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Underground Associate [quest]

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Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:15 pm


This was going to be it. The last of the last within this lifetime as she felt her doom soon. She had to prepare herself as she brushed her pink hair, strings of white and black color underneath as what is bound to happen is coming soon. Her topaz eyes glowed pink as she could feel the thirst for death developing. She wore a black dress with leggings underneath. She was going to send Jin and a few others' a letter. A letter that made it obvious that her death will be soon. Her eyes cornered to stare at the papers with empty words and the pen still in the ink bottle.

She slowly got up from her chair and flipped her pink hair behind her. She wondered how Suza was doing. Mentally, she wasn't ready to see her. She won't be and hopefully what is coming up won't hit them too much. Will her plan work?



Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:42 pm


It was hard to think of this stuff, but nonetheless, she left her room and down the stairs where she exited the house. She was alone. Jin was gone, she felt ashamed to even see him anymore because of her harming him that one time and place when they were fighting against the dark knights. Her heart felt pain due to losing Bai, someone she thought she was entrusted with and towards, but it was not good enough or maybe she did not deserve kindness and love. Akuko, her best friend that she ended up killing on accident, came back as a daemon. She shivered as she looked behind her.

It felt like something, or someone was there. Today she was helping another business, but it was for a meeting and getting some business papers. The blueprints, and plans of the tycoon of the tech industry with magic. It was one of the big businesses and it made her wonder if she will get through this.



Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:46 pm


She put on her jacket that was originally wrapped around her hips. It had fluff on the neck area as it kept it warm. Like in business, she casually walked in and saw a bouncer waiting for her or perhaps someone else. She told him that she was here to see their boss through the door with the tiger knob. It seemed to be some code to get in and out. It worked as he nodded and slowly escorted her there. Her eyes looked around to see paintings that were normal for any business. Some had nature, pictures of houses and lakes.

Once she got to the door and opened it to end up closing behind her, she noticed the difference. The art was more adultery, not for eyes of the innocent. Her inner self blushed, but she kept calm and looked around. The hall was long and the lights were red and white.



Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:51 pm


She has yet to encounter anyone that belonged in the area of this location. Most were just servants and others were those who were just visiting. Every time she tried to talk to someone shyly, they didn't even bat an eye. How dare they! A part of her wanted to appear, appear to tear them into pieces and harm them as life has harmed her. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down as she felt her heart racing either from excitement or anxiety. Finally, she saw someone by the door waiting. A man that had short white hair, trickling against his forehead and his eyes were red. He had a dark look to him that she kind of liked gazing at.

"Are you... my client?", she wondered softly and spoke slowly as she had to speak the Fiorian words that made her feel awkward to speak. He spoke Joyan back, making her surprised.



Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:55 pm


"Hmph," he acted coldly and scanned her body. His gaze made her feel naked as she wanted to squirm innocently. He nodded his head towards the door, "They're waiting," he simply said as he went inside. Quilla went inside quietly and quickly. She knew people could get impatient as she was also that sometimes if not most. She sat with them all and looked at the rest. The white-haired man gestured for her to join his seat next to him. She didn't want to argue so she approached and sat down gently. They have begun the meeting and she listened to everyone talk. Each of them came from a bad gang, which she didn't care much about.

The white-haired man decided to argue with the larger man on the top left seat as they argued about money and how they owned them some for some bargaining chip they gave them.



Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:03 pm


The big guy explained that he doesn't have the money and that was when the white-haired man asked for a break. It was an hour already that has passed since the beginning of the meeting. Quilla followed the man and the two went to a different room that was on the other side of the meeting room. He nodded toward the mirror which was actually a two-sided mirror. They were able to see what was going on in there, but they can't see them. It was an interesting concept. He told her that her job is to go to the man's business and find out if he was lying or not. She agreed and told him that she will do it as fast as she could.

She left the business and went towards the address the white-haired man gave from a small card. She looked around Hosenka as she was getting lost.



Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:10 pm


It was getting dark and noticed a yell of a woman. She was needing him. A person, a thing in the darkness was harming her. Doing something, but she didn't have her scythe. She wished she had something smaller. Maybe she was going to get something to help with that later in life. She sighed softly and went up to the man to punch him quickly before he could respond. That was what she wanted to do. She approached and got his attention. He looked at her with interest instead. He walked up to her, the woman panicked, ran off without a second thought and now Quilla was the target.

"Hmm, I heard someone was looking for these..." he took out papers from his pockets. "How about you be a good girl and I'll give them to you," she felt lifeless, and her eyes shined innocently till she got close enough to him. "No," she kicked him in the middle of the position of his legs.



Underground Associate [quest] Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:14 pm


She knocked him out with her full strength between his legs and took the papers. Before leaving she spat on his face and left. "Disgusting..." she glared and wanted to kill him, torture him and laugh while doing so, but a small piece of her stopped her actions. Quilla took the papers and left to see the white-haired man. Once she got back to where she was originally at she found him waiting. He saw that she was a mess and wondered what happened. Her eyes gazed away and he quickly cornered her against the wall. He wanted to know what happened, but she pushed him away and gave him the papers.

It seemed he cared, but decided to now brush it away as Quilla didn't want to say anything. He looked over the papers and stormed into the business meeting. Quilla stayed out as it happened fast. The man was shot as the white-haired man killed him. Once the meeting was over, it was explained that his plot was to make certain members betray him and copy his blueprints as he wanted to back. She was rewarded and shoo'd away.




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