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Innkeeper for the day (Good)

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Innkeeper for the day (Good) Empty Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:00 pm


Kaito walks in and he looks at the lady behind the desk and she asks him to help her tend to the inn and Kaito smiles as it has been a long time since he has done this since his time as a teen when his master was teaching him to be more reliable and learn to speak to people and not be so closed off to those that mean him no harm in the the least though he remembers himself picking a fight with a human staying at the inn that spoke ill of his master and he showed the guy that he was wrong and that he wasn't just some snot nosed punk that couldn't defend himself. He changes into his more friendly work disguise and gets to work in the inn helping clean and sort out rooms that needed to be sorted and the maids were a bit scared of a big man that was refusing to leave so they could clean his room.


Innkeeper for the day (Good) Empty Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:00 pm


Kaito simply just walks to the door and knocks with his eyes glowing red explaining that he had heard the man had been giving his friends in the staff issues and the man turned pale then he hurried and packed up and left leaving the girls a very nice tip and Kaito helps them as the hurry to clean the room so that the next guest saying in it can get into it as soon as possible. Then Kaito gets called to the front desk he wondered if he had gotten in trouble for scaring the guest to have them leave the room but there had been a problem that the woman had to go and tend to so she asked Kaito to man the front desk in her absence. Kaito nods his head thinking that he can handle the masses that were about to come filing through the door soon and that he will take the time to make sure of it all so that he didn't admit anyone in that should not be there.


Innkeeper for the day (Good) Empty Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:00 pm


Everything seemed to have been going fine until a very entitled man walks up and he demands a room and Kaito looks at the book in front of him. He tells the man that they are fully booked so they will have to find somewhere else to stay and that he can not help him. The man gets very angry and demands that Kaito toss someone out and give him their room and again Kaito tells him that he can not help him and he would not be kicking anyone else of the inn for him to have their room and the man moves to throw a punch at Kaito whose skin turns to dragon scales and the man looks super scared when he made contact with Kaito's face and he didn't even flinch from the hit and it was like hitting a wall and the man had only hurt his own hand. He then left swiftly and Kaito turns back to normal and soon after the woman returns and she smiles as the place is nearly spotless and the staff spoke very highly of him and she pays him and give him some extra stuff as a reward. Kaito walks out and wonders if Revy might have enjoyed this one but he figured her nap was probably better for her.
(564/250) 50% wc (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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