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What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral)

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What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:02 pm


Yuurei and Renji were enjoying their day at the guild. The two of them were on the rooftop as they were enjoying the beautiful weather. It wasn’t just that, but they were avoiding human interactions for as long as they could. While this was happening, it would seem like someone was looking for them. Still, he didn’t say or do anything as he would just look up to the sky the entire time. He knew this wasn’t going to last, but it would seem like they were going to be doing something today. It wouldn’t take long, but the messenger would make his way to the rooftop. He would see his guild master laying down with his Exceed.

He would approach the two of them as if they had something to do today. He would get close to them as he was still nervous about walking on the roof.

“Boss you got a letter, and I’m assuming it’s a job for you to do.” He said to him as he would have his hand out with the letter.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:03 pm


Yuurei would get up from where he was, and he would look at the messenger with a smile on his face. He would move to it, and he would take the letter from the man. He would bow slightly as he would leave and make his way to the roof hatch. When the man was gone, Yuurei would open the letter as he knew who this was coming from. It would seem like he needed them again. Well, they were gone for two months, so he figured that Mr. Cliff wouldn’t take long to reach out to them.

He would sigh as he would read the request that he had for Yuurei. It would seem like they were going to be mining today after all.

“Alright, Renji be prepared to sweat.” He said to his friend as he was getting up from where he was sitting.

He looked around as he knew this was going to be a regular day.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:03 pm


Renji would hear this and he would get up from where he was napping. He would look over to Yuurei and he would climb on his friend until he was on his shoulder.

“Let’s fly to the mines. I don’t want to take long with the bike today.” He said to Yuurei.

The Nephilim heard this, and he would smile at his friend. He was fine with that, and he would sprout wings on his back. It was then he would walk off the edge and he would flap his wings to make sure he didn’t fall to the ground. He would start flying and he would make his way to their destination. His speed was quick, and the wind blowing against him was amazing. He didn’t have to worry about moving around people either.

Renji would keep his eyes closed as he was waiting for them to land on the ground to get off of Yuurei.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:04 pm


Yuurei would see the mines from where he was. He was quick in the sky, and he would make his move as he would start descending from the sky. He would move quickly, and he would land on the ground without a problem. When he did that, he would put his wings away as he didn’t need them for this quest. He would look around to see that this place was still at busy as ever. This was good and he would wave at the men and women that were working. They would see Yuurei and they would do the same thing as they were happy he was doing well.

The Nephilim was making his way to the entrance of the mine as he knew that Mr. Cliff would be waiting for him with his bodyguards. He would soon find out when he got there. He would see his clients and he had three guys with him as well. He would walk over to him as he would soon stop when he got close enough.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:05 pm


Mr. Cliff would see that Yuurei had arrived, which made things better. It meant he would have been able to get his client what he wanted. He would step forward with a smile on his face as he looked at Yuurei.

“Yuurei, you made it today. That is good as you already know, you’ve been gone for quite some time, and I need more materials. I have someone that wants to buy from me, and I need a large batch of materials to sell them. Do you think you can do that for me?” He said to Yuurei waiting for an answer.

Yuurei would look at the guards and then he would look at Mr. Cliff with a smile on his face. He was more than happy to be able to help. It was why he was here in the first place.

“I can do that for you without a problem. Just hand me the equipment and I’ll get you what you need.” He said to Mr. Cliff with a smile on his face.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:05 pm


Mr. Cliff would be happy to hear this from Yuurei and he would look at the two bodyguards that always carried Yuurei’s stuff. They would move to him, and he would smile at them, he would take the helmet first and he would check if the lights worked. Once he was done with that, he would put it on his head as he made sure everything was fine. Now the next thing he was checking was the pickax, which he had gotten from the second man. He would swing it around to make sure that it worked.

It wasn’t just that, but he made sure not to hit anybody here. Once he was done with that, Renji would be ready to go. The Exceed was by his side as he was waiting to walk into the mines.

They were ready to go, and he could see that Mr. Cliff was excited. The berserker would enter the mine and he would start walking through the path in front of him.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:06 pm


Yuurei and Renji would walk through the mine as there were no changes around this place. The duo would keep moving and it wouldn’t take them long to get to the paths in front of them. They would take the one that they took last time. The right path was where the majority of the other miners were. Moving through it all the two of them would make their way to the next area. When they got there, they would see that it was the same as always. They would keep moving as they knew that they would hear the miners working soon.

They would keep moving and the sight of the miners working would appear. He would smile at them as he kept moving. He would wave at them as they would look at him, and they would do the same thing. They wondered why he was always working but knew it must have been a good reason.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:06 pm


Yuurei and Renji kept moving though because they didn’t want to work around the people here. It wasn’t because they felt that they were superior, no they didn’t want to discourage them with how Yuurei did things. He was quicker than them, stronger, and more efficient. He wasn’t sure if he would give them more morale to work hard, but he didn’t want to chance it. The Nephilim would keep moving as he could see that there were a lot of people working.

“Did you learn how you could become stronger Renji?” He asked him as they were getting close to their destination.

Renji would think about it, and he would look at Yuurei.

“I think I need to find something ancient and see what it could do for me. I’m not sure that will work, but it feels like I’m not getting stronger no matter what I do.” He said to Yuurei as they kept walking.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:07 pm


It wouldn’t take long, but they would arrive at their location. There wasn’t anybody there to see their work. That was a good thing, and the Nephilim would start working. He would take the pickax that he had with him, and he would start hammering it down. He was moving quickly as he was making sure that he didn’t anything he wasn’t supposed to. The minerals would fall to the ground and Renji would move to it. He would pick them up and he would put them in the bag. Once he was done with that, Yuurei would move over to the next spot now. He would repeat what he had just done as he was making sure that he worked quickly.

It would be the only way he would feel a workout happening for him. He kept going with this and soon enough more minerals would fall to the ground. He would wipe his forehead and he would move to the next spot. The berserker was working hard, and Renji was too.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:07 pm


Yuurei looked around the area as he would move on to the next place where he would break down the minerals. Renji would move over to the minerals on the ground, and he would pick them up. The Nephilim would start working without waiting for Renji as he knew that his friend worked at his own pace. He would do what he needed to do and soon enough the minerals would fall to the ground. This was good as it wasn’t getting harder for him to do. Yuurei would move to the next area, and this time it was a rock. He would use the pickax to hammer away at it. He didn’t want to break the rock completely, and he would soon get the minerals out of it as well.

Once he was done with that, he moved away to another location here. It was good to move around the area and he would find another place. He would look around and he would start hammering around. Renji was going around as he was picking up the minerals that were on the ground.



What's Mine is Mine PT. 21 (Neutral) Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 1:08 pm


Yuurei and Renji would continue to work through it for hours. They were making sure that Mr. Cliff had enough minerals for himself and whoever he was selling to. He didn’t want to be bothered by this man for a while. He had gotten back to the North and he understood why he worked hard for him. He was always trying to get him to do these things for him. When he was done the two of them would walk through the mine together. They would make it to the exit of the mine without a problem and they would see Mr. Cliff and his bodyguards.

Yuurei would hand over the equipment to them, and Renji would open his bag and all the minerals would start appearing in the wheelbarrow that Mr. Cliff had with him. Once that was done, his client would hand him his rewards. Yuurei would take the reward and the two of them would be on their way back to the guild.

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