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The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone)

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The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:41 am


Yuurei and Renji were making their way to Sigmundir Passes. They were going to be fighting more Vampire, and it would seem like things were going to get more chaotic from here on out. Still, that would mean the more vampires he took out now, the fewer they would have when he stormed Ansem’s Castle. He was fine with that, and he had wiped his tears as if he was going to cry anymore until this was all over. He would clean his face as his eyes were puffy and red, and he would put the helmet back on, so nobody could see the damage he had done to himself.

It wouldn't take long, but when they got there, they would see that there wasn’t anybody around the area. It confused them as he knew that a member from his guild wouldn’t have given them false information. Something had to be up, but he wasn’t sure. Still, Yuurei would keep walking through the area as he figured that if there were vampires around they would show up sooner or later.

“Do you see any vampires around here guys? I don’t feel any sudden movements close by, so I figured they might be invisible?” He asked as he was curious.

The vampires were hidden as they made sure to keep a good distance away from the group. They were wasting their time and decided not to come out until they were seen leaving Sigmundir Passes. Some of them didn’t understand why they were hiding, but if they were here that meant that they had killed Bai Jun, which meant that there weren’t weaklings.

Renji would look around the area from Yuurei’s shoulder as he was wondering if he could spot anything out of the ordinary from here, but nothing would catch his eyes.



The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:29 pm


Kaito kept following Yuurei, Kaito was still transformed and in a horrible mood and radiated an aura of don't talk to me if you like to breath and not have a hand firmly wrapped around their neck choking them, when they had come to the spot and he sees Yuurei looking around Kaito realized that they hadn't seen a single track that lead this way besides the guild member that had come running to find Yuurei and that was odd for them having come this way to go toward the guild. Kaito taps the side of his temple and his eyes change in color and his vision shifts to that of seeing the mana in the area around them Kaito was looking around and trying to see if he had seen any signs of there even being anyone around them but he had seen none, not one sign of a vampire was that guild member seduced by one to lie to throw them off the trail of them so they could attack another part of the north that they were not at.

Kaito go closer to the sides of the pass to see if he could see anything but it was just like there was nothing and no one around besides them in this area and that was sending up a red flag for Kaito so he is staying on his guard in case this might be a bad place for them to be and he feels that they should probably start moving on before anything comes of this.

Revy is watching around for anything that she might see or hear and that might help them to knows if there is some one else around them and she needs to tell them but she as well is not seeing anyone around them as they walked around the pass slightly just looking around.

#3Brone Heavyaxe 

The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 9:51 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe was silent for the trip which was uncommon thing, but he was sure no one would question it given that the atmosphere amongst the group was tender; their sorrows were still there, but they needed to be stoic for the moment, just long along until they destroyed all the vampires responsible for their friend's death along with those associated to those vampires as well. As Yuurei donned his golden helmet, an aura of radiance was emitted; Kaito's dimensional magical flickered like static electricity, reflecting his anger; finally as Brone donned blue helmet, the temperature around the group dropped as now their breaths were able to be easily seen as if the season had drastically changed. There was no holding back, for the enemy didn't deserve mercy.

Once the group began to get near Sigmundir pass, the ravens, Huginn and Muninn took to the sky, trying to scout out the area as well as keep away from any protentional fight, though it seemed odd that there seem to be no sign of any of the creatures of the night; but then again, the ravens didn't have the vision the dwarf had and possibly the vampires were invisible as well, increasing the difficulty of the birds spotting them from the sky above.

The night was was quiet as the group made their way nearing the pass, the main entrance of the pass was between two large bodies of earth, two cliffs facing one another as if guarding the pass between themselves. It was ominous, but the dwarf lacked the fear, just the irritation that either the informant was ill informed or the enemies were cowards.

It was quiet between the group, for there was nothing to say truly, and it wasn't the time to discuss something that could and should be saved for after the situation was taken care of, but the dwarf was sure to drown his sorrows in ale when he can.



