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Underground associates 7(A-Rank)

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Underground associates 7(A-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:01 pm


Kaito receives a new request to take on something else for the underground group that needs some things handled and he thinks he can use the time anyways as he is unsure where he is even going anymore and what really he wants to do with his life as he has hit the top and now he is unsure if he really deserves to be here and strong enough to really say that he is one even if he is the second most famous mage in the country an this is a big deal but he feels like he is missing something. He picks Revy up into his hood and his clothes change to his questing gear and he makes his way to the building why it always had to change how it looked escaped him but after the raid on them he would bet that they have buffed up the guards to protect this place from new attackers or some that would be looking for revenge on them.


Underground associates 7(A-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:02 pm


He enters into the building and they run a strange wand over him and he wonders what they were looking and they asked him to open his cloak and he empties his pockets which have snacks and he has a elven dagger on him that his master had given to him as a gift in case he needs it but he has never even pulled it out of is covering as it is not something he wants to use as a weapon he just has it on him in case his knife were to fail him and he need a back up one cause the knife holds memories and he was not willing to dull the knife for anything less than an emergency that has his life in a deep threat and the only way to survive was to use it but he didn't see that happening, they look at the snacks and he hears the guards stomach growl and he nods that the guard can keep them as he has more in his domain if he needs them later.


Underground associates 7(A-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:02 pm


They give him back everything else besides the snacks and he makes his way into the build further and he smiles remembering the way the guards looked at him for the snacks and they way they handed Revy back to him like she was a stuffed animal and not a living creature they had clearly not been trained well if they are acting like that plus they were probably a bit scared of him as he is a high ranked mage and he was not one to really go around being super friendly plus that he is a scary man that is cursed and seems to unthinkingly keep calling evil into this world by accident and he doesn't know how or why this keeps happening to him but he hopes that it is not going to be the constant all the way through his life as if some one does end up settling for him, he doesn't what them to also be plagued by his bad luck and his string of misfortunes that he has seemed to have following him for as long as he has remembered.


Underground associates 7(A-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:03 pm


He is soon called back to get his mission from them and he wonders if it is going to be a easy one or if they are going to test his skills and make him do something crazy like make a whole crime faction to fall apart by like snapping his finger and it scare them so much that they just disband in that second and he hopes that he can handle what ever they decide to throw at him. They walk in and they start talking to him about what he would need to be doing it is more to stop a gang war that is brewing and they need to stop from being started and he is allowed to just be himself and he is allowed to go all out on them, he just has to stop the fight from them two sides happening what way is better than having them fight a common enemy of a good mage come to stop them from fighting in the first place.


Underground associates 7(A-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:03 pm


He agrees to do this and he looks on the magic map they have in front of them and he starts planning where he needs to go and he makes his way there he puts Revy down a little bit ahead of him going around the corner to get ready to fight the gang members when they were to show up and he is unsure if they will really show up here or if he is here for just incase it was to start today. He then hears on both sides of him people taking and getting rowdy and he sighs figuring that yes today was that day and he was about to have to fight and from the sounds of it there was a lot of them to have to fight and take on he throws off his cloak and he readies his mind and his body and he gets out there and the two sides have already started staring the other side down and they move to attack each other and Kaito gets in between them and he starts flipping them and dodging hits from them toward himself.


Underground associates 7(A-Rank) Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 4:03 pm


The two sides decide for the moment they will focus on fighting Kaito then picking up their beef later but for the moment they were both on the same side of this and they were going to aim to take Kaito's head and take him out before he can really do anything to fight them back as they are getting ahead of themselves thinking because they out number him that he will just go down easy but Kaito is making it anything but easy for them as he was not here to lose he was here to knock them down and them to retreat and maybe they will rethink about going to war in the city and that they might need to team up to help defend their turfs vs goodie two shoes like Kaito who could just show up and do this. Kaito makes short work of them and they take off with their tails between their legs and Kaito goes and he collects Revy and he reports in and gets paid.
(1070/1000) 50% WC(20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)


Underground associates 7(A-Rank) Empty Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:08 am


(Fixing title cause it was wrong)

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