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Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]

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Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:20 pm


"Ain't No Devil"

Sho walked onto the scene without much of a care in the world. His face was hidden behind his cloak and part of his face was covered with his yellow bandanna. He reached into his pocket while sitting on a stump of a tree just outside of Oak. Supposedly this was the place it was supposed to happen. After about a month of invading the raiders had carved out large plots of land for themselves. They had become bosses in their own right each unique to their area. Sho wasn’t sure who they were but knew he would play a hand in stopping them at the end of the day. He was obligated to do it, it's what he was in Seika’s guild for. Stopping unknown and foreign entities. Sho reached into his pocket, hands hidden by his green cloak. He pulled out a blunt and a lighter. He placed it on his lips and clicked the lighter, causing it to come to life. The flame was bright and lit up the dark regions covered by his cloak. For a moment as he lit the blunt his face could be seen. He took a deep breath, the end of the blunt lighting up as he closed the lighter and placed it back in his pocket.

This was no ordinary cigar it was filled with a special plant from Fiore that induced euphoria and relaxed the body. He was tense, not because he was scared. But because he was experiencing new sensations. With the newfound powers that he was discovering he could feel everything around him within 50 meters. He was still trying to process this new feeling. He could feel the distortions, people, animals, and plants around him. Besides seeing he could feel it. So anyone approaching from behind would be detected in an instant as they arrived on the scene. Sho figured he could take a moment to prepare himself for what was coming. Darkness was brewing on the horizon as more raiders were going to pour through at any moment. Sho knew more people were coming to help he wasn’t going to do this alone. He requested some top-notch help from a supporting guild and guild member. So he knew that this was going to be somewhat fun fighting alongside new and old friends.

He removed the blunt from his lips and tapped it a few times to make the ash from the rosebud fall to the ground. He pushed his long hair out of the way of his face before looking up to the sky and letting out a long smoke trail. “It’s almost time.” The tension was beginning to grow in the air as the darkness expanded over the horizon roughly 60 meters away from Sho’s current position. "Something wicked comes this way."

469 / 4000

Battle Stuff:

#2† Aleja 

Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:42 pm

† Aleja

New and improved, granted powers of boundless light from two entities that had been myth in the world of the living, Alejandro was no longer a child. Despite their age, they had been given tasks that most elders wouldn't have been able to accomplish. The Dragon Slayer was an accidental perfectionist. They didn't try, they just...were. This path that they walked had been drenched in glory, though glory wasn't what they sought. Hell, the Wood-elf didn't know what they wanted much less what they should have wanted. None of that mattered now though. Their superiors had stationed them in Oak city temporarily for a multitude of reasons. Not only were they checking on the city after the Death of a renown Wizard Lord, but they were also supposed to be making sure that the raiders from this other universe were kept in check. It goes without saying that Eternal Nightmare wasn't the number one priority.

Even a dark guild like that paled in comparison to warriors from an unknown land. The city was quiet. Alas, Alejandro was not alone. Lucretia Wolfenstein, the Rune Knight Captain Commander was in this same city. Although they were pretty high up in terms of ranking, she really called the shots. As their superior, they expected Lucretia to direct them when direction was needed. "The streets aren't safe tonight, ma'am. Please return to your home." The Knight said with a warm smile to an elderly woman. She seemed confused mostly, but understood that when the Knights were in town it was for good reason. The woman nodded and Alejandro directed two of their platoon to make sure she returned home safely. There was always the possibility of someone being from the Dark Universe, but this woman didn't even have mana- none that they could sense at least. Alejandro's white cloak flowed gently in the grace of the nights wind.

