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In Due Time[Travel to North]

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In Due Time[Travel to North] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:03 pm


It was Raining as droplets fell like bullets all around Toma and Ryko. Toma clung to the back of Ryko. The duo raced through the pavement of the outdoor roads. The Storm raining only added to the foreboding warning he had received from an informant he knew from the guild. The cracks of lightning throughout the sky helped illuminate the path. Toma smirked, feeling how fulfilling it was. He started to make a name for himself, and as a lightning user something storm related would do well.

Tempest or Storm maybe Blue Flash. No that wasn't quite right he thought making a displeased face. Seeing the ridge come he leaned forward as Ryko took a deep step and flew over the large ridge. Now they were back in the seig mountains and close to the guild. Only few more miles out of the way.As to his moniker he would decide on one soon. It was better to not rush these things he thought. Otherwise it wouldn't be as amazing. Great things were always to come to those who wait. "Let's hurry up Ryko." He said receiving a bark in response.

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