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Underground associates 6 (S-Rank)

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Underground associates 6 (S-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:09 pm


Kaito keeps following the others around and he wonders where they are going to lead him to next maybe with some luck they will lead him too something good and they come through for him as they walk into a different room and they all sit down and they watch as someone is being tortured for information but they won't talk and they were keeping strong as the man starts to tear finger nails off of the person and Kaito is doing his best not to lose his lunch or to jump up to help them and the others are looking the same as they don't seem to think that this was really a good idea and they all hurry out of the area and Kaito noted there are more people there than just the doctor and the tortured person others were still locked up in there and he was going to to have to do his best and to get them all out and not hurt these guys if he can help it.


Underground associates 6 (S-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:09 pm


They spoke about how they didn't really enjoy seeing that but they know that it has to be done as they are the enemy to the underbelly and they can't really let them just sit comfy and benefit from people like the good guys like Kaito to walk in on them and tear them apart and leave them in shreds so they had to strike first but the mans voice wasn't super strong about it as he seemed to have more of a honor among criminals thing that they need to watch out for more so then them acting more human cause no one here wants to get picked up on a count of anything they themselves didn't do and are only guilty of taking a paycheck from the wrong party he is unsure if maybe he has run with the wrong crowd and mindset and maybe he sees their point they are just living their lives the best way that they can who was he to bust them then he hears more screams and begging and he snaps out of it.


Underground associates 6 (S-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:10 pm


He opened a small portal and gave the signal to Revy to get the Rune Knights to move in to start the raid and once the panic started he hid and turned into his female form and he starts fighting the bad guys that came running at her and she doesn't waste a step she makes sure to fight and route them toward the rune knights but she let the group she was running with get away as she couldn't bring herself to harm or send them to their doom in a Rune Knight prison cause they hadn't done anything all day but just walk around and collect jewels for this group but they hadn't hurt anyone nor were they disrespectful to the people they interacted with and she starts freeing the captured people and then she heads for where the people being tortured were at and she headed in and there was trouble waiting for her as the person was holding a woman captive saying that they weren't going to go to jail that they will kill this woman if Kaia didn't back up but she opened a portal behind herself and she stole the knife from the man and then ran in and kicked the man in the face knocking him out.


Underground associates 6 (S-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:10 pm


She runs over and she starts freeing the others that had been taken captive and she senses something and it is big so she readies herself throwing the keys to the cells to someone she had freed with orders to free the others then a huge half machine man come walking in with a machinal hammer that seemed would be a horrible time to get hit by and that was going to cause a huge amount of damage and she signals Revy to give her gear over and it appears on her and she runs at the giant man and she jumps and flips getting around the swinging hammer and making sure she doesn't get murdered as that thing looked like it could put a hole in a giant steel cube which was for some reason the thing that her mind went to so she was just going to roll with it and that seemed kind of stupid as she rethought about it.


Underground associates 6 (S-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:10 pm


She gets in passed a swing of the hammer and she made contact with the things body but it seemed to just shrug it off like it had not even felt it which made Her very worried about her chances here and if she will even be able to buy enough time for the others to get away and she can hear the Rune Knights out side of this area fighting the criminals as well which means she was going to have to be a big girl and handle this fight all by herself and that was okay with her as she knows that she is almost the cream of the crop not way that she can fall to this guy. If Yuurei was here he would have laughed at her for getting caught up in her own thoughts and thinking that she can really lose to this guy, the very thought of Yuurei laughing at her made her calmer as for some reason that guy believes in her, she doesn't know why but she knows that she at least owes him that that she stays alive to help him if he is in need as in this bleak world their are lights and he must defend them even if it means to lose his life in his duty to protect them.


Underground associates 6 (S-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:10 pm


Kaia grips her sword again and she hurries and she instead of dodging the hammer she clashes with the hammer and it cracks from meeting her sword and her eyes are glowing and her skin is now covered in scales as she had stopped holding back and she was going to be serious and not let this chance slip away as the big monster was confused how she was able to break his hammer like she had done and she just moves in and she matches the monster of a man blow for blow clashing and not giving him any real chance to react to what she was doing and she gets up into the mans face and she spin kicks the giant man hard across the jaw and the mans head spins violently to the side and then the man falls to the ground knocked out or so Kaia hoped.


Underground associates 6 (S-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 10:10 pm


She moved and helped to get the last of the captives out of the cells and out toward the waiting Rune knights and then she goes to get back into the fight and help the Rune Knights that were getting out classed and over whelmed and she was not going to let anyone else go as there was so many dangers with letting anymore get away as in the group she let go might get found and blamed for rating out the place cause they didn't get busted and she doesn't let that thought slow her down as she couldn't worry about that now she needed to focus and she helps get them all caught and she talks to the leader of this side of the country that is there of the Rune Knights and then she leaves to go report and get paid then heads for the hot springs to relax and recoup as she was beat from the long day of under cover word.
(1272/1250) 50% WC(20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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