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Underground Associates [NQ]

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#1† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:08 pm

† Aleja

Dahlia City wasn't a place for someone like Alejandro, an elven pothead who simply liked to be at peace. Nor was it a place for someone like Happy, an Exceed from Extalia who also liked to be at peace. It was for that very reason that the dynamic duo were happy to finally no longer be in Dahlia City. The energy was dark and vibrant, monsters run rampant and the screams were not the kind of lullaby any sane person could fall asleep to. Captain Kyro sent the Elven knight to Dahlia for a job and in return Alejndro was blessed with the gift of death. Not in the literal sense of course. Fret not, Alejandro was still alive and kicking. It was that last bit of innocence that they had left that found itself a grave. In a sense, one could compare such an instance to someone losing their virginity.

#2† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:08 pm

† Aleja

Alejandro found not pleasure in what they had done. For the first time ever they had murdered not one- but eight individuals. Eight werewolves to be exact. Werewolves were known for causing terror more often than not and these specific werewolves were no different. When Alejandro found them they had been chomping away at their colleagues. Unfortunately, none of the platoon would make it home to their families that day. There were only a select few werewolves who hadn't been involved in spreading terror throughout the country. One of those werewolves was a member of the Rune Knights- a Captain Commander in fact. It made standing on the decision the young Stellan had made that much harder. To make matters even worse, these werewolves had children with them. By the orders of their Captain, Alejandro had slaughtered them all. They just didn't understand this guilt that they had been feeling.

#3† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:09 pm

† Aleja

Happy had been as supportive as one could be. He constantly reminded Alejandro that what they did was justice. No matter how much he expressed that to the young Stellan Elf though, they just didn't really believe it. Happy didn't seem to be as convinced as he was making himself out to be either. Was there another way that they could have handled the whole situation? Did Alejandro really have to kill the child werewolves too? This was a question of morale versus command. Alas, they would have to think about these things at another time. Right at this very moment Alejandro had a job to do, and Happy was alongside them. These decisions wouldn't be ones that they would ever express to their parents. Despite the two of them supporting their childs role in the Rune Knights, they probably would be concerned for their well-being. It was best not to stress them with such situations.

#4† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:09 pm

† Aleja

The city of Hosenka was unlike any other city in the country. It was full of life, but unlike the other cities the structure of the buildings were very obviously not Fiorian in origins. The build of the city reminded the Stellan of a Joyan city. Although they had never been, they saw Joyan architecture in books back when they were in school. Hosenka City was also a city that promoted the Night-life scene, it seemed. People dressed up in their finest clothing, partying through the streets. There were no children in this sleepless city, but that was to be expected. It looked like a lot of sinful things happened here. The Stellan couldn't help but crack a smile. If they were a little older they'd likely be indulging in everything this city had to offer. On another note, they also couldn't help but wonder if their father had considered opening a business here.

#5† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:10 pm

† Aleja

Happy flew beside their partner in justice as they leaped from building to building. This specific job required them to be as ninja-like as possible. They had to be practically undetectable if they were gonna get this done right. Captain Kyro sent them to Hosenka to track the operations of a potential Crime Lord. This specific woman went by the name "Pink." and she apparently had been conducting crime all over the city. Unfortunately the Knights didn't have much proof but from the sound of things they were sure she was doing illegal things. One of her operations included smuggling of some sort. Reports said that every Friday she would send her goons to the outskirts of Hosenka where the border was. It was Alejandro's job to find it and bust it. The Wood-Elf expected there to be a fight of course, but they didn't expect it to be something they couldn't handle.

#6† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:10 pm

† Aleja

As the results of trauma would have it, they would only hope that there were no children involved. They couldn't take another kill like that. The duo kept their eyes peeled for a carriage with a flower on the side of it. The two of them moved in silence, mostly because Alejandro had been in low spirits since the last mission. Happy was an empath, so naturally he was in low spirits too. The two continued to bounce from rooftop to rooftop, making their way through the city and stopping occasionally to gaze down below. For a while Alejandro hadn't seen anything suspicious. No masked people, no carriages with Flower symbols and nothing that would appear out of the ordinary. Perhaps it was just one of those days, they thought. For a moment they decided to pause. By now they had jumped on damn near every building in the city and still there was nothing.

