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Another Day Another Fight

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Another Day Another Fight Empty Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:24 am


Yuurei hadn’t fought against Brone for an entire month. He wasn’t sure what his friend had been doing since then, but he knew that in his case he was getting stronger by the day. He could only hope that his friend would do the same thing. Still, he knew not everyone was not like him. He had extended his invitation to his friend and now he would be waiting for Brone at the training dome. The Nephilim decided to fight differently today. He had felt that he was at his peak with his weapon skills, so now it was time to test it out with his magic.

Yes, today Brone was going to fight Yuurei at his strongest. The dwarf would have to make sure that he didn’t make one mistake, or he would feel it all. In the end, Yuurei knew that Brone was resilient, so it might now have gone exactly how he thought of it.

Still, through it all, he was waiting, and he was stretching his legs and arms as well. Renji was relaxing on the other side of the training dome. He wasn’t going to get involved, and he never did. Yuurei did have his gear fully equipped already as he would show Brone some new tricks.

“This would make it the fourth time we fought. I won three times, I wonder if today will be the fourth time.” He said out loud as he waited.




Uriel's Grace:

#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Another Day Another Fight Empty Thu Jun 30, 2022 6:58 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
After the daily stretches and the quick shower, Brone donned his golden armor and the blue helmet. As usual, he would take a quick look in the mirror to psych himself up, ready for the sparring match. He gave give exhale of heated breath before he grabbed his two axes. A quick twirl of his weapons and he quickly stowed them upon his back as he made his way to the training dome.

Once he opened the door, he easily spotted Yuurei at the center of the dome, doing his stretches as well. The perimeter of the dome was lined with potted plant life as the dwarf had requested, in order to make the place seem more lively. "Oy! 'Morning!" Brone called to his friend as he drew both his axes, already preparing himself for the fight. Each time they met, there was something new, something different, whether it was armor, weapons or just pure strength. The dwarf wouldn't be surprised to see another addition to Yuurei's arsenal; but regardless of what is different or new, Brone would have to make sure to not be caught flatfooted. Last time, the half-elf had used a fraction of his angelic form, there would possibly be a chance that Yuurei may use his full force.

Brone approached his friend, intending to be within a meter of him. Pleasantry and greetings would be put to the side for now, for the itch for the battle was noticeable. He stood his battle stance, making sure the moment his friend moves, he too would act.


Brone at the Ready:


Another Day Another Fight Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 4:28 pm


Yuurei was planning on using his spells in this fight, but then he chose not to. Brone was the type of person who used weapons, so he would keep like that. He would sigh as he felt the cold air around him as his dwarven friend had gotten close to him. It was that damn helmet of his, and he could feel himself feeling stiff, which made him slower in the fight.

They were in attacking distance from each other, which he found interesting to see that his friend would be this close. Still, it meant that this was going to be a brawl, which he wasn’t opposed to at all. He would look at his friend as he would take out one of the tools that he had in his pocket.

“I won’t use my magic this time, but I do plan on using my entire arsenal.” He said to Brone.

He would lunge to gain distance between him and his friend as they would be twenty-three and a half meters apart. Once he landed his arm would be up in the air with the tool in his hand. He would summon a woman five meters from him and eighteen meters away from Brone as she had a claymore in her hand and ready for battle. She would look over to Brone who seemed like he would be the person they were fighting today.

“Fight him.” He said to Galatea as she would start rushing toward him.

When he told her to do that, he would also rush forward to him closing the distance between him and Brone whether or not he had started moving toward him or not.  He had moved closed twenty meters in a second and he would touch top speed in the next steps he took. When Yuurei got within a meter of Brone, he would try to do an attack with both his fist. The left fist would move in as he had done a quick jab and his right fist would come soon in after as it was another quick jab.

While this was happening, Galatea would be to the right of Brone as she watched her master move faster than she could. Still, they were able to get to Brone around the same time. Galatea from the right would swing her claymore right at the side of Brone aiming for his shoulder once she was little less than three meters from Brone.

Yuurei wasn’t going to use her, but he knew Brone would have been mad at him if he held back in their fight.




