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Akenomyōsei Taoreta

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Akenomyōsei Taoreta  Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:38 am



Name: Akenomyōsei Taoreta

Age: 11/24/x765

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Ethnicity, Father: Boscosi
Ethnicity, Mother: Joyan

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Human (Nephilim)

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Eternal Nightmare

Tattoo: Middle of Back, Black

Face: Escanor- Seven Deadly Sins


Height:2 meters

Weight: 206 lbs

Hair: Red/Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Overall: While he may currently stand tall and look buff, it was all for show, at this time. The Red haired blue eyed man showed signs of rare traits in normal humans with little to no explanation about it at this time, most often he is compared to the Goliath of old, but he always felt as more of a David personality wise. While he dresses up nicely most of the time, when he gets serious, his shirt normally finds some way to disappear, and the most prominent thing about him besides his size, would be the Eternal Nightmare Insignia in black ink upon his back.



Personality: The Entitled Arrogant Bastard, a Well Earned Nickname for Akenomyosei. While he is human, and unknown to him are the entire origins of his mother, and growing up in the lands of his father, Humans have always been looked down upon by him. While as a whole most of any species he has came across has met his sneer , the meagerness and even the assumptions of humans has always rubbed him the wrong way, specially when he was picked on for his larger stature than them.

That was until the day he realized the size difference and used that to his advantage. Only very few have proven to be close enough to his equal to allow him some semblance of humbleness, but ultimately he viewed himself as the ultimate above all, without need to prove it all the time however, only when necessary. One other main factor to his personality is when people have yet to prove themselves to him and try to stand up against him, these people are worst for they know not who they are dealing with. Due to his Pridefulness, many often call him arrogant, but those people also have not yet proven his betters, nor would they ever, and due to this, Akenomyosei sees himself over them, even to the point that they should be honored to serve him if that so happens

  • Pride/His Ego: If there was ever anything that Akenomyosei loved more than himself it was his own Pride and Ego, since they are often tied to each other, even so much so if someone was to challenge either he would likely fly into a rage and give no quarter on the subject.
  • Subjectiving: Akenomyosei loves to shove his pride at others, so much to the point to subjecting others, and even forcing them to be slaves and expecting them to be thankful of his mercy for not outright destroying them.

  • Ill places Senses of Honor: To Akenomyosei Pride is Honor, and he sees himself as the most Honorable, and those who have a false sense of this Honor almost makes him feel like his own is challenged, this has gotten him in trouble with the law several times, as he does not recognize their power, for they are weaker than him.
  • Humans (Pure): While any Varient of human may be forgiven, Daemons , Nephilims ect, those of the pure human are the lowest on the totem pole to him, even to the point where he almost relishes in the fact of killing them if he so has to, since to him they are no more than mere insects.

  • Pride: What greater motivation has there been than Pride, the pride to prove being the strongest, or to put someone in their place who unrightfully stepped further than they should have, he had no greater reason then his own Pride to do anything he had wished.

  • Abandonment: Due to the factor of never getting to know his mother, coupled with his fathers leaving him after he got to a certain size, Akenomyosei is scared of being Abandoned again, however his pride will not let him admit this, and its only exposed due to the fact of his inability to leave his teammate for any reason.
  • Being the Strongest: This man of boundless pride has the fear of one day never finding one for him to call his equal or greater, while none will ever get him to ever admit it openly due to his pride, if ever forced to the point he would admit it to himself, and he hopes to eventually.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Constitution: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 26


Magic Name: Flare

Magic Element: Light-Fire

Magic Enhancement: Combo-Elemental Magic

Magic Description: Flare Magic is the Elemental Composition from mixing Light Magic with Fire Magic. While Mostly Offensive type spells, a couple of Supplementary Spells and a handful of Self Buff Spells. Its True power has yet to be fully Unlocked, requiring further magics later down the line to achive its full capacity.


History: Akenomyosei Taoreta, was not his birth name, but the name he took after his mother, he had known his father but not her, and he already proved to him to be a despot. The man as far as he could remember back started as a kid who was a much larger kid than normal, and for the longest time he was picked on for it, despite trying to make friends otherwise. Sadly this would be what lead to his inveitable fate.

As Akenomyosei learned about the cruelty of humans, that was when not only his hatred of them grew, but he grew to think lesser of them over this time frame, even to the point when he got physical as a kid, and with his high level of intelligence he knew how to abuse the kid in ways that terrified kids from picking on him ever again.

Sadly the same would happen one day with his father, and when Akenomyosei bested a man he was saw as greater than himself, he quickly learned that this was the human way, and the arrogance for besting one he previously thought his better, got to his head. Akenomyosei from that day on gave no respect to anyone who did not earn it. And generally that was doing either a feat he found worthy or besting him in some way .

Due to this nature, Akenomyosei got into much trouble with the law, and he found that he thought if they could not stop him, than he could do as he pleased, which made him unwelcomed amongst light guilds, leaving Neutral and Dark, generally he frowned upon the greys for taking such a middle ground stance, stand for something, or fall for anything. So thats when he went looking and the first dark guild he found was Eternal Nightmare.

Reference: Nana


Akenomyōsei Taoreta  Empty Fri Aug 12, 2022 6:59 pm

Character has been approved for Roleplay.

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