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The Myras Prisoner [Storyline | Astrid]

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The Myras Prisoner [Storyline | Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:01 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

If it had been under different circumstances, this would have been an opportunity for the small group to enjoy, even perhaps look at it as a moment to relish their time here. Myras was seldom a city that she would have had the pleasure of visiting, whether it were centered around political matters or simply just for her own enjoyment, and regrettably this trip would find itself falling into neither category. A mission, one given to Astrid Venier on behalf of The Divine, arguably one of the most powerful figures not only within Fiore, but depending on perspective, one of the most powerful figures across all of Earthland. It was by her demand that Astrid find herself here, hastily parted from Oak Town in order to satisfy a meeting of particular note and importance to not just her, but also to The Divine, and the mad quest that she had found herself enthralled within too.

They, Astrid Venier, her political aide in Sia, and her Sevenese Goddess companion, Noir, had arrived in shadow, their intentions of this trip made known to a precious few, the reasons behind it to an even smaller audience, effectively the trio as they arrived in total. The less who knew, the better. Even more when the grave nature of their meeting was realized fully. But it only told a single side of the story and the complicated nature that The Divine was playing with them within, keeping the Senator so deep within the dark unknown as to nearly every element of this matter. Even as they were greeted by an almost imposing escort on their arrival, not a single detail was revealed to them. Nothing disclosed. Nothing provided.

Much like so much of this matter had been up to this point, Astrid found herself forced to accept fate from a source that she would never had surrendered to by her own volition and will.

But it has been clear that this was The Divine’s game, and though she refused to accept that fact, it did not change that she was simply a player involved within it.


The Myras Prisoner [Storyline | Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:01 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

Under armed escort was not how she had come to envision her arrival, especially not as an ‘honored guest’ as the decree provided to her in Oak Town had made it sound to be. There was certainly some level of expected security that was to have been required, that much was no shock; given her role within the political realm, especially given the combination of her leadership of the Office of the Auditor and now of her new title as Reigning Senator of Oak Town. Either of them would have been more than enough of a justification for this kind of attention paid to her safe arrival and transit throughout the southern city. Whether or not the mission given by The Divine were known or not, if so it may have prompted an even more aggressive type of response.

Seldom a word was spoken, none by those adorned in the heavy plate armor, and barely any by Astrid and her company. Sia made a remark or two early on in hopes of sparking some tension-breaking levity, but the effort died quickly, no one feeling the effort for a fruitless endeavor would be worthwhile. Especially with tensions as high as they were already, it was safe to assume that the matter would only stand to get even further tense once the nature of everything was revealed, not just to Astrid but to all parties. Conserving energy for when that bombshell were dropped, that was the foremost thing that focused should have been tied towards, that eyes forward should have been fixated on.

It certainly was the case with Astrid, her mind throughout not only the trip to Myras but also their own respective escort being trying to quite understand just what was here for her. Myras was a city that was seldom reference as being particularly important, neither in the political or religious sense as far as she knew it to be. It operated on its own, within Fiore’s customs and laws, but lacked representation in the Senate, and for a very deliberate reason; they had come to find their business being one that they sought as much control over as possible. As even Astrid came to understand, if there were any city in Fiore that presented as complicated of a relationship with her Office of the Auditor, it certainly would have been Myras. While compliant, they were also adamant of not permitting access, a compromise that Astrid granted with reluctance, if only to avoid a drawn-out conflict like what they had encountered with Orchidia.

Perhaps that were the reason for this no-nonsense escort, a need for compliance without showing one’s hand. In this scenario, Myras – or more appropriately, those who acted on behalf of Myras – held the power. They were the ones saving face. Astrid, while their guest, was also at their mercy. They controlled the potential for negotiations, for discussions, if needed, but even more than that, beyond the leverage that existed there, they possessed something even greater. They knew the reason for Astrid’s arrival at all.

That lingering point hovered over and clouded Astrid’s mind throughout, even as they were led through the heavy metal doors, imposing guards on either side, stepping through the elegant building, the décor resembling much of what she had come to grow accustomed towards within the Phantom Lord Guild Hall. So much of the aesthetic was like that of a night club, a high end establishment, than that of a place where business was conducted. But, perhaps that was for the best, and an appropriate bait and switch tactic at that. If this were the environment that they felt most comfortable with, it would make all the more sense that this be where they led Astrid.

After all, when dealing with the most dangerous prey, it would only make sense that it take place where one felt most comfortable. The lion dare not attack the hyena within a land favorable to hyena when the option were within its den.

Astrid, a slave to the will of The Divine, found herself blindly entering the Merchant Guild’s den, with only the lion within knowing of what may happen next.