Uriel's Grace:

Spell Used:

#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Another Day Another Fight Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:25 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone was ready and trying to anticipate anything Yuurei would throw, but he was definitely surprised when he witness Yuurei magically summon a blonde haired warrior maiden. "Didn't expect another fighter to be part of ye arsenal, but I shouldn't be surprised" Brone said as he bent his knees and tightened his grip upon his weapons' handles. Though the half-elf had taken great distance from him, he was sure that the woman and Yuurei would come at him at the same time, it was Yuurei's strategy after all. The dwarf raised his golden axe into the air and waited.

When the two made their move, Yuurei and Galatea crossed the field quickly. Brone was amazed to see that Yuurei was even faster than before, which was why he intended on slowing both his foes down, even if it was only by a fraction. As Yuurei met Brone at his front, the dwarf held up his spellcleaver to deflect the attack, but Yuurei was so fast, that the first jab made it's hit before the axe could adjust. As Brone expected, Yuurei's magic managed to bypass the armor, hitting his body; the strength of the punch was intense, but the dwarf managed to raise his axe in time to deflect the second jab, though the blade cracked upon impact.

While the exchange was happening, Galatea was coming in from Brone's right and the dwarf reacted then, by swinging his golden axe down while activating Cold King's Edict, a blast of cold wind erupted from the dwarf, intending on slowing both Yuurei and Galatea. As his axe was coming down, he wasn't aiming for Galactea's body, but her claymore that she was swinging; to not only deflect it, but to damage it as well.

But he wasn't finished. Brone knew that being pincered would be even more trouble than any other battle he had in the training dome, so instead of stopping the golden axe after the strike, he would continue the momentum and turn it's swing, causing himself to spin and arcing the axe all around him, if he caught Yuurei with the swing, all the better, but there was a reason for this; it was to activate the spell Victor of the Dragon's Massacre. A tornado would erupt from Brone and quickly expand up to 30 meters, pushing anyone but the dwarf away.

As Galatea would be shoved away, Brone would rush after her. He intended on trying to finish her off as quickly as possible.

421 | 681

Spells Used:

Mana used: 1,800/2,120


Another Day Another Fight Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:47 pm


Yuurei had landed his first hit on Brone, which was something he expected, but the second attack was interesting. His friend had swung his axe on his right hand to make sure that it couldn’t go through with the attack. He smiled at his friend when he saw this as he felt his hand being redirected and missing its target. He would also see that his Kami no Chikara had also been damaged from the attack. The next thing would happen quickly, but Yuurei didn’t have time to react to it. Well, he did, but he chose to go in for another punch while Brone had activated his Cold King’s Edict.

Something he noticed from Brone was that his friend was really durable when it came to his defense against physical attacks. The Nephilim was planning on swinging his fist straight toward Brone again, but it would seem like the dwarf wasn’t done. He would see him trying to spin around for an attack. Galatea’s claymore would deflect, which would cause both of their weapons to be damaged. Still, the next thing she saw was that he was trying to spin. This would cause her to lunge backward to avoid the spinning attack that he was trying to attempt.

Yuurei would lunge backward as well as he would avoid the spinning attack from Brone as well. What the two didn’t notice was the tornado that would move straight toward them at the same time. Galatea and Yuurei would both be hit by the spell. Yuurei would take full damage on his armor as Galatea would take the full damage of the attack. He didn't think his friend could do something like this, but he would know now for the future. In addition to this, they would both be tossed back and end up thirty meters away from Brone.

Yuurei had a smirk on his face as he had to give it to his friend. He was doing well in their fight. It would take Galatea longer to get to Brone now, and creating distance was the smartest thing to do.

The Nephilim had rushed straight toward Brone though as he was able to close the gap between the two of them in less than two seconds. He was in front of him once again one meter away as he tried to throw a quick jab with his left arm and then shifted his body to attempt to land a right low kick on Brone’s left leg. He had noticed that his Kami no Chikara was really damaged, which was bad news for him.

