step backwards. "After all, the only ending I want to this tale is one where we grow old together, and as we share memories young and old of beautiful days end up drawing our last breaths, preparing for our next journey together into the beyond~"


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Wed May 18, 2022 2:42 pm

It seemed these two answer did still have her ponder, But she would take Esperia by the hand and start leaving the beach since well their intentions here was finished for the moment."It would be good to ponder when that aging point is count, Is it when you are made one? Or when you were born as a child. It is a good question to pose." Not that either would bother her it was just the way they had to deal with things, But she would try not to get too annoying with her questions, even if so far there was not really any annoying questions. They were planning things after all.

So she would ask her other question."I guess it is a solution yes, Even if i am content dying when it happens."It was just agreeing on it for it seemed.Then well she would finally raise her final question of the even."Even if you want to give Hasani a brother or sister....how will we manage that exactly?"this felt like a question that might end horribly if Esperia was not careful for even if her wife was open minded there where things that might be werid.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Wed May 18, 2022 3:18 pm


The first question that was asked of her made Esperia visibly ponder. "I think it is from the point you were born as one, one does not simply become a Demigod after all~ But it is a question to ponder about for sure~" Yet the question that followed made Esperia's cheeks flush up brightly, fidgeting lightly as she whispered softly. "There are... certain ways to do it. For example, there are alchemical potions and spells that allow one to temporarily alter the physical form, essentially becoming what is known as a hermaphrodite. You see, there are actually some people in Earthland who possess both sexual organs, this essentially allows one to obtain a similar effect, albeit temporary in nature. It is one of the ways that a couple like us can use to create offspring."

She tried to look at Priscilla, a sheepish smile on her lips. "I also heard that it feels really good too but... I would only do such a thing if you agreed to it. Besides I like being your lewdling wife~ I don't need to have an additional surprise with me all the time~"

And it seemed that Priscilla had finally learned of one of Esperia's most bashful secrets.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Thu May 19, 2022 2:22 pm

It was a strange situation to explain to her, still some what not grasping on it. Not that it did not seem like it was a workable solution just one."Espy dear understand I love you and could lean into one of the ideas mentioned here."Not mentioning which one so far she was leaning into but well it would be mentioned shortly. It seemed to be a bit more strange of a subject that she seemed a bit weird out for the moment at this time."But that one...feels a bit...different."She did not sound like she was judging horribly she just seemed unsure by it.

The bet way she would mention it was by."As it stands, I like you for you now...Your idea...seems a bit strange to shift in that manner..For you are perfect how you now."It seemed maybe there might have to be another way to talk her into it. After all she was fine with how their life is right now, Maybe she was assuming this was a permanent change, But the part it being temporary did finally hit her mind."I will think about the subject."It was not no.


Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Thu May 19, 2022 2:31 pm


Esperia nodded her head sheepishly in return to her lover's words. "Mhmm! You can take your time pondering about it~ We're not in a rush or anything~" Bashfully waving her hands in front of her face as she tried to change the focus of the topic she turned her gaze upwards at the sun that was high up in the sky above. "Hmm~ I think it's almost noon~ Perfect time for us to take a break and enjoy some lunch together~ And it would happen to be that I came suitably prepared~" A sheepish grin emerging on her lips the Demigoddess raised a hand sideways, a picnic basket appearing in her hand while she playfully grasped Priscilla's arm. "We can muse about things another time~ Let us enjoy some food and peace for a bit~"

And with that idea formed in her mind the young Demigoddess started to playfully guide her lover toward the nearby coastal path. It truly seemed she had prepared the events well in advance, didn't she? Then again, maybe she had just been really looking forward to spend some time alongside her beloved wife? Surely it was that! Not like she had any lewd ulterior motives~



Looking toward the future: Winner takes the Booty? [SL part 1 - Priscilla] Empty Fri May 20, 2022 7:58 am

They got settled pretty quickly about it, It was just the both of them settling. Now it just seemed the things to do next were something else settled out to do."Then lunch it is."She would mention so casually about it. because it was just how it was now. Everything seemed planned and set up for the most part and it was kind of relaxing even if she was just being through a loop currently. It seemed for the most part the rising and diving emotions she had been through the past few days was over for the moment.

So it might be a magical time to relax and have lunch on the beach, A questionable set up for something she was use too, but made her ponder if it was set up for other things by Esperia, she would have to figure out later. For now it was time to walk to the place.


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