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One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu]

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One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:00 pm


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] F03GLBN

Maria was exhausted for lack of a better word. She had freed herself from that guild which put her back on the streets. She had the option of living within her family's many estates, but she turned that down. Although the beautiful wood elf had returned to the fold of the family, she didn't feel comfortable being around all of them just yet and would rather figure out life going forward without their assistance. Her travels away from Orchida had led her towards Sieghart Mountains and the bustling and growing Rush Valley. Having only been here for a day she learned that this area was also protected by a guild, and it was vastly different from the last one she was in. Not only that this very guild had recently got into a fight of sorts with her last guild. News about it certainly had spread and it was a high talking point around some of the bars she visited.

I'll take another cranberry gin and tonic.
Maria had been sitting at this little bar in town, partly to get drunk and partly to collect information. Renting a hotel room wasn't ideal and she wanted something to call her own and since this place was growing she felt like maybe this was the best place to start her own growth. In no time at all her thoughts were pulled back into the bar as the drink was pushed towards her. What exactly was she going to do now that she wasn't a deamon? She didn't want to follow in her sisters footsteps and go down the route of the family did she? She wanted to be there for her sister but not have the whole responsibility of the Celdrua name on her back. Taking another sip of the drink she let her eyes wander around the bar, hoping for a sign as if it would appear out a thin air.

Last edited by Rosalia on Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:20 pm; edited 2 times in total


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 9:46 pm



A beautiful day within Fiore and in the North to be more exact. It was a nice day to be out in the city, and it was one of those days that Renji had decided to stay within the guild halls. It was interesting as he had decided that it was best to make his way to the tavern in Rush Valley. He figured he would pay for the damage that he and the guys had caused the last time they were.

His outfit was something that allowed him to be comfortable as he was making his way to the tavern. His way of travel was simple, he was going to use his mana bike to drive down there. He would hop on it without a problem, and he would drive through the sloping trail that was on the side of the mountain. He would make his way to Rush Valley and there he would wave at the people as he would slow down on his bike.

He would make sure he didn’t run anybody over as he made his way to the tavern. There, he would park the bike and enter to see that there were a lot of people enjoying their time here. He was looking for the owner and he would quickly find them. They looked upset with Yuurei but knew who he was; the Nephilim would take out a bag of jewels and he would hand it to them.

“Sorry, for the other day. Here are jewels for the repair you made and a bit extra.” He said to the owner.

They would look at the jewels and they would smile at him as he was happy about that.

“Come sit down and enjoy yourself.” He said to Yuurei.

The half-elf would nod as he would make his way to one of the seats and he would ask for some ale to start it off.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 10:47 pm


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] F03GLBN

Every so often a sip of her drink would reach her lips, boredom seeping through her body causing her to order another drink when she finished what was her third one. The day was too long and yet she spent it at some tavern with not a single goal in mind. It was when she was at the peak of her boredom did the doors of the tavern open and a figure as handsome as a god walked through the doors. The arrival of the man caused Maria to straighten up in her seat because his very presence sparked interests. When she learned of Paradise Dawn, she of course learned about the man who led the guild. They said he wouldn't be hard to spot when you saw him, even with the description she was given he was so much better in person.

Maria plucked her drink from the table and sat in a chair next to Yuurei. How many chances would a girl get to meet someone so famous? And in some run of the mill bar? She couldn't pass up the opportunity to cure the boredom that was going to cause her to blackout drinking.   I'm sorry to sound like fan a but you're Yuurei Starlight! At this point you're a living legend. I'm sorry my name is Maria Celdrua but please call me Rosalia. It's one of my many middle names and most favored.   She chuckled at how nonsensical that sounded out loud, but it was the truth. Sitting here with her hair pinned up in a bun and dressed down in an off the shoulder top and navy-blue pants, she looked far too well put together to be day drinking in a tavern. What brings you to a place like this in the middle of the day? I assume you'd have much more important things to take care of on the daily, unless the life of guild master is much easier than I thought.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 12:04 am


Yuurei would get the ale that he had ordered, and he would look at it, before taking and drinking it down to half. He would put his drink down and he would sigh with relief at how good it tasted.

“Glad I pay you back. Brone would have been sad if he couldn’t come here again.” He said to the bartender.

It was then he would look down at his drink before he noticed someone sitting next to him. He felt them closer than he expected, and he would turn to look at them. When he saw it was a female that was next to him and he wondered how this was going to go. She would speak to him, and he would nod allowing her to know that it was his name. It was after she would introduce herself and the last name was what stuck out to him.

If he remembered Aleja had gone by that surname as well. Still, he did listen, and he would call her Rosalia as she continued speaking this time asking him questions. He would chuckle when she had finished as he would turn completely to look in her direction.

“First of all it’s nice to meet you, Rosalia. I’m assuming you’re somehow related to Aleja?” He asked her this, but wouldn’t allow answering before he finished speaking.

