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Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin]

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Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:52 pm


Erebus sat at the foot of the throne, not particularly daring to seat himself in it. He simply wondered, as cultists moved across the great room, attaching themselves to their dull lives as henchman. Erebus could never be like that, even if he was just another mindless worker like them. He had to be the strongest at the very least, and for that reason. He knew he had to defeat one more powerful mage to truly call himself a number one under the sun.

Then, the spark in his thoughts ignited into a light bulb. He knew the perfect mage for the occasion. Jin was trusted, he was also powerful in his own right. He wouldn’t press the challenge, but instead vouched for a cultist to go to Jin’s floor and request they meet at the lowest level; for a catch up training match. One could only assume they were going to need it for the day’s ahead.

Erebus was adorned in all of his equipment, and after Jin would arrive, Erebus would casually pull the hood of his rogue outfit up over the top of his head. The Dagger Master’s appearance was bordering that of a Dark One or a Sith Lord. In dark colors purples, dark blues, maroon and gray.

The room as always was 50m across, and 20m wide, with steps that took the room to an elevated state as was 10m wide with its elevated perimeter. Totaling 40m across, and 50m in length to the front door. When Jin would arrive Erebus would approach down the steps of the throne to the floor, all the cultists were ordered to push the Guild Tables back and so, one could almost imagine they were all on the exterior of the room. Cultists and criminals were all sitting across the tables like a crowd. Curious to see what show the two Nightmares could put on.

WC: 316

STR: 390
SPE: 330
CON: 141
END: 261
Main-Hand (R1): 131
Main-Hand (R2): 131
Off-Hand (L1): 131
Off-Hand (L2): 131

Note: Dagger DMG +30% so they are elevated from 80 DMG to 104

Last edited by Erebus Gresham on Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100
#2Jin Tatsumi 

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:05 pm

Jin Tatsumi
"Huh...," Jin scratched his head. A training match...come on. He didn't want...he'd rather finish taking his nap or grab something to eat. A training match with the four-armed master of daggers sounded like a good way to get sliced up. He rolled out of his chair nonetheless.

"Alright then," he yawned and made his way down the elevator. He probably just wants to dust off some old moves in preparation for the war. Jin thought the same, but his role was pretty easy...stay near and heal. The elevator doors opened up and Jin entered with a wave, that suddenly slowed until he was just holding his hand in the air. The silence hit him like a wave, and Erebus was already standing with his hood up. No words were murmured from the onlooker that surrounded them. Just the occasional gulp.

"That serious huh?" Jin loosed the whip from his side. Erebus already knew what the weapon was capable of, and a cheeky smile came across the paladin's face. "So that's what this is about. A dungeon...a whip?"

A joke to either break the tension or throw Erebus off guard, thinking about getting hit by the whip. But Jin wondered just how pesky the weapon was.

"Well...I'm ready when you are," he said prepared to only focus on his weapon unless he had no other choice.

WC 250
Whip: 245

Str 145
Spd 8
Con 92
End 63


Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:17 pm



Erebus smirked. “Yes that serious.” Erebus was now holding an item to every hand, with the exception, being that one was a relic, his free hand and his Lerzar’s glove would each be on the right side, with his daggers each on the left. Naturally, Erebus was ambidextrous, and could throw nasty southpaws with blitzing succession from the left if need be. Upon hearing Jin lightly joke about the whip yet again, Erebus answered with rhetoric. “Damn it.” Erebus started up with a fair laugh. “Alright, ya fruit basket. Come get it then,” Erebus allowed Jin to take a place in the map, wherever he chose to stand at— at whatever distance he deemed acceptable. While Erebus slowly stepped backwards able to move if anything picked up at a surprising pace, he attempted to extend himself back to the center of the room if he wasn’t already there. “I’ll let you call it. Then we start.”

In the meantime, of speaking, Erebus nodded to a few cultists. They dimmed the lights a shade of orange, it didn’t obstruct vision, it was meant to set a good tone— so they might train for as long as possible and get accustomed to attacks at night around burning buildings or anything else. Erebus knew the powers of that whip Jin carried, and was mildly aware that it had a strange effect on it’s victim. Causing a weird mix of pleasure albeit damaging instead of actually hurting the foe entirely. Unfortunately, Erebus didn’t have that effect. If he strikes Jin, Jin will feel it. The game was simple enough. Avoid, control. But how long could he before the whip itself snaps, and if it does.

