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We are here they are there. (Yuurei)

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We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:32 am


"Well if I meet him I will need to say I am sorry I guess. Maybe he is the more lone wolf type of man, He usually works better on his own but in a group he feels out of sorts and place." He feels like an ass but not much he can do about it but he knows that he is playing his part of the outrageous male exceed well and he goes back to climbing on the shelves looking for things and a box comes loose from above him.

Kaia with out even looking moved her hand and the box falls into a portal and lands back on the top shelf Kaia was so use to using her powers that she had just subconsciously protected her exceed companion with them without thinking but she was pretty sure neither of the other two males even realized that she had done it as she didn't have to make magic circles when she did it and she is decent at leveling out her power level as she used it, so even if they are sensitive to it they probably hadn't noticed she had done it.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:54 am


Yuurei and Renji would hear his words and he could see that when it comes to Kaito. Still, the thing was he never stood too long to make himself comfortable to work with others.

“Yeah I figured that, but the thing is he needs to stay around others. He never stays too long to know whether he can work with people as a team. That’s just my opinion on the matter. Still, Yuurei can’t force him to stay within Paradise Dawn. He’s not that type of person.” He would say this to Rawry.

Yuurei kept looking around, as he was focused on finding the damn lost pages. He had heard rumors that they could have possibly been found here. Still, it seemed like destiny wouldn’t allow him to get what he wanted. Still, he moves through the pages of the books and then looked over to Kaia to see if she found anything.

“Did you find anything Kaia?” He asked her wondering what she would say.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:08 pm


"Hmmm I see maybe he is just happy with the freedom of Fairy Tail." He points to his guild mark on his back. He has a light purple Fairy Tail guild mark there. He turns back to what he was doing on the shelf and he feels like the box he is in front of might have what he was after. He knows that he probably told on himself but he was not going to worry about it cause he doesn't think in his Revy form that he had told or had shown Renji the guild mark so he was probably safe it was just Kaia's that might cause an issue if they catch on to anything.

Kaia looks up to Yuurei when he had said something to her. "It feels like we are being taunted by this room. But no I have not found anything as of yet, you?" She sighs as she feels like it is here it is just playing with them and this is going to be an annoying mess.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:19 pm


Renji would chuckle when he heard that he might have been happy with the freedom of Fairy Tail. They were a known guild that had fallen off. That guild was nothing special anymore; the only thing it had going to was just the name itself.

“I guess. I mean he would have the same freedom in Paradise Dawn, and on top of that he would have friends watching his back in every corner.” He said to Rawry as he would continue working on finding those pages.

Yuurei would look over to Kaia as she would answer him. He would chuckle at what she said as it did feel like that. He had gotten a cape that was trapped in a cabinet and got cursed all in the same day. Still, he couldn’t find a page.

“You’re right on that. It seems like this place doesn’t want us to find what we came here for, or it’s making us work for it.” He said to her as he shook his head.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:26 pm


"Think he is a guy that will seek and fall into line of power?" Rawry bumps his head and rubs it while muttering merry christmas. He keeps looking for more things to look at as he goes and he thinks that it is probably a dead end on this one but he was gonna keep looking for what might be the best answer to this all something has to give or it will never be a true fun filled action packed in this area unless they accidently unseal a demon or a monster in here.

Kaia giggles lightly at the man agreeing with her as she was thinking that maybe it is sensing that she was not being true to herself and she looks around and then starts walking to the far side of of the room again and pushes a button on the wall and some of the racks and shelves moved and she wonders if that will make a difference.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:32 pm


Renji would hear Rawry and he would chuckle. He knew Yuurei wouldn’t make him fall in line or anything of the sort.

“There is no need for Kaito to fall in line with anything. Yuurei and him on friends, so he wouldn’t force him to obey. Yuurei would basically allow Kaito to have the same freedom he always had.” He said to Rawry as he was wondering how they got stuck talking about Kaito.

Still, his paws moved things around as he was no longer opening the books. He was just looking around and hoping that these lost pages or whatever were hidden in a crack or something.

