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Zagaimie Vidfaall

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Zagaimie Vidfaall Empty Sat Aug 27, 2022 6:59 am



Name: Zagaimie Vidfaall

Age: (24) March 9th, X770

Gender: Female

Sexuality: bisexual

Ethnicity, Father: Icebergian

Ethnicity, Mother: Icebergian

Class: Berserker

werewolf (Starter)
Rank: D-rank

Guild: Collective Mind

Tattoo: Red Right Shoulder

Face: Ran Sabiura - Murciélago


Height: 6'7

Weight: 230lbs

Hair: Red

Eyes: Yellow

Overall: Zagaimie has mid-back-length red hair tied in a thick ponytail. Zagaimie's hair is thick and abundant, with all the shorter frontal hairs falling across her face as bangs rather than being in the ponytail at the nape of her neck. She has stunning yellow eyes that indicate werewolves from her clan. she almost always has a cheerful look on her face rarely ever without a smile on her face. Zagaimie is an extremely muscular woman with somewhat of a shapely figure and tanned skin, But because of her size and choice of clothing, she can easily be mistaken for a man. Her clothing of choice is black dress pants, a white dress shirt with a black bow tie, and a black vest similar to a butler or bartender.

Extra: Becuase of her Childhood her body is covered in scars


Personality: Zagaimie normally comes across as an extremely goofy, very energetic, and upbeat individual with some peculiar habits to act unladylike Zagaimie has a very optimistic attitude and can almost always be found smiling. Zagaimie's defining characteristic is being simple-minded and determined. This determination and talent lead to both potential allies and potential enemies trusting in her, she is also very confident and carefree. Simultaneously, her flaws lie in her temper and impulsive nature. Zagaimie sometimes fails to think things through and such actions lead to her suffering. She has a large appetite. She also enjoys fair fights. Zagaimie's anger also leads to some extremely reckless tendencies. When her emotions are ignited, Zagaimie becomes irrational and completely oblivious to anything else. While her will is stronger than most and she can be very level-headed, this clear mind can also make her very cold at times. When Zagaimie is cool-headed, it is shown that she can think very creatively and thoughtfully to solve a problem. Zagaimie's morality is complex, almost juridical: Zagaimie values life and ethics, but he can dissociate her personal feelings from them. such as not being bothered by Vaxias's strive for knowledge. it is a running gag in her imminent friend group that Vaxias overly simplify complicated concepts or terms.

  • Competition: Zagaimie enjoys nothing more than competing against others whether it be fighting or in some kind of event, contest, or Game
  • Sweets: Because of her childhood she was deprived of sweets as a child but since joining up with Vaxias has discovered them and uses most of her money on them

  • The Criminal Underworld: Because of her childhood she has a Disdain for anyone who considers themselves part of The Criminal Underworld.
  • Math and Numbers: One of Zagaimie's biggest weaknesses is having anything to do with math and numbers such as misreading the price tags or miscalculating the weight or distant of things no matter how simple.

  • Helping Vaxias: Zagaimie takes great pride in helping Vaxias in his "research" and spends most of her free time doing so, even going so far to say if she didn't have him to help she wouldn't know what to do with herself most of the time.

  • Being Useless: Because of her childhood of underground fighting being useless to her is worst than death. Having no use or value to anyone usually meant you were tossed aside to slowly die and nothing was scarier than that to her.
  • Being alone: growing up Zagaimie had no friends or family so she is very aware of how awful the feeling of being alone is.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 15

Speed: 2

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: Solid Material

Magic Element: Wind

Magic Enhancement: Additional Spell-Type (Defensive)

Magic Description: Solid Material allows the user to create nearly invisible solid material by super-compressing the air to make shapes such as circles, cubes, and cylinders. The shapes they make can be hollow, solid, or a combination between them where it is hollow in the center, but solid throughout the rest of the shape. it can also be used for shields and cages to hold enemies. despite having offensive applications such as creating wire-like blades or making extremely heavy objects and sending them crashing down on opponents its main strength lies in being used to form cubes or prisms to use as jumping blocks or as shields.


History: Zagaimie was born to a werewolf clan in Icebergian. While she was still a small child her clan was attacked by a group of slavers that kidnapped her during the attack. She was then sold off to a Mob boss who took notice of her inhuman strength and size for her age realizing this was a way to make a gain amount of money and influence using her to win underground fights. At the age of 4, he had her in a Gladiator Colosseum-style fight where people could place bets on who (or what) would win. On any given day she could fight dangerous and rare animals to men armed to the teeth, But the outcome was always the same. after many years of this, the mob boss became very rich and powerful using Zagaimie to crush all his rivals whether it was betting on underground fights or using her to threaten the other mafia members. Zagaimie did whatever he told her to out of fear of being useless, she figured as long as she was useful to someone she was happy. that was until she was 18 and a boy around her age showed up at one of her fights. this stuck out to her because most of the people who attended her fights were much older and part of the mafia in some way this boy didn't have the look of someone who belonged to the mafia and the look on his face was one of boredom that was until he noticed her than a huge somewhat unsettling smile appeared on his face. after the festivities, for the day Zagaimie went back to her normal duties of being the mob boss's personal bodyguard and everything seem to be going as it always had been until a large amount of commotion could be heard coming from the front of the mob bosses HQ. after a few minutes it all seemed to stop at once and none of the other mafias answered when the boss demanded to know "what all the noise was about" then the Door to his office opened and in walked that same boy from earlier "who the hell are you?" the boss yelled the boy just smiled and took the set in front of the bosses desk Zagaimie looked on in awe most people that came into this room smelled of fear but this boy smelled of blood and confidence. the Mob boss who was now visibly angry at this point yells his question again to which the cut cuts him off "I would like to buy her from you." he looks over to Zagaimie who was standing beside the mob boss. It took him a few seconds to register what the boy asked of him before he broke out into laughter "You think I'm going to sell you my golden goose? your outta your fucking mind you little prick." upon hearing this the smile that the boy had been wearing faded into a frown  "I thought you might have said that." then the boy flicked his wrist outward launching what looked to be a thread from his fingertips and slicing clean through the mob bosses throat. a gargling sound could be heard for a few moments before the mob boss's head fell to the desk. Zagaimie could only look on as her whole purpose in life now lay there getting cold. The boy quickly made his way over to Zagaimie " You are a magnificent specimen of werewolf biology that was being wasted in this stagnated den of idiots. i couldn't bare the thought of leaving you here." he outstretched his hand and gave Zagaimie another one of his offputting smiles "Im Vaxias. How would you like to come with me and help in the noble pursuit of knowledge?" Zagaimie stood there stunned with the Mob boss dead she was now useless so in an effort to not be useless she hesitantly took the boy's hand.  His unsettling smile only widened "Good! May we both be useful to each other in life and death."

Reference: Vaxias's assistant (ALT)
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#2Khalfani † 

Zagaimie Vidfaall Empty Sun Aug 28, 2022 2:42 pm

Khalfani †
Hello! Is this character ready to be reviewed? If not please put WIP in the title~

#3Khalfani † 

Zagaimie Vidfaall Empty Mon Aug 29, 2022 1:55 am

Khalfani †
This character is approved for roleplay.

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