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Mia Monet

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#1Diana Delgado 

Mia Monet Empty Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:35 pm

Diana Delgado


Name: Mia Monet

Age: February 10th X776 (18)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bicurious

Ethnicity, Father: Minstreli

Ethnicity, Mother: Icebergian

Class: Huntress

Race: Half Elf

Rank: A-rank

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Tattoo: Periwinkle, Outer Right Thigh

Face: Yorha Unit 2B - Nier: Automata


Height: 173cm

Weight: 62KG

Hair: White, Messy Bob Cut

Eyes: Ice Blue

Overall: A young woman with pure white hair, blue eyes and pale skin, she possesses a petite but long and strong legged physique that tends to make her stand out in the crowd. Eyes big and icy in tone, they have a colour brighter than a sapphire and would be better likened to clear and crisp ice instead. Appearing very fair of complexion thanks to her pale complexion and fair hair, Mia has a skin colour likened to that a doll, which can make her stand out more than most.

Slender in her frame but more buxom than she appears, Mia has a broad set of hips and a pleasing sense of breadth to her thighs, though this is often offset by their noticeable length. Not an overly tall girl but still long legged and slim, she can appear somewhat waif-like to some, but training has given her noticeable tone to her whole body. Blessed with a trim tum and definition in her arms and shoulders, it is most noticeable in the well-developed legs she possesses, though overall she seems to blend together an athletic build with an innate sense of curviness which is a little subdued by her dedication to activity.

Keeping her hair relatively short, Miss Monet currently prefers it to in a messy bob style and her bangs are long enough they can obscure one or both of her eyes if she chooses. In many ways longer from the fringe than it is anywhere else, behind her ears her snowy strands seem to reach only the nape of her neck while her bangs tend to frame her face, and seem to preserve an inherent femininity in spite of a style which could seem much more boyish otherwise. Most commonly wearing her ivory locks loose because of this, there are times when she might style or even tie them into short bunches, but for the most part she nails the messy short do with effortless grace.

Miss Monet’s choice of wardrobe rather varied, many of the items she prefers might be considered the kind of items one might associate with a girly girl, but that doesn’t mean she is adverse to looking more like a tomboy on occasion. Frequently sporting headbands in her hair because she feels they look cute, she has a fondness for frilly and lacy items that one might associate with a gothic Lolita, and on the whole enjoys a kind of ‘doll like’ appearance.  Also fond of knitwear and warm clothing in general, Mia finds she quite enjoys wintery conditions, and this is partly because she gets to indulge her fondness for this kind of clothing.

Somewhat modest in terms of makeup and jewellery for the most part, but her youth and good looks more than making up for the former, perhaps her dancer past has dissuaded from sporting anything loose and hard and as such she tends to wear studs, bangles and modest forms of neckwear over gaudy items. Preferring silver shades over gaudy gold because it compliments her complexion better, she prefers pearls to most gemstones due to her fair and refined appearance, though also likes diamonds and blue gems that match her eyes as well to a lesser extent.

Extra: Like many half-elves, her ears have slightly but not prominently pointed tips.



Seeming the sort who is a little bit quiet around those that she doesn't know and often soft spoken with all, Mia has a sense of modesty and femininity that is ever present, and can be counted as a sort of introverted charisma in a way. More the type to enjoy chatting with a close friend or two over mixing with large groups, while the girl isn't shy enough to be all that intimidated by gatherings or strangers she prizes intimacy and connection, and can show quite the difference in how she behaves around those she has grown close to and those she has not.

A young woman who wears her heart on her sleeve and often honest to a fault, while training and work as a member of the so called insurgency has meant that she has learned to be more discreet when the situation calls for it, Mia is also the type who dislikes deceiving the people she cares about and is wholly sincere in her outlay. Empathic and thoughtful, she does not make a habit of saying things she doesn’t mean, and is generally regarded with a wholesome and innocent impression.

Possessing noticeable degrees of responsibility and the courage needed to apply it, Mia is not the type who can see suffering or injustice and stand idle in the face of it, and instead feels compelled to act. The type who is an emotional decision maker, the ache which she feels when she finds someone in distress is overwhelming, and more than enough to push back things like fear or personal pain when she needs to.

The sort who is a little aloof around strangers but warm enough to welcome anyone into her company, Mia has experienced significant feelings of loneliness and isolation and has also lost loved ones as well to cruelty, which only makes her cherish the people left in her life all the more. Certainly idealistic but also kind and considerate, she likes to share happiness with those she cares about, and is understanding and giving toward them as well.