#7† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:12 pm

† Aleja

"Jeez. We've been looking for a while, Ale. I dunno, I'm starting to think they aren't operating today." Happy said as he landed beside his friend. Alejandro crouched and scanned the city. "Yeah. I guess we'll just have to wait it out." The seated Knight said. These missions were becoming more and more annoying, especially for a seated Knight. "Wait..." The elf stood. "There." they said as their eyes widened. Finally, they saw the carriage. It was moving along about two blocks over. Sure enough it had a flower on the side of it. A Lotus to be exact. Happy nodded before activating his wings and flying above. "Yup. That's the carriage alright." He said. "Are you...okay to do this?" The exceed said softly. Alejandro sighed before preparing themselves to move along. "Yeah, I don't have a choice." They said before leaping onto the next building and following the carriage.

#8† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:12 pm

† Aleja

Without a doubt in the elven knights mind, there was some special Cargo inside the carriage. It was being escorted by three men armed with swords and shielded with body armor. Alejandro and happy kept some distance between the carriage in themselves. The Knight was curious as to what kind of Cargo was inside it. Drugs? Money? Body parts? What was odd though was how at ease the citizens of the city seemed to be. It was as if this was regular programming for them. Not to mention they didn't seem to be intimidated at all. It could have been possible that the Crime Lord in charge used some sort of magic to brainwash the people, or it could have been that even the citizens had no idea of the operation. Whatever was going on in this pretty little party city, Ale would surely get to the bottom of it.

#9† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:13 pm

† Aleja

The carriage made its way to the end of the city within about fifteen minutes, moving at an oddly slow pace. The forest began to approach as Happy and Alejandro trialed behind the carriage. The group of goons stopped once they approached the water. This was the border. The next country over was either Bosco or Seven. Both were fairly close. Alejandro couldn't imagine what Sevenese folk would want that Fiorians had, but Bosco and Fiore had been very intertwined as far as business goes. A boat was perched onto what would have normally been a shore, and the captain and his mates began to bring large boxes to the carriage. It was at this moment that Alejandro decided to act accordingly. This was the perfect time to both make the bust, and capture the ship crew as well. There was obviously something larger at play here and they were clearly a big part of it.

#10† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:13 pm

† Aleja

The Elf leaped down from the building. Happy soared in the sky out of view of the goons and Alejandro slowly and quietly began to approach them. They didn't have the bow today so they would literally just be throwing hands. The group of people at the water had still been trading, talking business of course. Alejandro tried to listen in but they were a bit too far. "Hey! Stop right there! Seated Knight Celdrua of the Rune Knights! Nobody move." they said. Surprisingly the men listened. Their hands raised up above their heads as Alejandro slowly moved towards them. It could have been that they were waiting until the elf was closer to strike. Surprisingly though, they allowed Alejandro to reach the boxes. "Pig." one of them said. The Stellan shook their head. "Says the one trading illegal goods and pumping whatever this is into the city." Alejandro opened the box...

#11† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 8:16 pm

† Aleja

To their surprised they saw a woman inside holding her child. "What the hell?" Alejandro turned to the men. "You're enslaving people?" they asked angrily. "No, we're helping people migrate-" "Illegally." "Yes, but these people want to start a new life. Of course a pig can't see that." Alejandro turned to the woman. "Is this true? Are you in danger?" they asked. "N-no. I just couldn't afford to come here legally. I have nothing where I'm from. Please sir..." Alejandro blinked. Their heart couldn't ruin this. They could tell the woman wasn't lying so they decided to let it be. Of course this would probably have gotten them fired if their superiors found out, but when Captain Kyro asked later that night, they lied. "There was no illegal activity, sir." and they'd follow up with some random lie they made up. Somethings were illegal for good reason, and some things were illegal without good reason at all. The Law didn't always mean right.

1,600/1,600 (20% WC reduction via Hermit aura)
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