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The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito)

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The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 6:12 pm


Kaito catches up to the man and he looks into the room and he wonders if this place has the tools or not cause he might check his hand at forging since it had been a bit. He gets closer and looks into the forge and he sees that it has been dead for a decent bit, he wonders when the the last time it was used was. "I wonder what it would lead us here the forge looks like it hasn't been lit for a good bit." He looks around if there is any wood or coal around he wants to see if it will work or if it is fully beyond the hill and would need time to be brought back to a working state.

Revy gets loose of him and gets on the floor and she starts looking around to see if she could see anything or find anything that would help in anyway or if it was just a dead end that the creature had lead them to, to lose them.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 8:24 pm


Yuurei was looking around as it was indeed a bit weird that the creature had brought them here. He wasn’t sure for what, but it seemed like Kaito was also questioning it as well. He would move around the area as he was trying to see if there was anything out of place. While doing so, he would look over to Kaito as he would put Renji down.

“Maybe it led us here because it wants us to find something here? Who knows it might lead us to this ancient, legendary forge I read about.” He said to him as he continued to look around.

Renji, on the other hand, would move over to Revy who was on the ground as well. When he got close to her he would start looking around to see if there was anything under the table.

“Quick reaction there Revy. You were the first to start chasing that creature, but that thing was quick on its feet.” He said to her as he chuckled.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:37 am


He hears what Yuurei is saying and he wonders if such a thing could be here but he guesses if it was in his mountain and lit it, it would probably melt the snow and send a cascading effect down the mountain that would ruin anything inn it's way so if they find suck a think they better not light it or it could end up with a lot of lost lives before they would even know it.

Revy looks at Renji and she stands tall and proud with a cocky smile. "Of course I was the quickest to react." She starts looking for any holes or seams in the wall like Kaito had also started doing across the room from here so she had ruin diving to a science as Kaito does it from time to time cause he seems to have acquired a like for doing it and learning and finding strange trinkets from doing so.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 12:54 pm


Yuurei would continue searching for something here. He knew that the creature wouldn’t have brought them here for no reason. They had to be here for a reason, and he was going to find out soon. He kept moving through this place hoping that they would find another page for Kaito this time. It would be great if they found it quickly before they had to venture into traps. Still, he wasn’t sure how that was going to work. He wasn’t sure they could force a lost page to appear out of nowhere.

Renji would hear Revy and he would see how proud she was of what she had done. He would smile at her because he was proud of her as well.

“At least I know who to count on to see things that I missed.” He said with a smile on his face as he would continue searching for anything suspicious in this area.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:06 pm


Kaito thinks they were lead here for no good as nothing has appeared to them and that will be an issue if they waste much more time here as they are on a time constraint and he has no idea to how or if he will really be able to keep up as he is still so far behind and he has no idea how Yuurei's luck works so well for him. Kaito's luck has not really shown him any results as he was not found more then one page and that was at the very start as a woman, maybe him as a female is better smiled upon by the gods of luck.

Revy nods her head to the male exceed as she knows that she has usually always been the one in the front of the pack of them with the strange one mist usually not very far behind her. She is not sure if this is really going to work out for them.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:24 pm


Yuurei would continue to search the area, and he would see that there weren’t any paper works in this place. It was interesting to come here, but his lost page did react to this place. Well, he did get one page, but it flew in his direction. Still, he was going to continue searching. It wouldn’t take long, but he would press something on the wall, and at the same time on the ground. He would look around as the ground started shaking. He would look over in a direction and he would see that there was a path that would soon start opening for them.

“That was by accident?” He looked at everyone confused about what was shown to him.

Renji would feel the ground shaking and it would catch him off guard. He would look over to Yuurei as he spoke to them, and then he would look over to the new path that appeared to them.

“We’re going through there aren’t we?” He asked


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 1:37 pm


It would seem that Yuurei's luck once again shined through and had now gifted him with another lucky find for the man and he now wants to just go home but he knows he can't do that as they are here looking for a special thing that will be hard to find later if they were to just wonder off and not find the rest of the pages and he would just be bringing down the whole group and he can not have anything like holding him up from finishing this task but he knows that they are nearing a need to grow and go further into this maybe highly trapped area that would and probably could kill them if they so wanted to do.