The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:28 am


Yuurei would look at the other two, and it would seem like he wasn’t the only that came out empty with the sightings. He would sigh as he would look up to the sky above them. It was dark out still, the full moon was out, and it was beautiful. Still, there were no signs of the people who had killed Kailani. He was sure they didn’t all have a hand in it, but the fact was that they were following the people who did. Renji wouldn’t say anything, he was quiet and felt bad that this had hall happened. He was hoping that at least his best friend was still breathing. He would be crushed if he wasn’t, but he was praying and hoping.

The Nephilim would keep moving around the area as he was trying to figure out where the vampires could be. His guild mate wouldn’t have lied to them unless something weird happened to him, right? He wasn’t too sure about that, but it was a possibility.

He would come to a stop when he thought about this and he would look to the other two. He rubbed the back of his head as he knew a lot about vampires, but could they actually do what he was thinking?

“Hey could it be that my guild member could be compelled by a vampire to tell us a lie even if they didn’t want to? I’m starting to think we were kind of forced to come here?” He questioned this as he was looking around, but truly couldn’t see or feel any vampires around the area.



The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:29 pm


Kaito wondered where they could be at as this seemed like the spot for an attack to have happened to them but it seemed like nothing had happened which means either they were lead here for a different reason, he hears Yuurei speak up and say about maybe someone had bewitched one of his guild members and Kaito wonders if it was that or if they were given back info or if they are standing right on top of the vampires some how. Kaito looked down at the ground for any signs of trap doors or hidden tunnel entrances or anything of the like that might mean the info was solid or had they just gotten ahead of the attack party that was to be after them. "The info might be good just maybe we are ahead of it or they are coming from a different way and are waiting for us to screw up."

Revy hasn't found anything as well as she was not sure what even the point of this info was if there was no one here when they had got here she really had hoped that this fighting would be over as she wants some time to morn for maybe dead friends but she knows that there is really no time to do such a think as it all means time wasted in finding their killer as she wanted to find the man and hopefully stomp on his neck as she was very unhappy that her friends died and that Kaito was not happy and was now in a constant form of his transformed state as well as the blast of magical energy that he had released when he had heard about it. She knows that Kaito thinks that it is his own fault because they had gotten close to each other and she knows that is not a healthy mind set to have as this was a bigger thing than just him and her being close, this was a vampire war on Yuurei and Paradise dawn.

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 8:19 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The silence was broken by the guild master, which confirmed to the dwarf that he wasn't the only one that was questioning the validity of whether or not there were actual vampires in this region. But what made Brone confused was Yuurei had said of the informant, "Compelled?" Though he spoke common pretty well, but dwarven was his first language, so he didn't understand what the word meant, "Ye think maybe the messenger betrayed us? he asked as he clenched his fists, though he wasn't sure if that was what Yuurei meant, but the thought of someone from the guild to turn their back upon the guild, who to Brone was like a family, bothered him greatly, and if that was true, then that means that messenger was indirectly involved with Kailani's death. The dwarf grinded his teeth angrily, trying to keep himself from swinging his black axe and accidently destroying the cliffside.

As for Kaito, what he said went over the dwarf's head. Brone scratched his head, trying to figure out what the dragon slayer meant by his statement. The only thing he could pick out from the statement was the ending, which was still elusive to him. "Do ye... do ye think they know we're coming?" Brone hoped he was following what the other two were talking about. Unfortunately, Huginn and Muninn were flying on ahead high into the air, so they couldn't elaborate for him as they usually do.

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The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:38 am


Yuurei would hear Kaito’s words and he would rub his chin as he hoped that was true. He would keep looking around to make sure that he didn’t come to any weird conclusions. He would look over to Brone as he had spoken up. He would shake his head as he doubted that was the case.

“Hopefully, they are coming this way. If that is the case then that means we should wait a bit before leaving.” He said to Kaito.

“If he was what I’m thinking, then he had no choice, but to betray us.” He said to Brone as he would keep looking as his friend asked another question.

This question had brought him to think that they might have gone somewhere else. He knew what Kaito had said, but could the other thing be true too? This was annoying and honestly, he would leave now.

