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Alejandro Yunta Celdrua

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#1† Aleja 

Alejandro Yunta Celdrua Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:23 pm

† Aleja


Name: Alejandro Yunta Celdrua

Age: 17 | 7/7/X777

Gender: Non-Binary

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Wood Elf | Stellan/Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Wood Elf | Savannan

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Wood-Elf

Rank: S-rank

Guild: Rune Knights

Tattoo: Right Thigh

Face: Claude Von Reigan - Fire Emblem


Height: 5'10

Weight: 155 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Overall: When one first lays eyes on Yunta they notice their emerald green eyes that almost always seem to catch the light. Yunta stands fairly slim at five feet and ten inches with short shaggy brown lockes. They hardly allow their hair to get long mostly because they were taught that it can be ones downfall in close combat. Yunta's mother is a Savannan native hence their golden brown skin, unlike their mother and older sister. Yunta's appearance has all the ingredients to cause them to stand out and they flaunt it by wearing bright colors like gold, yellow, green, or orange. They are a pure bred elf which is obvious if you look at their ears.

Yunta has an eye for fashion, so when they aren't in work attire or at important family events, they often wear the latest designer clothes.

Extra: Pointed Ears


Personality: Alejandro is often seen as pretty easygoing on the surface, but has a side that forces others to keep their guard around them. It could be a mix of their confident and care-free attitude, almost as if the world would never bring them harm. Or perhaps it's because they are so obviously intelligent for their age. Most people find themselves oddly at ease around the young elf. Often times they want to sleep or relax, so its no secret that they're lazy. Despite that, they make sure to excel at whatever it is they do, almost too easily. They are far more astute than they let on and is always a few steps ahead of their peers during conversations. As the first born "male" of the family, they've had to step up in a number of ways, so they have drilled in them the qualities of a good leader. The truth is though, leadership is something they could care less about. Instead, Yunta makes it known that they're just happy to be alive.

Alejandro tends to get along with almost everyone they meet. They're kind, thoughtful, and although they harbor a lot of pride, they are hardly ever obnoxious about it. They tend to be nonchalant about their duties, which makes them frustratingly different from their cousins and from the rest of the wealthy families. Unlike other wealthy folks, they don't see themselves as better than anyone and sometimes attracts more trouble than they should. They're naturally humble. However, do not be fooled. Despite their easy-going and humble nature, Yunta is hot-headed unlike anything their family has ever seen. Sometimes they can be impulsive and passionate about controversial topics or the things and people they love. Growing up they were constantly getting into fights.

This Wood-elf is a cunning strategist and is particularly skilled at mind games to throw their opponents off. They aren't really much of an intense person in combat, often saying witty things or joking during the heat of the moment. It's their "We'll be alright" attitude that throws opponents off and inspires the people they fight alongside. Even then, in the heat of the moment they are able to think quickly and move quickly, understanding the reality of virtually any situation they're in. For their comrades they are willing to make unspeakable sacrifices and can be depended on to make the hardest decisions or to do the most controversial things to end up victorious. Killing, however, is never something Alejandro wants to do. If they can help it they're willing to keep even their enemies alive.

  • Nature: Typical for elves. Yunta embraces nature and believes that they are one with it. In fact, they can often be found consulting with trees and animals.
  • Herbs: Yunta is what one would call a "pot-head" they love herbs that uplift them, like Marijuana or opiods for example.
  • Sleeping: Their parents hate that Yunta sleeps so much, but that's what happens when you are raised in a wealthy family. Sleeping is peace.
  • Ocean/Swimming: The Ocean is an entity of itself. Ocean-life, the waves, Yunta loves every bit of it. Swimming is one of their favorite things to do.
  • Dragons: Growing up Yunta's dad would tell them stories about dragons, and Yunta has always been borderline obsessed.
  • Money: Who the hell doesn't like money? Yunta wants as much money as they can possibly obtain. They want to be richer than the king!

  • Demons: Demons took their sister away from them. All demons deserve to be destroyed in Yunta's eyes. There is no such thing as a good demon.
  • Mosquitoes: Just as bad as demons...
  • Loud Noise: Loud noise, loud people, Yunta considers themselves a very peaceful person.
  • Winter: Spring is the greatest season. Winter reminds them of death and lost.