Galatea was running through the battlefield as she was doing her best to get to Brone. The woman was moving too slow for her comfort, and she would arrive at the side of Brone around the time Yuurei attempted to land his low kick on Brone. She would try again with her claymore attempting to get Brone again on his right side.

Yuurei’s gauntlet that was damaged earlier would have had half of its remaining durability left, while Galatea’s claymore would have had sixty percent of her durability left. Brone was strong and Yuurei was enjoying this fight more than he thought he would.




Uriel's Grace:

Spell Used:

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Another Day Another Fight Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:06 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone rushed at Galatea, trying to deliver a swift blow to her before she could recover, but Yuurei was just too fast. The half-elf had already appeared before the dwarf, causing the shorter of the two to slow in his progression and meet the taller in combat, which gave Galatea and chance to get back onto her feet. The chance was lost, Brone knew he couldn't wallow on the matter, he had to keep his mind thinking and his body reacting.

Yuurei threw a punch with his left hand and Brone met that attack with his golden axe with his own kind of jab but thrusting the blade part of the axe at the punch. The blade cracked further, but the dwarf couldn't take notice of it, the altercation was still happening. Galatea appeared at his right once again and Yuurei was moving to strike at his lower body with a sweeping kick; the dwarf knew he couldn't intercept both attacks, so he got creative.

Brone activated his Frost Action spell which quickly created a layer of ice over his armor as he dropped onto his left knee, allowing him to adjust his left arm and braced for the impact of the kick. He wasn't sure if Yuurei's magical ability that allowed him to bypass his armor was specific to only attacks from gauntlets or kicks, but this gamble didn't have enough time to be thought through, everything was happening way too fast for the dwarf. Both Yuurei's sweeping kick and Galatea's claymore slammed into Brone's icy armor, shattering the layer of eyes instantaneously and cracking the golden armor that was beneath. Unfortunately, Brone got his answer to his question and it wasn't in his favor; the kick bypassed the layer of ice and the golden armor, slamming into his arm. The dwarf smiled as he quickly brought up his green axe upward, trying to slice at Yuurei from beneath him, though the magical phasing ability Yuurei had allowed him to ignore his armor, this gave the dwarf idea, maybe he could split defensive strategy for the two opponents.

350 | 1,031

Spells Used:
Battle Log:

Mana used: 2,020 / 2,120


Another Day Another Fight Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 11:22 pm


Yuurei’s left arm would collide with Brone’s axe. The Nephilim would look at his friend as he felt the impact on his weapon, knowing that it had taken damage. Still, it would seem like it was strong enough to deal damage to Brone’s axe as well. His eyes focused, he could see that the axe had taken quite the damage, which was good, but his gauntlet had been damaged as well. It seemed like Brone was trying to take his weapons away from him, which was a good and smart thing to do. The berserker wasn’t going to use his magic in this fight, so losing his weapons would decrease his strength greatly.

When it came to his kick, it would seem like Brone had used his defense spell to take a lot of the damage with that. Yuurei’s kick was more than enough to destroy it, and he would phase through the armor and kick Brone. Galatea would swing her claymore straight on Brone’s armor and she would deal damage to his armor, but her claymore would also take more damage it seemed. She was thoroughly confused, but she could see that this dwarf was a tough opponent.

The Nephilim noticed that he swung his axe at him and when he had gone to step back, he would feel his armor break and shatter from the impact that Brone had connected. The berserker was able to get two meters away from Brone now, but he wasn’t running away. No, the Nephilim was going back in to attack the dwarf again. He was hesitant with Kami no Chikara, but it was because without it, then he would have to fight attack Brone’s armor. He was hoping that Galatea would be able to take it out before his gauntlet would break, but he wasn’t sure.

Yuurei had stepped forward to Brone once again. He would close their gap in an instant as he was in front of him, one meter away. His left hand moved once again toward Brone’s abdomen ready to deal damage. Yuurei planned on using his angelic form, but he didn’t think it was time to use that ability yet.

Galatea would swing her claymore once again this time bringing it upward and against Brone’s side once again. She was aiming for the armor as it seemed like the only way, she could hurt him is if she got through to that big armor piece first. She was a good enough distance that he couldn’t swing his axe on her unless he closed the gap though. Her claymore was big enough to keep her safe for now.