“That might be the case, but if that is the case, then where did they go?” He said to Brone.

It was then that he would look around the entire place once more before deciding that it was best that they would leave this place.

“Let’s go back to the guild and see what we information we can gather. If everything is fine, then we can head over to the Woodworth Sea and take care of Ansem.” He said to the two of them.

He would start walking in the direction of where the guild had been. He was about to fly away, but then something happened. A bunch of dark spells would be shot from ahead of them. The spells were shot from far, but it was enough that Yuurei was able to react to it though. He would dodge the attacks and it seemed like they were indeed around here.

“It seems like we found them.” He said the gang.

The vampires would show themselves and soon enough he would see a small squad behind a short vampire. He would look over to Brone and wonder if he would take care of her.



The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:39 pm


Kaito keeps looking around with his mana vision not seeing anything then when Yuurei spoke of moving on one side of the path seemed to light up like a Christmas tree and Kaito reacts using a portal to protect Revy then he used portals to catch the dark magic attacks before they hit anything including the pass walls so that the path way will not be collapsed as this was a sort of life line way for this part of the north and if it fell then there would probably be a lot of trouble for the people of the north and it would probably impact paradise Dawns bottom line as well if the pass was to fall to these vampires. "Just don't let your guards down."

Revy is banging on the ground of his domain as she wanted out to help if she could and she wanted to make sure that they were safe but Kaito hadn't seemed to be quick to let her out of his domain and back into the battle field with them and he takes aim and he starts firing beams of dimensional energy back in the way that the other attacks had come from as this means that there is going to be a lot more fighting coming their way and he wasn't sure that he was ready for another round but he knows that he has to dig deep and go after the fading light that is ahead of him and he starts glowing brighter as he keeps his ground as the vampires come out of the darkness to come and actually fight them and it seemed that either his attacks were misses or that one of them was strong enough to block his attacks and that was an even scarier thought then him just missing to himself cause he took blind shot out toward them and this is a proving ground.

"So Brone is on the boss we are on the grunts this time then?" Kaito draws his sword and he readied the new shield he had gained from the battle field and he was ready to take on the world if it would let him do it. He knows that he will have to let Revy out soon or she will never forgive him for locking her away like that but these are vampires and he doesn't want to risk getting her killed.

#9Brone Heavyaxe 

The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:44 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The situation was getting complicated. Yuurei had brought up the possibility that the informant might have been forced to betray them, making Brone scratched his beard beneath the helmet. This would have put the guild member in a difficult predicament, but with his betrayal, then his top ranking members would have perished, then what would he gain? Then the dwarf realized that it wasn't about the gain, it was the prevention of his own life of being taken, or maybe it was possible he may have been tricked.

Brone groaned in irritation, his brain was rattling as he was trying to figure out this situation; this was why he never preferred to put his concern during battle conferences, if he wasn't overthinking, he was underthinking, then eventually he would lose track of what was being said, "I don't know where they go!" Brone got flustered as Yuurei asked him, he wasn't even sure why the guild master would ask him of all people.

After Yuurei decided to call it quiets, Brone sighed some relief, though he was indeed upset he couldn't find any vampires to take his frustration out on. Regardless, they would need to find Ansem and officially put an end to his reign of terror.

A blast of dark energy nearly hit Yuurei. Brone instantly turned about and summoned forth his golden shield, just in time to block another dark energy blast. The dwarf looked over the top of his shield to see a platoon of vampires coordinating before them, with one small female leading the fray. The dwarf wondered how powerful the small vampire was compared to the others; though Brone wasn't too bright, he knew battle strategy well enough to understand the most sturdiest fighter is positioned in the front most of the time.

Brone looked to his companions as to understand their positioning and understood by body gesture that we agreed to fight, though when he caught Yuurei's eyes motioning to the small female vampire, the dwarf wondered if he understood wrong, but Kaito confirmed his suspicion.