The type with a real bent toward more abstract forms of expression, Mia's introverted and inexperienced nature means that sometimes she can struggle to verbalize her feelings properly, and has more success through creative and interpretative means. Enjoying sketching or painting as a hobby and having an eye for detail, all the more does she seem to thrive when applying herself physically, and though her accident and subsequent change of focus has left her rusty as a ballerina she can still bust moves and shapes with the best of them.

Seeming to have spent her life with sorts who are rather protective of her or otherwise skirted around certain forms of trouble, Mia retains a sense of innocence and naivete which are perhaps a little unusual given the purpose she has found, and means she is lagging a little behind her peer group in certain areas. Romance and relationships an area in which she is very lacking in experience, her injuriy, treatment and everything which followed seemed to stall her development in this area, and she would still claim that she hasn't really fallen in love or had a proper paramour either.

  • Dancing: A talented ballerina and performer in her youth, though her career was cut short due to injury Mia still enjoys expressing herself through form and movement, finding herself seized by music and rhythm whenever she hears it.
  • Discovery: Spending many years in isolation, Mia is an eager adventurer who likes to seek out both new experiences and challenges, in order to broaden her horizons.
  • Goodwill: A kind and benevolent young woman, Mia is happy to share her boons with any and all who need it, and seeks to ensure the people around her are freed from their suffering in any way she can.
  • Fashion: A girl who has cultivated elegant and sophisticated tastes in clothing, while at times she is happy to prefer comfort over image Mia also has a strong passion for haute couture, and enjoys spending her time and wage indulging this 'vice'.

  • Suffering: All too familiar with hardship given everything she has been through, Mia is highly empathetic and hates to see adversity, feeling quickly motivated to do something about it.
  • Cruelty: Losing her father to the temper and callousness of a brute, Mia hates those who bully and abuse others in any way, and would keenly stand up to such types.
  • Confinement: Physically expressive but more than that seeming to crave her personal freedom and liberty, Mia dislikes feeling restricted or limited both in a literal and more figurative sense, and finds herself getting anxious because of it.
  • Loneliness: A little lacking for companionship at various points in her life, Mia understands the impact of isolation all too well and both dislikes enduring it or seeing it before her, prompting her to intervene when she can.

  • Kindness: A girl who feels she owes her all to the generosity of another, Mia attempts to emulate the same beneficence which saved her, and acts with responsibility and compassion because of that.
  • Loyalty: Treasuring the people she is close to, Mia has lost loved ones and that has made her cherish the people she cares about all the more, and prompts to act to support and defend them in spite of the risk to herself.
  • Curiousity: A girl who has found herself sheltered in many ways throughout her life, Mia is rather naïve and inexperienced, but has a strong passion for discovery she wishes to indulge now that she can.

  • Abandonment: Losing both of her parents through tragedies, Mia's greatest fear would be the same happening to the newer figures in her life, and as such she dreads the idea of loss and rejection.
  • Incapacity: Losing the use of her legs for a time because of an accident, while magic means has mended her, Mia still loathes the idea of losing her independence again, and seems to still occasionally have nightmares that she hadn't been healed.



Strength: 0

Speed: 0

Constitution: 0

Endurance: 0

Intelligence: 0


Magic Name: Crystal-Ice

Magic Element: Frost

Magic Enhancement: Elemental Superiority

Magic Description: A frost-type style of magic meant to emulate Crystalline forms, the latter fact means that this freezing medium can retain both form and frigidness even in the face of intense heat, removing its vulnerability to the flame style. Through this and creative application Mia able to use it in a versatile fashion, not only can she command the medium offensively or defensively, but also utilize it to enhance her performance, or for purpose of utility.


History: Born as the lone daughter of an unusual couple, Mia came from modest beginnings given the fact that her father was a humble shoemaker while her mother was a travelling elf, who wasn't all that welcome in the land she found herself in. The woman hailing from a tribe in Iceberg but unrest and unpredictability prompting her to move around, she found shelter with those who were willing and kind, and the Cobbler Mr Monet was certainly that.

Seeming to note her isolation and loneliness as well as the ageless elven beauty the woman possessed when meeting her in his shop, when realizing the straits she found herself in, he offered her work and a place to rest as well. Making a little home in fact, the deft hands of an elf soon took to the work the man needed, but more than that she enjoyed having a place to call her own, at least for a time.