  • Their Older Sister: Years ago Yunta's sister was kidnapped by a cult of demons. After months of searching for her, their family gave up but Yunta never lost hope. A lot of what they do and pursue is based off of their older sister. Not only does Yunta hope to find her, but they hope to save her and feel obligated to become the best version of themselves in her honor.
  • Wealth: Yunta was raised in money and they never want to lose their wealth. Money is the main motive behind the jobs they take and the things they do. Money money money. They say Money is the root of all evil, well Yunta says it's the root of all prosperity.

  • Being Poor: Because they come from a rich family, they fear being poor and losing access to the finer things in life. It's a genuine phobia.
  • Earth Dying: Perhaps it's because of their elvish nature but Yunta loves the earth and is aware that the beings of earthland take advantage of it and all its beauty. They fear the earth dying more than they fear death for themselves.


684 (Via Deathcoin)

Strength: 121

Speed: 121

Constitution: 251

Endurance: 130

Intelligence: 61


Magic Name: Hurricane Magic

Magic Element: Wind

Magic Enhancement: Double Elemental (Water)

Magic Description: Basic Wind and water magic.


History: Alejandro was born to the Celdrua family in the capital of Fiore. The Celdrua family is split between the Head House and the Branch house and Alejandro was lucky enough to be born to the Head house. Growing up they were close to all of their family members; even those who weren't apart of the head house. Their mother is an Elf from Savannah married to their father before the two fell inlove. She would take Alejandro and their elder sister to visit the Branch house in Worth Woodsea often. Alejandro was their father's pride and joy being his only "Boy" but they were also always under intense pressure. In fact, they believe that their sister on the other hand, had it so much easier. Alejandro was forced to prepare to lead the house, so they were constantly training and being tutored.

Still, their sister always seemed to shine brighter. She wasn't in line to lead the family, but she excelled in everything with flying colors. Yunta wanted to be just like their sister. They followed her damn near everywhere, tried to do everything she did before their father grew concerned about Yunta's behavior. From an early age it was evident that the soon-to-be head of the family wasn't like other "boys". At school they would constantly get into fights because even the other children could tell they were different. Of course, this didn't stop Alejandros parents from loving them and showering them with gifts. Growing up was fairly easy for Alejandro...

Until it wasn't.

One day Alejandro and their older sister were visiting family in Worth Woodsea. Unbeknownst to Alejandro, the family had been persuing a cult who were dedicated to bringing the Demon Lords to Earthland. The two siblings ventured out to explore as they always did but this time the cultists were hunting them. The cultists approached to kidnap the two of them but Alejandro's sister protected them and only she was kidnapped. This left Alejandros mother devastated and the family was never the same again. Of course the family searched for months on end but to no avail. The pressure was heavier on Yunta's shoulders to be the perfect child but they began acting out. They had lost their sister, yet they had found a purpose. From then on they trained and grew exponentially until their father forced them to join the Rune Knights.

This is where the story begins.

Reference: -

Last edited by Yunta on Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:19 am; edited 4 times in total

#2† Aleja 

Alejandro Yunta Celdrua Empty Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:34 pm

† Aleja

Attribute Reallocation

Death Coin Via @Cailyn

Death topic Here: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t62904-end-of-the-road-red#554049

Total Points: 684
  • Strength: 121
  • Speed: 121
  • Constitution: 251
  • Endurance: 130
  • Intelligence: 61

Other Changes

572,750 Experience

Last edited by Yunta on Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:34 am; edited 1 time in total


Alejandro Yunta Celdrua Empty Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:25 am

This has been denied, to claim the Death coin you have to have a death topic linked.

#4† Aleja 

Alejandro Yunta Celdrua Empty Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:34 am

† Aleja


Alejandro Yunta Celdrua Empty Sat Aug 20, 2022 6:33 am

You need to add an enchant to your magic, please add the enchantment then bump the topic.

#6† Aleja 

Alejandro Yunta Celdrua Empty Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:36 am

† Aleja


Alejandro Yunta Celdrua Empty Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:55 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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