Uriel's Grace:

Spell Used:

Tabs so far:

#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Another Day Another Fight Empty Mon Jul 04, 2022 5:51 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone managed to break Yuurei's armor, though he wasn't sure if it changed anything. The half-elf jumped back a bit, but the dwarf knew better; event hough Galatea was close to him on his right, attacking her wouldn't be in his favor, for Yuurei would be able to move in to attack within a second given his speed, and the dwarf would be right. So he had to counter and attack quickly; he already knew both his weapons were already heavily damaged, but he couldn't worry about that, he needed to strike fast.

As Yuurei threw a jab with his left hand, Brone would strike with his golden axe, aiming for the left side of Yuurei's torse, the blade would go under the attacking arm, a simultaneous hit on both ends. The fist slammed into the dwarf's chest, causing him to cough up blood; even being shaken for that moment, he forced himself to keep on his feet and push forward, so he swung his green axe to Yuurei's right side, knowing he's risking his axe. At the same time, Galatea's claymore struck the golden armor, cracking it even further, pieces of the armor fell away as the blade sliced through it.

The dwarf knew he couldn't split his attacks at this point, not only that, but because Yuurei's left hand was striking at his right side, he had no choice but to counter with his golden axe, so it was too busy to intercept Galatea's attack, so he had to rely on the Biteback ability from Face of the Mountain, hoping that Galatea's claymore would break before his golden armor does.

273 | 1,304

Battle Log:


Another Day Another Fight Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:29 am


Yuurei expected much from Brone; he wasn’t the type of person to dodge his attacks but meet them head-on. It wasn't just that, but he would counterattack as well. It was beautiful and he would see the axe coming straight for him. He moved his torso as much as he could to not get wounded to the fact that he would lose consciousness. Still, the axe would cut him, and he could see the wound appearing on him, and he could feel the pain coursing through his torso. It would seem like his friend was going through it as well. Still, it didn’t end there as Yuurei had felt the second blow from the other axe hit him as well. Of course, also grazing him as well opening a cut wound rather than cleaving him in half.

The light mage felt it too, and he smile because it seemed like Brone was not focused on Galatea. He was a smart man as the woman had clashed with his armor. She had done her damage to his golden armor of his, but it would seem like her claymore was damaged when she hit the armor. That was interesting. Still, her claymore and the man’s armor were about to break, and she figured that she would take the armor with her claymore and allow Yuurei to do the rest.

What really looked like a brawl was coming to an end soon or at least it was what Yuurei thought. He took one step forward as he was swinging his left hand first and soon after his right hand would follow suit. It was a quick one, two combos, which if Brone was hit by any of them would take him out for the count.

He wanted to see what his friend could do, but not just that, he wanted to see how far he was really able to stand when it came to fighting him.

Galatea moved in as well; she could see that Brone wasn’t paying attention to her, and it was within good reason. His armor was protecting him enough, and it was doing a good job to make sure that she couldn’t actually hurt him. It was a fine piece of equipment, one that even Yuurei had given acknowledgment to. Still, her claymore swung true, and she was aiming for his armor hoping that this would be it and he wouldn’t have a huge defense on him.




Uriel's Grace:

Spell Used:

Tabs so far:

#10Brone Heavyaxe 

Another Day Another Fight Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 8:32 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The exchange had little flexibility now, the battle was now just the swinging of blades and fists, magic was no longer being used. As the dwarf and the half-elf were use to, they were in each other's faces swinging both their arms, though now it seemed more bloody, even Yuurei wasn't focusing so much on deflecting blows now; both the golden axe and the green one had bit into Yuurei, drawing blood, but the half-elf, like a monster pressed forward, punches flying as always; this was all too familiar to the dwarf, except for the added third wheel that was Galatea who was withering down the golden armor upon Brone's back. How sarcastically wonderful for the dwarf that Yuurei managed to gain a summoning spell that brought forth a warrior maiden to assist him in combat.