Yuurei would continue to read through the books as he was wondering if one the of pages had attached itself to one of the books. He was making sure to see something that he couldn’t read. If he couldn’t read it, then he felt it would be important


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:48 pm


"I meant more do you think he would seek power, like how do I put this. Like he would let his sense go to gain a greater power then he has?" He was more asking if Renji though Kaito might be one that might fall to the clutches of power if it would make him super strong and maybe near unbeatable. He had wondered if maybe he didn't know Kaito as well as she thought and he wanted to see how these two would respond to that question as he was sure Kaito wasn't a power hungry monster but he can't be sure.

Kaia looks in a few of the newly opened up spaces and she wonders if this is what it is like searching through bigger ruins and things but she has yet to really get into anything good like that but she can read most of the things that she found that didn't have massive blacked out parts that made the texts unreadable.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:00 pm


Renji would hear Rawry’s words about Kaito seeking more power than he has. He didn’t see Kaito as the person who would seek more power, but even if he did, then would it be a bad thing?

”I don’t think he would. I think if he gains power it would come from it naturally coming to him. And if he wants more power than already has, I’m pretty sure Yuurei wouldn’t mind helping him with that either.” He said to Rawry.

Renji kept looking for stuff, but he kept finding dirt on the ground more than anything else.

Yuurei would continue to search around and while he was doing that, he would come up empty. He would look to see where Kaia was, but he noticed that she was nowhere near him. Instead, he saw an open space that wasn’t there before. He wondered if she had gone there. He would walk over to see if she was there.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:08 pm


Rawry looks at the exceed, he wondered if the exceed was right or if it was just a loose end answer to try and tie it all into a neat little bow like the ones he had use to do to stop the fighting between their friends back in the workshop. "I hear power corrupts good people and makes them twisted." He didn't see Kaia around either but he saw Yuurei head toward an opening in the wall he wondered if that is where Kaia had went or not and he hurries down to run in there as well.

Kaia feels like she is being called to something in this opening and she runs her hand along the papers till there is a paper there that seemed to be calling to her and she reaches and she takes it in her hand and she looks at it and she thinks that maybe this was what they were looking for she hopes that it is with everything that she is that this is it finally.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:22 pm


Renji would hear Rawry’s words and he would laugh at them. If that were the case then Yuurei would have turned twisted, and corrupted a long time ago.

“It all depends on the person I guess. If that were the case, then I think Yuu would have turned twisted, and he would have been corrupted a long time ago. It seems like he’s the same Yuu I’ve met. He’s just stronger and more confident than he was before.” He said as he would look around to see if Yuurei had heard that.

He didn’t need him to hear him compliment him, and when he saw that he wasn’t around, he would sigh with relief. Yuurei would see that Kaia was here, and he would sigh as he thought something bad happened to her. Still, it seemed like she was in a trance, and she was looking for something. He was following behind her hoping that he would be able to protect her if something went wrong.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:41 pm


she shook her head and she realized that it was just a piece of blanket paper and she just sighed then she saw that Yuurei had followed her in and she blushed and threw the paper away from herself as it was just useless to them and she was embarrassed that she ended up losing herself there a little. "U-u-u-uh how long have you been following me for?" She plays with her hair a little in embarrassment.

Rawry sighs as he looked in and saw it then he walked away to keep looking cause he knows nothing is gonna happen in there between the two or at least he hopes nothing is gonna happen between them but now he is a bit scared that they might might end up hooking up if they don't turn back into their right selves and just pretend that nothing had happened here and that they were not different genders then they normally were. Rawry looks at Renji and hopes to god that REnji will be okay if it happens in front of him.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:53 pm


Yuurei would look at her as she would turn to look at him. It would seem like he had caught her off guard and it would seem like she didn’t expect him to be there. She would ask him a question, and he would blush a bit. He would rub the back of his head because he wasn’t following her for too long.

“I just got here, I was wondering where you had gone. Then I saw that this place was here, which it wasn’t before. When I got here it’s when I saw you. It seemed like you were in a trance or something, so I wanted to make sure you were fine.” He said to Kaia with a smile on his face.

Renji was hard at work right now as he knew that Yuurei didn’t come here for no reason. His friend had to get something out of this place. Well, he did, but not what he was looking for.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:29 pm


"Yeah I am fine just wondered in here like something was calling me but it turned out to just be a piece of trash." She sees something like the thing that she had read about that if you say the command give you special armor but it looks like it is pretty beaten up so it probably didn't work anymore there looked like there was a full set there. She touched them and she doesn't feel any magic coming from them so she just walks away from them maybe one day she might find a working one.