A large Elk symbol was etched onto it, representing the Celdrua House and their badge sat comfortable on their chest. Draped in the finest leathers of black, about twenty men followed the them. They traversed the city of Oak until the Stellan spotted a cloaked figure in the corner of their eye. "Hey." Alejandro called out. Happy stood fearlessly beside them and suddenly the entire platoon drew their swords and shields. Should Alejandro give them the order, they would attack the stranger with haste. "You alright?" Alejandro asked. There wasn't a hint of fear in their gentle voice, nor in their posture. They were prepared to strike down any person who found themselves trying to raid this city. My, how they had grown in such a short time. The young elf who had once been against murder, understood that it was a necessity- especially as a Knight.

Even then, they hated the fact that they would possibly have to take another life- Dark universe or otherwise.

Word Count: 471/5,000

Last edited by Alejandro on Thu Sep 08, 2022 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:23 pm


A being walked out of a nearby cave where it had been rest mere hours before sensing something was about to change in the air. Towering at nearly seven feet tall, it seemed to wear heavy plate armor that was colored blood red. This color went from the bottom of his armored boots that appeared to have an animals horn placed at the front of the toe all the way up to the helmet that was flat at the top, and looked very much like a skull. Across the armor was highlights of brass and gold colors. On the man's back appeared to be a cloak made of some kind of large beast, what it was before couldn't be told at this point in time due to how tattered and worn it was, but that wasn't the first thing that came to mind. Instead of a normal clip holding this cloak onto this monstrous being's back, it was spikes that appear to be tips of spears facing outwards and pierced onto those spears were human skulls.

Walking into the cave behind was a beast that was as big and wide as a water buffalo while being far heavier. The horn on his head was a single one, forming a T shape on it, though on top of the flat of that T were large spikes, where it appeared skulls had been placed. It's appeared to be closer to a massive dog in shape and size, it's mouth appeared to be big enough to bite a man's head off with room to spare, its teeth looked like short swords. From a distance color of the fur of the beast looked a dirty brass only as it got closer would people realize that it was not the color of the fur, it was armor. Sheets of Brass covered armor covered every inch of this beast and it didn't seem to slow it down at all in any way. The chains that were used to 'control' this beast was attached to a massive spiked collar around its neck. As the beast laid down next to it's master, small gaps in the armor showed something possibly more terrible. This beast had no skin, it appeared to be made of machinery and parts mixed together with a living beast.

Something was about to happen though what that was, Ragnar wasn't really fully sure. This was the first time he had felt something like this and one of the only times he really regretted not having his hammer.


Last edited by Ragnar Asgeir on Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:44 am


The name had a strange ring to it; it had been one of the many locations within fiore that was constantly under assault in one way or another. But it held a massive failure to lucretia; her failure against eternal nightmare which was something she longed to correct. But to her the most important thing was the safety of the people that were still loyal to fiore; still loyal to the good of things. For that she put aside her disdain of thought of helping out them by defending their very city.

She’d snort a little bit and rub at her face; she was far less equipped than the last time that she had come here. But at the same time she was something more than it. She had taken some time to prepare herself. Without weapon or armor she wasn’t as ‘mighty’ as some would expect but the werewolf stood taller than most and stronger than most.

Motioning to her companion the sword and shield adjusted itself; floating to her side and letting itself be held by the werewolf. The two of them had a strange sort of bond; one that Lucretia couldn’t really explain. The weapon had come to her in the dead of night after the loss of the shaka zulu assegai. Like it was there to replace it or… to prove to lucretia that even without that mythic weapon she was still something.

The request for assistance wasn’t lost on her nor was the individual that had asked her to help. She had fought against sho just the once and during that they had proved to one another they could be trusted in a regard. It was before he had left the rune knights and before she had joined. If the both of them had been in it at the same time Lucretia would have quickly become his superior.

Pushing those thoughts from her mind she’d tug at the shirt she wore. A sleeveles white T shirt that sat nicely tucked into the cargo pants that she had deigned to wear. Honestly with her size it was hard to find clothing fitting for her and the werewolf would eventually step out onto the street. Maybe after this she’d find some equipment here suited for her.