"Alright then" Brone said as he rushed forward. The other vampires darted away like shadows but the female vampire headed straight for him. She appeared at his left side and delivered a strong kick, but the dwarf blocked it just in time. The blow caused the sound of hitting metal to ring into the air, Brone realizing this small figure was powerful indeed, but the shield didn't crack.
Vampire Girl:

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The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Wed Oct 26, 2022 8:29 pm


Yuurei would look at Brone as it would seem like he was fine with fighting the dwarf vampire. He watched the two collide, and he would shake his head because that shield was annoying. Still, he would ignore their fight due to the number of vampires that were there. He would crack his neck as he was looking forward to this. He wanted to crush them for what they had done. He wasn’t a creature of the night, but he was indeed a creature of light. His wings would sprout from his back as he would lifted himself into the air. They would see this, and they would all cast the same magic on themselves. It was then that they would turn invisible.

Still, it would give Yuurei time to make his move and take a few of them out. He would soar straight to the one that he had seen last. He would bring himself to him and him when he ran, he felt the vibration in the air as he would grab them. It was then he would punch the life out of the vampire as he would pierce through his heart and let go of him the moment his hand had retreated.

It would reveal him, and the vampires would launch darkness magic at him. He would feel the danger and where they were as he would fly around avoiding the danger that was coming to him. He would move to the ones that were around him, and he would kick one of the vampires as he took his head off with that hit. He would move to another one soon after as he would punch their head off by breaking through their neck.

It would seem like they were being defeated easily, but it was just Yuurei’s pure strength. He wondered what they were going to do but felt the vibration of them coming from multiple directions. The danger was also triggering from all around him as well. It was then he would just fly into the air as he didn’t know where to dodge at this point. He would hear the sound of blades crashing with each other as it would seem like it was a close call.



The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:02 am


Kaito was glad he was not the one having to face off vs the dwarf vampire that would have been a mess and a half to deal with as dwarves are tanky as hell and he turns his aim and sight toward the other vampires that were pretty much just lining up at this point for Kaito to start knocking them down as Kaito could see them rather they were invisible or not and they looked terrified of him as they figured out he can see them and that made them really unable to do anything sneaky vs him and it also meant that he could warn the others of in coming attacks. Kaito just simply runs around the radius of the fight and he starts opening fire with his finger beams at the vampires and since he was transformed those beams hurt even more to the vampires that probably thought that this ambush was to be where Yuurei and Brone were to die, they hadn't planned for him to be there so there was nothing that really could limit him in the fight as this was them being put on the back foot.

Kaito is making the most of the fact that they hadn't planned for him as he unleashes more blasts from his fingers and he shield bashed an invisible vampire and there is a sickening snapping sound, Kaito figured that he may have just made that vampire knock it's teeth so hard that he broke it's fangs or at least snapped one off. The vampire nearly sounds like it is crying in pain and that seemed to emotionally hit Kaito in his heart but he knew he couldn't save it and by being in this ambush they had set up they had sealed their fate and that was pretty much the end of the line for them as he swung his sword and severing the head from the creatures shoulders. He wasn't going to stop until he had severed their fates and they paid for what they did to the woman that he had loved and he could feel his own humanity slipping away from him as he keeps cutting and cleaving through the ones that stood in his way as he was not going to just stand back and let them get away with it he was going to keep fighting and taking what he wants from these vampires as they took something valuable to him.

#12Brone Heavyaxe 

The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:14 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Ah, Brone, how delightful to meet you, you may call me Cammy Azul" the blue hair vampire said in a joyful voice as she kicked off the dwarf's shield, then landed on the ground a few meters from him.

"Ye know me" The dwarf said as he twirled the black axe Dhuraindarin in his right hand, "Then ye'll know ye have no chance!" he yelled as he slammed the axe down onto the ground before him, causing a fissure to rip open, but instead of seeing Cammy fall into the fissure or even stumble, she jumped into the air... then remained there.

"On the contrary, beardy" Cammy levitated for a moment before putting her hands together before her, just barely touching palms. For a moment, a bit of wind swirled in the middle of hands before a concentrated blast of wind shot forward. The speed was so great, Brone didn't have time to block the entire attack, but the shield was able to deflect a portion, but it didn't prevent his armor from taking damage, leaving it cracked.

