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Underground Associates [NQ]

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#1† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:20 pm

† Aleja
This client just wouldn't let up. After Aleja took the bribe of some man running an underground fight night themed event under the casino, Aleja thought that her client would just allow things to fade away. It wasn't like they were doing anything bad, per se. Violent men had an outlet and to the Lady of House Celdrua, that seemed to be a good thing. Naturally, others didn't feel the same way- and by others, I mean the authorities. Her client, however, wasn't even a noble or someone who worked for the government. She was someone the kids called a "Karen". Apparently her son had participated in the fight nights and she didn't like that he would come home beaten and bruised. The thing was though, her son was twenty-seven years old. A grown ass man, if you will. The elf wasn't too annoyed considering she was getting paid regardless.

#2† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:20 pm

† Aleja
Still, Ale wasn't fond of lying. Yet, the money was better on the flip-side. This quest would be as simple as the last time she took it; Go to the fight ring, tell the man that she needed another payment or risk exposure and boom, double the money. Perhaps it wasn't the most honorable job she had taken, but really who gave a damn? Aleja had other things to worry about. When all was said and done she would simply return to her client and make it known that she had no luck once again. It was only a matter of time before this same woman decided to hire someone else. Aleja charged a pretty penny in comparison to a lot of other mages. Did she feel bad about taking this woman's money? Nope. Eat the rich and all that- excluding her own family, of course. Everyone else was game.

#3† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:20 pm

† Aleja
Contrary to the last time Aleja Celdrua took this job, this time the Blonde headed woman strolled through the Crimson Quarter in all her glory. She didn't hide herself for she truly had no reason to. It wasn't like she was tracking anyone. Aleja already knew where to go. The former Knight sucked the alcoholic drink in her cup out with a pink bendable straw, gazing around at everyone enjoying their night out. It was a Monday for crying out loud, why were all these people still partying? Music boomed through the streets. Folks as young as her were out and about, laughing and toppling over after having been intoxicated. She was different than most people her age. More mature in ways other than just her physical appearance. Sometimes she wished she could just enjoy life the same way they could, but she knew that it wasn't in her path.

#4† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:20 pm

† Aleja
It didn't take long for Aleja to reach the Casino. Per usual, it was bustling with live, thriving with activity. People came here to gamble. Some hoped to gain a thick amount of money, return to their wives and provide for their families. Others were either addicted or just had nothing to lose. This particular casino was a bit more upscaled it seemed, despite the fact that it was located in the heart of the worst part of the city. When Aleja walked in, she couldn't help but notice all the lingering eyes. Ever since Kama had revealed herself to the Lady, people seemed to be drawn to her. Naturally she expected the goddess of love to attract people this way and while it felt good to be desire, sometimes it was a bit much. It got even worse when men practically drooled over her. Luckily, that hadn't happened yet.

#5† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:20 pm

† Aleja
The Crime Sorciere mage didn't smile. As charming as she may have been, she refused to entertain any of these predators tonight. Probably because there was only one person on her mind. It was a new feeling altogether, but she submitted to it. All she could do was hope that she wouldn't end up stuffing her face with ice cream in ugly sweaters. There was also her family who would be reluctant to defend her chosen person. They preferred the family to mate inside of the family to keep the bloodline pure. They also preferred that the heir especially matched with another elf. Some things just couldn't be helped. Love was blind. Aleja had a new understanding of the whole idea of love now. She knew her family would hardly understand. Finally, the elf reached the back of the casino where the private room leading to the basement had been.

#6† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:21 pm

† Aleja
Slowly, she pushed open the door and closed it behind her, then proceeded to step through the other door. Once she did, she could hear the cheering below her. Men and woman cheered for the violence to continue. She could hear the punches connect and bodies slam up against the caged fighting ring. Maybe one day she would participate, she was told that the money was top tier. For now, she merely wanted to strike a quick bargain with the owner. Aleja stepped down the stairs as the noise grew. When she reached the bottom she looked around for the man she knew owned this questionable business, only to find him standing on the other side of the ring. The two connected eyes and he automatically knew what the Blonde haired mage had been here for. Quickly he made his way towards her, digging into his pocket with a smile.

#7† Aleja 

Underground Associates [NQ] Empty Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:21 pm

† Aleja
"I suppose they've sent you to get intel on me again." Aleja placed her hand on her hip. "Yep." she said raising her eyebrows. The penguin-looking man slapped the wad of money on the palm of his hand. Ale waited patiently for him to hand her the money, but he seemed to have other plans. "You know, you could just tell me who this client is and I can...handle it." He moved in to whisper. Aleja simply smirked before snatching the money. "Don't suggest something so foolish. This arrangement we have is harmless. I won't allow you to kill my client. The only reason this operation still exists is because my client is a prick. Anyway, I doubt she'll hire me again when I tell her I've found nothing, so this may be our last time doing business." With nothing more to say she left, returning to her client and lying about the operation. For now the lady would think that Aleja simply didn't have any leads.

WC: 1,000/1,000 (20% Hermit, 20% Guild level 2, 10% Ring)

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