Revy walks the way that the opening is and she wonders where it could lead them too and if that strange creature had some how gotten itself down there and they might now be finding a spooky thing that waits ahead of them and she is not sure she is really ready for that.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:07 pm


Yuurei moved through the path with the others. He was wondering what would be down there. He figured that it would be something that could be useful to the two. It wasn’t just that, but he would hope that Kait would be able to get something out of it. It seemed like the man had been down the past few days about obtaining the lost pages. Still, he wasn’t sure if it was because of him, and he was starting to feel it. The light mage would make his way through the path as it was a way down. Still, it felt like the path would never end from the walk.

Renji would make his way next to Revy as he was making sure that he didn’t fall behind. He didn’t want something bad to happen to her and he couldn’t protect her.

“Should we start running or something.” He asked wondering why this path was so long.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:44 pm


Kaito just absent mindedly walking along behind them. He has no ideas as to what or where this place could be or what even they could do with it but he knows that beyond the fact they are doing it he has no clues as to what to even be looking for cause the first page was just in his bag when he had checked it so he didn't really find it more like it found him so he is unsure what to really believe where the pages capable of thought or was it just they were able to pick who finds them or was it just strikes of pure luck that helps them find it.

Revy wasn't sure in what state of mind her partner was in as he seemed to need an outlet some how and she isn't sure what could really help him with that as she knows he doesn't drink and she knows he is horrible with woman and he is too busy to stop and really even try to build something.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 2:59 pm


Yuurei would keep moving and he would hope to God that nobody would activate a trap. Renji would continue to move with Revy as he saw that she was looking back at Kaito. It seemed like something was bugging Kaito. He would shake his head because he thought something was wrong with him because of the other place, but it would seem like he was a downer right now.

“Hey Kaito, what’s going on in your head right now!?” He would ask him as they continued walking down.

It wouldn’t take long, but Yuurei would be the one to step on it. He would feel a pressure plate on the step, and he would hear something else from behind them. It would seem like there was something coming toward them now. It wouldn’t take long, but the group would see a boulder coming from behind them.

“Run I did it again!” He shouted as he was running down the area they were walking down in.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:38 pm


Kaito looked to the male exceed that had just spoke to him like that he smirked. "I had two thoughts. First was if you and Revy had children they would probably be ugly because you were in the genepool. The second more pressing one was how deep I could throw you that even Yuurei couldn't go to save you." He lets a small laugh escape himself as he was kidding he doubts any child of Revy's couldn't be cute as a button and he hoped they were get even half of her brave heart and kind spirit.

Revy went a even darker shade of red at Kaito saying such a thing about her and Renji having children to even start with, then she hears the thing about throwing Renji into the void and she looks Kaito right in the eyes. "If you dare throw him into the void you best believe I am dragging your ass in there to help get him back out you hear me?" Her tone was that of a mother scolding a out of line child.

Kaito nods with a simple yes Ma'am, he hears the noise from behind them for half a second he thought to just transform and try to smash it but knowing it was dwarves that had to be a very strong magic absorbing stone so he instead transforms grabbing the exceeds in his arms and he uses his increased speed to run faster to get them to safety.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 3:46 pm


Renji would hear Kaito’s words and he would blush at what she had said at the beginning. He didn’t think Kaito would say something like that, but he would turn his fluster into anger when he heard him making fun of him and then saying something else. It would seem like Revy would defend him though and he would have a huge smile on his face as he would look at Kaito.

It wouldn’t seem like the boulder was coming for them and he would feel himself being grabbed by Kaito as he was running from the boulder.

Yuurei would be doing the same thing as he was going to pick up Renji, but Kaito had done it for him. That was good, but now they were going to keep running for their lives. This was dumb, but this path felt like it was never going to end. Still, thinking about things like that would have him see a bright light at the end of the tunnel.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 4:12 pm


Kaito felt Revy punch him in the chest for his comments and just picking her up out of no where like that but she felt he was scaled and his eyes glowing with the faint aura round himself glowing and she knew that he had sensed something and the cat realized that the man was helping them not trying to be a goof ball in that moment and Kaito is behind Yuurei as the head for the light and Kaito sure hoped that what ever that thing was, that it couldn't fit through the door way or if it could that the place in front of them was wide enough that they could get out of the way. If that was not the case he was going to take them into his personal dimension so that they are not in the way of the thing that was coming down behind them.

