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Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders (Kaz the Malevolent)

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Dark Universe - Dark Universe Raiders (Kaz the Malevolent)    Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 6:17 pm


Kaz the Malevolent


Race: Vampire
Class: Sorcerer
Magic: Dark Empyreal Storm
Aura: Tower Tarot
Modification: Illadriel's Eye
Enhancements: Invisible Spell circles, Overcharge Offensive, Spell Phasing


Strength: 751
Speed: 1001
Constitution: 751
Endurance: 751
Intelligence: 751
Mana: 25000


Head: Gale Monarch Helmet
Body: Celestial Wind
Weapon: Fang of the White Tiger
Necklace: Armament of Wind
Ring: Ring of Oppression
Relic: Yassan's Pen
Cape: Kal-El's Heroic Cape


Restriction: None.

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