Rawry sighed as He wants to get this over with before something happens between them and this get awkward for them both while she is in her normal form as Kaito. He hurries to dig around as he needs to hurry and find something anything and he can't really be risking by wasting anytime around there in this place.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 26, 2022 8:43 pm


Yuurei would laugh when he heard her statement about what was calling her a piece of trash. Still, they had stumbled upon something he didn’t know would be here.

“It might be a piece of trash, but I got to say that I didn’t expect this to be in this place. It seems like there is a lot in the archive. I guess the lady upstairs didn’t tell us everything, but it also seemed like she was fine with us being the ones to go down here.” He said to Kaia as he watched her move to some armor.

He would look around the place as he was hoping that they would find the piece of paper this time. It seemed like there were a lot of things here. He wasn’t even sure how long they had been here.

Renji was working hard and it would seem like he wasn’t the only one either.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 4:28 am


She looked at him and she rubbed her chin with her hand. "She might not have known this is here, a lot of this stuff is very old and the switch was very well hidden the current king might not even know this place is here." She rubs the back of her head with a stupid smile cause that just sounds so stupid and she doubts the king would even care about this place even existing but there is the off chance that this place was hidden for a reason. She gets back to looking for the page and maybe to clear her head as her mind is just racing and she needs to control herself and not get into any trouble here.

Rawry is just walking around the room at this point and waiting for something to just appear or jump out at him and he is getting a bit frustrated that they have had no luck as when Kaito went ruin hunting he found it instantly why is this page so much harder to find then it was to find a piece of random stone that summoned a wish giving creature.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:24 am


Yuurei wouldn’t see that Kaia was looking at him, but he heard her words. He nodded a bit as he figured that must have been true. If she had truly known what was down here, she probably would have warned them.

“You right. This was probably built to hide a bunch of things, so they didn’t get burned if the ruler’s idea was too extreme and started burning papers and books that they shouldn’t have been burning.” He said as he had read books about kings who would go to the extreme to do such a thing.

Still, he kept looking as if that wasn’t what they were here for. They had to look for those lost pages and so far, they were coming up short in every corner.

Renji kept looking around the place as he figured that if he had the help they would be able to find what they were looking for easier.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:36 am


She guessed that sounded right so she knows before they leave they need to get this room closed again so that they will be able to protect these things from damage or being found by the wrong people and that was something she wasn't going to risk as she wants to try and one day revive the power of those armor relics she had seen there and maybe use one to upgrade or enhance his gear in some way rather it be small or large he wants to make sure that he finds the right way to do it and they right way to do it.

Rawry starts running at full pace at a different place in the room and disappears through a wall and into another hidden room and this room was full of stuffed monster, demons, and other things that the kingdom must have take down or other wise collected and that was a bit freaky to think about and in the far end are weapons.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:43 am


Yuurei kept searching through the area as he couldn’t believe how old a lot of things here were. It was a bit scary going through these things now that he thought about it. The four of them wouldn’t know what to expect from grabbing anything. They should know this because of what happened to him on his right arm.

Still, he didn’t think bad of it and figured that it was faith that had done this to them. It could have been worse as he could have died or become an ugly person if he had gotten cursed.

“One thing I never asked Kaia. I mean I can feel mana coming from you, but are you a mage? Are you in a guild?” He asked her wondering if he could recruit her to Paradise Dawn.

Renji kept looking around, and when he heard the questions Yuurei asked he chuckled softly. It was about time he would ask that question.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:54 am


"That I am and just like Rawry I am of Fairy Tail guild, just never met Kaito." This isn't a lie as she had never met herself besides when she clashed with the dimensional slayer but that doesn't matter cause that was a different person from a different place and no the her of this world and now she is just getting a head ache to think about what she had just been thinking but this was not that big of a deal as it was a funny thought to meet herself and she would probably dislike him anyways.