“The life of a guild master isn’t easy, but these are one of those days where I can relax. As long as I get everything done by the end of the week I’ll be fine.” He laughed a bit as he would continue.

“But yeah, I was here to pay off for some repairs. A couple of my friends and I messed this place up when we were drinking our lives away.” He said as it was when they were mourning Kailani.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:01 am


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] F03GLBN

It was a different experience when hearing about Yuurei than it was actually sitting down and talking with him. He was nice, or at least nice enough to entertain her questions. She'd listen as he answered and took sips of her drinks between nods of affirmation. From what he said he knew of her sister, as a guildmaster he worked hard but got breaks, and he and his friends were the reason for some of the damages she noticed around the bar. He seemed like he'd be fun to hang out with if all that was the case.

Ah that explains some of the holes in the walls. But yes, your assumption is correct. Aleja is my lovely younger sister. A force to be reckoned with, I'm very proud of her. How did you two meet?   Taking a sip of her drink she got a little more comfortable in her chair, crossing on leg over the other. Maria knew Aleja was always busy doing things for the family and perfecting her own image, so it wasn't too farfetched that she had already met Yuurei.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:08 am


Yuurei would hear her and he would laugh at the comment. He hoped those holes would disappear because he didn’t need to be blamed for that. Still, she would confirm his questions and thoughts. They were related indeed and she would ask her a question he could easily answer.

“We met when we were both looking for poachers. She mistook me for one and bear-hugged me from behind. She was strong indeed, and I would have felt sorry for any other sucker who would have been caught by her.” He said as he would laugh at that memory as he would finish his ale.

He would put it down and he would ask for another as he would look at her.

“From there we took the poachers out and she told me she was planning on moving her family to the North. If she did, then I’m glad because I promised to be an ally for her in the future.” He said as he would get his next drink.

He wondered if she had been brought here because of Aleja or if she was already here, to begin with.

“So what brings you to this tavern here? I expected Aleja to move her family to the city and Rush Valley.” He said to her as he could tell that she and Aleja were both wood elves.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 4:55 am


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] F03GLBN

It was nice to learn about her sister from another person. firsthand accounts gave a different perspective than the one she had. Maria wondered how strong her sister was, a thought that always lingered in the back of her mind. One day she would have to test that strength, besides a little sibling rivalry never hurt anyone. Polishing off her drink she'd gesture over for another as she was now given a question and a follow up remark. Maria was unaware of her sister moving the family out this way and the knowledge of it now put a sour taste in her mouth. She was trying to get away from the family, but they were coming here? What rotten luck.

Oh I'm just doing some day drinking is all. Recently I had left a guild not too far out in Orchidia. It just didn't fit my vibe, but in doing that I became more or less without a place to settle, so here I am just trying to figure out life. She spoke bluntly and as the barkeep came back around with her drink, she thanked him and took a sip before setting her cup back down. I wasn't aware Aleja would be coming here with the rest of the family. I'm sure she would get around to telling me eventually and trying to convince me to return to the fold, but I just can't do that right now, not after all that's happened. The last bit was more to herself than to Yuurei and she really didn't mean to let it slip out. Oh I'm in dire need of a new direction, you think you can help with that Mr. Starlight? Giving him a smug little smile she let her finger play around the rim of her glass, her violet irises locking onto his blue ones.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:49 pm


Yuurei would take his cup of ale and he would press it against his lip. Before he could drink it though she had told him that she was from another guild. He would chuckle when he heard this because he didn’t think that someone from Sleeping Calamity would be chatting with him. She did, however, said she had left the guild. He wanted to ask a few things, but he knew from how she spoke, she was not done with what she was saying.

Instead, he would drink some of his ale before she surprised him with something else. When she spoke about her family it would seem like she was already here, to begin with. That was interesting and it would seem like she didn’t have good relations with her family. He wondered what she was running away from, but knew she would tell him if she wanted to.

If that was the case and she didn’t want to be with her family, he figured that he could help her out, which led her to ask him.

“You’re a part of Sleeping Calamity I see. What made you join them in the first place?” He was curious to see what she had said.

“As for helping you find a new direction on things, I would like to say you can join my guild. It would be the perfect place for you. You could live your life freely there, and I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do. All I ask is you don’t harm the innocent people of the North and we will be fine.” He said with a smile on his face.

He would lift his drink and would take some more. It would seem like he would have a Celdura in his guild after all. He wondered if she would prove herself by having a more stable partnership with him than Aleja did.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 1:21 am


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] F03GLBN

The question thrown her way wasn't one that surprised her. She knew about the fight between the two guilds and even though she didn't say what guild she just came from, the context clues she gave were obvious enough indicators. Maria had two choices going forward, she could either be absolutely direct or just give some bullshit reason. Looking down at her drink before leaning back in her chair and crossing on leg over the other, Maria decided as wild as it was about to sound direct was better.
Well for one the only reason I joined was because at the time I was an out-of-control deamon who moved on whims. Once I returned to my mostly normal self, I was in the right mind state to realize that being in a guild like that wasn't for me at all. I never got to know the people in it, and I didn't care about them.   Taking a sip of her drink and with one swift movement of her hand she released the pin that kept her hair up. A waterfall of silver dropped down from her head and she ran her hand through it.