Brone stood, breathing through gritted teeth as he stared over his shield at the blue haired vampire who danced around in the air, "Ye won't hit me with that again" the dwarf said in an angered and determined tone. His gold shield was held in front of him as he stood his ground. Brone use to rush into the fray in the past, but now he was more careful, more tactical, and he knew this enemy would use the air to her advantage... not only that but the dwarf had a disadvantage against such magic. The strong air blast that just hit him had rocked him, his arm rattle for but a moment, but it was enough to worry Brone. A bead of sweat dropped from his brow, but his helmet hid that from the enemy. He needed to wait for the right moment to counter, otherwise he wouldn't be able to withstand a precisely timed air attack spell like that one Cammy just used.

Cammy grinned widely.

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The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:21 pm


Yuurei was in his element right now. He was angry as hell, with the death of Kailani and he was using that to fill his ability to go through with what he was doing. He would move down to the vampires that had clashed their blades together, and they saw this. They didn’t understand how he was able to see them, but they decided to dodge the attack that was coming from above. When he got close to them, he would grab one and toss him into the air. He thought he was safe, but Yuurei had changed his direction to catch up to the person he tossed. He would punch right through his torso and the Nephilim would get out of the way.

The vampire would drench the ground with blood as it rained down. It would hit some of the vampires as it would reveal them even more. He would just watch the vampire’s body fall to the ground as he would move on to the next one. He was moving at full speed at this point, and he would see that the two of them would be together. His arms were stretched out and he would lariat them both. He had hit them so hard that their heads would come off as they flew across the battlefield. He would flap his wings to slow down, and he would turn to see that they were ready to attack him.

They would shoot out more magic at him and he would feel the danger coming to him and he would dodge them accordingly. When he felt the danger diminishing, he would start flying to his next target. The vampires here started to understand who the true monster was here. They had poked the bear it seemed and now things were going out of control. Yuurei would find himself in front of a vampire and at one point he thought he saw Yuurei smiling.

The Nephilim would grab his face and slam him to the ground and then crush his head on the ground. He would stand tall when he was done with that as he would look around to see who his next victim was.



The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:27 am


Kaito had wondered why the vampires would kill someone for something as petty as a fight but he has no idea what or who they are even fully messing with as Kaito was only fighting here just cause he had just happened to have been around and so he got swept up into it. It wasn't like Yuurei had asked him to come join this he had just thrown himself into it and he keeps fighting the vampires that seemed to just keep coming it was strange as some of them just felt like hitting air and he knows that is because some of them are just mana illusions which nearly trick his mana sight but not fully. He keeps on them as they could be trying to fool him by making their mana fluctuate to give the illusion that they are not really that cut Kaito down because he got over confident about what he was doing and how he was doing it.

They didn't seem to really be focusing him though more toward Brone and Yuurei so he figured that they were not taking him as serious as they were the other two which might not be a smart idea if not for Kaito being one of the more powerful mages in Fiore and he was trying his hardest to not laugh as he pulls back and released a unholy beam of energy that is just tearing through the vampires on his side and they seemed to not have liked how that blast felt as with it he had cut through their illusions and their tricks were exposed as they scramble on his side he runs at them and he swipes at them with his sword as he was not going to let them take advantage of him or just count him out and he spares not one second for their pained cries as he starts to wonder who is wrong in this fight but the fact they attacked them means this is more than just some simple disagreement and the fact they killed an angel like Kailani and maybe the little demon Nimbus.

Kaito looks toward the other two as he thinks about asking what had started this all but he hadn't the slightest clue about where to start or why in how to ask that so he figured he will not bother asking that he hand springs and he slashes and dashes as if he was one with the wind once again like he use to be maybe he had just caught him self a dimensional tail wind as he feels lighter and like he could do nearly anything that he could wish to do and not feel like he had to hold back.