Rawry doesn't touch anything but he looks at the rusted and beaten up weapons he guesses these are the chosen weapons and things from old warriors of the kingdom and he wonders if anyone now a days could pull off most of these armors or the facts that most of the ones that were in on it probably never wanted these armors and weapons found by some cat monster.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:26 am


Yuurei would look at Kaia and he would hear her words. His eyes widen when he heard that she was from Fairy Tail. He didn’t think she would be a part of that guild. It would seem like Kaito really didn’t interact with the people there.

“I see, I see. That’s unfortunate and here I thought I could invite you to my guild with Rawry of course.” He said with a smile on his face.

He wouldn’t go into the topic anymore as he would let it be. There was one person who was in Fairy Tail that joined him, and it was Ianthe. Still, Kaito was his primary candidate, and he would hope that he would change sides someday. He sighed as it wasn’t the time for that. He would continue searching right now as he was hoping they would find the pages.

“This is some bull. There aren’t any lost pages here. If there is, then someone is playing a trick with us and making it hard for us to find it.” He said out loud in the archive.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:34 am


Kaia keeps looking high and low looking for any signs of the page and when he said that she rubs the back of her head with the I am sorry to ruin your dreams and not be able to help you look as she turns back to doing what she was doing and doing the best that she can to find one as this had been a long time coming and she figured that maybe they would get lucky and not have to be crawling around like rats trapped in a maze looking for cheese and she was nearly ready to just start using her dimensional powers to fling things around and see if anything comes loose and falls into their laps and she sighs knowing she can’t with Yuurei around.

Rawry pats Renji on the back and he nods cause he felt the exact same way right now useless and starting to get hot under the collar not like they were now but how he could probably be doing better but it is all seeming to be falling apart.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:50 am


Yuurei kept searching as he wonder where a couple of things had come from. He noticed that Hassan might have been from Desierto, and if that was the case why was it here in Fiore. He thought about that, and it started to make him feel like Fiore had a lot of things that were spoils of war. Still, those thoughts he pushed to the back of his head. He had to look for these lost pages. It was getting to the point in time where they were going to have to postpone this.

He figured the day had slipped by them, but they wouldn’t know because of how long they were down here. Yuurei won't say anything about it though as he was hoping they would find it soon.

Renji was stressed, but he would calm down and look at the person that patted his back. He would nod when he looked at Rawry and would nod at him before he got back to work.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:01 am


Kaia decides to just use it and she made portals and dumped boxes into them and was using it to filter the papers in how they looked and what they said so she could go through them again and look more closely at them for what they were looking for and was needing to be doing swiftly, she just hoped that Yuurei would accept her lie about her magic if he were to as she she did her best not to let her eyes slit to show she was a dragon slayer.

Rawry looks worried as soon as he saw that Kaia was using her magic in front of them like this and that was probably gonna be a problem and he knows this hole is getting deeper and more sheer on all sides for them to try to get out of later if this gets out it could be bad and he was not looking forward to it.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:09 am


Yuurei would look over to the things that were on the shelves now. He figured that they were going to be here for a little bit more. This brought him to start moving things from the shelf as he would go through them. He wasn’t touching the stuff from his level anymore. He was hoping the paper would be somewhere here. It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei would look over to Kaia as he was surprised that had that type of magic. He thought only Kaito was the only person who could things like that.

The Nephilim did have a key that allowed him to move around places that he had been to before.

“Oh nice I didn’t know you could do something like that. You sure you never met Kaito before?” He asked curious to see this.

How wouldn’t those two meet, they could do the same thing, which made him think about this more now.


We are here they are there. (Yuurei) - Page 3 Empty Wed Jul 27, 2022 11:33 am


She just stays focused on the papers as she kept sorting through them to maybe make it easier to get them pages they are seeking. "I am one hundred percent sure I have never met Kaito, though he sounds like a nice guy from what you had said." She moves her hands and keeps the papers sorting into equal piles so that this can be gone through when there is a chance and she ties her hair back and keeps at it as she was not sure what it was but something kept telling her to keep it up as this is probably her last shot at it and she wasn't going to let this slip through her fingers and that was what it felt like it was gonna do to them here and now.

Rawry figures now Yuurei is probably onto them so he was going to have to cause a distraction and he bumps into a shelf and it falls over and then he rubs the back of his head with a nervous smile.

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