She’d cock her head to one side; making use of her ability to sense those around her through a multitude of scents. She was a precursor, a one of a kind. But she was also a dragon slayer. Her senses let her reach out and eventually she’d find the scents of individuals that stank of metal along with a few more prominent ones.

She knew that there were some rune knights here, she knew that one of the Lieutenant’s were also here. She had dealt with many different kinds of people before but… There was no doubt that the scent she found was indeed Sho’s and if she had to guess the more prominent well traveled scent was that of the Lieutenant’s. Seeing the group she’d let out a sigh; letting her companion float out of her grip she’d motion to the knights and sho. Her nostrils flared just a little bit as she made sure that she was addressing the right person correctly.

Good to see you again Sho. What’s the Situation…

She’d look over the knights, her icy blue eyes picking out the Lieutenant just as their scent registered with her. Gods what was their name? She didn’t know it offhandedly but that was due to her own error.


The way she phrased that trailed off hoping that the other would introduce themselves. Or at the very least fill out what she wanted to know from them. Either way she’d find out their name; or they could wait until after the fight. She had a score of those ranks under her command and some of them liked to come and go. Many of them weren’t noteworthy but… Most of hers were human or Demi-humans. Not a single elf. Which already made this particular Lieutenant stand out a bit.



Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:39 pm


Sho looked onward into the ever-shifting horizon. He could feel everyone walking into the range of his senses before they even knew they were in range. This did not phase Sho, not in the slightest, from the direction they were coming from and their relaxed nature showed they were not enemies. Sho did not tense up or anything he could feel each person's bioelectricity as he waited. One did speak out in an attempt to get his attention, and the no named soldiers drew their weapons as if they were waiting for an order. Sho stood up from the stump and dusted himself off. He took a long drag of the blunt its short life span slowly ending. His eyes glanced across the field seeing the Rune Knight who spoke out first, “Oh I am just awesome. About time y’all got here. Thought I would have to do this myself.” Before he could continue on he saw Lucretia approaching the scene. A familiar face, Sho smiled knowing that he had hired some good help. He wasn’t too sure of this new face that led the knights that spoke up first. Sho waved to Lucretia who wasn’t in her normal attire, she seemed naked and out of place. But he wasn’t one to judge. He looked around some more looking for a face from his guild. Maybe they would make a stylish entrance of some sort but they wouldn’t be able to wait too much longer.

Sho could hear thunder off in the distance and a tingling sensation that caused him to turn back around to the dark horizon. RIfts began to open up suddenly. A loud booming noise was followed by the noise of ripping wet bed sheets. As the rifts tore through the fabric of reality. “Hope y’all came ready for action!” He let out a laugh following that comment. It did warm Sho’s heart to see the Rune Knights showing up in force even if it wasn’t an army. Anything was welcome in Sho’s eyes. Sho finished off the blunt and threw it into the ground and stepped on it with his boot. He didn’t show it but Sho was high as a kite, he was relaxed and ready to do this. He knew that work needed to be done and it wasn’t going to cut it with just normal means of knocking people out. He would have to exert himself completely and extinguish life on this day. It was better that he was in an enhanced, euphoric mind state. He would have to deal with the fallout of his actions later.

Beings began to come from the rifts opening up, twisted abominations of all shapes in sizes, hungry for flesh. Followed by humanoid soldiers no doubt controlling these beasts. They were coming in droves Sho turned to them and began to walk towards the outskirts of the city towards the incoming force. This was not a fight but a war of attrition and Sho was not going to die here. If anything he was excited because he could let loose without hesitation.

“Try to keep up.”