Will Jin resort to fighting with magic? In a weird way, Erebus quite hoped so. He needed the training, and win or lose. Jin was a worthy adversary to Ere. They had went on missions, fought together, and administered a successive defense of the Spiral while working with Odin.

This training was meant to wash the rust off, get them ready. After all, neither of them were Alisa. But the predictive actions they developed might be good for the day they did have to cross paths with the Empress.

Erebus assumes a defensive stance. “I’m ready when you are.”

WC: 367

Last edited by Erebus Gresham on Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100
#4Jin Tatsumi 

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Fri Sep 02, 2022 9:54 am

Jin Tatsumi
Jin leaned to the left and right, examining the gear that Erebus wore, as his guildmate was getting ready for battle. He let out a long breathy sigh, thinking about those daggers coming toward him. This wasn't something he could just rely on martial skill alone for. He already knew that. Something that was reinforced by Erebus saying that this was going to be something serious. So he had to treat it that way too.

His eyebrow rose at being called a fruit basket. A slight laugh followed. This whip was getting him into some weird jokes all of the sudden. "Me...aren't you usually the aggressive one," he quipped back as he gripped the whip in his fist. He assumed Erebus wanted him to attack first so that the man could evade the whip and move in. That's what Jin would do. The paladin rose the whip and began to crack it in a back-and-forth motion above his head ready to crack downward if need be.

"Alright," he said, walking forward to within 20 meters of his guildmate. But the whip was oddly enough, more for a defensive measure this time. The paladin pulled his free hand back and thrusts it forward sending a beam of light out toward Erebus. The been would travel 20m unless it collided with Erebus before then. Once it reached its destination or hit Erebus, the beam would erupt in an 8-meter diameter explosion of light.



Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Fri Sep 02, 2022 11:10 am


“I’m not always the aggressor Jin. Sometimes it’s important to run the basics,” Erebus said matter of factly. Obviously, when expecting someone like Alisa, you could imagine she too would be a monstrous aggressor and Erebus needed to train for that kind of war.

When Jin began walking forward, Erebus realized that he stopped within 20m, so Erebus casually lunges backwards just to adjust the distance to 20m exactly for the safety of plotting strategy and knowing when and where to pull his trump cards. Then, as Jin pulled his hand backwards, a seal formed, giving Erebus the indication it was time to defend. Raising his upper right hand, the A-rank spell collided with the forearm which defended Ere from the white light. The spell then went off like a firework, taking the entirety of the area in white light with it.

“... I’d hoped you would try some magic, but I didn’t expect it so soon.” Erebus crooned, as he hadn’t quite felt the effects of the Magic’s burn yet, but his gear certainly had. White Wind, an area of 8m, had ‘healed’ Erebus, but Ere knew Jin was able to damage from their defense against the RK Seika and his party. It was going to be no surprise to Erebus if these spells were harming his gear and weapons. Erebus casually moved his Death’s Dagger into his Lerzar’s Glove with his feet picking up and taking him towards his target, he began a jog, going half his maximum speed towards Jin, Erebus was careful not to instantly rush the Paladin. Who could disarm or pepper him under burning white light yet again. No— Erebus had a harder win condition than simply tagging Jin. He had to maneuver around the board and then break the Healer’s defenses.

Jin was a special case of Paladin, in the fact that, Jin was actually a formidable threat all on his own. Something most support classes didn’t even attempt. Perhaps that’s why Jin had Erebus’ respect, but no matter how much respect; right now, they were in a match. If Jin fires off any spells or whipped him with his hypnosis-inspired weapon. Erebus would be timely and ready to react to shifts of balance in control of the fuel as they occurred. If the Rogue was able to fully get into his footing, traveling at 12m/s, he would have been upon Jin wickedly fast because of their short distance apart, but nothing was ever assured in reality.

Once there, assuming nothing else happened carrying Erebus in another direction. The Adventurer would stab once with his Death’s Dagger, and once with his Spell Slasher. The Death Dagger would go for the right shoulder, while spell slash simply jabbed the stomach or cautiously waiting to slice an incoming wrist.

-1x A-rank durability to all equipped items.

Tried to attack at you twice. Each strike would be equal to 2x S if they land successfully.

3xA against your coat armor with it’s minor physical resistance.

WC: 334

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100
#6Jin Tatsumi 

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Sat Sep 10, 2022 12:53 pm

Jin Tatsumi
"Too scary," he quickly answered Erebus about having used magic so soon. But the truth was that with Erebus' mastery of melee combat...Jin was far outclassed if he was going to go without his magic. To the point, it would be hardly beneficial for training for them. Especially considering the foe they were going up against.