This was the same ballroom dance that the dwarf and the half-elf knew all too well, and like a dance, they knew one another's moves and it always felt like Yuurei was leading. So because of the strong familiarity, Brone figured he had a chance to change things up a bit, even if it was only slightly. As he knew what was coming, the moment Yuurei's left fist came in, Brone quickly moved in for the attack while bringing up his golden axe to block the hit. As the elven fist slammed into the blade, the axe shattered, sending golden debris falling upon the ground, but the dwarf didn't slow, he took this chance, the reason why he met the attack was to avoid the right side of Yuurei's body, including the right fist. As the dwarf moved in under Yuurei's left arm that was beginning to pull back from the jab, Brone swiped at the half-elf's mid section with his green axe.

Brone figured he would be only able to avoid the second attack, so his plan was to move in while deflecting the first attack, unfortunately, Yuurei chose to attack first with his left hand, which meant moving into Yuurei left side would allow Galatea to land her strike with her claymore. Speaking of which, the claymore of the summoned maiden slammed into the golden armor of the dwarf, shattering Face of the Mountain, more golden metal rained down upon the battlefield, but at the same time, the biteback ability of the armor recoiled and caused the claymore to shattered as well. This was expected already, so Brone didn't falter with the incoming attack, but simply allowed it so he could try and land the hit on Yuurei's midsection, hopefully Brone's size would allow him to slip in under Yuurei's arm to connect his attack.

443 | 1,747


Another Day Another Fight Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:02 pm


Yuurei had connected with Brone’s Golden axe with his gauntlet as the axe would be taken out for the count in this fight. Still, now that he had done that, it would seem like Brone had done something interesting. He had moved while they had attacked each other, but with Yuurei not finishing with his attack he saw his right hand miss as Brone would dig in close and under him. It was an interesting way of fighting, which he found interesting. He didn’t think his friend would do that, but it was enjoyable to see.

Still, a clean-cut to his mid-section could be very dangerous, so he couldn’t allow it to fully go through. If anything, he would still be hurt from this attack, but at least it would allow him to move and unleash a counterattack of his own. The Nephilim had used his right leg, as it had pressure on it from his right jab, which he would use to pivot his body to Brone’s left side. The axe would cut him, but on his abdomen, wounding him with a lot of damage, and causing Yuurei’s blood to be shown to the dwarf.

"Great move Brone. I cannot wait to see what you can do in the future. You must become stronger, so you can battle by my side." He said to his friend as the battle continued.

Now, moving the way he did, putting more pressure on his right leg, he would whip his left leg up into the air and forward straight toward Brone's upper chest. He was attempting to deal a roundhouse kick. The light mage figured he would use the green axe to break his Kami no Chikara, but that wasn’t the case. That meant that he would be able to hit him even if he had the armour on him. It wasn’t just that, even if he had caught Brone on the head, he would have gone through it damaging the dwarf all the same.

Galatea, of course, may have lost her claymore in battle, but she knew that she wasn’t down for the count. The woman was there, and she would attempt to punch on the side that she was with Brone. They were indeed tag-teaming him, but this is how things were when summoning companions were involved. This was a different type of fighting Yuurei was used to, but it would help him in the long run in battles.




Uriel's Grace:

Spell Used:

Tabs so far:

#12Brone Heavyaxe 

Another Day Another Fight Empty Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:19 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Elven blood and gold had fell upon the ground of the training dome as the battle raged on, if this was any other fight, the dwarf would take a second to acknowledge how well he has been doing this battle compared to the previous fights, but his opponent wasn't like anyone else. Yuurei was always on the move, like his heart was beating a million beats per second, so Brone needed to allows be moving, always attacking, and always countering. Because of this, he didn't hear Yuurei's compliment, for the dwarf was tunnel-visioning, everything else that wasn't the battle was just noise like the beating of his heart being felt and heard in his ears.

Yuurei raised his leg to attack and Brone quickly reacted, not allowing himself to think of anything else except 'Counter and attack', he raised his spellcleaver to slam into the half-elf's striking leg and in doing so, the green axe shattered just like it's brother in battle, but this didn't face the dwarf, doing this time while he was countering, he was still moving in towards Yuurei, his eyes locked on his main opponent.

