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DEVIL TAROT II: NANA[PRIVATE] Empty Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:45 am


Everything was unfolding just as Nana had wished and planned for. Two broken enemies lay in her trap and she had gleamed quite a bit of information from both of them. One had ended his usefulness and died. Murdered of course, nothing lesser was deserving of these two spies.

The greened haired daemon girl could steel feel the sensation of her dagger sinking into Juzo's lower skull- it was such a strange sensation. It was satisfying; she finally had a vent towards her childhood trauma. Two spies of her sworn enemy, was the best punching bag... for now.

It was in this moment as Nana reveled in the murder, that she felt a tug in her mind. A dark and sadistic tug that she mistakenly took for her own thoughts at first. Soon she would realize this was a different sensation though, still somewhat related to her own on a fundamental level.

the darkened and moist walls of the cave would fade away, replaced with a void space that seemed to span on for eternity. The ground beneath her feet was replaced with a liquid substance. The stench of it told Nana what it was, she was standing on a surface of blood. On was the correct word but seemed off, for she didn't sink into the ocean of blood beneath her, no, she stood atop it and her gaze went towards the sky.

There was no sky however, just more empty void. The only thing that was unfamiliar to the devoid sky, was a large being of pure black magical energy that towered over her, its eyes slitted from a smile full of glee in appreciation. "Oh how I've awaited your arrival, Nana-chan!" the being said, her words full of energy and dripping with an insatiable hunger.


DEVIL TAROT II: NANA[PRIVATE] Empty Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:51 am


"I've been such a fan of your life so far.. You've had it so hard and did the best with what meager power you have had at your beck and call." The voice paused for a moment, allowing Nana's mind to catch up to the bizarre events. The great being assumed Nana would be distraught and terrified at such a change in position. Only moments ago, the daemon girl had been the pinnacle of the food chain and was preying on easy victims, but now she was the prey- before a towering being that could easily be identified as a great evil.

That was not Nana's reaction however. No, far from it. She was angry: angry that some cosmic being had chosen that very second to interrupt her fun, she was not pleased at all. Of course the being could sense her displeasure and thought for a moment, considering the daemon girls' grit and personality. It changed tactics and the voice tone changed to a soothing eloquent female voice which echoed powerfully but in an intrigued manner. "I've interrupted your fun: I won't apologize, but I will give you something better. A chance to strike vengeance in the heart of the Shogun responsible for your family's death." the being would say, knowing Nana's heart and the easiest way to pull at her strings.


DEVIL TAROT II: NANA[PRIVATE] Empty Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:57 am


This being knew that Nana was no ordinary girl, even by daemon standards. She had taken the demons' obscura contract and made it her own, nullifying any power that the demons may have had over her. She was essentially a demon herself, manifesting her own power and no longer borrowing that from a demon. She was the true embodiment was what the daemon race should be. 

It was indeed impressive, but also worrisome at the same time. If a human girl could break a contract with a demon with sheer force of will... What else could she do? Although she was insignificant currently compared to that being before her, the devil knew that she held near limitless potential. Fortunately for the both of them, the contract the devil had in mind didn't need permissions or stipulations- no, this devil before Nana only wished for the most basic impulses of all living beings. Entertainment.

"I've watched you for many years Nana-chan.. I know you need more power, strength to exact vengeance for your family. I can give that to you... Not exactly free of charge. I only wish to be entertained is all. No need to break your contract with me like you've already done to the demons.. No, I'm a devil and my needs are much more simple. I just want lots of murder!" it said as if that was the natural order of things.


DEVIL TAROT II: NANA[PRIVATE] Empty Sat Jul 30, 2022 11:08 am


Nana could hardly believe her ears... Or maybe it wasn't coming from her ears? This being was quite powerful and their very words seemed like the existence of the very fabric of space surrounding her. As if on cue with the being's words, the blood beneath her began to stir. Try as she might to avoid it, the devil's giant hand rose beneath her and raised her from the surface of blood and up near the devil's smiling silhouette face. It was nothing more than a thick dark shadow in this word, but its very existence nearly suffocated nana with its malice and power.

