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Monster Hunting [NQ]

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#1† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:54 pm

† Aleja

After a healthy nights rest in the warmth of their bed surrounded by those they had known as family, Alejandro Celdrua was ready to face the day again. The few bruises on their arms and legs served as a reminder of the challenges to come in the future. Yesterday was a fairly easy day for the young elf if you didn't count the fact that they had to fight a flying spider-bird with their bare hands. The monster that had been terrorizing young elves in the capital of Fiore had finally been dealt with. Captain Kyro said that it was a captain-ranked task, but really it felt like something a lieutenant should have been able to handle by themselves. After the monster had been dealt with, it was returned to base while it was unconscious. From there it was transferred to Headquarters in Era city. They knew from the moment they had successfully beaten the beast that they had made an impression.

#2† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:55 pm

† Aleja

Sadly, this meant that there was a certain standard Alejandro had to live up to now. After throwing on their usual gear, sporting their houses sigil on the back, they scurried out of the door. Captain Kyro had called early that morning and commanded the page to come in. Something urgent needed Alejandro and there was hardly any time to waste. The young Stellan kissed their mom on the cheek, took their breakfast from off of the table and basically sprinted to work. This was their life now, they thought. If it wasn't obvious by now they dreaded every moment of this. It was eight in the morning for crying out loud. They haven't had to wake up this early since before they graduated. On the bright side, a routine may have been a good thing. It would get Ale's blood flowing and keep them to a good sleep schedule.

#3† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:55 pm

† Aleja

The sun was shining as bright as it always did around this time and the summer heat wasn't forgiving, just like Alejandro liked it. The Stellan and Savannan in them love every bit of the sun, it was saddening to know that this season was nearing its end. The Elf took a bite out of the freshly baked Quesito as they wiggled through the crowds of people on the city streets. Captain Kyro called them about thirty minutes ago, and they were close to the Rune Knights base stationed in Crocus. They glanced down at the time lacrima on their wrist. "Right on time." they thought as they swallowed the last bit of their breakfast. Up ahead they saw the base and yet again there was a long line. Alejandro reached the building and went around the line, showing their rune knight page badge to the guards and walking right inside.

#4† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:57 pm

† Aleja

Room 105, just like yesterday. They hurried down the halls, ignoring the noise and chatter. When they reached the door they pushed it open almost frantically to see Captain Kyro sitting behind his desk. The elf slowly stepped in with a confident smile. They were sure they were on time, but then... "You're late Celdrua." Captain Kyro said. Alejandro twisted their face in confusion. "You called me like-" they began. "Thirty minutes ago. You live ten minutes away." Alejandro frowned. As much as they wanted to fight their case, they swallowed their pride and nodded. "Apologies sir." they said. "Mmm. I have another task for you. Our reports show that there is a group of terrorists who have been targeting elves. We have reason to believe that they seek to remove the Elven population from Earthland. Yesterday you took down one of the creatures they created to do the job but they apparently have an entire organization. We weren't able to dig out everyone involved, but we had one of our Lieutenants pick up their scent off of the spider-eagle."

#5† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 8:59 pm

† Aleja

Alejandro listened attentively. They thought that under King Reigns rule Elven discrimination died. They learned at that moment that that's not how the world worked. There were always people who would seek to hurt others based solely on who they were. This operation had just become more important to them than it was yesterday. They were an elf after all and they weren't taking this lightly. "The Lieutenant is waiting for you outside. The two of you will follow the scent and take these terrorists down. This is a very special mission and these people are extremely dangerous, do not hesitate to kill them if you need to." Alejandro had never killed anyone a day in their life, not even a fly. They knew they would if they had to, but its not something they would do if they could help it. The Celdrua nodded in understanding. "Understood." they said. "Good Luck." Kyro said before Alejandro left his office.

