Another day on the island. The people had been less annoying than they were before. That was a good thing and now he was trying to figure out what he would do. He had been doing a lot of jobs within Luluhawa Island, and he figured he would help the locals today with their catches. He had taken a job from the board, which would lead him and Renji to walk through the sands. They were heading to the docks again.
They knew where to go as they had gone there multiple times. Still, they were moving in a way that suited them. They would avoid a lot of the people on the beach.
“Yuu, I been thinking about doing something drastic to see if I could get stronger. Do you think you would help me out with that?” He asked curious to hear his friend’s answer.
Yuurei would hear those words and he would look at Renji as he was concerned he might do something that could get him killed.