He enjoyed working with the assassin even with their methods were so different from one another. He respected how straightforward Erebus was about his intentions. And even more so how adaptable the man was to change. The last time, he was met with a healing surge from Jin's spells. But this time they would come with life-draining power. Erebus dashed through the spell. It was barely a mild inconvenience against the man's weapons and armor.

With those four arms, it would be a hard battle up close. Jin wished he had more defensive spells for times like these. He wasn't suited for one on one combat directly. Not if he couldn't hide, but he would give it his best. Erebus was moving in close. Jin began to run at an angle away from Erebus, giving them a little more time. Erebus was much faster, but it would at least by him a few moments.

Once Erebus was 10 meters away, jin brought his free hand to his chest. The whip was still spinning overhead, ready to crack down if need be. With Jin's hands meeting his chest and Erebus still pushing forward, he pointed his hand directly at the ground 5 meters in front of himself. It would travel to that spot as Erebus was running toward him from that direction and erupt between the two of them. It would cover a 16-meter diameter area, exploding around five meters in front of Erebus. At the same time that Jin cast the spell, he would dash backward 2 meters. If Erebus hadn't had the chance to somehow change course upon seeing the magic circle, the spell would erupt five meters in front of Erebus in a 16-meter diameter explosion of healing light.



Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Mon Sep 12, 2022 11:59 am


As Erebus moves he see’s Jin bring his hand to his chest level and the spell seal form, Erebus continues to move when the explosion erupts, again burning his armor for what the damage dealt. However, as Erebus moved he had picked up his speed to be over the center of the magic seal when the spell went off, which, granted he was only 10 meters away, meant that his target wasn’t far. A beilliant white light singes the armor of the Rogue, but he twirls his dagger hands once— as he moved in upon the location Jin previously was.

Erebus quickly realizes Jin has moved back 2 meters, and lunges forward at max speed. If he gets to Jin, Erebus would attempt a sweeping motion with his dagger traveling from Jin’s torso down to his stomach. If left with a moment to overstep, his other dagger would slam against the healer’s shoulder to disable his spellcasting in that arm.

Regardless of what happened or what didn’t, Erebus talks as his body simultaneously did it’s mission, “Be still damn it!” There was a nauseous feeling as Erebus moved it reminded him of his Courpsemourn before he learned to purge its status ailment. Erebus was feeling Jin’s magic now, putting together the strategy of it’s vitality drain mechanic. Jin was clever, Erebus knew that beforehand. But the way he moved, springing traps that also nourished himself? It was interesting to say the least. At best, unique and deserving of recognition. But how much longer could Jin run, if Erebus picked up in pace. The Rogue began to feel the tremors of War. The drum, the sounds, the power was building up.

307 words

Damage taken: 1xS taken to Shadowguile. Leaving it with 1xA remaining, same for my helm. Death’s Ghastly would have taken 1S + 1A, Spellslasher has taken 1A +1B

Erebus continues through the damage in pursuit of Jin.

#8Jin Tatsumi 

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:13 pm

Jin Tatsumi
With Erebus charging like a madman filled with war beating in his heart, he moved to within Jin's 3-meter range and the mage cracked the whip downward at Erebus' body. The largest target, as it seemed his opponent was focused on simply clearing the distance between the two of them.

All he had to do was try and keep away from those deadly daggers. But that would be a miracle with how vigorous Erebus was charging in. The man would have been whipped and once Erebus got within 3 meters. But the dash of his opponent was crazy compared to the speed that Jin was capable of. As soon as the whip would begin crashing down, Jin brought his other hand to his shoulder and swiped it across his body. An armor of light sprang to life and Jin dashed quickly to the right.

With Erebus' speed, even with the whip strike, the assassin would have reached Jin before he could Dash. The dagger would collide with Jin's full body armor of light and shatter. At the moment before the second slash happened, Jin's dash would take him away, narrowly missing it. But he wouldn't be able to keep that pace up for long. The paladin dashed 5 meters away from his foe, once again with the whip cracking overhead.

While the paladin had dashed away once again, he'd point a finger gun at Erebus. If the assassin moved toward Jin he would fire. A beam of light would streak toward the assassin.

"Too scared," Jin would say as he bounced around, in response to Erebus.



Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:35 pm


Even as Erebus felt the spell damage he hadn’t expected the whip to crash against the side of his chest. It caused the already damaged armor to fly off and slid across the ground behind his location, effectively broken. A hefty price to pay, but thanks to that. Jin would dash out just as Erebus came to a stop and sliced through the defensive spell covering his person.