#15Brone Heavyaxe 

The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:21 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Cammy had swung her leg through the air, causing a horizontal wave of wind to fly at the dwarf, but Brone blocked it with his golden shield. This was the tactic for the next few strikes, rinse and repeat. Eventually, the blue haired vampire began to get annoyed, for the dwarf didn't move from his position, nor had his shield wither down in it's durability. "How tedious" she hummed in irritation right before darting around the battlefield, trying to circle the dwarf and strike him with air strikes at his blind spot, however Brone had dealt with such techniques to the point he managed to learn how to do away with his blind spot. He would turn on the ball of his feet as he would block the air attacks with his shield.

The vampire continued her darting about, trying to get a hit in that she didn't realize she had closed the gap between her and the dwarf too much; Brone immediately took advantage of this and swung his axe down onto the ground. In that instant, the axe switched to his golden axe. With Cammy's speed, she saw the golden blade coming down upon her from overhead, so she managed to twist her body to dodge the attack. She would have laughed in the dwarf's face if it wasn't for the fact that when the golden blade touched the ground, it activated a spell, causing an explosion of hail and snow. A miniature blizzard formed around the two of them.

Brone swung his axe again at Cammy, but the vampire managed to deflect the next attack with a kick strong enough to cause both of them to clash and hold against one another in place, "Clever, aren't you, beardy?" she smirked as she tried to shove the dwarf away with her leg.

"Enough to get one over on ye, dead one" Brone scoffed as he held back the vampire's leg with his axe. As they held the position, pushing against one another, the ice began to form upon the vampire's body. She began to see this and slowly began to shift her body, trying to find a way to jump out of the globe without the dwarf trying to get a free swing at her, but the dwarf made sure to press forward as much as he could to apply enough pressure to prevent her from easily escaping.

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Last edited by Brone Heavyaxe on Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 7:49 pm


Yuurei would look at the vibrations that were moving around the battlefield. It was enough for him to make sure that he could take them one by one. He would make his way to the first one now. He had full confidence that Brone could handle his own, so he wasn’t paying attention to him. It was the same for Kaito as well. He would meet up with the first vampire. This man wouldn’t know what was coming to him as Yuurei kicked him and then punched him down to the ground.

When he did that, he would feel that someone else was coming from behind and he would dodge their attack without a problem. After he did that, he would end up kneeing them in their abdomen taking the breath right out of them. It was then he would chop them in the back of their neck. Their head would come right off as he wasn’t playing any games.

His body moved quickly and it would seem like the vampires moved too slowly. He would fly into the air when he felt danger coming from four angles at the same time. The beams would hit each other and he would soar to the one closest to him. When he got to him, the man in panic would swing his blade at Yuurei. Of course, it was for nothing as he would punch right through the sword, and the broken blade would flip right into the throat of the vampire and slice his head off. He would fall to the ground, and Yuurei would keep it moving.

He was finishing off the vampires that were in his way and he was going to make sure that he would watch Brone’s fight. He would move to the next vampires and he would fly straight to them and he would have his legs stretched out as he would kick them both and slam them on the ground with his feet. He would press right through them as he would kill them and use the force of his wings to go back into the air.

He couldn't feel the vibrations around him, which meant that the rest of them ran away from him or he had gotten them all. He would look over to Brone as he wondered if she would give them any information.



The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 9:45 pm


Kaito keeps fighting till he has a pile of corpses of dead vampires and he looks around to the other two to see their progress on their fights and if it was time to once again move as he wondered on it he found himself just sitting on the pile of corpses and he wonders where they will go next was the whole north now rotten with vampires or had they made their point and the Vampire's troops morale had plummeted and are seeking new masters that will not just lead them to die like useless pawns on a board to be sacrificed to the elders or to enemies that they are not even close to matching up.

Kaito spoke. "Now what Yuurei?" He figured that it was a simple enough question for them as they were the leader of their own guild and he was just a guest in the north so he really had no right to be calling shots on someone else's home turf.