The two falling in love slowly, or at least this the case for the matriarch, together they conceived a child though sadly the woman would not be in her daughter's life for too long. Spooked by an unpleasant encounter with those none too fond of those of her ilk, she couldn't help but feel that her presence 'tainted' the future of the man she loved and her little girl, and decided to move on because of that, hoping that they would be happier and have more of a chance without her. After all, little Mia passed for human or close to well enough.

Naturally the loss of the woman he loved meaning that papa Monet was devastated but the man putting this behind himself for the sake of his little girl, while it was hard to manage both his business and the task of raising a little girl he wasn't the type to give up so easily, and so he found a way to make do. Never all that wealthy but the effort her father put in keeping food on the table and clothes on her back, Mia grew up in the suburbs of a small city in Minstrel, and for all intents and purposes began life in an ordinary and unremarkable manner.

Quiet but thoughtful and expressive when she needed to be, Miss Monet did all the things a little girl would do such as going to school and making friends, though sometimes had trouble with the latter for a number of reasons. First and foremost almost literally earmarked as different because of her pointy lobes, some would reject her for this fact but thankfully not everyone, though her patriarch's protectiveness was another matter. Seeming to be a little clingy and preferring to have her in his shop where he could watch over her than let her run the streets and get bullied, she ended up bookish and a little isolated, though thankfully her talents seemed to help her popularity even then.

Seeming to have a reasonable inclination toward academia, she preferred art class but all the more music and dancing, and had a talent for it. Seeming to be incredibly deft and able, a fact which daddy said she had inherited from her elegant elven mother, she possessed skill as a ballerina and performer which set her apart and was regarded as a prodigy, and with classes soon found herself on stage as a result. Taking part in shows and wowing crowds as a young ballerina, she found it much easier to express herself through movement and motion, and could put poise and passion into her performance enough that she would move the crowds that came to watch her.

Earmarked for stardom because of this and approached by those who wanted to claim and mould her for the prominent companies of the world, there was talk of her performing in the grand halls of the capital and even foreign lands when she was older, and her parents were already incredibly proud of their girl and her skill. Unfortunately, her career would be cut short because of tragedy well before she was a teenager.

One day involved in a nasty accident on account of the young heir to the local lord, she was run down by him as he charged his wild horse and carriage through town, and her once deft and able limbs were left manged and crippled by the experience. Her legs and body mangled and in need of major surgery while she was also left in a coma as well, despite his best efforts the doctor of the local surgery could do little when confronted with such horrific injuries and did his best to set them right, but told her mother and father that the girl would need a costly surgeon or be forced to amputate the lower portion of her legs.

Her father outraged by the experience while her mother devastated, Mia was left in a coma for a time, so her dad sought out the man responsible for help. Going to the large mansion he possessed and interrupting a gathering as he did so to demand that he pay the expensive medical bills to help his daughter walk again, the bastard was dismissive of both the man and the life of what he described as commoner trash, only seeming to draw more of her father's fury because of that.

Losing his temper and slugging the lord in front of his friends, he left the noble bloodied and battered and ever more so humiliated, and then incurred the man's wrath for that fact. Grabbing his horse and pistol, Mr Monet trudged home devasted and despondent, but soon found himself being gunned down by an angry brat who saw his effort of vengeance as justice, and subsequently executed him in cold blood.

Unfortunately the bastard having the wealth and connections to get away with his deed as well, his own father ruled the roost in the region and had plenty of lawmen in his pocket, and so the murder was ignored and hushed up. This only leaving Mia all the more devasted when she finally woke up, she was left in a wheelchair with her father gone, effectively as an orphan with a body which was a shade of what it once was. It was hard to tell which of these facts devastated her more, but honestly, had she been able she probably would have taken her life then and there.

Lucky for her it not seeming like the world was entirely lacking for kindness all the same and it seeming that her story caught the ear of someone with the means and motivations to help her, a duo wandering through the land in search of evil to vanquish seemed to get wind of the dire condition Mia found herself in, and moved to help her. An uncle and his niece stepping in and using their skills to earn the fees needed to mend her body if not her heart as a simple but noble act of charity, they used their connections and understanding of magic to find the best healer they could and restored the girl better than ever, and yet in doing so found themselves feeling responsible for her as well.