Galatea slammed a first into Brone's side, relying on punches now that her weapon was gone too, but even with that strike, Brone partly didn't notice it given how much he had trained his body to resist physical assault, and partly didn't care, he only cared about one thing and that was his opponent that he has met several times on the battlefield prior to this day.

Flashes of memories tried to enter the dwarf's mind, of the battles with Yuurei, from the first time they had swung their fists and blades against one another, how Brone was so physically weak that he had to rely on cheap tactics, how Yuurei's speed was so amazing to the dwarf back then was now like a snail compared the present day Yuurei who was rivaling the speed of lightning when he ran.

Brone clenched his right fist as he threw himself into Yuurei's body, punching through the memories that were in the way, to try and land the fist, his last ditch effort, into the chest of the half-elf, for he knew that the next second to come would be another battle ending with his vision blacking out.

385| 2,132

Battle Log:


Another Day Another Fight Empty Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:32 pm


Yuurei was surprised about this, he didn’t expect Brone to be able to move his spellcleaver back after he had swung it on his abdomen. It caught him off guard, but he would accept it; his friend had been through a lot against him, but it would seem like today was the day he would lose. His leg moved quickly, but the spellcleaver moved straight for his leg. The light mage would break through the axe, but he would feel the blow from the axe on his leg. He would clench his teeth in pain as he didn’t think something like this would happen.

Still, the smile on his face would appear after he had gone through the pain. Brone had gotten stronger, and his use of his weapon and armor had gotten even better. The Nephilim had learned a lot in this battle, and one thing he gained from fighting Brone was that he couldn’t go after that armor. His leg would go down to the ground, but it didn’t just stop there. Yuurei would lose his balance as he would start falling on his back. The Nephilim would have his thumb up in the air as he was falling to the ground and on his back.

Galatea was ready to attack, but when she was going to, she would start disappearing from where she was. Her eyes widen as she looked over at her master, and it seemed like he had lost that battle.

“Next time I won’t be using just my fis…” He said as he would blackout right then and there.

This would be the second time Yuurei had ever lost in a fight. He knew that it just meant that he had to train even more.



#14Brone Heavyaxe 

Another Day Another Fight Empty Thu Jul 07, 2022 7:48 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone slammed his fist into Yuurei, causing the half-elf the stumble back. Quickly, the dwarf raised his fists up to either side of his head, expecting a strike to come from either Yuurei or Galatea, everything was still going so fast for the dwarf, his ears still heard the beating of his heart. A second had passed and nothing happened, his heart was racing, and though it seemed all was still, Brone was still in fight-or-flight response, so he quickly took the chance of the 'hesitation' and quickly rolled out of the way of the incoming attack... but there was no attack coming.

Then he said Yuurei fall to the ground. Instead of seeing a victory, Brone, his mind still registering a fight saw this a chance to get a free hit in before the half-elf got back to his feet, so the dwarf rushed over to Yuurei and knelt before him. His left hand grabbed the collar of the taller man's shirt and lifted him as he raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, but then it hit him...

Yuurei's eyes were closed.

Brone stopped as he started to register what was going on. All was quiet save for the beating of his heart and his heavy breathing. Yuurei remained still, albeit breathing. The dwarf then looked behind him but Galatea was gone, vanished. It was just him and his friend now. He then turned to face his friend again. When he noticed his fist was still clenched and aiming for Yuurei, he released his fist and released his grip on Yuurei's shirt.

He then laid beside his friend, doing his best to slow his heavy breathing as he was trying to register the outcome of the fight. Did he really win? After so long the battle came to an end. But how?

Brone wanted to ask questions, to go through the battle in his head, to remember what were the last few seconds, but his eyes were so heavy. But he couldn't fall asleep. He quickly shot back up, remembering Yuurei is badly wounded and needed medical treatment. Though in pain, Brone lifted Yuurei as carefully as possible and made his way to the medical wing to get the half-elf patched up. Once in medical hands, the dwarf was fall asleep.

His first win against the angel.

392 | 2,524


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