#6† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 9:00 pm

† Aleja

Ale realized they didn't even know this Lieutenant they were supposed to be working with as they walked down the hall towards the exit of of the base. They moved quickly through the building and outside to find them anyway because this was a mission that needed to be handled with urgency. Once they stepped outside they looked around, searching for anyone that may have looked like they had a good sense of smell when suddenly a familiar face approached them. It was the Lieutenant from yesterday. The Lieutenant had sharp teeth and slitted eyes, similar to a snake. "Oh, I'm working with you?" Alejandro asked with a warm smile. "Hmph! You salute your superiors, page." the Lieutenant said. He must have been somewhere in his late twenties because he didn't look as old as the other knights. Alejandro rolled their eyes and saluted the Lieutenant. "I'm Lieutenant Jax. Let's get going."

#7† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:48 pm

† Aleja

"Intense much?" Alejandro whispered to themselves as they trailed behind their superior. This was going to be a long day. Jax already didn't like them from one reason or another. Normally Alejandro would assume it was because they were a Celdrua but now that they knew people wanted elves dead, they just didn't know anymore. Jax moved quickly in front of Alejandro, his longsword sheathed on his back and his hands covered in bulky metal gauntlets. He was pretty tall and bulky too, so it was safe to assume that he was physically a fucking monster. The two of them began moving through the streets of Crocus focused on the mission ahead. For the first time ever, Alejandro wanted to do this type of work. Sure they heard stories of all the good the Rune Knights had done, work like this was never that serious to them. Especially considering all the bad they heard about the Knights too.

#8† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:50 pm

† Aleja

However, the young Elf was in a position to make their own assessments. From the looks of it, all things considered, these people seemed to be regular citizens who just wanted to make change in the world. No doubt that there were also some who cared more about the money, like Alejandro themselves for example. The Celdruan page of the Rune Knights Organization was going to bring honor to the elven nation today. They moved forward but remained deep in thought about how to handle the threat. A thousand scenarios flickered through their mind as they prepared. Suddenly Jax stopped in their tracks and made a left turn. "This way." He said. They seemed to be moving towards the outskirts of the city. Before they could reach the end of the road though, Jax stopped in his tracks once more and turned to his partner for the day. "What's up?"

#9† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:51 pm

† Aleja

Alejandro was focused. Jax raised his finger to his lips to hush the newer Knight before pointing at the door beside them. "The scent ends here. I can smell others inside." He said. "Hm. Well, there's only one door so I guess we just go in guns blazing." Ale said with a frown. For a moment the duo stood in silence, preparing themselves and pondering on other ways to handle it. It seemed that Jax couldn't figure out another way to enter and nodded. "Yeah." He said. Quickly, the demi-human drew his sword. Alejandro didn't have any weapons but they were certain that their hands would be more than enough to do the deed. After about three seconds, Jax kicked open the door and shouted at the people inside. "Rune Knights! Nobody move!" Alejandro trailed in immediately after their superior, hands up and ready for a fight as their eyes bounced around the room.

#10† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 7:55 pm

† Aleja

They counted about twelve individuals, all dressed up in gear and many of which looked like they had merged with a robot or something. There was a large table in the center of the building, covered by a black sheet. What was under it looked about sixteen feet tall. No doubt about it; there was another monster under there. The Lieutenant and the page were clearly outnumbered but Captain Kyro wouldn't have sent them to handle this mission if he didn't believe the two of them could do it, right? "The Knights will be the death of me..." Alejandro said coldly. Their body had already been battered and bruised from the day before and from the looks of things today they would suffer more injuries. Jax seemed unfazed and prepared to battle. In fact he looked like he was excited for it. Alejandro wasn't like that. They didn't necessarily enjoy fighting, though they weren't afraid of a fight. Not one bit.

#11† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:01 pm

† Aleja

The terrorists in the room unsheathed their blades and aimed their weapons towards the two Rune Knights. They were ready for action as well and apparently had no intentions of backing down. Alejandro waited for the right moment to strike. There was no dialogue between them all. Finally, a few of the terrorists decided to charge forward and so Jax and Alejandro did the same. In a matter of seconds the duo had been trading blows with people they hadn't even known. Their mission was simple and dark, and Alejandro had no intentions of holding back either. The Elf flipped over the stranger who had charged towards them, quickly sweeping their feet beneath their opponents and causing them to fall to the ground. Then there was another who had come their way. He too would be handled swiftly. In the midst of all the fighting the page turned to check on their partner who had been slicing and punching through his enemies.