Certainly leaving her able again and Mia overjoyed for that fact but still now a grieving orphan, she had no idea what to do even with her body mended, so it was suggested that her saviours go even further and adopt her. Confused by their generosity but ultimately agreeing, the girl went with them back to their native Fiore and the cabin in the North from which they hailed to be raised like a daughter and sister, and while she still mourned the loss of her father gradually adapted to and welcomed her new 'family'.
Seeing far more of her 'Uncle' in fact given how active the lass was in her mission, while she didn't see her 'cousin' all too often she always felt a great admiration, and an odd connection too. Uncle explaining that the young mage had lost her family as well and this providing a strange note of union between them, she guessed that the blossoming woman felt the same feeling of loss and emptiness she had, and made efforts to reassure and support her as she could.

Developing a more sisterly connection because of this, perhaps Mia's influence helped to soften and melt the iciness which could at times dominate the feeling and thinking of her sister, and in turn did she look to the girl with reverence and a desire to emulate her. Possessing the gift for magic thanks to her elven blood and beginning to study it in part in an effort to impress her new family, her adopted sibling had a kind of strength she could only envy, and in time taught her to handle both herself and a sword because of this.

All the while remaining isolated in the mountains with her adopted uncle for long periods, while she liked having the chance to take care of a clumsy man who was so warm and upbeat, Mia began to cherish the times when her sister came home, especially when she brought her friends. Many of them doting on her like a little sister, she admired and sought to emulate them in her own way, especially the ones who her sibling seemed especially close to, while also craving the ability to make connections of her own.

For that reason aiming to join the guild to which they all belonged and practising her magic and combat skills because of that, as Mia proved herself more of an asset her uncle opted to take her with him when he went on his own journeys and quests, which delighted the girl. Even a visit to the local visit or the city of Orchidia feeling like a treat, she loved the chance to see new people and new things, and was happy to do odd jobs and simple quest work as she did so to help earn money both for the household and herself.

Seeming to develop a fondness for fashion or more accurately inherit it from her sister, the allowance Mia made was often put toward buying cute and elegant items in the hope of impressing her glamorous and renowned sibling, with no praise or appreciation seeming to be higher than hers. A girl who loved retail therapy because of that, her tastes became more sophisticated because of the influence, and in her own way seemed to remember certain elements of the showiness of her younger years.

That being said the gain of the girl in terms of money or fancy clothing always seeming to fall second to the goodness she could bring as well, while profit was nice it was more a bonus, and the real reward was the help she brought. For that reason happy to seek out lost items or chase away wolves and imps from homesteads with her arts, regardless of payment, in time the teenage Mia began to amass a following of fans who saw her as an angel or an idol, and many local lads seemed to harbour a crush on a pretty and eye catching thing like her.

Once more it seeming however that a protective patriarch would impede her development in this area, her uncle was an intimidating figure who few seemed to wish to cross, and those who did were often the type he sought to shield her from. As such the girl lacking a little when it came to romance, even in the times when affection seemed mutual, a part of her envied the exploits of her adopted sibling when it came to intimacy and especially so when she announced not only her marriage but also a foray into motherhood.

This latter fact seeming to be something that finally prompted the girl to move from the nest in fact, not only did she relish the prospect of meeting the children of her sister but she also suspected that even this mighty and renowned figure would be stretched thinly with the advent of matriarchy, and for this reason begged both her and her uncle to let her join the guild. Ultimately proving successful as well, she received her guild mark and moved to Hargeon because of it, and has since been busying herself establishing herself as a member of the Pegusi while also supporting her family as well.

Gradually spreading her wings as she does so and making friends, Mia well understands the importance of allowing this new mother the chance to enjoy the younger years of her children, and does was she can to keep her close to home as she can. Often taking on more ranging assignments to spare her one time saviour arduous journeys and time away, she hopes to expand her skills even more to become a greater asset, while also being happy to make new friends and explore the world around her as well….

Reference: Alisaaaaaa

#2Diana Delgado 

Mia Monet Empty Tue Aug 30, 2022 12:37 pm

Diana Delgado

Attribute Reallocation

Death Coin Via @Charlotte

Death topic Here

Total Points: 424
  • Strength: 120
  • Speed: 121
  • Constitution: 61
  • Endurance: 61
  • Intelligence: 61

Other Changes

298,500 Experience


Mia Monet Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 11:01 am


This character application has been approved.

Mia Monet Sigme10

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