Revy was holding onto Kaito and to Renji, she is wondering if maybe it was just his their time to die and she had regrets.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:35 pm


Yuurei would continue his run and he would look back to see that the boulder was going to be able to go through the path they were running in. They had to spread to the side, but he knew that Kaito could easily just go into a dimension.

“Kaito, move to the side, or use your magic for you guys.” He said to his friend with a serious look on his face.

Yuurei would grow two sets of wings from his back as he would fly up into the sky as it was the only thing, he could do to make sure that he didn’t get run over by the boulder. It would go by him, and it would fall toward the cliff and fall to what might have been an endless pit.

The Nephilim would land on the ground as he would sigh because he didn’t think that would happen to him. Renji would be wherever Kaito was, which he hoped was safe.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 7:46 pm


He hears the light mage yell out a command and he does as the man said and he swifts Revy so she is against Renji and opens a port and he flips in and it closes right behind himself and they are in his personal domain which looks kind of like a strange mishmash half of the place is a beach clad in sun while the other half is grass in full darkness but stars in the sky there is a house on the boarder between the two different places that looks nice and homie. He looks to the Two exceeds and he wonders if they are okay so he asks. "You two okay?" He looks at them his skin is still scaly and his eyes glowing a piercing red his teeth dragon sharp dragon fangs.

"I am fine do you thing that Yuurei made it out okay?" She was worried as she wasn't watching the light mage she was holding tight to her partner and Renji for dear life.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:03 pm


Renji would be taken to a different dimension, which caught him off guard. When he saw the portal, he noticed this would be the first time he would enter Kaito’s other world. When he entered he would see that it was half day and half night with a house in between the two spaces. He would look over to Kaito as he had asked him a question and then looked over to Revy as she had asked a question.

“I’m fine, and as for Yuu, he should be fine. The man could move quickly and if he grew his wings he should be even faster than that boulder.” He said he was red as could be and it was because of how close he was to Revy.

Yuurei would look around the place as his wings would disperse and he would see how big this place was. It was a whole different place, and it had a lot of mining carts all over the place. There were also a lot of tools and equipment around the place.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 8:50 pm


He turns back to normal and he opens another portal and he looks out to make sure it is safe then he signals them to go out and then he follows them out and the portal closed then he looks around for the light mage to make sure he wasn't a pancake that he would have to report to Paradise Dawn with a hand full of feathers from then crushed mans wings. He wonders who would take over Paradise Dawn if Yuurei had met an unfortunate end, He thinks Brone might step up to the plate or maybe it will be a fight over the seat that Sleeping Calamity will take advantage of to try and take the north back from them.

Revy looks at Renji and she wonders if Renji is even into having a family, she can't get the thing Kaito had said out of her head and she wonders if that was Kaito, doing it to let her know that she was safe to progress if she liked him like that or if it was a challenge to Renji to want to have such a thing with her. Her partner worked in weird ways and she isn't sure if he is a genius or if he was just stupid but had moments that his dumb didn't show so hard.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:15 pm


Renji would leave the portal when he saw Kaito open it and told them it was safe. When he got out he would look around to see if he could find Yuurei. The man was nowhere to be found, or from what he could see. Yuurei would walk over to the group as they would appear from the portal.

“Glad you guys are okay. Kaito’s portal thing must have been fun right Renji?” He asked as he had never been in it before.

Renji would look over to see Yuurei and he would smile as he was glad to see that he was fine.

“Yeah it was actually cool. It was half-day and half night in there. It seemed like a great place to relax. So where are we now?” He asked Yuurei.

“It might be where they used to work in ancient times. I haven’t checked everything out though.” He told Renji and everyone else.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 9:33 pm


Kaito puts his hands behind his head and he walks around looking to see what he can see as there was probably tons of hidden things here that they could just tend to if they need to he wonders if the trouble in the end will really be worth it or if it will be another never ending drag fest that he will be stuck trying to clear up or if it will be more straight forward so that they can do everything and get the hell out of here before more trouble comes running for them like giant monsters or something that they will have to end up fighting like that lava golem he is worried about being here.

Revy looks at Renji again and she gets closer and Kaito watched with a smirk but moves his gaze so she doesn't know that he is watching them and she clears her throat. "So Renji have you ever stopped to think about starting a family some day or do you just wish to carry on adventuring till you drop?" It was in her mind a coy way to go about asking without raising any real red flags about it.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 15, 2022 10:29 pm


Yuurei would start looking through the equipment that was left here by the dwarves. A lot of these things looked like the stuff he wouldn’t use, but there were things that he felt like he could take back with him. While searching around he would look over to Kaito and wonder how he was doing. They had been journeying together for quite some time, and he hoped that he wasn’t getting annoyed with him being around.