#6† Aleja 

Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:41 pm

† Aleja

Captain-Commander Lucretia didn't have to say much, it was clear as day that when she greeted Sho that Alejandro had no reason to see this mysterious man as an enemy, at least not now. Although Alejandro was fairly new to the Rune Knight Organization, there were a few names that stuck out. They could have sworn that they'd seen the name Sho somewhere. With a charming smile, Alejandro nodded towards the man and then turned to his superior; the Lord of Wolves, the legend herself, Lucretia Wolfenstein. It seemed, however, that she couldn't recall his name. Of course, none of this offended the elf. They wouldn't have cared if she didn't know him at all. "Captain, Commander... Captain Celdrua." It had a nice ring to it. "We've evacuated the streets. Oak City is the only city untouched by any of the Dark Universe's leaders. I ca-"

Before the Captain could even finish speaking, a giant portal ripped open in the sky while a few other smaller ones opened up from a few blocks down on both sides of the group. The sounds emanating from the tears in space were unlike anything they've ever heard. It was, beautiful, grim, and horrifying all at once. Alejandro looked up first, watching as the last bit of the purplish-black hole solidified and when it finally did, it created a massive boom that could surely wake a clan of sleeping giants miles away. "Damn. I really don't get paid enough for this, man." they whispered to themselves. Flying creatures began to pour out of the giant portal, following in the footsteps of their bringer by ripping through the skies, screeching as if they were demanding unknown entities to leave from their territory. Stormcaller would fare well on this night, but the Celdruan wouldn't use it if he didn't need to- not when he had his bare hands to do the job.

If Lucretia hadn't given an order then Alejandro would take the liberty to command the platoon they brought as Sho rushed towards the smaller portals down the block. The Mad man seemed rather excited in his pursuit of violence. The elf on the other hand preferred to lay on the sweet emerald grass and gaze upon the summer's sun. "Get into position, here they come!" he shouted. Like hail, the creatures fell from the sky. The rest of the Knights prepared themselves. Some were shaken to the core, trembling at the sight of the creatures but very few looked prepared to die. Alejandro had accepted the unknown, for they knew that if they should leave this world, they would be welcomed into the halls of Valinor. For elves there was never truly an end.

Word Count: 900/5,000


Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Sat Sep 10, 2022 9:18 pm


Ragnar watched from his distant cave as he noticed a rift begin to open in the distance. Well it does appear like things were about to get very very interesting. Looking over at his mount, he quickly jumped onto it before riding off towards the rift opening. Approaching the rift he only then noticed three people were there, people who he didn't really know. Pulling his mount to a stop he jumped off the Juggernaut and reach behind him and pulled out his trusty companion. Once his hand was placed on the hilt a terrible roar came from the weapon " Vrrroom! Vrroom! Ra-ta-ta-ta! Crrraaa!" The noise most likely was nothing that any of them had ever heard before as the teeth on the axe began to vanish from sight as they spun around and around.

As Ragnar began to walk towards the three of them he realized something very interesting. He only knew of one of them. Lucretia Wolfenstein, Captain-Commander in the Rune Knights. Well that would be very interesting at the very least, maybe he shouldn't have shown up to this little party if he was here but to be honest it wouldn't be a good idea for anyone to try and arrest Ragnar as the portal was starting to open. Ragnar's mount eventually ran off into the distance as Ragnar walked silently, other then the roar of his weapon. Looking over at the rift and seeing the monsters come out the did finally notice the other two people that were there. He didn't recognize one of them by his face but he did recognize his fellow guild mate Sho.

Choosing to walk over to Sho, he gave him a little bump on the shoulder with his shoulder, giving him some silent encouragement that he was here for him, even though Sho was the last person who would need it. Sho was a fucking animal in combat and he knew that he wouldn't need any encouragement from him to handle his business. Looking over at the Captain-Commander, Ragnar only gave him a respectful nod.

Even if he was a rune knight, that didn't mean he couldn't respect his strength. They just happen to be on the wrong sides of the law today, but most likely today they were on the same side. Hopefully, if Ragnar didn't die from this incursion, he would be allowed to get a head start on running but we will have to see.