#18Brone Heavyaxe 

The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:04 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Cammy managed to get a good footing to allow her to leave the engage with the dwarf without get hit by the axe. She backed a bit and began to prepare for another attack, but she realized the snow and ice that was pilling on her was beginning to cover her completely. So she began to turn about to run out of the globe, but the axe came swinging down upon her, so she sidestepped out of the way, but once again, the attack wasn't the focus, it was the next spell that was important; a blast of cold air whipped up and spread through the dome, causing the temperature to drop further. The vampire didn't stop, she turned and ran to exit the globe. A green axe cut through the thick hail and nearly hit her, but Cammy was already gone.

Once the blue haired vampire exited the dome of snow and hail, she extended an arm towards the spell. Her open palm faced the dome and within an instant, a strong gust of wind came through, blowing the blizzard away. Within a quick second, the dwarf burst through the snow, wielding both axes, ready to slice. Cammy reacted and put her other hand close to her first; a large amount of concentrated air was then shot forward like a beam, the first spell she showed Brone.

The dwarf then swung his green axe which cut through the wind, negating the spell entirely, but because the spell provided no resistance against the axe, the axe's swing didn't slow, allowing it to cut through the vampire's neck entirely. Cammy's head rolled upon the floor with the same shocked expression.

"Ye didn't have ye head in the game" Brone laughed as his arms dropped to his side.

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The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:15 pm


Yuurei would look over to Kaito as he heard his friend speak to him. He would rub the back of his neck as he was thinking about what to do. He would look at Brone to see if his fight was done. His body continued to move forward toward his friend, and it would seem like the two of them were fighting toe to toe. He would continue to watch her use magic against Brone, but it would get depleted from the man’s axe. It was then that he would see that her head would be cut straight off, and the battle was over. Still, what were they going to do right now? They needed someone to give them information, but there wasn’t anybody here, or so he thought.

The man who had approached them came here and appeared. He was no longer compelled by the woman who had perished. It wore off when her death occurred. He would drop to his knees and put his head down as he was upset about what happened to him.

“Sorry, Boss. I didn’t mean to make you come here. I had originally come to tell you that Paradise Dawn is being attacked by vampires. They had found me and led me to tell you to come here instead. I’m sorry, but the guild needs you.” He said to him.

Yuurei would heard this and he would be filled with even more anger than he was before. His body shook as he would look at Kaito and Brone.

“I have a home to protect. I would like it if you come to Kaito, but you don’t have to.” He said to him as he would fly off to the guild.




The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sat Oct 29, 2022 4:03 am


Kaito looked at the man man that said he was sorry and that he was forced to do this and he figures out where they are needing to go once they are done here. When Yuurei said that line and it kind of hurts Kaito that Yuurei would say that like he would just cop out and just leave him and Brone to the wolves and leave to stay out of danger or out of the cross fire, it showed how little Yuurei thought of him by even making it sound like he would leave. Kaito gets up from the pile of bodies and he makes a portal so he can head to the guild hall but back a bit from it so he doesn't just walk right into a random attack that would of not hit him if he wasn't out in the open like an idiot. Kaito wonders if Yuurei really had to talk to him like that, just made Kaito feel like Yuurei sees him as irresponsible and unreliable

#21Brone Heavyaxe 

The Ambush and Distraction (Kaito/Brone) Empty Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:26 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone chuckled a bit at his own joke. He looked around to see the battlefield was littered with the corpses of the undead, though he still gripped his axes just in case there were still invisible enemies nearby, but as far as he could tell, all was silent. He spotted Yuurei speaking to the informant, which concerned him, so he made sure to hurry his way over there just in time to hear that the guild hall was being attacked. Judging by the concern and apologetic look on the informant's face, it seems the guildmate wasn't intending on hurting the guild itself and instead of punishing him, Yuurei had spread his wings and taken flight, more focused on what is important... the guild.

The dwarf took one look at the informant, who returned the look with shame. Brone sighed, couldn't hold onto any anger towards him. He wasn't sure what the reason was, but he followed his guild master's suit. He gave a loud whistle which summoned forth Geri, the tempest wolf, to which he quickly mounted and they sped off together after the nephilim in flight.

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