The Myras Prisoner [Storyline | Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:01 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

“Lady Astrid! It is a delight to finally meet you! Please, sit down,” It was jovial enough, but she knew to as much treat it as a polite greeting as much as it were a demand. There was truth, it was certainly a meeting that were overdue, the Senator once of Crocus now Reigning out of Oak Town and the one whom had been hailed as one of the speakers of the Merchant Guild. Both knew of one another enough that it were less of an introduction and rather that of putting a face to the name, an opportunity to see that past injustices and favorable conditions of a time before were adequately saved and remembered. “I do apologize if your arrival was,” he paused, his mind dancing with the proper term, his eyes as much showing his enjoyment of the matter, “Not too unpleasant. These are strange, if not violent times after all.”

Astrid simply smiled, having taken a seat across from the man, there being a somewhat imposing table that stood between the two of them. Atop it were several glasses, a stray ice cube or two having already been placed within. Two bottles, one of clear liquid, the other of a more amber-looking ale, sat before them as well. A thoughtful gesture, if nothing else. They at least had good taste, as Astrid glanced upon the amber liquor, the brand of a similar one that she often drank herself. Not quite that of the foreign imports that she preferred, but it was one that was imported at least to Myras. It came by way of Oak Town, surprisingly enough, at one of the distilleries that she invested early on in, viewing it as a worthwhile venture to securing a foothold within Oak Town. She could not help but appreciate how right she had been on that gamble.

“Thank you, but apologies are certainly not required. After all, it is you and your associates who are kind enough to see to this matter.” She stopped short, looking for some signs within the man’s face as to not reveal too much. It came with a nod; a weak one, but enough to serve a singular point: they knew. She leaned forward, her face somewhat relaxed, her body calmer than it had been. In a singular gesture, a glass were within her hand, the ice within tossed aside as they fell harmlessly to the ground a short distance away. Out of the corner of her eye, she bore notice to the well-dressed gentlemen scooping up the ice cube. Can’t have a water stain on whatever material it was that lined the floor around them. “I hope your fellow does not take offense. That brand, you would not think it, but tends to be much smoother when it is not brought down by ice.”

She looked up as she turned the seal of the liquor bottle, an almost shocked expression upon the man’s face. Not as a result of Astrid’s behavior, but rather of the justification. “I know, that’s quite the reaction that I had when I was first informed. Give it a try, I’m sure you will agree.” As the glass before her filled sufficiently with the amber liquor, she gently pushed it in the man’s direction. A faint screeching sound rang out as the bottle scrapped against the polished wood frame.

Motivated as much by curiosity as he were in the spirit of being a welcoming host, the man followed suit of Astrid, dismissing of the ice present within his glass in a much more dignified manner, and then carefully pouring out the amber liquor. Though Astrid did not seem to show any ill effects or anything of the like by her drinking, he looked at the drink with almost reluctance. Forsaking ice in a drink like this, it felt so, indignant. Despite that, the glass rose to his lips, the liquor making contact with his tongue as it travelled down his throat. For a moment, his thoughts were mixed, but after a moment, a stunned look upon his face was enough for Astrid to smile slightly.

She was right. And even if he wished to deny it, Astrid had seen his face and that did not lie.

“Alright. I will concede,” he put the glass down, what was missing far more than what even had realized. He had had brands similar to that before, but none had gone down quite as smoothly as that had. “Unorthodox, I will admit, but,” Composing himself, a gentle self-slap against the face was enough to reignite his focus, a desperately needed move with Astrid now having turned the tables on their encounter, being now the one in control. “I believe there are matters that we have come to discuss, no?”

“So it would seem. However, may I be candid for a moment?” She waited for the nod, continuing as she saw the tipping of the man’s head, “It would be a lie for us to proceed under the current basis of information known. We both know the reason for my visiting your beautiful city were not ones born out of my role as a Senator or that of the Office of the Auditor, so no need for us to so delicately walk amongst one another.”

“I am here on behalf of one, benefactor, who has made a clear point of my presence. I would assume that someone of your stature is aware of what I am referring to. I would hope that I do not need to spell things out further.”

“That won’t be necessary. Our mutual friend said to expect your arrival.” He got up from his seat, proceeding over towards what she assumed to have been a large window, covered by a large liner that otherwise concealed it. “To be honest, I did not first believe that they were who they claimed to have been. The odds of encountering someone of their stature is simply so unlikely, so hard to wrap one’s head around. It was only after they confirmed it to me that they surprised me twice again with a request for us to send for you.”