Ragnar only barely noticed the elf that was near by, but he was most likely some kind of badass like the rest of everyone here otherwise he wouldn't be looking so confident. Ragnar had on more then one occasion meet people that he had never heard of that could wipe the floor with him, and he had a feeling that everyone here currently could most likely do it.



Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 9:24 am

Lucretia’s eyes scanned the group that had assembled and weighed what sort of position she should take in regards to that. She knew sho was a good close quarters fighter so he wouldn’t need support and from what she could tell of Alejandro he seemed to use a bow. Sho didn’t seem too chatty given the situation and that was fine; she’d give him a small wave with the hand that was holding benimaru’s sword portion. Sure she seemed like she wasn’t kitted out but…

In truth she was so vastly stronger than the last time that they met; she had done so much and it would hopefully be obvious the moment they actually started fighting. She’d spin her ‘sword’ in her hand and consider briefly.

If our bout in Iceberg was any indication…

Lucretia chuckled a bit and she’d turn to Captain Celdrua. They had already cleared the streets? Well that was good and hopefully they could keep the citizens safe from the invaders. She’d follow the gaze of the elf up to where the portal opened up. Pursing her lips the lycanthrope nodded her head. The captain would be fine if they had their men about them and she figured that if they weren’t well… they were a stones throw from one another. Lucretia wasn’t about to let them fall.

Good to meet you Captain Celdrua. We’ll have to have a drink later.

The last person she was expecting to show up was… By the kingdoms standards a wanted criminal. Part of the same guild that Sho hailed from. Lucretia stared at him for a moment; his name wasn’t known to her but that was fine. She wasn’t here to collect his bounty or take him to jail; they were here to fight against the invasion and for that Lucretia would let them be. The nod was returned with one of her own before she readied her ‘sword’ and ‘shield’.

The roaring of the newcomers weapon didn’t seem to bother Lucretia too much, but she did spare a second glance to the weapon. What sort of nature did it have? She’d have to ask later maybe. But for now the woman started forward. Her body pulsing as the mana worked through her; she was definitely not going to waste her time spent in transformation as she lacked armor. Her physical resistance would likely keep her safe but… there was no knowing what the enemy was capable of.

I don’t think keeping up will be too much of any issue…



Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 3:22 pm


Before taking off the rest of the team arrived, Lucretia and Ragnar two well-rounded fighters. Celdrua spoke to their soldiers barking out orders, Sho chuckled cause he knew that could have been him if he had stayed in the Rune Knights. It wasn’t completely off the table if the current guild did not work out for him. The men seemed unnerved they had never encountered anything like this. That was a dead giveaway from their demeanor and facial expressions. Not everyone was cut out for this kind of thing. So Sho didn’t fault them for that. “There is no shame in running! But if you stay don’t falter! For I am here!”  He yelled out before laughing. He stopped as he noticed one of his guild mates coming too. It was Ragnar a rather burly man who was no stranger to fighting. Ragnar walked up and gave a shoulder bump to Sho which was reassuring. He heard the revving of Ragnar's new weapon he would have to converse with him when time permitted about it. Though Sho was sporting a lot of new gear as well.

They were all prepared for action as Celdra called out to their men one last time. The battle was about to start they faced oblivion down without hesitation Sho began to run towards the action. The beasts pouring out of the rifts came in all shapes in sizes sporting all manners of deadly ways to dismember, disembowel or maim their prey. Not to mention the ones in the air. All of them twisted abominations with no sense of right or wrong. They just wanted one thing, to feast.

Sho’s speed picked up as he broke out into a full run. He was moving across the field at breakneck speeds, he covered 35 meters in a matter of a second. With both hands ready to give them the ol one two. The first brave beast began to meet Sho in the field moving almost as fast as he did. The twisted monster roared as prepared it’s sickle-like arms to attack. As Sho closed in the beast swiped with both sickles in an attempt to remove Sho’s head from his body. But the beast was a bit too slow as Sho stepped forward with his left and ducked under it at the last possible moment. The beast looked down realizing it missed. He then came up with a rising uppercut aimed at the beast’s chin. It was something straight out of a video game the beast felt itself being lifted off the ground through Sho’s sheer strength. A small shockwave erupted at the point of contact knocking the beast clean off its feet. There was no spell no special effect just raw power.