The rogue had tried to keep things civil, testing the lasting effects of his resilience against Jin’s cunning. However he felt his strength wane suddenly from the whip post attack, and his eyes flickered with pink light— as a rush of euphoria affected his senses momentarily. Erebus curiously shakes his head trying to push the effect back and not realizing it immediately as a debuff, in such time the whip was curling backwards through the air like a lasso ready to strike down again, but not so soon that Ere couldn’t react in the meantime.

A seal ignited in front of him, and he desperately moves to avoid it with the time given thanks to Jin move beforehand.

Erebus would avoid the spell directed at him this time and rolled to the left, traveling three meters. Since he just barely misses the cones attack radius of 2m at close range (between 3-5m) as it was casted. It would likely just barely miss him, after he rolls.

The whip was the next issue, but Erebus timed himself keenly for that since he’d seen what it could just a moment before.

If Jin brought the whip down then Erebus would phase through it harmlessly, then his next move was to step the side of it’s outstretched length— and come down against it with his dagger, which had a lightning fast reaction to the weapon (1.5x swing speed). Erebus breathed outward and lunges 5 meters left catching his breath, he creates an 8m distance before reacting further. While moving through the air; Erebus used his acrobatics to thrust himself into a spin, displaying agility so that he may come to a complete stop with his feet. Simultaneously as he did so, he spoke back to the Paladin through oncoming sweat. Jin was a decent pressure, but Erebus was calm in the face of the Healer’s adversity. “I don’t think you’re scared...” he said, and his feet touched the ground, adjusting his stance to defensive. “Cautious maybe.” Erebus grinned. He was prepared to see how much gas tank his old friend had. The simple battle of attrition was serving Erebus, whether Jin felt its effects yet were up for question.


Name: Nihlatak's Limbo Lingering
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 100-500
Requirements: Nihlatak's Corpsemourn
Type: Supplementary
Element: Darkness
Range: Self
Cooldown: -
Duration: Instant
Effect: Even though the user cannot directly enter limbo, they can do it temporarily. This allows the user to let moves phase through them. It costs a certain amount of mana to let a certain amount of damage phase through. The cooldown applies in general. This means that during the cooldown, the user cannot use this spell at all.
S - 500MP to let it phase through, 4 cooldown.

Erebus has a CD reduction on equipment spells (-2 CD)

MANA: 2900/3400

1) Erebus destroys the shield in conclusion of the last round.
2) Erebus’ armor breaks upon damage from the whip.
   - Debuffed 390 -> 312 (Dagger DMG is 416)
3) Erebus dodges Bandaids & Splints.
4) Erebus phases the whip on it’s second incoming.
5) Erebus attempts 3x A dmg against the whip (-1 rank because of equipment’s physical resistance.)

If successful the Dominatrix Whip takes 1x S damage.

#10Jin Tatsumi 

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:39 pm

Jin Tatsumi
After Jin's dash backward, Erebus had dodged the spell attack aimed at him. They were too far apart now for Jin to crack down the whip, but he still held it overhead and lashing back and forth. Erebus spiraled through the air and spun before landing down and halting his movements. It was a nimble feat that was rare to see. Four limbed and still so agile. He could see the countless people that likely lost their lives to the nimble assassin hidden within those graceful moves.

Erebus lunged another five meters and seeing that happen, Jin lunged five meters even further away. Puttin the two men about 13 meters apart from where they had clashed initially. They both landed and Jin kept the whip ready above his head. This time there were no fancy spells to come forth. Jin knew that once Erebus saw him wane in his magical reserve that whatever survivability the paladin had would be lost. Instead, Jin stood his ground where he was and would wait for Erebus to once again move in. "I have to be. I'm facing a four-armed master Assassin.

There was sweat beading on Jin's forehead, as he waited for his friend's next move. He was unsure what it would be. But from what he gathered. Erebus preferred a bursting method of combat. What for his moment and explode forward. And Jin didn't want to be on the receiving end of that one, at least not until he had to be. But in his soul...he knew that whatever happened next, eventually they would end in hand-to-hand combat. He could only hope to whip him enough until then. A thought that unsettled the paladin, thinking about the annoyance of using that weapon.

WC 280
Total 1110

Dashed 5 meters at the same time you dashed five meters.


Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:14 pm


500 MP Refunded for Limbo Lingering

With Jin moving to a stop at 13m, Erebus instantly moves at the halt of his foe’s lunge and last word he commits to saying. His speed would be like a blur in the dim darkness, Erebus uses the lunge to swap Death’s Ghastly Dagger into the hand which held a bronze glove around it. In this hand, Erebus could control the Dagger at a range and up to spell speed. He thrusts the glove off and it carries the dagger outward 5m to the side, and then ahead of him to circle Jin on the right. If Jin lunges, the dagger which was hovering a meter over the two men’s head would launch at spell speed towards the direction Jin dodged into. This would be possible as Erebus points his hand after Jin, and he would should the Healer escape his clutches.

Erebus has 17.m/s Travel Speed and moved onwards to Jin meeting him at face level. If at any point Jin 1) cracks down with the whip. Erebus responds by activating Nihlatak’s Limbo Lingering, or 2) attempts to cast a spell. Erebus would react accordingly in that time. He attempts to follow his previous lunge towards Jin with another after the levitating Death Dagger succeeds or fails.

With hopes to catch a talented ranged fighter, one has to feel their moves up and catch them with a strategy. Erebus had to do that here and if successful, it would pay off by sheering into the armor of the Healer. Erebus would follow even further if need be. (Erebus can lunge up to thrice per post) Until he was in close proximity.

Upon getting within striking radius, Erebus would thrust Spellslasher towards the top right shoulder, hoping to damage and if potentially hinder that arm entirely. Erebus had one free arm and would punch the user in the leg either further damaging the armor or amassing damage to hinder the leg and slow Jin down at the same time of stabbing toward the shoulder.


- Lunge Forward Swapping Death’s Ghastly Dagger to Lerzar’s Glove. (If Death’s Dagger isn’t already there) and:

- Thrusts the glove outward to spin around you on your right coming in, think counterclockwise on your side trying to land damage to the arm or side torso.  

- Erebus has a failsafe Phase he can cast if the whip is used to slow him down on entry.

- Upon melee range Erebus attempts to strike the right arm, either hitting armor or damaging the arm.

- Simultaneous to that attack, Erebus uses another hand to attack the right leg with a bludgeon damage punch to the leg.

MANA: 2900/3400

#12Jin Tatsumi 

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Mon Oct 03, 2022 8:43 pm

Jin Tatsumi
Erebus landed on the ground and almost immediately went back into a lung towards Jin. The assassin was trying to get closer now and more fierce than before. from the battle that they fought together, Jin knew the man had a sneaky move up his sleeve. One he saw Ere use against his foes. Phasing through and landing powerful strikes on his enemies. The paladin had to prepare for that, and it seemed he was running out of places to run away and hide.

It was time for a reckless move. There was no way for him to fully dodge the coming attacks. So it was time for him to fall back on his emergency plan. Instead of moving, Jin kept his whip ready in the air and his left hand up in a defensive position. Erebus would have been on him swiftly and as soon as the Assassin was within 3 meters, Jin swung the whip around at Ere's head. At the same time, Jin used that motion to conceal his left hand coming to his chest. The whip would trigger Ere's trap as the man would phase through the whip. A move Jin had expected the man to use earlier but at least it was now. As soon as Ere phased through the whip, Jin lunged to the right, just enough to try and evade the dagger, while simultaneously thrusting his left hand at the ground. Ere would just about to finish his current lunge, and the two would be nearly face to face. A 16-meter diameter magic circle would appear. Jin's lunge would activate Ere's second trap, sending the glove and dagger toward the paladin.

At the moment right after Ere phased the whip and was still lunging toward Jin, the spell would go off as its target destination was right where Jin stood. The area would fill with light that harmed everything around Jin aside from himself. Jin's lunge took him toward the outside of Ere. Erebus's attack with the dagger would still land true as Jin wasn't fast enough to evade it, but he was able to off-center himself enough to avoid the secondary punch. The death's dagger would have taken S rank damage and been destroyed leaving only the damaged glove remaining, which would collide with Jin's side. Both blows dealing heavy damage to the mage's armor. Jin's lunge takes him 5 meters to Ere's side, and once again he readies the whip.



Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] Empty Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:41 am



Timeline Accepted Point(s):
- Phased -500MP (Jin’s Whip)
- Shadowguile and Assassin’s Covet are destroyed.
- Death’s Ghastly Dagger is not destroyed

Erebus is a Grandmaster at this stage providing him +2xS durability to daggers, as well as Samewise’s Necklace that provides +2xS. Given that, Erebus still has a very dangerous dagger that would impale Jin’s casting arm. Thus, after damage to the right arm is true, Erebus deals 1xS with Spellslasher, 1xA with Death Dagger— continuing from here.

