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Kairaiko Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:24 pm



Name: Kairaiko Kanzaki

Age: X774

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual

Ethnicity, Father: Joyan

Ethnicity, Mother: Joyan

Class: Beastmaster
Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Utopian Demise

Tattoo: Right upper-arm

Face: Sandrone - Genshin Impact


Height: 1.58m

Weight: 53kg

Hair: blond

Eyes: blue

Born as the favored daughter of a wealthy merchant family, Kairaiko would have been easily described as a young noblewoman. She has a small and light frame, one that has a deceptive look of fragileness to it, and indeed on the surface most might mistake her for weak considering most of the times she is being driven around in a wheelchair by one of her attending golems. As a result, there is no doubt one might find it odd for a young lady like her to be all the way in Fiore, rather than back at home in her estate in Joya. However, do not be mistaken: Kairaiko is far from helpless.

Talented in beast mastery and the art of puppeteering, the girl is often the type to let others do her dirty work for her and that clearly shows in her appearance as well. Her skin is soft, free of blemishes and not even a trace of muscle appears visible on her at first sight. The reason behind this is that as her stylish and elegant dresses suggest, Kairaiko's power is primarily born from the word rather than physical. She is the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and as such carries herself with the grace and confidence one might expect of such a person.

Kairaiko has a scar on her upper-leg from the past conflict with her elder sister, but has since then started wearing outfits that cover said area. However, one might easily mistake it for thinking she has suffered a lasting injury which made her unable to walk, which isn't the case. She just wants to trick people.


Born and raised in a wealthy household often makes one have the entire world served to them on a silver platter. Especially when one is daddy's dearest girl. However, rather than making her spoiled, it made Kairaiko more ambitious and earnest in her efforts.

Even at a young age the girl proved to be far more intelligent and mature than her sisters expected or presumed her to be. Her interest in economy and the career of a merchant warmed her father's heart, who was worried that just like her elder sisters Kairaiko might had not cared about continuing their family legacy.

However, Kairaiko is a businesswoman at heart and bases almost all her actions and decisions on such calculations. She is prone to use logic over emotions, and more likely to decide on what makes her the most profit compared to what is the most just on a moral compass.

However, life also caused the girl to become incredibly distrustful of others. After having survived an assassination attempt of her eldest sister, and the subsequent murder of said sister, she became more than content to surround herself with puppets both for companionship and protection. In fact, the large imposing automaton she has following behind her is suggested to had been made in Taz Lagaar, and finetuned by the girl herself. However, it made her considered quite unapproachable by some when it is not something business related, for her behavior tends to be easily considered enigmatic by others.

  • Puppets: Often custom-designed by herself, Kairaiko adores puppets and can often be found accompanied by some of her automatons or even having them manage her store in Dahlia.
  • Business: Ka-ching~ Who doesn't love the sound of jewels rolling over the counter after a successful transaction deal? Kairaiko takes great interest in conducting business and is quite fond of learning from others with a similar mindset.

  • Slavery: Business has ethics in her opinion, and forced slavery has no such thing in her opinion. It's one thing to exploit a worker, but to force them into slavery and not be paid for their efforts and work is disgusting in her opinion.
  • Religion: It is illogical to her, can't be explained in a way that is proved by science and technology and as such topics like religion make her awkward.

  • Create a Business Empire: Having offered to use her skills and starting capital to create a proper economic backing for Utopian Demise, the young Puppet Master has joined their ranks both to prove herself to them that she is of indescribable value, and to show their leader that even the 'divine' need the backing of coin to create miracles~

  • Dying Alone and Forgotten: To die all alone without anyone remembering your name or even your accomplishments? Sounds like a terrible way to go for her, and one too many experienced before her.
  • Having her injured leg touched: Somewhat of a phobia due to the phantom pain lingering in it, Kairaiko absolutely despises having her leg touched, for it reminds her of the struggle she had to endure to survive her sister's assassination attempt.


Strength: 6

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 6


Magic Name: Normie Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: Focused Buff

Magic Description: Normie magic that does normal normie stuff and yet I am a Beastmaster so this part is pointless?


Born and raised as the youngest of three sisters, the Kanzaki family has its origins in Joyan society as a wealthy and fairly famous merchant family. Dealing especially in relics and similar items that adventurers find on their journeys, the family quickly made a name for themselves over the years as having a treasury of all sorts of valuable items. People from all over Fiore would sometimes visit them to purchase one of their wares. But this isn't exactly about them, it is a story of Kairaiko, who was named after her fondness of puppets.

Even at a young age the girl's affection for puppets was expressed very strongly when she reactivated an ancient automaton that rumored was sold by a researcher from Taz Lagaar.

However, unlike what her parents expected Kairaiko also had a fascination with knowledge, absorbing it like a greedy child and learning as much from others as she could, especially economy and commerce fascinated her, to the point the girl was said to be chosen to become the successor of her father's merchant enterprise.

Of course, while her elder sister held no interest in business, she was vain and upon hearing most of the potential wealth of the family would go to her sister, she was enraged. Scheming a complot to erase her out of the picture, she tried to get her sister assassinated, but arrived at the scene to find the thugs she had arrived to do the job having been mostly subjugated by the enigmatic automaton. Having mistaken it for a mere toy had proven to be her downfall, for when the thugs had tried to silence her, their lone opportunity was to leave a lasting scar on her leg as she cried for help, the sound stirring the automaton into action as it dealt skillfully with the assassins.

Of course the information had made the automaton perceive Kairaiko's sister as a threat, and proceeded to attack her. It was in that moment that even as her sister pleaded to make the automaton stop, that she allowed the pleas to fall upon deaf ears. She despised such treachery, and that even while begging for mercy she could look at her with such disgust and malice in her eyes... A single question was asked by Kairaiko: Are you my enemy?" To which her sister remained silent, causing the automaton to take it as an affirmative answer and bash her skull in.

In the aftermath, she asked her father for permission for her to relocate to Fiore to study more about the economy and commerce of such a hotspot of activity and historical events, although in truth a part of her wanted to simply escape from the suffocating feeling she felt in Joya. The politeness, the acts, the deception, the deceiving... the backstabbing. It was in the months that followed that the girl made her arrival in Fiore, surrounding herself by her automatons and a modest possession of jewels as she attempted to start an adventure of her own. One that would soon be stirred into existence upon meeting the Guild Mistress of Utopian Demise.



Kairaiko Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:31 pm


Shall my famous Normie magic be your guide. Your character application has been approved.

Kairaiko Sigme10

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