The beast flew back a few meters, this signaled the start of the battle as the rest of the abominations rushed forward. Sho pointed his finger into the air while laughing. A magical circle appeared at his feet signaling the activation of a spell. “Fall.” Sho muttered under his breath causing a magical circle to appear in the sky 25 meters away from him. Thunder followed and a crack of lightning erupted from the magical circle flowing downward unto the opposition. The air crackled as the bolt slammed into the crowd covering 18 meters not much but with the monsters being clustered together a good bit of them got hit. This battle was only beginning.


Battle Stuff:

#10† Aleja 

Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:37 pm

† Aleja

"That's what I like to hear. I'll hold you to it, Commander." The wood-elf replied to the towering wolf before the action began. They couldn't wait to see the power she held within that titanic body of hers. The way he imagined her, she would be tearing and clawing through these monsters with that interesting weapon of hers. Alejandro was pretty secretive about their own abilities, so if anybody was waiting to find out what he could do they would be completely assed out. With the help of their dagger and bow, they wouldn't need to use their spells anyway...hopefully. Just before they engaged with the swarm of monstrosities, Sho reassured the Knights that all was well as long as he was there. Alejandro chuckled. Sho seemed like a stand-up guy. He could rock with stand-up guys.  

Then, another face appeared. This one was a complete stranger, much like Sho...yet this one was someone the Stellan was well aware of. In fact, Ragnar the Red was someone he intended to pluck off of the Bounty list sooner or later. Alejandro was next in line for Captain Commander, specifically for the Secret Services department according to their superiors, and he had been given quite the hit list. That would probably all change after this war. King Reign issued a pardon to any bounty holder who joined the fray. Many of the other Knights despised the thought of Criminals getting off the hook scot free, but Alejandro? He didn't give a shit. If anything he was just happy there was less work for him to do. Besides, Ragnar didn't seem that bad. Well, if you didn't factor in the motor-murdering blade he had. With a quick glance Alejandro was able to see that it had it's own mana pool. How interesting.

It was funny how the universe worked. Alas, there was no time to inspect his new allies. The monsters landed onto the ground not long after the brief meeting between the four and Alejandro's platoon immediately sprung into action. Alejandro knew what he had to do. With this many hungry creatures falling like hail from the portal, there was only really one thing to do. The captain wasn't particularly most powerful up close and personal. Sure they could hold their own most of the time, but their bow was most formidable at a distance. Yet... the monsters and the riders on their backs were coming fast. Alejandro bobbed and weaved as they attempted to strike him with their swords and axes. Drawing their bow as quick as they could, the leapt into the air, aiming at the sky from which the demons fell from.

The Wood Ef pulled back the string as their eyes bounced towards different locations in the air. It was like time slowed down for a moment and suddenly, an arrow zipped passed them all to the skies above. Darkened clouds began to swarm, coming together in unison as thunder crackled and roared. It was far too late for the people in the sky. Lightning shot down on each and every one of them, all hundred flying assailants fried. Screams of the hideous creature filled the air, the riders croaked in agony and Alejandro landed safely. The platoon's eyes widened at the display of the magic induced lightning store. But...the battle wasn't over. It was just getting started.

Word Count: 1,460/4,000


Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Thu Sep 15, 2022 12:59 pm


Ragnar stood and watched as the two people next to him began their attacks. He was and wasn't surprised when Sho made the first move. He wasn't surprised to see that he did it, he was surprised to see how quickly he had moved. He went the distance of over one hundred feet in less then a second. Ragnar on the other hand was very slow comparably, running forward at his seemly snails pace of 5 meters a second. But it didn't take him long to eventually reach the front line of the rushing opponents, though it took longer then he would have liked thanks to the raining lightning from the archer in the back. The archer in the back was more then likely going to get hundreds of kills by the end of this, assuming his mana could hold up.