#12† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:02 pm

† Aleja

"What a beast" Alejandro thought. They fought and fought for about fifteen minutes, each of them continuing the battle and pushing through any sense of fatigue that they may have felt. It would all be over soon. Soon enough there were only two remaining terrorists. Jax had killed the men he fought but Alejandro had simply knocked their foes out. Captain Kyro said that they could kill these people if they needed to, but Alejandro didn't feel that pressure yet. In fact, these people weren't challenging at all. "Surrender now and none of you have to get hurt. Come on man, it's over." Alejandro said in a deep breath. Jax chuckled and shook his head. "You think these people deserve mercy? They're trying to kill you and your people, Celdrua." Jax said. The young elf turned slightly confused. Jax was right and they knew it. Still, if these men could be apprehended and brought in for questioning then that's all that mattered.

#13† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:03 pm

† Aleja

Unfortunately Jax didn't see it that way. The Beast of a man charged forward but one of the Terrorists quickly pressed a button attached to the device on his risk. Suddenly the thing under the sheet on the table began to making a whirring sound, as if it was powering up. Jax stopped in his tracks. The thing beneath the sheet began to rise, allowing the fabric to slip down and finally revealing itself. It was some sort of "Robot?" Alejandro asked. Immediately the machine began towards Jax and Alejandro. The duo did the only logical thing and turned to make a run for it. The robot crashed through the entrance of the building and took its stance in the middle of the street. "Oh fuck." Alejandro said. Suddenly the robot began to rampage, smashing small shops and stomping through the streets towards the Knights. The citizens began to scream and run in fear.

#14† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:03 pm

† Aleja

"You make sure the people clear the streets, I'll take care of this thing." Jax said. Alejandro did exactly as commanded and turned to help the people of crocus. The screams filled the air and drowned out the music that had been playing in the homes. The once peaceful streets of Crocus had turned into a city of terror for the second day in a row. "Come on!!" Alejandro shouted as they pushed the people along. Jax said he had it handled, but Alejandro couldn't just leave him. The robot continued moving forward, but Jax had been fighting it off to slow it down. He was allowing it to rampage a while longer. Finally the streets had been cleared for blocks. The people scurried off and Alejandro was free to help. The robot slammed its hand onto the ground, causing it to tremble before shooting a beam of lightning towards the elf.

#15† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:04 pm

† Aleja

Jax had taken some hits, but he was alright for the most part. He seemed to know what he was doing. Not to mention the robot didn't show signs of intelligence. Jax quickly called for back up from the device on his wrist. The Stellan elf sprinted towards Jax's back and called out to him. "Throw me up there!" He shouted. "What? No!" Jax responded with his back still turned. "Trust me!" Ale said. Jax grunted in disapproval but he decided to take the risk. When Alejandro reached him he grabbed the elf by the nape of their shirt before spinning and throwing them towards the Robots face. The page soared through the air towards the robotic creature. It was enraged and set on causing destruction. No goal, no motive, just destruction. The Elf didn't know the purpose of this machine but if they had to guess it was a sentinel to wipe out elves.

#16† Aleja 

Monster Hunting [NQ] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:06 pm

† Aleja

The robotic creature was too slow to react. Alejandro put their right fist forward as they approached its head and closed their eyes to brace for impact. Their strength alone was surely enough to do the deed, they thought. They were right. Their small sturdy body pierced through the metallic face of the robot. They braced themselves to land and tucked and rolled onto the ground. Behind them the robot collapsed and there it was. Suddenly Rune Knights began to approach the duo. Alejandro pushed themselves up and raised a thumbs up at their partner who was obviously not impressed. All the terrorists inside the building were apprehended by the Knights and the robot creature would be picked up by a special operations team. Although today they had been victorious, something felt off. Something told Alejandro that this wasn't the end of this mission. For now though, it was a Job well done.


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