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Underground associates 2 (A-Rank)

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Underground associates 2 (A-Rank) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:31 pm


Kaito gets a request from the usual place to come to talk over a new mission that they have for him to take a look at and Revy looks at him and wonders why they can't just be normal instead of sending these missions by strange means to Kaito who seemed to not even be bothered by the strange way these people seem to always work and he never even thought about it and just starts making his way to the place this message said to come to as they needed him very badly for this mission though he has no idea why they would need him of all people. He then remembers that he can phase through walls, disappear and fly and he so wasn't like the other guys. He walked up to the building and he sees they have added some guard he wonders if they were raided or something or if he was expected to cause a scene.


Underground associates 2 (A-Rank) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:31 pm


He enters while keeping his guard up and keeping Revy held close in cause this was some sort of trap or set up made to catch him or Revy off guard and maybe kill one of them and he wasn't gonna let that be a risk that he faces like that with Revy with him and he wasn't gonna let them think it was a good idea to come at him and he turns on his dull aura which keeps them backed up from near him and he goes to the room the people point him too and he looks around as they look at him and he sees a few woman blush at him and he wonders if this aura give off heat or something or if they got sick from just looking at him so he hurries on in case this aura does something that he doesn't know it does and he gets to the room and he takes a seat and he waits for them to enter and tell him his mission.


Underground associates 2 (A-Rank) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:31 pm


They enter slowly as they had been warned that they might have pissed him off by making him wait for some long but when they enter Kaito is snacking and laughing with Revy. They stop and look at the people quickly correcting how they were sitting and putting the snacks away. they pay attention as the two are now confused if this is even the right guy that they had sent for but figure there really isn't time to be kissing a gift horse in the mouth and they will just take what they have and hope that they will be able to handle it even if they had sent for Kaito Todaro an X rank they will just use this simple minded idiot if they have to do se they just hope he is stronger than he looks and that he will be able to do anything above average.


Underground associates 2 (A-Rank) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:31 pm


The mission is simple to get in and blend in and not get found out and captured. They are to collect info from the place and try to wine and die the guests for info of any kind as there was a giant need to know what new things were spinning around under the surface of the under district to get the under belly caught up in their own games of cat and mouse unlike that idiot Weirdlock that was killing in the name of justice for things that hadn't even happened yet and saying he was in the right even to this day as they spoke. Kaito does a quick change and he is in better clothes and he looks like he should fit in and not be too noticeable in the crowd of well dressed people that would be there along him. Revy smiles as this was a good look for Kaito she just hopes that maybe he will use it with a woman and not just by himself on a mission to get intel from bad people.


Underground associates 2 (A-Rank) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:32 pm


Kaito walks up to the party and they let him in with a fake invite and they look at him and the guards think he must be some kind of shark of the underworld as he gave off a horrible dark aura that seemed to give him the aura of a murderer and he walks right in and he sees a lot of people in the party and he walks around like he is sizing up the woman but really he is listening in on a conversation that is going on behind him about weapons and drags coming in soon and that the knights are paid off to look the other way and a few women walk over and join him at his table and he looks at them and they smile and giggle and start talking to him and he runs his hand through his hair and he leans his chair back a little and shakes his head at them and the women look like they are going to cry at this and he sets his chair down and he pays more attention to them and they start to talk to him about some back door deals happening soon so that he can get into and make some jewels if he wanted and he declines them but thanks them for them telling him and he winks at them as they stand to walk away.


Underground associates 2 (A-Rank) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:32 pm


Kaito decides he was gonna be a bit more mobile so he can get a few more details and he ends up dancing with a woman with fiery red hair and a smile the devil himself would fear to look at and she compliments him and he does the same back while he keeps his ears open as they near a few people talking about plans and he was going to break loose from this woman and hold still but this woman was not gonna let him get away that easily from her as she found her prey and now she was gonna get what she wanted from him and she wasn't going to back down as she was the alpha woman here and she needed a strong man to help he lead her men into the new changing world as a leader and as a strong husband and father but Kaito turns her down.


Underground associates 2 (A-Rank) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:32 pm


He figures he has enough things from this party but he feels like he might not have seen the last of this woman he isn't sure if he had been made or if this woman was just hot on him and wanted to try and get something deeper then a conversion from him but he knows that he doesn't want that and he knows that he can not have that as he is a cursed monster that needs to remain away from people like that and he sneaks his way out of the party and portals him self to back in from of the building and he walks in and he finds Revy who was seemly telling them that they hadn't been mistake by who they had sent on that mission and them telling her that there was no way that the scary X rank was that goof ball till he walked in and he says that he is indeed Kaito Todaro and he puts down all the written info that he had gathered from the party and he gets his pay and he heads for home with his exceed partner.
(1247/1000) 50% WC(20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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