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Xylia Wumars

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Xylia Wumars Empty Sun Aug 28, 2022 3:39 pm



Name: Xylia Wumars

Age: December 20th, X769 (25)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Joyan

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Hunter

Race: Half-Elf

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Collective Mind

Tattoo: Blue Left Thigh

Face:  Kuroko Koumori - Murciélago


Height: 6'2

Weight: 180lbs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Overall: Xylia is very tall and slender with long black hair messythat extends past her waist with, short, uneven bangs and eyes with small, black horizontal pupils similar to that of a goat, her disproportionally large breasts combined with her overly slender figure give her eerie vibe. Her choice of clothing is much more casual than most consist of a black T shrit with a white long sleeve shirt underneath.  She wears black denim jeans with a black leather belt with a weapon holster around her waist, black cropped socks and Black sneakers depending on how cold it is she will also wear a black leather studded jacket
Extra: Being a Half-Elf her original hair color is a  platinum blonde which Xylia hates so she dyes her hair black.    


Personality: Xylia has an explosive temper, and is known to react with violence, or at least the threat of it, over even slight offenses, depending on the person responsible. Xylia typically has a very abrasive nature, in that she enjoys teasing or outright insulting those around her. While some of this is lighthearted and, in many cases, simply a way for her to pass the time, she seems to enjoy the constant putting down of others. Her her preferred targets for this are Vaxias and Zagimie. the two of them provide constant sources of irritation for her, Vaxias with his odd fixation on knowledge while her treatment of Zagimie is based more on how easy she is to insult. alone with this she presents other bad habits such as pathological gambling, alcoholism, unwarranted violence, and forcing work on others. Because of this she often clashes with her companions. Xylia also has a strong sense of self-preservation can lead to her being a coward in certain situations. only being willing to put her life in jeopardy for substantial profit. On the few occasions she takes the events occurring around her seriously, either a when money or her own life is at risk and she has no choice but to fight. and even then she will still try and come up with an "exit strategy"

  • Money: previously living as an assassin Xylia has come to the conclusion that money can solve every problem so now Xylia strives to amass as much as possible.
  • Gambling : Xyli highly susceptible to gambling. Going as far as to be willing to gamble with with her life to get a big reward.

  • Elfs: Xylia hates being an Half-elf and has gone to great lengths to hind this from others. she has an instant dislike of any Elf that she happens to come across even more so if they know she is also an Elf
  • optimistic people: Nothing pushes her buttons more that "optimistic idoits" so seem to always be happy for no reason.

  • To become rich: Everything Xylia does is driven by money in some way even so far as taking jobs she knows she will hate just because the pay is good. When it comes to her goal of becoming rich there is no job that she is unwilling to take.

  • Death: Xylia is not above running away from fights in which she is likely to die.
  • Bugs: Xylia has an extreme case of  entomophobia.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 6

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 6


Magic Name: Black Menace

Magic Element: Darkness

Magic Enhancement: Holder Magic (Revolver)

Magic Description:  Black Menace Magic comes from her cowardice. Black Menace show "threat of death" to her and anyone if her line of sight through the form of an white aura and once seen she can adjust her position to avoid it or it can turn injuries into ammo


History: Xylia was born into the Wumars Family that was once a very powerful and influential Family in Crocus, but after a series of ill-fated decision by members of the Wumars family the Wumars's fell into poverty. In a last ditch effort to resurrect the Family status, they attempted to make "special weapon" and used the children of the family as "guinea pigs." One of the researchers of the Wumars Family stated that the invention of the "special weapon" was a stepping stone for the Family to restore their fallen glory. He also said to the children who were experimented to "Think of it as an honor to die by being a part of the development." The other children of the Family died one by one as a result of the experiments. Later, when Xylia seemed to be the only surviving child because of her Elf blood, She decided she wasn't going to die like a dog such as many of the other children had. Her strong conviction awoke something inside the girl and gave her the power to kill every other member of the Wumars family ending the families existence. Even as she slaughtered her parents she felt no remorse or empathy. with this new found blood lust Xylia fell into becoming an assassin. which is something she unexpectedly enjoied the money was good, she had the freedom to work alone and she wasn't tied down by anyone or anything that was until she took a job to take out a guy who attacked and killed a very powerful mob boss. from all the detail she gather it seemed to be a pretty easy job the guy who strolled and killed him didn't bother to hind his identity take anything or even leave town.It took her all of an hour to find him she was slightly when she seen he was being accompanied by a mountain of a woman figuring she is was the one reasonable  for killing the mob boos and his men. so all she had to do was wait for her to leave him lone long enough for a well placed shot finish the job. after taking them for the better part of a day her chance finally presented its self when the boy and woman split up for the night after gaining access to his room by paying off the lady running the front desk of the inn he was staying at. upon entering the room she was meet by the boy sitting in a chair facing the door "Ah, I was starting to think you wouldn't make an appearance tonight." upon seeing the boy and his offputting smile a child ran down her spine. "How did you ? she could barely choke out the words. the boys smile got wider "Oh I figured they would send someone after me so I had a plain ready on the chance they were  competent. there is a piece of paper on the desj to your left." She would glance over to the desk and see the paper "its a contract of sores, I'm in need of assistants in my studies much like the other woman that is a more than reasonable contract for you to come help me in my pursuit of knowledge." without taking her eyes off the boy she would make her way over to the desk and quickly look over the paper. Sure enough it was a contract laying out a weekly salary, bonus, incentives even hazard pay and an expense account. she looked back to the boy pluzzed "Theres no way this is legit"the boy stands up from his seat and slowly begins to walk over to Xylia he begins to reach into his pocket which cause Xylia to quickly draw and fire her gun in a flash of light the bullet hits the wall behind the boy as his smile only becoming more disconcerting to her he puts out a coin bag and holds it out to her.  "This should be more than enough to cover the payment for killing me and your expense"  Xylia  could feel a pit growing hin her stomach. " May we be useful to each other in life and death".

Reference: Vaxias assistant (2nd ALT).

#2Khalfani † 

Xylia Wumars Empty Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:50 am

Khalfani †
This character is approved for roleplay.

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