Astrid got up as well, drink in her hand still, as she proceeded towards the man, the lack of motion as much of a tell that he expected her to stand there. “Certainly a story that seldom any would dare forget. The Divine of Fiore requesting one of the most controversial politicians in Fiore arrive in the most politically-adverse city. It’s a tale almost too hard to believe.” He pulled at a small lever, causing the liner to split apart. He looked out the window, a small smile on his face, “And that the reason you were here was for that…”

Astrid looked out, her eyes widening in disbelief as the glass nearly fell right out of her hand. Through the high window, she looked down and bore witness to a massive fox-like creature, multiple times larger than any sort of animal of its size, a creature that when standing next to Astrid would utterly tower over her. Multiple tales extended out and numerous chains bound it in place, holding it securely in place as it thrashed in vain trying to get out.

“Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Once a proud creature. Now reduced again to the state of a slave. We had planned to auction it, the Magical capabilities within it being utterly unmatched in this world. But then came an unexpected early bidder in the Church of Illumin.”

“I take it then that you’re here to accept The Divine’s prize?”


The Myras Prisoner [Storyline | Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:02 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

As she was led down the tight corridor towards the small arena that housed the massive creature seen only moments ago, Astrid still struggled to fully comprehend it all. This was the purpose for her arrival within Myras? To take control of that creature, that Nine-Tailed Fox? She knew seldom anything of it, bits and pieces that were reinforced by what information seemed to have been known by the Merchant Guild representative. Once upon a time, they had been a dangerous force within the nation of Joya, eventually bested by adventurers and joined forces with one of them in a sort of pact-like form of Magic. She had heard of Magics similar to this, but never seen it first hand.

That the Fox was here now, it would have meant either that the story was false, that the Magic failed, or that something had happened to the adventurer. The reason mattered little to her honestly. It would have been an interesting story at best, but immaterial to her endgame. This was as much the demand of The Divine, to achieve what the past adventurer had failed in doing. The reason why, that was unclear to her. But if it was something that The Divine felt necessary, she would see it done.

She flinched very slightly at the sound of the heavy stone doors splitting apart, both of them grinding upon one another in a ear-piercing wale that reverberated out in all directions. Bad enough that she found herself taking a small step backwards, as the image beyond the stone pillars became more apparent, she stepped forward slightly, almost excited at the prospect of controlling this majestic creature, its size much larger than that of what it seemed to have been from the higher vantage.

Stepping through the doors, it was only a few steps until the creature had turned around entirely, its face directly before that of Astrid, teeth exposed and bared, a snarl radiating out and the intense heat of its breath blowing past her, yet shockingly without any sort of odor to it. Empty, hot wind. Nothing more. But that was not to take away from the precariousness of the situation as the chains wrapped around its neck seemed the only thing that stopped it from lunging forward at Astrid, the first suitable thing to which it would have been able to enact its rage upon in who knows quite how long.

“You seem rather upset…” Astrid remarked, mockingly, her eyes darting around at the various chains that bound the creature. There was no way that it would have been able to strike at her, barring her jumping forward it the creature’s very direction. “But I can certainly see why. So many chains, so many that bind you in place. It’s a wonder that you even possess the freedom of movement, let alone the will to still try. However, striking at your savior will hardly do much to improve that situation.”

“SAVIOR!? DO YOU MOCK ME?” The creature roared out, its words not coming out of a natural sense of speech, but rather just lingered within the air, the voice appearing through Astrid’s ears, even without the mouth of the creature. But even in the out of body conveyance, what was apparent was the rage boiled within it. There was a hatred. Hatred towards its captors. Towards Astrid. Seemingly towards everyone and everything.

“Far from it,” Astrid said coldly, her dismissal of the creature’s plight evident and deliberately apparent. She was the reluctant hero, whether it wanted to recognize it or not. “Without me here, your fate is predetermined. To be sold to whatever the highest bidder, however cruel, hellish, or whatever they may be.”


“Much the same, if you want to look at it from that perspective. But consider that the bidding has ended before it began, and I find myself the winner. I offer you a chance for freedom…” She paused, looking at the creature directly in its eyes, “I offer you the chance to be free of your chains.” There it was, the reaction she wanted. Whether the creature believed her fully, it had been taken by her words.

“That’s right. You have one option realistically, but two exist. You venture with me, perhaps even having an chance for freedom, if so determined. Or you gamble that whomever follows me will be so considerate.” The creature said nothing. The creature did nothing. It simply contemplated Astrid’s words, struggling to determine the truth behind her words. However much of a lie it may have been as to what she offered it, the truth was that failing to jump on such an opportunity was a risky gamble in its own right. “As I said, it’s truly only a single option. But I will allow you the choice.”