Going through a phase like that was weird enough and thinking about it gave her a headache. It was embarrassing if she were being honest, but it was in the past and soon it would be a distant memory. Yuurei's answer to her question was simple enough and honestly, she would have probably asked if he didn't already offer the answer he did. There really weren't any downsides to joining him and he already met her sister so she wouldn't be disappointed about her choice, well at least not this choice. She didn't have to think long or hard because yes was the obvious answer.

Now that sounds like a fine direction to go towards. I'd be happy to join you Mr. Starlight, and don't worry, I'll make sure no harm comes to the people of the north. In fact, I'll help take out that stain that's growing on it. Her jab at Sleeping Calamity would be the nail in the coffin for her membership there. So do we make this official here? Or would you rather take me back to your place and give me your guild seal of approval? She of course spoke of getting her guild tattoo, but the liquor was getting to her, so she came off more flirtatious and playful when those words came out.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 5:01 pm


Yuurei would listen to her words as she explained her reason for being there. It would seem like it was a phase of hers’. He wasn’t sure what that meant, but he hoped that it didn’t come and bite him in the ass in the future. The drink he was enjoying was good in every way. It was ale after all, and even though it wasn’t the hard stuff, he didn’t want it to affect him as he knew it would. While he tasted his drink, he would see her let her hair down. It was a lot of hair, but it was beautiful. Her hair was white just like his but about five times longer than his could possibly be.

He would keep drinking his ale as he was letting her speak. It would seem like she was okay with joining him, which was a good thing to hear. He would bolster his ranks within his guild, which was a good thing. He laughs a bit about her calling Sleeping Calamity a stain, which he figured they were, but it would seem like they were trying to be different.

He would hear the last thing she said, and he would stare at him as he would finish his ale.

“We can make it official here. I always bring it with me. If you want to though we can go to the guild afterward and I’ll show you around.” He said with a smirk on his face.

“The past is the past, so no worries about that. As for the stain in the North, I plan on talking to Jikan, but I doubt it will go the way I want it to.” He said to Rosalia as he would finish his ale soon after.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:10 pm

Pulling her shirt down enough to expose the top of her left bosom where her heart was, she presented it to Yuurei as the place for her new guild tattoo. Where her old one was on the same side but on her back she thought this was appropriate as she looked forward to what the future held for her in Yuurei's capable hands. The barkeeper seeing her glass empty offered her more to drink but she declined, seeing now that her time drinking had come to an end.

Maria had came here with no clear purpose or goal and now she was leaving a member of Paradise Dawn. Funny how things worked out in the end but even though she was with a new guild she needed to start fostering some new relationships. If there was one thing she knew, the world was hard to a lonely soul and one would need friends, lovers, enemies, and more to grow within it and learn from the experience known as life. I'd love to see the guild, we can go after the tattoo, but also let me join you on that little talk. I know you can handle your own, but It'd be nice to see my old guild master again.

Last edited by Rosalia on Sat Oct 29, 2022 12:46 am; edited 1 time in total


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:10 pm


Yuurei would see what she had done right in front of his face. It wasn’t something that bothered him, but he didn’t think that was where she wanted it. Still, it was nice to see something like this even if he wasn’t doing anything inappropriate with it. He had a smirk on his face as he would take out the magic tool. It was something unique and for his clan only. It was something passed down from one guild master to another. He would take it and he would press against her left bosom. There a magic circle would appear, and the creation of his insignia would appear on her chest.

He would remove it to see that she was marked as a member of Paradise Dawn now. He would have a smile on his face as he would wave to the bartender that he was also fine. He would put his jewels on the table for the man to take and he would get up from the table.

“You can follow me. I will take you to the place where we live. As for the meeting, let me see how I feel about that, but I’m all for it.” He said with a smile on his face.

Yuurei didn’t mind who showed up as it would end up the same. He wasn’t trying to fight Jikan, but to see what could come out of the broken relationship that was between Sleeping Calamity and Paradise dawn.


One Shot For The Past, And Two For The Future. [Yuu] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2022 1:03 am

The process of getting the guild tattoo was quick, simple, and clean, although it did tickle just a bit, she kept her composure through it all, even after it was done. Pulling her shirt back in its place, Maria placed down her own jewels for her the drinks, thanked the barkeeper and followed suit with Yuurei. She would let him lead, though she really didn't have a choice since she didn't exactly know where the guildhall was. Maria couldn't wait to see the place and soon because she felt herself getting a bit woozy, especially after standing up. The liquor was hitting a lot harder now, but she was a big girl, and she could hold her own. As she walked next to Yuurei she sparked up conversation about various things like favorite foods, places they'd like to visit, whatever small talk she could bring up to close any silence gaps between the two until they made it to their destination at Paradise Dawn's massive guild.


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