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Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:07 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge was making his way from his establishment and to Dracon’s club. He would have Lector, Luci, and Babiidi moving with him as well. They had a place to go to and they had to make sure that they would win. If something happened within the club, then they would lose a lot of morale from the people within their gang. He had his helmet on him as he was serious and angry. Still, in his head, he couldn’t help but wait to see blood flying around from the enemies there. Luci the Demon would see that Toge was silent, so he decided to break the silence.

“It seems like they kept you away from the club because they knew you were a problem. They attacked on two fronts.” He said to him.

“That’s funny because they are scared of you.” He said out loud.

Toge would shake his head as they were telling him the truth and he was going to enjoy the fight.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:26 pm

Go D. Drakkon

The group would walk around the streets quickly. They didn’t want to run and be caught off guard. What they noticed when they were moving to the place was that there wasn’t a soul in sight. It would seem like they were avoiding this place. It was the best thing to do as there was a fight happening right now. Toge would quicken his pace as he was moving through the place. It wouldn’t take long, but he would see the club. There were people running away and then there were people fighting in front of the place. It would seem like they couldn’t penetrate the inside, which was a good thing.

Still, what they had done was unforgivable and he would make sure they knew that. The Beastmaster would start running to the battlefield and he would headbutt someone from behind. The person would stumble forward and when they turned to look at Toge, Babiidi would punch them in the face.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:48 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would look at his companion and he would see that he was quick to attack those who looked at him. This was interesting, but they had a lot to do right now. The cobra hybrid would run to the next person that was on the battlefield and he would attack them from behind again. He would look at Babiidi this time and he would order him to do something else.

“Just watch my back and take out those around me, Babiidi.” He said to his partner.

Luci and Lector were already on that as they would rush to a guy that they had never seen before. They would attack him together as they would go for the person’s legs and then their face.

Babiidi would listen to Toge and he would look around waiting to attack anybody who got near them. Toge would move to the person that he had attacked and they would stare each other down.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:54 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would be the first to attack and he would attack the man’s shin. He would kick it as hard as he could and when the man had reached for his leg, the non-mage would tackle him onto the ground. He would fall without a problem as he was off balance. He would be on top of him, and he would start punching him repeatedly. The man would block a few of them, but the attacks were nonstop, so he was getting hit every now and then and soon enough he wouldn’t be able to block anything. Toge would continue to do this as he was bashing his face in. The man’s friends would see this, and they would run to help, but Babiidi would be the one to stop them.

He would step in front of them, and he would attack them quickly. They would fall to the ground as the hit from the creature was powerful.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:02 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would get up from the floor as his hands were covered in blood and he would have a smile on his face. People wouldn’t be able to see it, but the small laugh that came from him was enough to show he was enjoying this. He would see that two people would make their way to him, and he would look at the two of them. He would shake his head because he didn’t care about them. Babiidi would make his way to his master, and he would slam the two guys onto the ground and would stomp on them both. Toge would have a smile on his face as that was what he expected from him.

He would look around and he was picking his new victim to take on. Lector and Luci were running around the entire area as they were taking out people who didn’t even see them coming.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:09 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The entire place was in chaos and that was how come Lector and Luci were able to do things like this. Still, Toge would look around and he couldn’t see Dracon anywhere. He figured that they didn’t want the leader to show up on the battlefield in case they tried to do something sneaky. That was a smart plan, and he was going to make sure that they regretted coming here. The devil-worshipper would make his way to the next person he was going to attack. When he did, he would see that the man would turn to him after he had punched him. It was as if his attack didn’t even phase him. That wasn’t good and the man would grab Toge’s neck and would start choking him.

This man was strong, but Babiidi would get in the way of this. He would punch the man in the face as he would stumble from the blow.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon
This would allow Toge to get free from his grasp as he would fall to the ground. Babiidi would move to the man and he would see the man would rush to him. The two would collide their attacks with each other. Babiidi would feel the blow from the attack, but he would be the one to stay standing. The man in front of him would drop to the ground as he was hurt from the previous attack that was done on him. Toge would look around and he would see that the fight was favoring their side, which was a good thing. They would continue to move around the place, and they were attacking everyone that was considered an enemy. The fight was long, but it wasn’t dragged out, they would have triumphed over it all and now they were done with fighting for the day, or at least he imagined so.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 16 (Neutral) Empty Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:30 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would have his companions gathered up next to him and when he saw that, he would enter the club without waiting for anybody to allow him in. He would make his way through the area as he would see that the place was empty. It would seem like the commotion outside had rushed people to leave the place. He would see that Dracon was sitting down in the VIP section upset. Toge would make his way to him and he would sit down with a serious look as he took his helmet off.

“They attacked us here and my place. They are going to pay for this right?” He asked Dracon.

“Yes, we are going to cut off the head of the snake. Thank you for taking care of the mess in your place and here. I will send you details on what we’re going to do next, so be prepared.” He said as he would hand Toge jewels for his hard work.

164|1271 (20% companion, 20% guild perk)

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