What sounded like a sigh radiated outwards. Then silence for a brief moment before the words radiated out again, “GRANT ME FREEDOM AND I SHALL ACCOMPANY YOU. THAT IS MY DEAL.”

Astrid smirked, chuckling very faintly. It was assuming watching this, regardless of what the entity may have been. Someone or something thinking that they had leverage in a scenario where they clearly had none. What was even more entertaining was that they believed that such a deal would hold true. Astrid had learned early on such deals could not work on their own, but through ulterior motives could such agreements be reached. With Alisa Vollan she commanded the use of the Blood Pact, but without that it would be impossible to enforce such a deal. This creature, as much as it thought that it had power or even just a semblance of leverage, had no means of compelling Astrid.

But that would not be something that she was going to reveal.

“Sure,” Astrid chided, “You have a deal.” Holding a hand out towards the beast, she called out, her words full of confidence, there being something so alluring to manipulating those of a worse state, whether creature or human. “Accept me, Kurama, Nine-Tailed Fox…”

The chains wrapped around Kurama seemed to shatter, as if by Magic breaking apart. The massive Fox began to disperse into Magical particles, fading away as they enveloped around Astrid, then diverting into her body, causing her to lose her footing as a massive surge of Magic entered her body. She felt the rush of energy, a euphoria that she had not felt in what seemed like any time before. Her mind went black in pleasure and delight. As her senses returned and her eyes opened once again, the massive Fox was gone, the chains that once held it in place gone now too.

She looked down at her hands, noticing them different. The black hands that stained her body were gone, replaced instead by fairer hands, of natural skin color. She ran those same hands through her hair, it being longer than what it once was. Taking a handful, she pulled it out before her, seeing the long white hair, but as she stared at it, something else took her focus and attention. Several tales, all of them white in color, they lay at her feet, which as she stood, she saw them disappear, leading her to realize they were her own tails.

Turning her head towards one of the mirrors, getting a chance to see herself. It was not her face, but one of equal beauty. Jaw-dropping in actuality. If this was the benefit provided by the presence of Kurama, she had not problems with that. She turned her head slightly, getting a more full view of what the Fox had provided her. After appreciating her new form well enough, she could not help but laugh at the circumstances. “Ha ha ha, oh this is too perfect. Thank you, O Great Fox, for such a boon.”

Leaving the arena and ascending the stairs once again, many a face were locked in on Astrid’s new appearance, eyes of envy all fixated upon her. She proceeded towards the Merchant Guild representative, who could not help but bow before her, handing her a glass of the amber liquor. “Quite an appearance change. But I have to say, it’s quite a good look on you.”

“Thank you,” Astrid remarked, taking a sip from the glass, the taste seeming to be even better in this form than naturally. “It really does suit me, doesn’t it?”

“Very much. Before we get too distracted, there is someone who wishes to speak with you. Please, if you will follow me,” The man turned his back and proceeded towards a small room that was otherwise isolated, a pair of armed guards overseeing the entrance to it. As he gestured for Astrid to enter, she proceeded almost cautiously, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the guest there, not expecting to have seen them there.

“You? Was this why you had me come here? All for this beautiful body? Surely, Illumin must have had greater sense than to simply have me do broker a false deal with a captured deity.”


The Myras Prisoner [Storyline | Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:03 pm


Though it was an almost uneasy feeling, resting within Myras, she knew that it would only be a matter of time before Astrid arrived. If their meeting had left her with any impression of the woman, it was that she would follow through on supporting her in her efforts. Although the merchant guild were considerate hosts, she preferred her own privacy. When Astrid arrived, there would be no need for her to interfere. The senator was crafty enough to maneuver this on her own. The only question would be if Astrid could live up to the expectation Illumin had set for her.

From the room, she listened faintly as conversation started between the man from the merchant guild and another person. It was a woman which she assumed to have been Astrid. The more she listened, the more confident she was that it was Astrid which was great. It was perfect even. After a few minutes, the man from the merchant guild entered the room and informed her of the woman’s arrival. “Thank you. When she returns, have her speak to me.”

Some time later she overheard conversation again. She waited eagerly as the door opened and the woman stepped within the room, looking more like a fox woman than what she thought to be Astrid. As soon as the figure spoke, she knew it to be Astrid. “Illumin has plans for us all. While you look lovely in that form, it is not that so much that I care about. What I care for is that you were able to merge with the Nine-Tailed Fox. It certainly appears that you were able to.” It was almost hard to believe that it was Astrid, but Illumin had told her that Astrid would succeed. Standing before her was proof that it was true. “There is no further point to remain here. That you were to able to succeed, the only thing left to do is to head to Seven. Let us go. Godhood awaits.”

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