"If that was true, why wait until just this moment to show yourself and offer me power with sweetened words?" she would say doubtfully, more curious than genuine. She had already determined what type of being she was dealing with... An evil entity, such as a demon or the like. Of course its words suggested it was not a demon but something more sinister- a devil then. Quick on the uptake, Nana had an inkling suspicion that this creature was simply telling the truth: whether conveniently or inconveniently at the present.

The devil laughed for a moment, shifting its hand which held Nana casually as the devil floated in the air and got itself more comfortable. "I enjoy the pain and suffering of others. Why should I help a scrawny little daemon girl unless she can amuse me? This isn't a charity!" the devil's last words sounded more angry and dangerous than its previous pleasant tone. The danger evaporated quickly, only leaving Nana with no doubt at the words it spewed so one-sidedly. As much as Nana hated to admit it, she was still quite weak compared to many mages in Fiore, let alone the whole world. The devil had tempered her own self-worth and for a time, it allowed her deep contemplation before continuing.

"I like you Nana-chan.. Even now, while you are in my little world... your thoughts instantly went back to this Sozen character that is still alive in your cave. It would be a shame if he got out and escaped while we were chatting of course." Whether it was pure speculation or the devil was teasing Nana, her eyes became dangerous for a moment before returning to a controlled rage. "Now now... I'll send you back soon before that happens. I just want you to sign a contract with me." the female devil voice would say as it snapped its fingers and a giant contract that dwarfed nana's body, appeared before her.


DEVIL TAROT II: NANA[PRIVATE] Empty Sat Jul 30, 2022 11:13 am


Nana was a daemon and already knew about the pull from demon influences, she didn't intend to get herself involved in another contract.. Especially since it had taken her all of her childhood to break the control the demons had over her own demonic powers. This evil creature though, seemed believable in a sense: their only goal seemed to be entertainment. "You expect me to sign a contract with a devil after I've already overcome a contract with a demon?" she would say skeptically, though more or less testing this devil and trying to learn as much as possible in order to weigh the worth of obtaining more power.

The devil sighed in slight exasperation and shrugged its opposite shoulder, the arm that did not hold Nana up close to its face. "I don't blame you for doubting me. I am a devil after all!" it would exclaim, followed by a loud and powerful cackle. "I speak the truth though.. All I wish for is entertainment. I favor murder of course! Your work on Juzo was basically art and I couldn't stand to not get involved any longer! All of the details of out contract are written down before you. All you have to do is sign it with your blood, if you want more power of course." said the devil and waved its arm to move Nana closer to the contract.


DEVIL TAROT II: NANA[PRIVATE] Empty Sat Jul 30, 2022 11:22 am


Nana read over the contract. It was written in Abyssian, a language known to the demon and associated subraces, such as daemons. Even though the parchment of the contract was quite large in itself, there were very little to the actual contents of the contract. So little and simple in fact, that Nana was genuinely surprised- followed by suspicion again. She read the few words there and did her best to look at the contract from many different angles. Despite her own understanding however, she could not refute the genuine intention she gathered from the contract's contents however.

"All you wish is for me to entertain you with murder? Are there any hidden stipulations or effects?" she would say after a lengthy pause.

The demon sighed a little, almost as if it was getting bored with her own lack of trustworthiness. The devil pointed at several words on the contract. "It is as it is written here. I'm offering you more power and my only request is for you to entertain me. Of course accepting a devil's power means you basically give up part of your humanity: a price you've paid before already of course." the female voice would say, amusingly.

Nana had heard enough. A contract was a sacred thing to demons and devils, albeit demons were more common than devils. She whipped out one of her daggers and slashed her hand open. Blood poured out and spewed down her palm. She pressed the blood against the contract and wrote her own name in her own blood. The devil's smile only widened and turned into a loud cackle. "I knew I liked you for a reason, Nana-chan! Now, show me your resolve! Entertain me some more with your Sozen prey." the devil would say as it suddenly released Nana from its hands and dropped her into the bloody ocean beneath her. This time, she didn't stay on the surface. Her body broke through the surface and she sank deeply into the ocean of blood, eventually losing consciousness in the great red see.

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