“Are you alright with me sticking around you Kaito? I know we have been hanging around each other lately, so I was wondering?” He asked him waiting for an answer.

When Renji got closer to Revy, he would hear her words and he would blush a bit. His hand was quick to rub the back of his head as he would smile at her.

“Of course, I want to start a family someday. I don’t plan on following Yuurei around until I drop. I figured he would let me stay behind and do my own thing eventually. What about you?” He said to Revy as he thought about it more in his thoughts.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:41 am


Kaito hears the man speak and he wonders why the man would say such a thing why would he get tired of being around Yuurei for he was more frustrated at his own bad luck than he was with being tired around someone that hadn't really wronged him in the past at least not to his knowledge maybe Yuurei knew something Kaito hadn't known about and Yuurei hadn't shared what ever juicy tidbit he had gotten with Kaito. "Why would I be bothered by you sticking around? You are the one showing me the way even if my luck has been pretty rotten."

Revy is still a darker red then she usually was normally and she looked at him and she nods her in agreement that she also wanted to do that someday. "I know I want to have that some day but when that is is still a mystery. Maybe one day I will realize that I am just ready to settle down from adventuring." She smiled as she wondered when that might be and if that time will ever really come for her or if she will not live that long and be a dark stain on Kaito's conscience for failing to protect her.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:34 am


Yuurei would continue his search and while he was doing this, he would hear Kaito’s words. He would pause with what he was doing and he would look over at Kaito. He would rub the back of his head because he just saw how he looked and assumed the worse.

“I figured you wouldn’t want to be around me too long is why I asked. I have also seen you not too happy as of late, but it is probably because we haven’t gotten you a lost page since the library.” He said to Kaito.

Renji would wait for an answer, and it would seem like she was in agreement to wanting to settle down one day. He would smile to know that they were still enjoying their youth as Saint Nicholas had told them to do and why they left the workshop in the first place.

“That’s good to hear then we can settle down together.” He said as he looked down and blushed from his words.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:45 am


"Just because I won't join Paradise dawn doesn't mean I don't like being around you." He laughed softly as he keeps looking and he starts sliding things on the wall around to see if there were anything hidden behind them like a button or any clues but he doubted there would be as this place was more and more like a maze and most of the stuff they are playing with are on a level that the dwarves would be standing at normally so Kaito gets close to the ground and he starts looking around and he then he saw it he swore he say a pair of tiny legs for half a second as he swept his vision across a wall but when he swept back he no longer saw the legs or any thing in that moment so he is wondering if he was just seeing things or if there was a trick to this room and he walks toward the wall and he sees there is a hall hidden there as an optical illusion and he point to it so Yuurei sees.

Revy tryies to remain calm at hearing what Renji had just said to her. "We will see."


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:49 am


Yuurei would laugh when he heard Kaito’s words. He would rub the back of his head as he did wonder why he wouldn’t join Paradise Dawn. Still, it would seem like Kaito laughing made everything better. Still, right now they were trying to find something for Kaito. Hopefully they could get the page that they were looking for here. He would move through the place, and he would look back to Kaito and he would see that he would lower himself in height.

He faced palmed himself as he didn’t think of that. They were dwarves, so they would be shorter than them. He would crouch down and looked around. He made sure that he was about the same height as Brone was and kept looking around.

Renji would hear her words and he would have a smile on his face as he would continue looking for the lost page.


The Ancient Dwarven Mines (Kaito) - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:57 am


Kaito squat walks into the hall that was decently hidden from people of human and such heights and if he hadn't got Renji and Revy so goo goo eyed they might have even been the ones to find it as this was at their level more then his and Yuurei's he makes a mental note to not make the two exceed that clearly like each other go goo goo while they are trying to get something done as it makes them both nearly useless to them.

Revy follows behind Kaito surprised he can walk like that and was not just crawling but she figures that it is just him doing it to either be silly or because he didn't want to risk there being spikes on the floor that would come up and stab him in the hands in case someone behind him stepped on or caused a trap to trip and she guessed she couldn't blame him with the luck that he has had as of late and the thought of having your hands pierced made her shiver.

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