Ragnar didn't have time to think about that for much longer, as he started to get his own opponent. As the beast went to swipe at Ragnar with it's claw, Ragnar took his axe, which had now started to rev louder then before, and swung it across the beasts arm. These unknowable features in theory were armored, but once Ragnar's axe made contact with the beast it looked like Ragnar was cutting through paper. Bloody Paper. As blood, gore and visera sprayed all over Ragnar and his opponent, the axe didn't stop making noise, getting louder as it had to turn bone into dust as it made contact. Ragnar wasn't as fast as his comrades in arms here, but everything he hit either died in a single shot or was left unable to fight for much longer as they lost limbs and began to bleed out.

Ragnar moved through the horde of enemies, banking on his armor to protect him from any sneak attacks though he was lucky in the fact that unlike a normal axe, which had the chance of getting stuck in something, his new one simply did not get stuck. If it encountered something strong, like armor or bone, it would simply eat through that section and keep going. It didn't take long for the area around Ragnar to look like a butchers shop and not like a battle field as limbs, organs and blood covered the ground around him and on him. This didn't slow down his enemy at all it seemed, which made it easier as he took a two handed swing and removed a beast's head from it's shoulder in one swing.

If anyone did look at the Axe, the moments that the teeth would stop, it would show it was still bright and clean as if it had never been used let alone going through the bodies of a dozen or more nightmare creatures. That is before they vanished in a blur and the horrible roar began again, sounding more and more like a bloodthirsty beast, only being rendered more quiet as it feed on the lives of those unfortunate enough to meet it's teeth.

WC 1,421/4000


Ain't no Devil [Dark Incursion - Catastrophic]  Empty Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:59 am

The werewolf couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle at hearing what sho and Alejandro had to say briefly before the action started. Like what the wood elf had guessed she would be the sort to rip and tear through the opponents presented to her. But she’d have to get to the swath of monsters and beasts first. Which wasn’t really going to be difficult for her given that they seemed to be coming in every direction at once it seemed.

She was familiar with fighting beasts with her time out and about; so she knew that to stay in the reaches of their claws for too long would be a bad idea. But she still needed to close distance. Seeing that sho had practically zipped over to where they were and engaged in his own form of combat that she hadn’t seen him perform before would have made her pause… If it wasn’t for the fact they were having to protect the citizens of this city.

Lucretia leapt into action, charging forward and holding her shield in front of her. While she wasn’t geared in the same sort of sense towards speed she was still able to close the distance between her and the abominations without much effort. The first beastie that she met would find that her shield would slam into it’s chest, forcing it back while her sword lashed out.

Punching through it’s chest cavity lucretia wouldn’t waste any time using her shield to hoist the beast up and slam it into one of it’s friends. Everyone here was capable of hunting their own prey and with three of the four fighters now in the ‘thick’ of things it wasn’t hard for her to hear Ragnar’s strange axe. It reminded her a little bit of Benimaru to a degree; neither seemed to speak though Ragnar’s axe was definitely a little more ‘vocal’ as it were.

Snorting to herself she’d firmly plant her foot in the chest of another beast and kick hard enough to send it flying backwards. Knocking a few beasts off their feet and sending the few that it crashed into scattering like bowling pins. While her form was definitely strong, it came with a taxing fee and the longer this bout went the less likely she was going to end this fight with her still in it.

How does that saying go…

She’d exhale a little bit and turn her attention on the next set of beasties. She didn’t look too concerned about the riders on the back of the beasts. A single flick of her wrist was enough to send their heads rolling from their shoulders if she so wished it. But she also wanted to catch a few for the knights. So maybe just maybe… leaving one alive later would be a good idea.


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