The moment of his reckoning was here, the instant Erebus’s blade caught the armor, perhaps no more than just nearing Jin, Erebus cast one more trick which he saved up his slevee. He used that hand which had no weapons, and no longer did it have a glove on it. He swiped with his fingers against the chest plate in one action. With his free hand traveling away from his chest, he expelled a choking black mist at spell speed outward in the same group of time Erebus would enter the damaging radius where Jin was about to shoot at, it would take the immediate battlefield by way of complete darkness and deal B-rank damage to the eyes and throat. This would change very little in the course of events happening before, because Jin’s next spell destroyed the armor which was expelling the smoke almost instantly after it travels— thus nullifying the black storm that would have sucked him inside.

However there was a bit of a situation should it have even touched Jin on his exit. The effects would undoubtedly be successful. Firstly, the mist deals B-rank damage and was thrusted out of Erebus at 20m/s for 7.5m in all directions from the placement Jin dodges from and Erebus lands. While in travel, Jin would cast his own S-rank spell— destroying Shadowguile and snuffing out the smoke by means of bountiful light. If Jin inhaled or felt even a bit of that smoke, he would discover his status ailments immediately. Blinded for 2 post rotation (5-10 seconds) in such time, Jin would feel the Death’s Dagger like dragonfly, buzzing and slicing.

Because initially the dagger would hit and land for 1A (last turn damage), but Erebus had the guiding ability to keep the dagger on top of Jin more similar to a pest than anything. Jin would feel the death dagger travel into his back, piercing it.

When a Rogue deals damage to the back with a dagger, it is increased by 1 tier. 1xS rank damage would travel from the arm to the torso, further damaging the armor(2S1A/4xS). Erebus would not pursue again by means of lunge, instead, he lands acrobatically, with his hand outstretched and his body pointing to Jin, moving the dagger with his gestures. If left unchecked, Erebus would move the dagger to stab the right arm piercing it’s armor shell again, if Jin whipped his arm back to send his weapon again, in the same breath— the dagger would stab that arm, and move to the back as well. This combination would be continued by Erebus until Jin dealt with the situation or Erebus took that armor off of Jin’s body.

Erebus could always use Spellslasher in defense; holding the distance as he approached, and he did. If Jin attempted to lunge, Erebus would follow in picking up a runner’s pace as he began to move for that inevitable strike towards Jin, keeping his Death Dagger + Lerzar Glove technique on the cusp, was the driving strategy currently to hold the cleric back. The threat of it made him mind it attention, and upon his self it certainly made it hard to actively avoid the caution of Erebus nearing him at point blank. Losing any sight of what a Rogue is doing is setting up their slate of hand.

“Fuck.” — Erebus said, feeling the heat of the light on his skin as the armor fell. It didn’t hurt him thanks to the armor and helm truly taking the last of the damage, but Erebus knew that Jin was hitting hard. He was halfway through a Rogue that was arguably a threat to any battle mage out there... and Jin was no more than a trusted cleric. The sight made Erebus proud to know he wasn’t alone, that Jin also was a technical & sound warrior. “You’re really pushing the pressure.” Erebus admitted with a gripe and smirk. The rogue often times was noted for a fast pace but Jin was alert. Nothing more about it could convince Erebus otherwise.

As one would know a Rogue is soundless. Erebus was beginning to accelerate after his last word. His speed would be 30m/s after three seconds or unless he need to react to anything between now and then.

I activate Smogwalker (900MP) just before armor break and after the whip damage phase to attempt a blind, and to take some advantage. In this scenario I have advantage where Jin cannot see with Death’s Ghastly chipping away at his armor and Erebus recouperating. Jin’s armor is thick, Erebus has ground to cover with his attrition taking a hefty hit all at once to respond to Jin’s attacks.

I have one hand free and as the motion says, I only need to swipe against the chest. With all his free appendages I believe Erebus could do this, and would have tried to do it at this stage in the fight anyways, since his plan is to limit Jin’s escape routes.



- Attempted to blind before the armor breaks, it will be broken after this rotation.
- Attempting to keep the Death Dagger looping a circle between each arm and his back until the Armor is sheered clean off
- Began running (Soundless + Erebus accelerates faster due to Rogue)

-400 MP Lerzar’s Glove
-400 MP Limbo Lingering
-900 Smogwalker
500/3400 MP Remaining

Bad Reaction to Simochi [Jin] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

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